The Hardships of Ruling an Empire

by JusSonic

Chapter 3: Stallions' Worth

Chapter 3: Stallions' Worth

Twilight, Cadance and Nyx leads Frozen Sage throughout the castle with Omega following, still observing. Ever since the unpleasantness before, the Mystic Pony kept her opinion of stallions to herself for now. Twilight was hoping that she doesn't get into that again or anything else that could go wrong.

"And here is a room, an important one to be precise." Cadance said as the group enters a room where a familiar mirror, the same one that Twilight, Ben, Nyx, and the Dragons once used to go to the world of Equestira Girls to get the crown back from the rogue Sunset Shimmer.

"So, the mirror is still here?" Frozen Sage scoffed. "Unbelievable. I hope Celestia wasn't planning to visit her boyfriend again. I don't wish to see that Sombra."

"I assure you. Celestia won't put the fate of Equestria Prime into danger. Trust me. Everything is fine." Twilight assures Frozen Sage.

Twilight hasn't forgotten how love blinded Celestia into visiting the good version of Sombra which ended up putting both her world and Sombra's in action, especially when it comes to the wicked versions of the Royal Sisters. The end results was that Sombra absorbed the evil in the bad Alicorns into himself, turning himself dark and wicked in the progress and for the mirror to the Other Equestria to be destroyed. It hurts Celestia emotionally for that to happen but even she knows what done must be done. A. Sombra doesn't want his beloved to be turned into crystal...and for Ben to lose his mother.

"And this is leading to our Human Version." Cadance said, explaining to Frozen Sage as to what the mirror can really do.

"I see. Tell me, Twilight, are you hoping to see Human Friends, as well as meeting your Human Self?" Frozen Sage asks Twilight curiously.

"Well, I don't know about that." Twilight admits to Frozen Sage with a shrug. "I would love to go over there again someday."

"Then, I suggest you don't." Frozen Sage said, making Twilight looks shocked and confused upon hearing that. "The world you had gone to is no longer the same than you had realized. That world is overwhelmed by fear of extraterrestrial beings' invasion and war. And it means... you mustn't see them again. It's best you should not."

"What? I don't understand. What happened that caused that?"

"Just don't."

Frozen Sage leaves with Cadance, Nyx and Omega following her. Twilight looks shaken, glancing at the mirror in worry. What has gone wrong in the EG world that caused fear of extraterrestrial beings? Does it had something to do with the events that she and her friends, especially the human versions, has gone through?

Twilight decided not to worry about that for now as she follows the rest of the group, leaving the room and the mirror behind herself.


Ben and Shining got back to the others as the tour is done. While Frozen Sage is at the balcony and the leaders of the Crystal Empire are doing some talking, the rest did some talking of their own.

"Hey Iron Brave, I got a question for yah. Does Frozen Sage still have those elements?" Phobos asked a good question, since Frozen Sage had two elements of Ice & Snow, what happened to them?

"Wait a second; didn't we hear that Crashfire's twin sister say she had the Element of Ice when we saw her?" Spike spoke off in finding something weird, Snowcrystal said SHE had the element of ice, but if Frozen Sage had that element in the past, then...

"You are correct about that, you see long ago, my sister relinquished being a wielder to the two and hid them away." Iron Brave nods in stating what had happened to the said elements; much to everyone's shock to believe that.

"They reminded her too much of her past, and after becoming a Mystic Councilmen, she felt best that they find wielders better then her who failed in her duty." Icy spoke in sadly stating a cold fact of what happened with her mother. "The Element of Ice turn into a special snowflake, differently made that would fell from the sky where it hid all the years, waiting for the next worthy user that it sense would be near." She explained how the first of the two ice and snow elements would find a new user.

"And Snowcrystal must have found it. It must have fused with her after she held the special snowflake, granting her the power of ice." Twilight spoke with her smart brain figuring out how this explained how one friend of theirs got such an Elemental Element power.

"So wait, if Snowcrystal has the Element of Ice, then....what about the other one? The Element of Snow," Ben spoke in feeling there was something amiss, Frozen Sage had two elements, but while they know what happened to one, what about the other one?

