The Hardships of Ruling an Empire

by JusSonic

Chapter 2: Points of Views

Chapter 2: Points of Views

Meanwhile in Ponyville at Sweet Apple Acre, a large space where five mares were seen, along with them was Flare Tiger. The mare walked calmly with a smile to see how they're doing with their new weapons. Flare Tiger was able remember due to the time of Twilight Sparkle and her family leaving, the Mane Five decided to pay a visit to Flare Tiger and asked her to see if she familiar with those new weapons. To their surprise, Flare Tiger admit that she was familiar with them. They begged her to teach them as they’re wanting to learn how to hold them with positivity and Flare Tiger agreed. For the past few days, Flare Tiger noticed how they're starting to hold them and she could see that they're able to learn and will eventually succeed. Until the evening, they decided to call it a day as they're walking back to Applejack's house.

Rarity sighed, "Daring, I'm worried for Twilight..."

Applejack groaned, "Ah agreed, but tis had 'ta stay behind an' protect Ponyville in case o' trouble."

Pinkie Pie gasped, "What if we could sent Flare Tiger over to Crystal Empire?"

They stared at Pinkie Pie with confusion as she giggled, "I just got twitches which tell me that's somepony had stress over family! I did remember that Twilight still hold her new weapon but didn't get full control yet!"

Rainbow Dash hummed, "Mm... I think you got a point but who will take her place?"

Pinkie Pie smiled while explaining, "Us! Why not? Flare Tiger did work with everything, now all she's doing is sitting and nothing when she's waiting for other problems come in! She needs to take some weeks break from her work! I bet she might know about Family problems on a thing or two!"

Applejack shocked spoke, "Wait minute, all duties that's she’s being covering was...."

Fluttershy smiled while responding, "Yes, I saw what's happening. I never see many ponies resting and being happy. Everything she's done for us pay off..."

Rarity smiled and agrees, "Daring, I admit, I agreed with Fluttershy. Ponyville got a lot of damages which Flare Tiger decided to cover any damages bills."

Rainbow Dash asked, "So anypony agreed with this, said aye?"

They respond, "Aye."

At the gate, Flare Tiger was about to leave when she heard somepony calling her name. Flare Tiger turned around and saw the Mane Five trotting up to Flare Tiger.

Flare Tiger smiled while asking her friends, "Is there something wrong?"

Pinkie Pie giggled, "None!"

Applejack smiled while explaining, "Tis decide 'dat's ya need 'ta take a few weeks break fro' ya' working!"

Flare Tiger gasped, "Really? Then..."

Rarity grinned while existing, "Daring, we wouldn't taken no for this. We will take cover for you."

Rainbow Dash nodded while adding, "Yeah! You did cover everything what's we're done with the damages! So you need take it easily!"

Flare Tiger snorted, "So, it can't be help, then Ah agreed that Ah need it."

Fluttershy asked, "Wouldn't you not mind that you need take your children to the Crystal Empire?"

Flare Tiger nodded as she answers, "Ah would love to, however, for mah daughter, Iris Heart Shield; she prefer to stay behind for a few reasons. Remember?"

They nodded as they did remember about out-casts who're different from the other. Flare Tiger smiled with proudness when she noticed Pinkie Pie bouncing toward to her. Flare Tiger lead her ear to the pink pony as Pinkie Pie whisper, "You are needed in the Crystal Empire, about the Family's problems, think you can do it?" Flare Tiger grinned when she looked at Pinkie Pie with a nod. The mare wave farewell to the Mane Five as she trotted away.


While the princesses are working on getting their new guests settled for now, Ben settled to check in on an old pal of his who is on guard duty. And as usual, he and Flash are always glad to see each other.

"Well, well, look who just came by." Flash said with a smirk to the approaching Ben.

Ben laughs as he and Flash hugs one another, "Flash! Hey buddy! Long time no see!

Flash chuckled, "You've got that right. Mind if I join your crew?"

"Be my guess. So, what the heck are you up to? Hoping to gain another rank of military?"

Flash scoffed before he chuckled happily, "Not exactly."

"More trouble again?" Ben ask, arching an eyebrow, wondering what Flash has got himself into now.

"What can I say? Helping friends is way important than just following orders. And trust me, I've been doing that for a good reason since the day you and I became best friends."

"Hey! Watch it! I had my own reason to do that."

Flash chuckles, taunting Ben, "Like helping friends? I remember the day you've got some issues in going to the End of Equestria; Chicken Ben."

