//------------------------------// // chapter 24:A Challenger has appeared. (WARNING:not yet filtered through editor) // Story: Dark Souls:the descent into friendship // by star dust pony //------------------------------// Celestia and I were gazing at the sun, I convinced her to join me but she still seems confused on why I like doing this. "...Solaire...my eyes hurt, is that supposed to happen?" "Eh, you get used to it." I didn't break my line of sight with the sun as its warmth filled me with happiness. Celestia closed her eyes and shook her head. "I really don't know you find this enjoyable, I like my own sun of course but starring at it for hours on end is not very healthy." It isn't? I simply shrugged. "Whatever you say princess." My gazing was interrupted when Celestia used her magic to pull me by the hand. "Well I really don't think the sun will help you get used to this world, I want to make sure you and Knight Sparks get adapted to this world, you still don't seem to know the basics." No argument their, I had no idea what the flying lightning spear I was doing. "Hmmmm, quiet true." I chuckled and Celestia brought me over to a table so I took a seat which caused the chair to creek. "Hmmm...your a bit big." Her horn began to glow the same brilliant aura of the sun as the chair grew to support my size and weight. "Their we go, much better." She checked the time before levitated 3 trays over to me. "Lets see if you have proper table manners first."...Okay, now THAT felt a little insulting. "I am a knight princess, I may be of a different species but I still have my manners." I looked at her with a straight face that im not very used to giving. ".........Okay I guess we can skip this step." She chuckled a bit nervously, a bit ashamed that she forgot she was dealing with a KNIGHT and not a animal. "Well lets move on then." She moved the trays away. "Listen, princess I know you are concerned for me fitting in but I am sure someone like me is going to stick out like a dragon in a crowed of drakes regardless of how well I know your worlds laws." She began thinking of other things to teach me. "Hmmm...well how are you in unarmed combat?" ...Why would she ask that? "Uhhhh...I prefer a sword but I like too think i'm not too bad with my hands." She smirked...this wont end well. "Then how about a challenge Solaire?" Well I can never resist a challenge. "Very well, what kind?" I really hope it isn't going to end up with someone hating me by the end. "I want you to have a sparring match with one of my 3 top ranked officers." And this is where my cockiness gives me a disadvantage. "HAH bring on all three." Celestia raised a eyebrow at me. "Very well, just know that they are a force to be reckoned with." Doubtful. "Your ponies, I'm human, thats enough of a advantage for me to be willing to take on all three, while you have strength i have stability." I chuckled and I think Celestia was going to get angry before she realized that yes its true I have much more control over my stability during a fight. "Fine, fallow me then." I fallowed her through the castle as she took me outside and towards a rather oddly designed 'restricted area' and their are guards everywhere, training and going through courses. Their was a large group of ponies in a circle and as I peeked into the large sparing ring they were looking into I saw a female guard pinning a Male by wrapping a hoof around his throat and repeatedly slamming him down whenever he tries to get up and after a few seconds she flings him out of the ring and right over my head before I catch him and pull him down, for some reason they all move really slow in the air. "Alright, whos next?" The mare smirked with a air of confidence as Celestia went up on the stand, making everyone go into attention. "We have a challenger actually." She spoke to the mare as I stood right behind Celestia. The mare smirked again, I can't say I hated her smirk, she was just confident but I certainly did prefer seeing her looking like she was having a challenge...and if i'm facing two others...I may need to give it my all. "Oh yea? someone still thinks they can take on one of the top three?" "Actually...he believes he can take you all on at once." As soon as Celestia finished the mare went wide eyed and laughed. "WOW this kid has guts, lets see who he i-." I walked past Celestia and dropped down into the ring. "...Ummmm princess, who is this? and what is it?" "This is knight Solaire, he is the challenger." "Greetings." I Gave my best tone of voice and bowed, if this was going to be a sparring match then I was going to show respect and thankfully the mare thought the same for she bowed back, losing her smirk and gaining a tone of respect towards me. "Pleasure to meet you Solaire...and...are you sure you want to take on all three of the highest ranking officers?" I nodded as she nodded slowly back and 2 Stallions, one looking part black with armor shinning purple and his coat a light black with bat like eyes that glowed bright. The second stallion was a unicorn with had a white coat with armor bright gold and gems put in specific spots in the armor as they looked like they were enchanted and the mare had a similar set up only one extra, much larger lavender gem on her chest plate. Celestia went up to the stand of the announcer. "Alright, you all know the drill by now:no weapons, no killing and most importantly no black magic." We all nodded as I got into my fighting stance. "Hope your ready for a big can of ass whoopin." The 'bat-pony' chuckled as the other two rolled their eyes...and the bat was also the first one to charge at me.