"It was hidden in a place was only a courageous enough warrior would have to pass the snowy obstacles, could they obtain it." Royal Solflare explained what happened to the Element of Snow, sent to a place to give a test trial to any that could prove their worth to be the next wielder. "Recently, it was found by a citizen of the Crystal Empire and that pony is currently training in the Frozen North." She stated this surprise that everyone heard, the other element has found a new user and it's another citizen of the Crystal Empire, just like Snowcrystal. "Course our mother wasn't pleased to learn that the new chosen of the Element of Snow turn out to be a stallion than another mare." He shrug off to mention how his mother, Frozen Sage, was hoping her second element be in a mare than in a stallion.

"Ouch! Bet she didn't expect that." Phobos cringed in just picturing Frozen Sage's disappointment in learning of that one.

"Can you tell us who the stallion is?" Nyx asked in wondering who the user of the Element of Snow was, he could be another friend & ally to them if they ever meet.

"Perhaps the day will come when you'll come across him. As far as we've seen, he's very strong, relentless optimist and a self-proclaimed hero....he's almost a reminder of who our mother once loved." Icy spoke to explain some bits while slowly beginning to feel sad over who the new user of the snow element reminds them of.

"Come on Icy, we better get going, mother's awaiting us soon." Solflare pats her sister as they slowly begin to leave to return to their mother's side where she awaits them. Iron Brave so follows them afterwards while leaving the gang to ponder after what they have been told of this new info.

"Well one mystery answered and another one to figure out later. But for now....we better try to make sure this day doesn't end badly for Cadance." Twilight issued off to say this to her friends in feeling that they still need to focus if they wanna help Cadance out.

The others nod in agreement before they quickly ran off to do something at this time.

At the Crystal Castle's Balcony, Frozen Sage was standing down alone, looking at the sky for the moment. Nothing has impressed her so, there are unworthy stallions and mares whose don't do a thing about that 'problem'. The Mystic Pony is half tempted to take control from Shining and Cadance right now. The two, according to Frozen Sage, aren't worthy to still be in charge.

"Mind if we cut in?" Iron Brave spoke as he stood beside with her, along with Icy Princess, Royal Solflare and Stormwar.

"So, brother... Why have you come?" Frozen Sage ask her brother bitterly. "Have you come for some discussion that I should give stallions a chance?"

Iron Brave chuckled, "You know me well." He kept trying to convince his sister that, despite the betrayal before, she shouldn't hate the other stallions for what two had done (or one had done unwillingly, since the rest still believe that Sir Han's actions weren't his own).

"The answer is no."

"You know. Holding a grudge against one stallion isn't going to make you a better Mystic Councilpony. You are getting colder than before." Iron Brave chuckled in amusement as if making the best joke in Equestria. "Get it? Getting cold?"

Icy and Soflare giggled happily. Frozen Sage on the other hoof just stares as she said, "Get to your point, Iron."

Iron Brave cleared his throat, deciding that it's best to cut to the chase, "Okay, sis. Anyway, the point is that you should give them a chance. I'm sure Ben and Shining Armor had proven theirs well."

"I'm sure her worthless and loveless father had that."

"Chill. I'm sure he didn't mean it."

"I doubt of it. One stallion betrays his own love family proved that he wants more than just love." Frozen Sage scoffs a bit in dismissal. Lord Chester is the example of what she believes about stallions and had proven her right all along. He neglected his own daughter just to continue on his work than love.

Iron Brave sighed, shaking his head as he spoke, "Boy, you're quite a stubborn mare to understand pony's opinion."

"And you're one stallion too relax."

"Suit yourself, sis." Iron Brave remarks as he stood up. Perhaps now is not the time to continue this pointless discussion if Frozen Sage isn't going to cave in. "I'm going somewhere."

"Where are you going?" Frozen Sage ask Iron Brave as he prepares to head off somewhere.

"Checking on the boys."

"Trying to prove that there are some and especially from Chester?"

"I'm telling you. It's good. And not to mention, I might finally found someone who is worthy to succeed me." Iron Brave said to Frozen Sage with a grin. If what he expects is true, the Mystic Pony may have found someone to succeed him in something, but what is yet to be known.