"Watch it before I'm gonna pound you on that one." Ben snaps to Flash playfully while looking like he's getting annoyed.

Flash chuckled, patting Ben on the back while saying, "Chill. It's just a joke. Do you think I'm dumb?" Ben shook his head. Both of them laughed. "By the way, Ben, I've heard some rumors that Shadow Dragon has a wife... She was Twilight's double?"

"Yeah...It's strange, don't you think? Like where did she come from? And more importantly, how did Shadow Dragon met Twilight Moon?"

"Sure wish I had the answer. But I can tell you one thing, buddy. Whoever she was, she is no friendly or ordinary pony."

"Yeah...She has Tso Lan, Shadow Dragon's training and not to mention Nightmare Moon's Magic." Ben said with a shudder. With a nasty member in the Apocalypse Ponies like that, Twilight Moon may be the strongest next to the Superior! "Yet... I felt something... dark and evil within her. I had never felt that before in my life."

"We'll find out soon enough. One step at a time," Flash said as he and Ben heads off to find the others.

The two stallions reunite with Twilight's group, showing off a Crystal Heart which is on display next to the statue, showing the magnificent of Cadance. Frozen Sage looks at it, one must ponder if the mare is impressed or not.

"As you can see, Frozen Sage, we are able to keep the Crystal Empire moving after King Sombra's fall." Cadance explains with a smile to Frozen Sage. The Alicorn pretends not to be saddened as she adds, "My father is doing his best to help adapt the kingdom to the modern age while we're improving our defenses."

"Tell me, Cadance, what is your view on stallions like Shining Armor and Lord Chester?" Frozen Sage asks Cadance in a cold matter. The others looks concerned, most of them anyway. When did this topic came in?

"Well, Shining is the best husband I can ask for...and daddy...well...he is doing his best. Before I continue, why do you ask?"

"To me, they are excusable, dishonorable and unworthy stallions, even Dragons."

"Wait, what?!" Ben asks as he, Shining and the Dragons look stunned by Frozen Sage's words. "Hang on! That's not true!"

"Right, we have proven our honor and worthy every day, Frozen Sage!" Shining snapped, agreeing with his cousin-in-law.

"Right, I mean, yeah Phobos is lazy, but I have helped save the day a few times myself!" Spike exclaims angrily.

"What he said...HEY!" Phobos exclaims, realizing that Spike just called him 'lazy'.

Cadance gasped to Frozen Sage, "Why?"

Frozen Sage just scoffs as she continues, "They have no feelings or loves for mares, just use them as their own interests and lusts. And sometimes they pushed mares aside like they never exists in their lives again. I believe a perfect example for you to listen was Boris's lusting for Twilight Sparkle."

"Look, Boris may be a perfect example of that but he isn't like the other stallions!" Twilight exclaims to Frozen Sage upset.

"Right; Daddy loves mommy without a hint of lust, loving her for who she is, not for what she is!" Nyx exclaims in agreement with her mother.

"And so is my husband." Cadance exclaims in agreement.

"Even a boy like Ben had feelings for Twilight Sparkle or Shining Armor for you, Cadance, they're weak and cowards. They can't even stand up to the challenge." Frozen Sage said bitterly.

"Hey! You take that back!" Ben and Shining exclaims furiously.

"Right, you're only a guest here, Frozen Sage!" Twilight exclaims furiously at Frozen Sage. Who does this mare think she is anyway?! "Ben loves me and can always stand up to the challenge ever since he came out of his shy shell!"

"Yes, so is Shining as well!" Cadance exclaims with a stern nod. "Twilight and I love those boys!"

"Yes, it's true that you had someone you love. It doesn't mean they are good and worthy. Simple question remained, princesses, can you really depend on them?" Frozen Sage ask the girls, making them shocked and upset by the choice of words. How can she even say that? "You don't. Can we proceed with this tour; and I would like to see how strong your army was."

Some of the boys and all of the new visitors, except Frozen Sage, stay behind, looking upset by what Frozen Sage just said. There's no way in Tartarus that she is saying is true!

The mares took Frozen Sage into a training hall where the soldiers are training to defend the Crystal Empire. The icy mare looks at the stallions, not impressed at all. She still thinks that they are useless and pathetic.

As they wait, an Alicorn cyborg robot comes through an opened window. Twilight knows who it is as she ask, "Omega, what brings you here and where's Goldie and others?"

