First Impressions are Misleading

by Luyten

Chapter 1 (Warning: no dialogue)

Nopony knew where the pair came from, or how they met, for that matter. The changeling was stumbling forward, clutching a leather bound notebook to his chest, mumbling, while the bat pony, or thestral, flapped silently beside him, ready to catch him if he tripped or fell.
It was storming. Lightning crashed and thunder boomed across the almost black sky. The changeling was delirious, it'd been days since he'd rested, even more since he'd had anything to eat. His hooves shook violently, and his fangs chattered, he blankly stared ahead, not knowing exactly where he was going. His hoof steps started to slow, and then he stopped altogether, falling to his knees. He wanted to sleep, but something kept pulling at him, forcing him to stay awake. The changeling ignored it but then it came back more insistent. The tugging and pulling slowly faded away, leaving the changeling in a dark void. The changeling didn't notice he was moving, his mind was already lost in unconsciousness.
The dark purple mane of the bat pony was matted down onto her head when she burst through the hospital's doors, startling the night staff within. The changeling sprawled on her back groaned softly, and squirmed, trying to find a better position. In the process of doing so, the notebook fell out of his grasp, falling to the tiled floor with a ruffle of pages.
The night staff finally recovered from their shock. They were wary of the changeling, and after they put him on a gurney, the bat pony followed closely behind, not wanting to lose sight of her closest friend. After what seemed like a lifetime, the changeling was in a stable condition, unconscious, but stable. The heart monitor softly beeped, and the changeling snored, even softer still; the rhythmic sounds lulled the exhausted thestral to sleep, her head resting on the sleeping changeling's chest.
Morning can mean very different things to ponies. To some, it's the start of yet another day at work, for others, school. But for a changeling lying in a hospital bed, it meant he survived, and was alive! The changeling smiled, and then noticed a weight on his chest. It was the mare who accompanied him for a good portion of his mission. Her breath blew a few strands of her mane out a little bit, and then pulled it back towards her mouth. The bat pony gave a soft snort, and yawned, her ears splaying back as she did so.
A nurse came in to bring the changeling breakfast, and she told the bat pony that here was a small cafeteria down the hall if she wanted anything to eat. The mare in question declined, wanting to stay with her injured friend.
They sat mostly in silence, wondering what to say to each other, wondering if each other was alright. Out of what seemed like nowhere, the bat pony hugged the changeling tightly, and...cried? The changeling was confused, he felt love coming from her, but the question remained: why was she crying? He lifted a hole covered foreleg and patted her on the back, not really knowing what else to do.
The sun was just rising when the changeling woke up, meaning he'd wasted almost half a day! The changeling removed his hoof from the thestral's back and pushed himself up into a sitting position. He tried to lower himself onto the floor, but was stopped by a hoof pushing down on his chest. The changeling sighed, it wasn't much use arguing, and any more delay would have to be explained. He was at an impasse.
Well, it wouldn't hurt to explain his situation...right? He grabbed the leather-bound notebook on the nightstand next to him, and flipped to the eighth page. On that page was what appeared to be a blank stone wall, at least until a figure moved into sight. She was definitely a changeling, but not one Equestria was familiar with.
It's a little known fact that there are many different hives of changelings, each led by a Queen. As a result, they all differed greatly in aspects concerning technology, magic, and general well being. The changeling 'inside' the notebook was Queen Archae (pronounced 'rk'), her body was covered with short fur, and was a light gray. Her 'mane' was a bright orange, as were her eyes, which had irises, not a common feature in non-royal changelings.
The changeling lying in the hospital bed looked virtually identical to the Queen, except he was a little over half her height tall, his body was stockier, his mane was more of a mohawk-like fin, and his eyes were flecked with a few specks of blue.
He quickly explained his problem, starting from when he departed from his home, to when he met the bat pony, and ending at the hospital.
The changeling left his hive nine days prior to his hospitalization, eager to carry out a mission. He was lucky enough to avoid the major dangers of the forest, but eventually, however, that luck ran out and the changeling was attacked by thieves. They took all of his supplies, and beat him. It seemed to be a miracle that he was alive. The changeling heard a voice shouting in front of him, prompting him to open his eyes. Just a few meters ahead of the changeling was a pony, but not quite. She introduced herself as Aurora Nightshade, and was on her way to Canterlot to find work to support her family. The changeling remained silent, he was much too tired to do anything but listen and sit. Out of the blue, the changeling's savior offered to accompany him for the rest of his journey. He gladly accepted.
As the changeling finished his tale, the Queen asked him why he was hospitalized. His answer surprised her: he didn't take her emotions because she was already suffering from loss; the mare wasn't going to get a job to support her family, she was earning money to pay for their funerals. The Queen shrugged and reminded the changeling of the importance of his mission and left the 'page'.
The changeling shut the notebook and folded his hooves across his chest.