Solflare scoffed while snapping, "Better hope he's better than that lousy psychopath killer."

"Agreed; I really hate that guy. What would you thinking, uncle?" Icy ask her uncle, frowning at the last bad choice that Iron Brave had made.

Iron Brave pauses to think then shakes his head, saying, "I had no idea..."

Iron Brave had no idea why he made that terror bad choice that led to serious consequences.


Pinkamena was busy as usual when the mare sense something. She spoke, "Hmm, it would seems that something good is going to happen very soon. I can feel it."

"I hope so." Golden Heart said in agreement. He hopes that his sister's senses are indeed correct.


Lady Lesille was reading a magazine in the study, when a knock came at the door. The Alicorn sighed as she came to the door and opens it, seeing Iron Brave outside.

"Yes, may I help you, sir?" Lady Lesille asked the newcomer curiously.

"Yes, my name is Iron Brave, one of the Mystic Pony visitors." Iron Brave said in concern. "Is your husband at home by any chance?"

"Yes, he should be in his lab." Lady Lesille said, motioning to upstairs. "Why? Is Chester in trouble?"

"Not really. I want to help him reunite with Cadance, restore their father-daughter relationship." Iron Brave explained calmly to the mother of Cadance.

"Well, I hope so. I don't wish for my filly to be stressful more so than usual." Lady Lesille said with a sigh. Maybe with Iron Brave's help, Lord Chester can finally see sense to leave his work for once and spend time with Cadance.

Iron Brave trotted upwards to the lab. Lord Chester was at work, not noticing his visitor...until the Mystic Pony tapped, causing him to almost fall out of his wheelchair before turning around.

"Gah," Lord Chester exclaims in alarm.

"What's up, Doc?" Iron Brave joked a bit.

"What are you tryin' to do, gimme a heart attack?!" Lord Chester asked the Mystic Pony angrily, not liking to be startled like that.

"Relax, you have been here for decades, I doubt a heart attack will kill you." Iron Brave said calmly. "Listen, my name is Iron Brave. I'm here to talk to you about your daughter Cadance."

"Hey there," Lord Chester said with a sigh, now knowing where this conversion is heading. "Look, before you say anything, no. I don't hate my daughter. I was just so busy working that I don't spend time with my filly as I used to. I really love her as a father would his daughter."

"Really; Is that so?" Iron Brave asked curiously, arching an eyebrow. So it's true. Lord Chester does care for his daughter.

"I... I wish... NO!" Lord Chester groaned as he slammed both hooves onto the table. The Alicorn is tired of being away from his daughter for too long, and what he heard about Frozen Sage is upsetting him. "I want to prove that I love my daughter so much! I want to prove that what Frozen Sage had said was wrong! I will never put her and my wife aside! They meant everything to me, no matter what!"

"I was hoping you would say that." Iron Brave remarked with a smirk, glad that Lord Chester finally decided to spend some quality time with his family.

Lord Chester sighed before adding, "I know how much my daughter misses me...and I'm tired of my work always getting in the way of that. Even if it's security or not, neglecting Cadance for too long is not worth keeping Equestria safe."

Iron Brave smiled, saying, "You certainly got guts. Besides, I really do believe in you. You guys are certainly perfect example to show her that you're the best."

"Yeah, you're right. I will do my best to do so." Lord Chester said in determination. He will prove Frozen Sage wrong and make it up to his family for his years of neglectful behavior. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me. Prove it to me." Iron Brave said in determination. If Chester wanted to prove that he isn't everything that Frozen Sage claims that stallions are then it's time for him to prove that.


A while later, Iron Brave took Twilight, Lord Chester and her friends to the park, where Icy Princess and Royal Solflare are waiting. In front of Twilight and her friends was a giant metallic, sharp and powerful Broadsword. The Mystic Pony got a plan to prove Frozen Sage wrong about all stallions once and for all.

"What is this, Iron Brave?" Twilight asked Iron Brave curiously and amazed.

"Cooooool; A big flank sword," Phobos exclaimed eagerly, almost drooling at the sight of the sword itself.