"Pinkamena did not want to come because she knows it's a family matter going on here but I was sent to make sure things go well and smooth and report back all I gain." Omega explains. "I will not be in your way. I will only watch unless I need to take action so for now I will just observe things."

He does a light kneel and then gets up and walks a bit, beginning his observing. Twilight looks worried as Cadance is getting more stressful.

Twilight doesn't know if it's Frozen Sage's nasty words about stallions or Lord Chester that could be the main problem.


"Awww that's so very sad," Pinkamena said, getting a report from Omega at her home.

"What is?" Golden Heart asks his sister, noticing the sad look on her face.

"It hurts my heart that Cadance's father does not care for her and does his pointless experiments for whatever reason but anyway Omega says all is doing ok; no threats."

They nod and hope for the best that nothing goes wrong.


Back behind, the boys look upset. Ben groaned, "Can you believe that mare?"

"I agree. I mean, she has the right to her opinion, but what she said borders on being a boy hater!" Spike complained angrily to Ben.

"It's like the previous Mystic Pony visit all over again!" Shining growled in frustration.

Iron Brave sighed, shaking his head while speaking, "I had the feeling that it's gonna happen again. Man, she really needs to let it go."

"If she talks that way about us again, I'd like to claw her face to show her who's 'inexcusable, dishonorable and unworthy'!" Spike snarled angrily as he flexed his claws.

"Right, what is up with her anyway?" Phobos asked the Mystic Ponies upset.

"You had to forgive my mother. She wasn't happy with stallions lately." Icy said, knowing that the male genders need to understand what her mother is acting this way. "It happened long ago. It was before Solflare and my birth, and the Fall of Crystal Empire."

"Wait, she was involved with what happened with Sombra as well?" Ben asked Icy curiously and concerned.

"Let's start with our mother's story." Sol said as she and Icy began telling a story of what changed her mother for the worst.


20 B.E., a younger version of Frozen Sage bowed before her Mystic Councilpony of Ice. She was with white and cyan mixed armored ponies battling fighting against their enemies. She wields a long icy and frozen sword-like and hardened and armored shield as she fought against hundreds of Demons and monsters, even stallions.

Sol narrated, "Our mother was a proud warrior, working and serving under the first Mystic Councilpony of Ice. She was known to be the best and mighty warrior, who feared no death and show no mercy to any stallion and enemy of hers. She wields her most powerful weapon called 'Elegant Ice Sword' and 'Frozen Shield'. And she was the Wielder of Element of Snow and Element of Ice."

Stormwar and Frozen Sage met at the training hall. They both trained and helped each other, while battling and fighting against their enemies.

Stormwar narrated next, "At that time, I met their mother. And I saw so much potential within her. I swore in helping, defending and protecting her as her trusted bodyguard and Second-in-Command."

She stood on top of the mountain, controlling the weather, Ice and winter across the Equestria skies, while she wielded both of her Elegant Ice Sword and Frozen Shield.

Sol continued the narration, "She was known as 'Queen of Frozen' or 'Wizard of Ice' because of her beauty and powers."

She met a black Unicorn with grayish curved horn. They both chatted happily and talked, as well as having fun together. They looked at each other smiling in happiness as if they were in love. They kissed together happily and passionately on the bed.

Both Sir Han and Frozen Sage held Royal Solflare, their greatest joy and treasure.

"She met a black Unicorn named Sir Han. They both chatted happily and talking. And that day, I was born..."

Jade Emperor and his Mystic Council assigned her to the Crystal Empire as its guardian and protector. Frozen Sage nodded and bowed before them, willing to take on such a task.

At the Crystal Empire, Frozen Sage helped and taught most of the stallions and mares to be happy and caring ponies, as well as training them to be strong and brave soldiers.

Icy entered the story, "Our mother was placed in charge of defending the Crystal Empire as its protector and guardian. She trained and helped the Empire, as well as their rulers."

At the Crystal Empire, Frozen Sage and Sir Han kissed passionately and happily on their beds in its room. It looked like it will last before. Sadly, that's not the case.

Icy narrated sadly, "Mother and Sir Han were together and happy until..."

Sol continued the next part in sadness as well, "He betrayed her. He helped King Sombra by stealing both her Elegant Ice Sword and Frozen Shield."

Frozen Sage cried and sobbed in anger and pain. 10-years-old Solflare gasped in shock before she cried in upset. Her mother has been betrayed by the stallion that Frozen Sage thought she loved.

