Trixie Lulamoon: Child of the Moon

by FenixBlaze979

6. The Key to the Sylvan Temple

Trixie gasped in terror as she was trying to get away from Nightmare Moon. She was trying to scoot away from the dark, foreboding figure, but she ended up hitting a black wall. Trixie’s panic grew with every passing second as Nightmare Moon continued to stalk her prey. “Leave Trixie alone, you monster!” Trixie shouted, “What have you done with Luna!?”
Nightmare Moon cackled as she crept closer to Trixie, “You fool! Luna’s pathetic heart is weak and soulless. I am the only one that allows her to breathe, I am the only one that resides within her, and I am the one that gives her the powers she has to wield! Your withering mentor cannot live without my power.” Nightmare Moon was now a few inches away from Trixie’s face. Trixie could only watch in horror as her body froze in fear. She knew she was going to be outclassed if she decided to fight. All Trixie could do was just hope someone would come to her rescue. “Now, I am going to tear you apart, limb from limb”, Nightmare Moon licked her lips menacingly, “Until there is nothing more I can ravage!”
Trixie had no other options. She had to find the courage inside her and fast. She did not want to be another victim of this terror of the night. Trixie struggled to think of what to do. This can’t end here, she thought, still trying to think of something to get out of this dire situation.
Nightmare Moon had waited long enough. She raised her scythe up with her hazy blue magic. Trixie yelled out, “Someone help me! Please, I don’t want to die!”
CLANG! The scythe was thrown to the side as Nightmare Moon was forced backwards. Standing in front of Trixie was a lavender-coated mare with a dark, pale rose mane wearing silver armor. She was wielding a golden staff that coarsed with magic at the tip of the pole. Trixie’s eyes widened. She just couldn’t believe what she saw. “Mom? Is that you!?” Trixie asked. “Run away, Trixie!” The mare answered hurriedly, “I’ll try to fend her off!”
“You bitch!” Nightmare Moon bellowed, “You will rue the day you opposed me, Beatrix the Powerful!”
Trixie, finally able to get up; felt this was her only chance to say something to Beatrix. “Mother! I love you! Kick her ass!” Trixie shouted with vigor. Beatrix looked at her courageous daughter as a grin spread across her face. “I love you too, my little Trixie!” As soon as she heard her mom finish her sentence, Trixie galloped away from the ensuing battle to come. “How dare you scare my only daughter, you cretin!? Off with your head!” Trixie heard Beatrix’s words echo in the darkness as she berated Nightmare Moon. Trixie continued to gallop away from the battle. As she maintained her fast pace; suddenly, the clanging and slashing became louder and louder. Trixie tried to gallop faster, but the noises gradually continued to get louder. Trixie shut her eyes and ran as fast she could. The sounds became unbearable. Trixie could endure no more of the harsh vibrations on her ears. She gritted her teeth as the sounds became more excruciatingly painful. Then, a sound pierced the lonely darkness. “TRIXIE!!”
Trixie’s eyes flashed open as she breathed intensely. Luna appeared before her with a worrisome look on her countenance. Trixie was still attempting to catch her breath, but she continued to hyperventilate as she was now sitting up on Luna’s bed, her mane frazzled and her face flushed with heat. “Are you all right, Trixie?” Luna asked. “I’m fine now that you’re here”, Trixie said with bated breath, “Why did you not enter my dream?”
Luna answered, “I had peered into your dream when I returned from my nightly duties, but I saw that you were handling it just fine. It was another nightmare, of course, but I let it play out because I wanted you to at least have the opportunity to remember your mother for who she was to you.”
Trixie smiled. “I see, so you sent Beatrix over to stop Nightmare Moon. Thank you, Princess. You have a funny way of showing Trixie these things, but I always know you do this out of kindness.”
The princess thanked Trixie for her intervention. Then, there was a knock at the door. “Come in!” Luna responded. Twilight Sparkle trotted into the princess’s quarters with a small list in hand. The parchment was floating in front of her face as she greeted the princess and the fatigued Trixie.
“Good morning, ladies”, Twilight smiled pleasantly as she magically folded the parchment, “So, I was doing a little research into the Artifacts of Pandora, and I may have something that Trixie can use!”
Trixie’s ears twitched with intrigue as Twilight was talking about her research. Could it be a clue about where to find the missing artifacts? Twilight opened up a book she had bookmarked earlier containing the specific page she was referring to. “It says that they are hidden in temples. One in a spirit-laden forest, and the other in a parched desert. It doesn’t say which one is where.”