"My friends; Say hello to my partner, Avenger Broadsword," Iron Brave said, patting his sword proudly, making the ponies and Dragons look amazed and awe. "This blade is the strongest, powerful and special silver metal broadsword. And do you know what I like about this sword? It chose someone's strength and might, like me."

"Oooooh," Nyx, Spike and Phobos exclaimed in unison and awe.

"So what is it that you want us to do?" Flash asked Iron Brave curiously, wondering what the Mystic Pony had in mind, "Or in this case, some of us?"

"I want you to pull Avenger Broadsword out." Iron Brave explained, making the stallions look surprised and alarmed. This guy is allowing him to have the honor of holding his sword? "I'm sure it's simple for you guys to handle. I would like to start with Ben and Shining Armor, and then Chester."

"Go get 'em, Daddy!" Nyx said to Ben eagerly.

"Right, Ben, I believe in you." Twilight said while nuzzling her love.

Ben was determined to give it his shot. If he could hold this sword, maybe it could prove to Frozen Sage once and for all wrong of her POV of all stallions. Maybe her heart could be change.

Ben stood in front of Avenger Broadsword. He grabbed its handle and pulled it hard. The sword remained stuck on the ground. Ben groaned and moaned angrily.

"Man... That's heavy!" Ben groaned a bit, having trouble.

"Ah, come on! You call yourself a strong warrior?" Iron Brave remarked. He decided to taunt the stallion to give him confidence and encouragement, "Dude! I'm disappointed! I was expecting to see someone who possessed the Triforce Element to pull that kind of trick off! But you know what I find?! A pretender! I guess the rumor about you being chosen is so not true... You can't even save one life."

Ben groaned angrily, "Yes... I CAN!"

With his great strength, Ben pulled the handle of Avenger Broadsword out hard. Everyone gasped in shock at this...all but Iron Brave who gave a hidden smile. He knew that this would happen.

"What... What just happened?" Ben groaned a bit. "Man! This thing's heavy and strong!"

Iron Brave smirked as he called over to Shining, "Shining Armor, you're next!"

Ben put the Avenger Broadsword down. Shining Armor stood in front of it and breathed heavily, thinking about his family, friends and Cadance.

"Come on, Shining Armor!" Twilight cheered on, eager to see her brother get it done.

Shining remembered how he first met Cadance at high school, how the stallion was nervous to do anything involving her at first. But thanks to his friends and events that followed, he and Cadance dance at the prom that day...but the biggest happiest moment is when the couple became married after the defeat of Queen Chrysalis and her minions.

Shining Armor breathed deeply, looking at the sword; He yelled wildly, pulling the broadsword out like it was nothing. Everyone gasped in shock and surprise.

"Wow... How did I-?! Ben couldn't! But I can? And why is it light?" Shining asked in bewilderment, not understanding how he could do what his friend couldn't.

"Wow. Amazing," Cadance exclaimed with a smile. Her husband did the impossible! Yes, Ben had trouble but at least he's trying, right?

"Whoa! Like in the stories of King Arthur," Spike exclaimed in agreement.

"Affirmative," Omega said in agreement.

"Chester, don't disappoint me." Iron Brave said calmly to Lord Chester. Now it's his turn to prove himself, to see if he truly cares for Cadance.

Shining Armor put Avenger Broadsword down in front of Chester. The mad scientist Alicorn breathed deeply. He grabbed its handler and started to pulling the sword hard. Avenger Broadsword remained on the ground, much to some of the ponies' disappointment.

Iron Brave huffed at this, "I guess your daughter mean nothing to you. Maybe my sister was right. More stallions think of powers and ambition than the mares and fillies that they loved in their family."

Chester groaned angrily, "Shut up!"

"Then, tell me how much they meant to you." Iron Brave said, wanting Lord Chester to tell him how much Lesille and Cadance meant to him.

"They mean everything to me. I just got reasons not to before...and I was a jerk to do so." Lord Chester admitted to Iron Brave guilty.

"Pride," Iron Brave guessed right.

Chester frowned as he growled, "I hate giving excuses and drifting away from my very own family that I love!"

