
by Rippy


‘Have you ever been in love, Auntie?’
‘Yes, I have’
‘Who was it? It must have been somepony veeeery special!’
‘I’m in love with them right now’
‘Who is it?! Tell me, tell me!’
‘Well… I must admit, I’m in love with all of the ponies in Equestria!
‘Auntie! That’s not what I meant!’
Being part of the Royal Guard was a daunting task. There was training, the months of rigorous training exercises that were thrust upon upcoming cadets could send the weak home and propel the strong forward. There was also the signature stoic stance of the guards, which the cadets must perform without a single fault. Finally, there was the studying. Knowing the times, places, and duration of patrols and the times for changing guard posts was all required. And this is only a small glimpse of the training the cadets must endure.
To be honest, not many “Promising Guards” made it past the first day, but those who were dedicated, those who looked up to what the Royal Guard stood for, succeeded with flying colors. A small ceremony honored these loyal cadets and welcomed them into their ranks. Even after all of this, even after all of the hard work, the blood, sweat, and “Manly” tears, the new future of the guards started out at the bottom of the food chain. New guards would be standing outside of a Noble’s room and would escort them around the castle. Seasoned Royal Guards would stand by the Princesses as they tended to the wants and needs of the Court. Most of the incoming cadets, who had graduated from Training Camp, had wanted to rise to the level of the Princess’ personal guard. This proclamation was always accompanied by a roar of laughter throughout the barracks, embarrassing any pony who was confident enough to exclaim his goal.
Every guard had wanted that title, but each one of them knew how farfetched it sounded. They would either have to stand guard until they dropped dead or take a spear through the foreleg to even be considered guarding one of the Princesses. Still, the dream stayed alive in the barracks, and that conversation had echoed through the barrack wall many times. In Shining Armor’s case, however, he decided to tune it out.
Ever since he was a young foal, he idolized the Royal Guard. Their stature, poise, and toughness was something Shining always looked up to. They were his super heroes. Valiantly protecting not only the mere streets of Canterlot, but all of Equestria as well. He came to the conclusion, at a young age, to join the Royal Guard. His parents smiled and nodded, knowing that, since he was a foal, he would always make excited and passionate announcements. But as he grew older, they knew it was what he always wanted. When he was old enough, he gave his parents and his sister a tearful goodbye and set off to Training Camp. He thought of the possibilities and the experience he would gain from becoming respected and looked up to, the same way he had looked up to them. Shining Armor was passionate, to say the least. He didn’t finish at the top of his group, but the potential he showed the higher ups was, as they stated in the Graduation Ceremony, “impeccable.” He showed mercy when ordered not to. He helped fellow ponies who had doubted their abilities, and, most of all, he showed that he knew how to work well as a team. This was something the Royal Guard looked for in future guards, and he passed easily.
Now, he stood guard in front of the kitchen, making sure no unauthorized personnel wandered in to steal rations from the pantry. Shining Armor definitely didn’t suspect that he would be given a small position like this. What he did expect, as with many other cadets, was a life of danger and threat. He imagined himself chasing a thief down the hall, captured him before the pony had made off with a priceless jewel. There would be a celebration in his honor, and he would have a statue for all to see. He would be the hero he always dreamed of.
But, that wasn’t the case. That never was the case, really. The only “trouble” any guard had seen for a while was a very drunk Noble falling of a balcony and landing in a rose bush. The poor stallion was in the Infirmary for two hours as they removed the numerous amount of thorns out of this backside. The story of the Thorny Noble sent the barracks ablaze, loud and hysterical laughter came from each one of them, including Shining Armor. They were scolded by the Captain, who reportedly heard them from all the way on the other side of Canterlot.
Alas, the hero in Shining’s dreams was solely that, a dream. He sighed, donning his gear and leaving his room in the barracks. Duty calls he thought, making his way down a few corridors and to the main door leading into the Royal Kitchen. The transition between guards was silent. Shining nodded at a gray pegasus, who, in return, nodded back. Even through the expressionless face the Pegasus wore, Shining could see the utter relief he had as he trotted back to the barracks. He trotted to his spot, shifted a bit in his armor, and stood still, looking forward. Though the job didn’t involve a high impact atmosphere, Shining Armor was still proud of his hard work. Even if it meant guarding some food.
“Your Majesty, it’s time”
“Thank you, Colonel Rapier. I will be with you in a moment”
“Understood. Private Celeris! Let’s take our leave outside”
“Y-Yes, Captain!”