"Therefore, she and Equestria allies took upon a battle against King Sombra and Sir Han."

The battle of the Crystal Empire rages on. The Royal Sisters, in their armor and with weapons, invade to attack Sombra to stop once and for all, showing a rare appearance of another monster that will be a terrible of Equestria.

Frozen Sage, using her other sword, killed most of King Sombra's Guards to the death while climbing to the top. Stormwar followed and protected her in helping and defeating them.

Reaching to the top, Frozen Sage held her sword, aiming at Sir Han, who held both Elegant Iced Sword and Frozen Shield. Both Frozen Sage and Sir Han fought and battled against each other in swinging their swords and blades at each other. Using powerful energy of ice powers, Frozen Sage blasted the diamond-shaped ice at Sir Han's chest before she swung her blade on Sir Han's chest hard and tight. He fell to the ground.

Stormwar took both Elegant Ice Sword and Frozen Shield, and passed them to Frozen Sage. The once happy mare took them while looking at the dead body of Sir Han. The walls shake, as well as its city. Frozen Sage and Stormwar quickly escaped the battlefield.

The Royal Sisters manages to send in all their magic, causing Sombra to scream as he was banished and defeated...but not before he cursed the Crystal Empire, causing it to vanish from sight for who knows how long.

Stormwar continued with the story, "The battle was won, and especially for our mother in getting her Elegant Ice Sword and Frozen Shield back. But the price had to be paid, my father was killed and the Crystal Empire...."

Frozen Sage stood before the Mystic Council, accepting her punishment yet gaining her new position as Mystic Councilpony of Ice in the progress.

"Despite our mother's failure, Frozen Sage promised them that she will not let it happen again. Couple of days later, the former Mystic Councilpony had passed on. Frozen Sage took over her former leader's place."

Frozen Sage spoke with armored mares about a new order and a new law on her home. What happened before, the cold-hearted mare isn't going to let happen again.

Solflare continues onward with the story, "Mother had changed the laws of her kingdom. She recruited, built and trained her army and citizens, which was filled with only Mares and fillies. No stallions. No colts. Mother was too angered and pained to forgive them."

Frozen Sage stood before the Mystic Crystal at the Shrine of Mystic. She held a crystallized foal in front of it. The Mystic Crystal glowed and shone brightly in coloring rainbow. It blasted at the crystallized foal, slowly transforming it into a female foal. She cried loudly and happily. Frozen Sage breathed deeply, held a baby towards her tightly.

Icy ended the story, "That time... After Princess Luna's banishment, I was born."

Flashback ends

The stallions and Dragons listen to the story, bewildered yet stunned. Now they see why Frozen Sage has a hatred for stallions as well as the reason to why she said what she said.

"Well, I can understand why she felt upset now." Ben said with a sigh. "But did it even occur to her that Sir Han may have been controlled by Sombra? The unicorn did have dark magic to make that happen."

"I tried telling mother that possibility, but she was too bitter to listen." Sol explained with a groan of irritation. "I refuse to believe that father would turn on her for no reason."

"Still, Frozen Sage should've learned that she's a guest here." Shining said with a deep frown on his face. "She can't go shoving her opinions into ponies' faces."

"We tried, but it appears nothing can get through Frozen Sage's bitter and hurt heart." Iron Brave said with a sigh. "I am worried as to how far she would go."

Ben paused, looking worried. Cadance is getting stressful, probably because of her father's lack of participation in her life. If she doesn't fully recover, Frozen Sage may even think of taking control of the Crystal Empire...kinda like how Brave Heart tried having his way in Ponyville.

Ben, in determination, looked up to Shining, saying, "Shining. I think it's time we pay a visit to Lord Chester."

"Yeah, I know. Lord Chester got to listen to reason if to help Cadance." Shining said in agreement.


Pinkamena looks upset as she paces back and forth in her room, mumbling, "That Sage is such a rude pony, making and calling our friends weak."

"Easy sister, this sage must have a reason." Golden Heart said to his sister, trying to calm her down.

"Well for her sake. SHE BETTER," Pinkamena exclaims furiously. She calms down somewhat and says, "Well let’s get on with this please and also I sent Jack on a escort task to bring some Friends here."


Jack Zen is waiting as Iris Crystal comes with the Light Elves behind her. He says, "So these are the Light Elves?"