Trixie then clicked to something in her mind. “I remember Pandora telling me what exactly they were. One was shaped like a key, and the other was a magic rod…” she paused as her eyes bulged and her mouth dropped open. In her dream, Trixie had seen her mother wielding a golden rod that extended into a staff when she was fighting Nightmare Moon.
“In my dream, I saw something that may have looked like Pandora’s Rod”, Trixie remembered, “It was gilded like all the other items I possess.”
Twilight looked through her notes on the book she was studying. “I think I remember reading about that rod. It harnesses five elements found in nature: earth, water, wind, fire, and lightning.”
“That’s all well and good, Twilight”, Luna yawned, “But do forgive me, I need my rest now. Trixie, gather your things. You need to head to the Sylvan Forest now, on your own. Twilight will help to guide you to the entrance near Canterlot, but this task is for you alone. Do you understand?”
Trixie nodded in response. “I’ll be off to bed now. Best of luck, my new student”, Luna said softly as she embraced Trixie. Luna then flew over and sprawled out on her bed while Trixie grabbed her gold bag and followed Twilight out of the room to let Luna sleep in peace.
Once outside of the castle, Twilight guided Trixie to the entrance of the forest path. The trees looked lovelier than the ones that filled the Everfree Forest which were more foreboding.
“Okay, here’s my stop, Trixie”, Twilight said, “Now please remember your manners when you deal with the Sylvan. They don’t really like outsiders.”
“You got it, Twilight Sparkle”, Trixie quipped sarcastically, “The Great and Powerful Trixie knows a thing or two about being an outsider. I at least have something in common with them.”
Twilight rolled her eyes in response. “Just don’t get into trouble, okay? There are already enough diplomatic issues as it is.” She then gave Trixie an earring, “Use this if you need to communicate with me.”
“Trixie is sure that won’t be necessary”, Trixie scoffed, “But thank you anyway.”
Trixie tipped her hat goodbye to Twilight as she walked into the forest. Twilight had a little grin on her face even though Trixie smarted off to her. Some things never change, Twilight thought.
As Trixie walked deep into the Sylvan Forest, she heard thunder off in the distance as rain started to sprinkle the trees. Trixie tightened the pointy hat over her head to block the incoming drops of rain. The trees formed a partial barrier from the rain until the rain fell at a heavier rate of speed. It sounded like a waterfall was near Trixie as the heavy rain drenched the forest. Trixie plowed through while cursing under her breath, looking up only slightly through the brim of her hat so the rain didn’t get in her eyes. She then noticed a raccoon following her, trying to get under her to protect itself from the rain. “Ah!” She cried out, “Go away, you simpleton!” The raccoon gave her a seemingly sad look as the rain continued to wash over its face. Trixie sighed as she took some shelter near a large tree. It blocked most of the rain driving towards Trixie and the raccoon. “Come here, would you? Trixie already feels bad enough for you as it is!” She said as the raccoon joined her near the tree. Trixie looked around up into the branches of the tree. She could see an abundance of medium-sized leaves. She wanted to make an umbrella for her new forest friend. Trixie plucked some leaves from the tree and snapped a few twigs as well. She floated over with her magic so they were at her eye level. She then closed her eyes as she pictured the umbrella she wanted to form from her mind. Trixie transmuted the jumbled mess into a functional umbrella for the raccoon. “Here you go, little guy”, Trixie smiled as she hovered the umbrella over to her new friend; “Do you know where I can the hidden Sylvan Village?” The raccoon shook its head yes and smiled. “Could you please lead the way for Trixie?” Trixie pleaded. The raccoon giggled and clapped its hands in response. “Well, lead the way!”
The raccoon started to walk ahead of Trixie. She had the umbrella over her friend as they walked deeper into the forest. They crossed the thick brush as Trixie spat out a couple of leaves that went into her mouth inadvertently. Trixie and the raccoon came across a giant tree in the open. The rain had lessened its intensity to a moderate shower. The raccoon rushed to the tree and sniffed around its base. Trixie looked puzzled as the raccoon continued to search for something. Attempting to get another perspective, Trixie summoned Pandora’s Eye to look for anything that may have been hidden. She saw a magic switch near where the raccoon was sniffing earlier. She walked up and activated it with her magic. Suddenly the ground shook as an opening caved in at the front of the tree. Trixie and the raccoon stood firm as the rumbling of the earth slowed to a halt. Cautiously, the two entered into the trunk of the tree. When they arrived on the other side, the light shone on a quaint village with a few houses with thatched roofs. Small trees were scattered around the center of the village. The raccoon then spotted something and ran towards it. “Wait for Trixie!” She called out to him. The raccoon found an opaque-looking pony sobbing near a small tree. It had tiny leaves woven within its mane. This has to be a Sylvan pony, Trixie surmised to herself. The Sylvan pony looked to their right as the raccoon wiped away her tears. “Buddy! It’s you! I thought I lost you!” She exclaimed when she realized the raccoon was next to her. Buddy smiled as Trixie went over to where the pony was sitting. “You found my Buddy for me?” The young Sylvan asked Trixie. “Of course, The Great and Powerful Trixie saved Buddy from being drenched in the pouring rain”, Trixie said as she delivered a fantastic pose. The Sylvan looked confused for a moment, “Sorry, I’m a performance magician. It’s a force of habit.”
