//------------------------------// // chapter 19:We will fight or we will fall (WARNING:oh you know the drill,still waiting for the editor to find time in his schedule) // Story: Dark Souls:the descent into friendship // by star dust pony //------------------------------// "YOU CANNOT DEFEAT ME HUMAN!!!!" Nightmare moon laughed out as I stumbled back, panting and feeling my body ache. "Your end is near and since this was so fun...I will end you swiftly." Was I really going to die so soon?...looked like it. As she fired a beam at me i dropped my sword and shield and closed my eyes...the warmth was getting closer...it felt like it was taking forever. Clink clink clink clink. Wait, whats tha-. BZZZZTTT "Trying to hurt my friend are you? HA HA I think not, Righteousness shall prevail." That...voice...SOLAIRE?!?! My eyes shot open as the unmistakable man I call Solaire stood before me with a very faint burn mark on his chest from the spell. "...Solaire." "Ah greetings my friend." He looked back at me and chuckled. "I do believe you require assistance do you not?" I nodded with a smile under my helmet and picked up my sword and shield, I thought he was just a dream before but now i know he is real...so im going to keep fighting, now with my brother by my side. "Yes, I do." We both looked at Nightmare moon who scowled in anger. "No matter, I shall end you both." She aimed her sword and fired at us both but we simply rolled away in unison and we both charge our lightning spears, hehe brothers think alike eh? and as we launched them the confusion of two objects to dodge was too much for her this time because they both electrocuted her. "AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" She fell but immediately got back up, more furious then ever. "HA HA, AMAZING AIM BROTHER!!!" Solaire glanced at me, he was always such a happy man...but I can remember...n-no, that thing doesn't exist here, I wont find him like that. "SAME TO YOU!!!" I glanced over to him but this time it nearly got me hit by a dark beam. "Silence." Nightmare moon hissed out at as she charged at Solaire as he rose his shield and while he was pushed back he did not waver his stance and she kept pushing him but he was like stone, only moving location but not form. I ran back to where I believed she was going to stop and I tripped her causing her to stumble and Solaire tried slashing down at her but she thrusts her head at the sword, her helmet and horn blocking it. "SOLAIRE GET BACK!!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him back before she had a chance to fire a beam at him causing it to go past where his face was supposed to be. "You...foolish...mortals." Nightmare moon was panting in a fit of rage and her horn began to glow again as more armor covered her body and she levitated a double sided moon sword which a human would not be able to wield at all. "I SHALL END YOU!!!!" Her voice boomed so loud it nearly caused us to fall back but we stood our ground. I took out a smaller shield since my main one was too large to keep up with the fast movement, slash left, slash right, down and up wherever she struck from I swiftly put the small buckler in its path, these things really are under used to be honest. "You cannot win, as Solaire said." I kicked her away and switched back to my main shield. "We shall win this, ether from us knocking the evil out of you...or your sister coming to pull it out of you...pleas princess Luna...come to your senses." She snarled and blinked as Solaire remained silent for a moment. "Their is no more Luna...only Nightmare moon." Solaire stepped in front of me as we both took our stance. "Then allow us to show you the light, for the glorious light of the moon could not be here without a sun and we shall show you why you need it in your life." Nightmare moon's annoyance to caused her to attack Solaire this time but as her blocked the strike I struck the back of her head which did daze her for a moment, giving my ally enough time to swipe her legs. As she swiftly leaped back up with her wings and lunged at me I felt her horn go through my torso as she lifted me up and filled me with dark magic and threw me down onto the ground, her horn now dripping with my blood...needless to say it was painful but as Solaire fought more aggressively out of anger I still got up, I was hurt, not dead. "You will not get away with that." I mumbled out as I took a flask of estus and gulped it down and set my blade alight with solar energy. Nightmare moon leaped back before Solaire could get a direct hit but i charged past him and first cut her right arm's front knees and another slash cut her cheek as she hissed and I tackled her onto her back causing her to struggle against me. As Solaire stood next to me as Nightmare moon now looked at us in fear and I put the tip of my blade to her throat. "Pleas, if you kill me my sister would destroy you." I had a plan but if it doesn't work yes her sister will obliterate me. "I never said anything about killing you...I am merely going to show you the might of the sun." I thrust my sword in with the enchantment still active as her whole body began to glow in a blinding light and she screamed as I could hear the galloping of the other ponies behind me. "SISTER!!!!" I could hear Celestia scream out as she charged at us, Solaire getting in her way and stopping her with a hand. "Pleas...he knows what he is doing princess." Celestia stopped and nodded at him slowly as Nightmare moon still screamed and her body shattering and chipping away as Celestia gulps. "Pleas...work...pleas..." My arm quaked as the bones in my hand began to crack and I had to hold my sword with both arms and eventually the light finally blew up causing everyone to cover their face with their arms and ether sent them flying back or made them stand their ground like Celestia and Solaire, as for me it caused my right arm to shatter completely as I flew back and hit my head onto a tree and stumbled to the floor, everything going black for a few moments...blood slowly coming out of my helmet. "It...worked..." My vision went in and out as I saw Solaire crouching over me, worried as Celestia went to see her sister, Princesses Luna now in the form she usually was. "SIR SPARKS!!!" I could only faintly hear Luna's muffled screams as she rushed over to me with her sister, She was clearly fine but the point of the spell is that the power of the sun removes the evil and she comes out perfectly healthy...praise the sun i was not lied to. "No no no, thou's pain is our fault, sister we must help him." I have a knack for losing consciousness don't I? The last thing I could just hardly hear was Twilight's and Rainbow dash's argument over something, I am not sure what because after that point I completely lost consciousness...I almost felt...dead...almost.