Iris Crystal nods as Jack's horn glows and places robes on them. He says, "These will hide you from sight; follow me and be swift. I will take you to the safety zone."

He heads off as the Light Elves follow. Iris Crystal smile, hoping that these Light Elves are to Pinkamena and Havis's liking.


Lord Chester was hard to work, using a laser to fuse some parts of a lamp post together. The Alicorn groans as he put an ice pack on his head. All this work is giving the scientist a big headache.

"Ugh, my head," Lord Chester mumbles a bit. Suddenly he hears a knock at the door, making him groans harder, "LESILLE! ANSWER THAT DOOR!"

Downstairs, Lady Lesille frowns as she calls upward, "You know I don't like when you yell at me."

"Sorry, I'm sorry, dear. I was getting a headache from all this work. Please answer the door."

"Much better," Lady Lesille said with a nod as she goes over to the door. The female Alicorn loves her husband but sometimes she hates it when Chester yells while he's working. Lady Lesille opens the door, revealing Ben and Shining outside. "Ah, Shining. And Ben Mare, correct?"

"Is Lord Chester about? We gotta speak to him." Ben said to Lady Lesille seriously.

"Sure. He's upstairs. Chester, dear! You got visitors."

Lord Chester, upon hearing that, stops his work as he rolls his wheelchair to the main hall to see whose visiting. Upon seeing Ben and Shining coming inside the mansion, the Alicorn smiles as he speaks, "Oh, Shining Armor. And that new stallion guy who is my daughter's cousin."

"Lord Chester. We must speak to you, it's very urgent." Shining said seriously as he and Ben came upstairs.

"Well, follow me to my lab. I got a lot of work to do." Lord Chester said as he rolls back into his lab, followed by the two stallions. “I am right on schedule as it is.”

"That's the problem, Lord Chester. Cadance is under stress...and she is sad. All because of you," Ben said seriously to Lord Chester who is connecting some wires together. "I think she thinks that you don't love her because of you working too much, sir."

"What?! Preposterous! I love my little Cadance. She was my little filly when Lesille and I took her in." Lord Chester rolls over to a desk and pick up a photo of himself and Cadance, back when he was an Earth Pony and she was a little Pegasus filly. The father sighs as he explains, "When Lesille and I learned that Lesille herself was barren, we feared that we may never get any foals. But Cadance came into our lives, we are complete."

"I understand, but now she fears that your family is breaking." Shining explains seriously to his father-in-law.

"Please understand. I care for my filly...but I got a lot of work to do, trying to keep the Crystal Empire safe. I can't let my guard down or villains will be trying to attack almost every day. Why, I remember how many times I tried to keep Canterlot safe, even during the return of Nightmare Moon."

"Her name is Nyx now, sir." Ben explains to Lord Chester who looks at him for a moment.

"Oh, I apologize for that." Lord Chester said with a nod, apologizing for what he just said. "The point is, I must do my best to continue doing so, working on ways to help my fellow ponies."

"Then you can do so by taking time from your work. Spend time with Cadance. She really misses you, sir. I can sense it! Your absence is the reason why Cadance herself is under stress."

"Cadance is having more stress due to Frozen Sage's bitter view of stallions. You should be there to support your daughter and prove the Mystic Pony wrong." Shining explains seriously to Lord Chester who pauses to think about it. "I love your daughter, sir, and I can't bear to watch her being tormented like this."

Lord Chester then sighs, shaking his head sadly while saying, "I...I can't...I wish I could but...I just can't."

Ben and Shining frowns but understands. Lord Chester is worried about the safety of Equestria as well as the Crystal Empire...but is working on his experiments to do so more important than his daughter?

"Now please go, I got to get back to work." Lord Chester said sadly as he rolls back to the lab table, working on another lamp post.

The two Stallions heads back to the door. Lady Lesille was watching, listening to the conversion. She sighs, "I'm sorry too. I was really hoping."

"It's okay, Lady Lesille. At least we know his true motives." Shining said sternly as he heads out the door to take his leave of the mansion. "Ben?"

Ben pauses, looking back to Lord Chester, saying, "Sir, Frozen Sage told us that us stallions pushed mares aside like they never exist in their lives again. And sadly sir, you may end up proving her right..."

Lord Chester pauses, stop working to think as Ben leaves the room. Could Frozen Sage be right? Have he been pushing his daughter aside, for the sake of his work?

The scientist sighs sadly, getting back to what he's doing.