A Lost Princess

by Raichu

The elite four

The next day, everybody was dressed and packed and ready to go. I had a sweet strategy for beating the elite four then the champion. As we walked toward the place where they’d be; Shining walked up next to me and handed me something.
“Here.” He handed me a crown.
“What’s this?” I asked.
“It’s your crown. You lost it when you fell into the portal into this world.” He said. I took it. It was a gold colored tiara with a purple jewel in the center.
“Cool.” I replied and kept going. Finally Cheren stopped. I stopped and so did Twilight, but Shining kept going and bumped into the back of me.
It was a tall building. It was huge. It had an emerald green roof and gold colored walls. It was more wide than tall it seemed the closer we got to it. As we walked up a dude at the front door put out a hand.
“Stop. Only those with all the gym badges can get in.” He said. I held out the badges and he counted them even though they were all there.
“Good. What about them?” He eyed my friends.
“They’re watching for lessons.” I said and he nodded.
“Right this way.” He said and brought us inside. The whole building on the inside was one giant battle field with bleachers to sit on to the side. Cheren, Twilight and Shining all sat over there while I stood on my side of the field.
“Go Cadence!” Twilight yelled. A man stepped onto the other side of the field. He was wearing shorts pants, a short shirt and a headband. He had lots of muscles and when he stepped out onto the field he laughed at me.
“You are about to get crushed under my fighting Pokémon!” He yelled at me. I rubbed my fingers on Pidgeot’s pokeball while I waited for him.
“Oh well.” He said. “Go!” He yelled throwing out his first Pokémon. It was of course a sawk.
“Go Pidgeot!” I yelled. “Use Hurricane!”
Five minutes of resistance later, Sawk who was trying to hold out to Hurricane, lost to hurricane. The dude wasn’t fazed. He pulled it back in and brought out a sawk look alike, throh, which fainted under the mighty rain of hurricane. Then he brought out his Mienshao which fainted after a hurricane and two gust attacks. Then he brought out Conkeldurr which he said was the strongest of them all. It fell over once Pidgeot hit it with direct contact with a brave bird attack. He fell onto the ground after his defeat but finally got up and left, sobbing while a lady stepped out of the shadows.
“Hello. I’m Shauntal. I will be your opponent after I write these last words.” She said trying to scribble some words onto a book. “Ok. Done. I’m sorry. I’m actually writing a novel. But let’s get going!” She shouted. “Go!”
And that's when the battle really began.