"Too selfish," Iron Brave asked, guessing right again.

"Yes!" Lord Chester growled in determination.

"And you fail?" Iron Brave asked Chester, knowing that what he's saying is giving this man riled up and determined to prove his worth.

"Yes!" Lord Chester exclaimed loudly.

"To be there and love for your daughter?" Iron Brave asked Lord Chester with a nod.

"YES!!!" Lord Chester yelled out so loudly, making the others, even Cadance, gasped. So he really does care for his daughter!

"And you neglect and ignore her that she was never been there and exist in your life?!" Iron Brave asked in determination and eagerness.

"YEEEEESSSSSSSSSS," Chester screamed with anger, and with that, the Alicorn in the wheelchair pulled Avenger Broadsword out with all his might.

"Holy smokes!" Nyx gasped as Phobos's jaw dropped hard. "It's like he's King Arthur!"

"He did it, he actually did it!" Twilight exclaimed in amazement while hugging Ben.

"Yeah; Wow! I didn't think someone who stubbornly refuses to use magic and sits in a wheelchair can do so!" Ben exclaimed with a wide smile at seeing this event. Cadance smiles happily as did Shining. Lord Chester has indeed proven himself today; perhaps Frozen Sage really was wrong about him.

"How? It was so heavy... Now... it's light?" Lord Chester asked in amazement, pondering what's happening.

Iron Brave chuckled as he explained to everyone who was puzzled like Lord Chester was, "Heart of Steel. It means someone you love and care had strengthened your might and power to carry the burden of protecting your loved ones. Avenger Broadsword allow the user to use him when he revealed his true and deep heart of him..."

"Yes, of course!" Twilight exclaimed with a smile. "To be honest, I have heard of such legend from books, but never thought it was possible."

"That explain why I wield it so light." Shining said, understanding now. He was determined to protect his loved ones, no matter what.

Iron Brave smirked while saying to Shining, "You bet, kid. And trust me, you're the stallion I'm looking for."

"Say what?" Shining asked, caught off by that comment.

"First thing first; Princesses, nieces and I need to talk with Frozen Sage about seeing stallions. She's gonna love it." Iron Brave said with a chuckle. Once Frozen Sage hears about this, her mind will change in a big hurry once and for all.

Unknown to everyone, a figure is peeking in from hiding, glancing at the scene.

"So....looks like it's time for me to work my magic on Lord Chester...and ruin everything." The figure said as he quietly left the scene.


Jack Zen keeps moving along with the Light Elves. One is beside Jack and says having a female voice, "I wonder if what we heard is true. Are you sure that we will be safe?"

"Trust me, my friends will make sure you all are safe and Havis will be happy to meet you all." Jack Zen assures the Light Elf with a grin.,

"I hope you are right about this."

They keep on moving.


Lord Chester felt better as he rolls right into his home. The stallion had proven himself to Iron Brave, to Shining, to everyone that he cares for Cadance. Perhaps they are right in insisting that he gets away from his work every one in a while. It's time for Lord Chester to work whenever necessary to spend some time with his loved ones, like his wife and his adopted daughter.

"Lord Chester. It's been quite a while." A voice spoke, making Lord Chester startled and get another heart attack. The Alicorn saw a visitor, one that he hadn't seen in quite a while.

Chester gasped, "Mr. Stockman?! What are you doing here?"

" What does it look like I'm visiting you? After all, we're buddies."

"What do you want? I'm very busy. In fact, I need to see my daughter and Mystic Councilpony of Ice to prove that I'm a stallion who never abandoned mares and fillies."

"Yes. I know. But we had some problems." The one known as Mr. Stockman spoke grimly to Lord Chester.

"Put it on to my home mail box. I'm busy now!" Lord Chester scoffs, preparing to head off and not deal with this anymore. His daughter comes first from now on!

"Are you willing to put some lives in danger?" Mr. Stockaman spoke, causing Lord Chester to look shocked and worried upon hearing that. The scientist had almost forgotten that. "You heard me! Dark Mystic Ponies had infiltrated Ponyville! And are you willing to put your daughter's kingdom in jeopardy?!"