“I’m Ali’a”, said the Sylvan pony now on its feet, “It’s a wonder you’re able to see us, let alone find this village.”
“Well, I did have help from this little guy”, Trixie remarked, looking at Buddy.
“Let me take you to my father”, Ali’a said as she beckoned Trixie and Buddy to follow her.
They arrived at a house that was a touch bigger than all the other thatched houses. On the porch was an older Sylvan pony with a large, scraggly beard. “Father, I’m home, and this pony found my Buddy!” He rose from his chair and saw Trixie next to his daughter. “Ah, I see you are from outside. Only royalty know about our village, but you have no regal garb like the princesses do. How were you able to open the entrance?”
Trixie bowed her head a little before speaking. “It’s an honor to meet you. I used a magical item known as Pandora’s Eye.”
“I see”, the old Sylvan thought, “I remember someone from my younger days using that very thing, but my memory is hazy at the moment. However, I sense something familiar in you from that moment in the past.”
Trixie looked puzzled as Ali’a and her father went inside while Trixie followed them. “Now then”, he continued, “I presume you are on a mission from the princesses?”
“Yes, from Princess Luna”, Trixie replied.
“Well, then, I do trust that you need the knowledge about the temple?”
Trixie nodded as the old Sylvan produced a scroll. “Vocare ad Regnum Silva, this is what is said when one enters the temple. After that, it is up to you. Even I am not skilled enough to face what lies inside the temple.”
“Please, tell Trixie what lies inside”, She said anxiously.
“I do not know too much”, the old Sylvan spoke softly, “According to legend passed down through word of mouth, a guardian of the forest is said to protect the temple and all the Sylvans in this realm. Some say it’s a monstrous figure, but that’s all I know.”
Trixie became nervous, but she smiled in spite of that. Her heart had a sinking feeling, but she needed to get Pandora’s Key before someone else did. The thrill was just beginning. “May I cone along with Trixie, Father?” Ali’a asked.
“No, it is too dangerous for a young Sylvan.” Her father answered.
“But, Father…”
“I said no, Ali’a!” he shouted growing impatient.
The old Sylvan turned to Trixie. “I apologize for the outburst. Please go on to the temple.”
Trixie looked at Ali’a who was facing the corner. She pouted as Trixie exited the elder’s home. Behind the house was a straight path that led to the Sylvan Temple according to a sign posted on the village entrance gate, warning ponies to stay away.
After taking the path, Trixie found the temple. It was small for a supposedly important temple, but it did not matter to Trixie. It was time to prove that she could do this. As she approached the front of the temple, she took out the scroll that the old Sylvan gave her and began to read the words. “Wait, don’t say anything!” shouted a familiar voice.
Ali’a came up to Trixie just in time. “My father had forgotten to mention that only a Sylvan can open the temple door. If an outsider says them, bad spirits will appear to haunt them for eternity.”
Trixie heaved a sigh of relief. She did not want them following her forever. Her detractors were crazy enough as it was. “Here, let me sing it for you”, Ali’a suggested. Trixie slid over and levitated the scroll to where Ali’a could read it. “VOCARE AD REGNUM SILVA” she chanted.
A rumbling sound could be heard from inside as the door to the temple slowly began to rise. Ali’a stayed close to Trixie as the door fully opened. Trixie really didn’t want to put Ali’a in danger, but she still could be useful as she goes deeper into the temple. “Stay close to Trixie, Ali’a”, Trixie warned, “Luna knows what’s inside this place.”
“I’m scared”, Ali’a shivered.
“It’ll be fine”, Trixie smirked, “Fear just tells you how lofty your goal is, and it shows you how much courage you need to have. Wow, didn’t know Trixie had that in her!”
Ali’a laughed; making her feel better knowing Trixie was determined to face what was inside. The two pressed onwards inside the temple. Whatever was waiting for them inside, their courage needed to be on point to face what lies ahead.