Dark Souls:the descent into friendship

by star dust pony

chapter 23:technology part 1 (WARNING:not yet filtered through editor) (and also a short chapter due to time crunches)

As I returned to town Celestia was gone, I assume she went home...and I finally felt relaxed as I flopped down, flat on my face, feeling like i'm safe at last. "Aaaahhhhh....I think i'm finally safe."

Solaire sat next to me. "Well, I have only been here one day and this is already pretty exciting." He chuckled and pats my back.

I slowly got up and went to Twilight's...er...tree library and ducked my head as I entered. "Oh hey Sparks." She seemed to have been just coming down form her room. "What brings you here?"

"Welp." I shrugged a bit. "I guess I have nothing else to do since I got rid of the big guy and you verbally chewed out his lion friend."

"Oh, well if you really have nothing to do you can just relax and listen to music." She nodded her head towards a chair as i rose a eyebrow.

"You know how to play music?" I looked around, wondering if their were any instruments.

"Uhh no, but I do have a record player." She levitated out this sort of black disc.

"A record what now?" I had no idea what she was talking about...what is a...'record player'.

"A record player, you know the things that you put these round music discs in and it plays music?" She started looking worried as my confused expression didn't change. "...You have no idea what a record player is do you?" I shook my head as she sighed and levitated the disc over to this box thing with a thing coming out of one corner and a needle.

As she put it into the little slot a calming yet powerful song with a beautiful piano and some sort of string instrument began playing as I began moving my head, If this song were to constantly play in my head as I was in my old world I may wind up becoming part god. "This is...surprisingly nice music." I sat in front of the strange contraption.

"Yea well this is just one of many songs and how do you think we played songs at your welcoming party?" She giggled like I was the silly one.

"Uhhhh...hidden band? My people did it all the time." I got up and sat on a chair. "By the way do you have anything to sharpen blades?" I didn't actually expec-.

She tossed me a square grind stone. "I keep a little bit of everything, be sure to give that back though." I nodded and took out my sword as I started sharpening the edges of my sword and it worked surprisingly better than any grind stone I used.

I gave back her grind stone and she neatly but it back where it was. "Hmmm...nice." I swing around my sword and it felt allot smoother, sharper, faster and hell even felt like I could rip through Smough again with this.

"I usually try practicing my magic on grind stones and give it to the blacksmith just out of town." She defiantly had the ri- BLACKSMITH!!!!

I Jolted over to her, almost shoving my face into her's. "Did you say blacksmith?" She jolted back, away from me and nodded slowly...time to put these shards I have to good use.