"We need you now! The Crystal Empire need you now! Princess Cadance need you to protect our kingdom! Are you going to give up on them?!"

Lord Chester hesitates, looking at a picture of himself, Lesille and Cadance in younger days, before he just found science, Cadance being an Alicorn, and everything that happened that led to the neglectism. The scientist was just beginning to see his daughter once more and prove Frozen Sage wrong...but would endangering the Crystal Empire just like that be his undoing?


The princesses, stallions and Omega look around for Frozen Sage in hopes to speak to her and talk her into giving stallions, as well as Lord Chester, a chance to prove themselves.

Twilight and her group walked around until they heard a familiar sound.


Twilight gasped and turned around then got prowled by a quadruplet of foals as the guards froze in fear as they watched the dusts clear up. Everyone saw the quadruplet pile on Twilight with giggles as they heard heavy trotting toward to them. The foals looked around and are frozen in fear to see the height of Flare Tiger. Nyx gasped in realized when she saw Flare Tiger, that meant...

Nyx squeals, "Blaze Leo! Midnight Moonlight! Ace Swift! Aurora Borealis! You're here!?!"

Blaze Leo looked up while calling out, "Hey, guys; pile up on Nyx!"

They yelled jump over to Nyx and purred when they hugged Nyx , causing her to blush as Twilight laughed. The Alicorn stand up and looked up to Flare Tiger.

Twilight Sparkle sighed, "What bring you here?"

Flare Tiger grinned as she explains, "Just got a break, order by the Mane Five, ya' friends, also, they did request that's Ah need teach ya' to how 'ta held ya' new weapon."

Sounds of familiar anger are heard. The group looked around and saw Frozen Sage as she witness Flare Tiger's behavior and her children. The Mystic Councilpony snorts in anger.

Frozen Sage snorted, "So, another innocent mare who never had her mate with her...."

Flare Tiger sensed something off with the anger and is cool and calm when she spoke, "Do ya had a problem with it?"

Frozen Sage asked, "So did your mate dump you, along with your quadruplets?"

Twilight Sparkle gulped, "Um, that's not~"

Flare Tiger held her hoof to remind Twilight Sparkle to hold back as to let Flare Tiger do the talking.

Flare Tiger grinned while explaining, "So, do ya' think Ah had four children?"

Frozen Sage nodded as Flare Tiger laughed causing her to look confused. Flare Tiger calm herself down as she spoke spoke, "Ya' wrong."

Frozen Sage gasped, "What?"

Flare Tiger smiled while explaining, "Ah didn't had four, it's five children, then take a hint, looked around and find where mah fifth child is."

Frozen Sage realized as she spoke, "You..."

Flare Tiger sighed, "Word of advice, never, never Judge by cover! Ah heard about ya' history with stallions and Ah'm not proud of what a Stallion had done to ya! Ben Mare, Flash Sentry, and Shining Armor are good Males! Ah saw them fighting for who they care for! Ya need see through this until the end!"

Frozen Sage gasped, "What...How?"

Flare Tiger grinned as she continues, "Got chats with Jade Adventure, a good pal of mine! By 'de way, Ah'm Flare Tiger Judgement HeartBlossom, nice 'ta meet ya."

Flare Tiger bow to Frozen Sage but the gang heard anger snort from the Mystic Councilpony.

Frozen Sage snorted, "I don't care that you will protect the stallions, you had no power over it, thank you... Freaky Tiger...."

Frozen Sage turned and walked away with her family following her, unknown to her, the Mystic Councilpony had made a bad mistake. She heard a familiar sound of something that Frozen Sage hate so much as to make her frozen in her path.

A stallion voice is heard, "I wish you never called me that's name."

Frozen Sage turned around and saw Flare Tiger's mane and tail given off, she noticed her children shake in fear when they're hiding behind Twilight Sparkle. Frozen Sage could see and felt the flare coming out of her mane and tail.

Frozen Sage gasped, "What... What's going on?"

Blaze Leo answers, "You should never call my mom like that!"

Frozen Sage asked, "You meant, Freaky Tiger?"

They gasped in fear as the foals hide behind Twilight again, making Frozen Sage confused when Aurora Borealis pop her head out with a gulp.