Princess Cadence made sure the two of them had left and closed the door before slumping down on the chair next to her. She sighed, relishing the last few moments she could relax before her own Day Court began. While it wasn’t as significant as the Night Court or the Official Day Court, even though she would like to think it was, the sessions she spent with the citizens of Equestria were very, very important. How can the Princess of Love not help a pony or a couple in need? Cadence smiled, knowing each day at the Court of Love would always be an interesting one.
She could admit that some days do seem to drag on, however, and there usually times when ponies of all different kinds would come in with the same problem. For example, one pony, or two, would come in worrying about how to propose to their special somepony. Since this was such a vague topic to her, Cadence usually would ask for a more in depth description of their relationship. Then she would want to discuss this pony’s significant other, and the things that made them tick. Once all of the little details were scrubbed out, she would help work through how to “Pop the question” to their lover. Cadence would do her best not to plan everything out for them, as it would just be counterproductive. The goal was to help him or her find a way to convince their other half that they will stay with them for the rest of their life, supporting and laughing with them all the same. The patron would bow, some with tears in their eyes, and thank the Princess profusely. “I’m always here to help” she would say with a smile, thanking them for their visit. Then the next pony would come in with problem with a proposal, and the process would start again.
It really can’t be helped, and even though some requests for help were the same, each pony came in with a different and unique situation, and Cadence always enjoyed a day on the job. Did she ever envy the ponies she helped? Does seeing happy, love stricken ponies make her, well, jealous? This question was asked many times, and frequently she said “Not at all!” in a happy tone. To tell the truth, she…
The Princess rose from her seat and trotted over to a mirror, making sure everything was ready before she exited from her little break room.
“I’m all set” she said with a smile.
“Very well, your majesty” Colonel Rapier replied. “Everything is set and ready for your arrival”
“Then, shall we depart?”
“Yes, Princess”
Shining Armor leaned against the wall, abandoning his Guard Pose all together. He’d been there for a while now, and hadn’t seen anypony come through this way, so he decided to relax a little. Just for a couple of seconds he told himself, enjoying the needed support the wall was giving him. True to his word, Shining Armor straightened up in a matter of seconds as he heard hoofsteps come from around the corner. That was close. The sound of hooves grew closer, but he held his gaze forward. Luckily for Shining, his peripheral vision helped him catch a glimpse of the group coming around the corner.
At first, Shining Amor couldn’t believe it. He told himself that he must be going crazy. But as the three ponies came into full view, there was no doubt in his mind. It was the pink Princess of Love herself, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, who had walked right in front of him. A-A Princess! Just walked this way! But, but she’s never…huh? A sound snapped him back to reality, as the Colonel had whacked Private Celeris over the head.
“Are you serious, Private? I trusted you with the way to the court for one day and you screw it up?” The Private shivered a bit, recollecting himself.
“I’m sorry, sir! It won’t happen again!”
Shining Armor wasn’t too fond of the Colonel, as his short temper is well known throughout the barracks. He would usually patrol the rooms to see if everything was in order and, if there was a room that wasn’t to his liking, he would make the owners clean theirs and the rest of the rooms on the floor. Shining gulped, not wanting to get on the wrong side of the Colonel.
“Princess, I apologize greatly for the mistake of Private Celeris. I will make sure this never happens again”
“Oh, it’s alright! Everypony makes mistakes” she said, smiling at the private, who, in turn, shuffled his hooves awkwardly. “We’re not going to be very late”
“Yes, Princess! Right away” salutes the Colonel, who leads the group past Shining Armor. Unfortunately for him, he gulped in too much air, and it was slowly, and uncontrollably, sneaking out of him. Fearing the worst, Shining does his best to hold it in and not have anything happen in front of the Colonel or the Princess. But, as fate would allow it, Shining Armor couldn’t resist any longer, and burped loudly right into the Colonel’s face.
For the next couple of moments, time for Shining stood still. He had just burped, very rudely, in front of Princess Cadence and into the face of his commanding officer. Both the Private and the Princess giggled under their breaths, and the look Colonel Rapier was giving him was equal to that of a very angry bear. With his voice trembling with rage, Rapier finally spoke.
“Private. Shining. Armor” he said, his piercing gaze focused on the pony in front of him.
“Y…Yes, sir?”
“What. Do you think was going to happen. When you belched. In my face, hmm?”
“I, uh, don’t know?” The Colonel was fuming at this point, turning to the other Private behind him.
“Private Celeris, you will relieve Private Shining Armor for his duties for the rest of the week. And you” he turned back, pointing his hoof right in Shining’s face. “Will be in my office in no less than five minutes, do I make myself Clear?” Shining Armor nodded vigorously. “Good" he said, giving both of the privates a smile. It was fake, if it wasn't obvious enough, as in the next instant, he yelled "DISMISSED” and both Privates scrambled to their assigned locations.
What a great way to start off the day, idiot.