Aurora Borealis gulped, "Um... Why you judge her?"

Frozen Sage snorted, "Because she's not normal; Tall height? Had two fangs; her wings white; even her horn; that's so freaky!"

Flare Tiger growl, "Never, never judge by cover! I told you, NEVER JUDGE BY COVER!"

Frozen Sage gasped, "You.... Your voice...."

Flare Tiger snapped, "It's because of my life, I hate that nickname! That's why I change my accent due 'ta my problem until Ah found a way to solve it! My family's worried for my anger! I did hold it back when you called me freaky! Do you like me talking in a Stallion's voice?!?! Huh! Huh!"

For the first time, Frozen Sage's family saw Flare Tiger stare down on her as she shake in fear when the Mystic Councilpony saw through Flare Tiger's eyes, she could see her childhood whose sadness and anger are over the bullies; not just colts but also fillies, Frozen Sage could see that they're mocking at Flare Tiger and laughed in evil. She now realizes, Flare Tiger was suffering by trauma due to the nickname stuck in her memory and never forget how Flare Tiger hate it. Not until Frozen Sage saw Flare Tiger's father who listen and explained with love, the mare also could see many different of stallions in Flare Tiger's family. She start calming down, blinking with tears when Frozen Sage snapped out of her trace from her stare and saw her tears.

Frozen Sage breath, "You... You suffered because of these bullies?"

Flare Tiger nodded, admitting, "Eeyup, Ah didn't like it so much..."

Frozen Sage sighed, "I... I need think about this... Your father..."

Flare Tiger sighed, "He's always been there when Ah'm deeply trouble as mah granny didn't being there when she's had her job doing. Not until mah mate came into mah life."

Frozen Sage curiously ask, "So, who is this mate of yours?"

Flare Tiger smiled while answering, "His name is Comet Star, he's not normal as ya see, he's Opinicus. He's always a very funny one and kept me felt better when Ah mope around. He didn't leave me and mah children."

Icy curiously ask, "What's Opinicus?"

Blaze Leo grinned while explaining to Icy, "Used your images! Think griffin but didn't had eagle claws, only whole paws, also he look like a lion!"

Icy hummed, "He had a beak too?"

Blaze Leo giggled, "Yup!"

Frozen Sage nodded as she said, "I see...."

Flare Tiger smiled while saying, "So, ya need ya' time, remember, word of advice! Never judge by cover! Ya need a bit 'ta kept ya' guard up, and loss them up too."

Frozen Sage sighed, "I see... I must think about this..."

Frozen Sage trotted away as her family follows her. Twilight Sparkle baffled to witness what she saw between Flare Tiger and Frozen Sage.

Twilight Sparkle asked, "Hey Flare Tiger?"

Flare Tiger hummed, "Mm?"

Twilight Sparkle asked, "About my request that's my friends ask of you, what is it?"

Flare Tiger grinned as she explains, "Ah told ya, to teach ya. Ya' need 'ta learned how to control over 'de Star Sword."

Twilight Sparkle gasped, "Really?!?"

Flare Tiger nodded while the mare continues, "Not only one, but another is helping with 'de Family Problems."

Nyx gasped and bounces around them with squeals, "YES YES YES YES YES!"

Flare Tiger chuckled, "Ah could see that Nyx take after ya, Twilight."

Twilight Sparkle blushed while exclaiming, "HEY!"

The group laughed as they walked toward to the castle.


Twilight Sparkle's group reunite with Frozen Sage's at the castle. The Mystic Councilpony decided to give stallions another long as she sees the results of lord Chester. But for some odd reason, Cadance's father has been gone for an hour. The princess of the Crystal Empire is worried, where is he?

The gang heads back to Chester's mansion where they saw a sight that shocks Cadance's group and made Frozen Sage frowns in suspicion. There's Lord Chester putting up the lampposts already and practically not even seeing or noticing that he got visitors...again!

"Father; What are you doing?!" Cadance ask her father in worry. Lord Chester promised to put aside his work for her after the whole Avenger Broadsword event is over!

"Pushing your security; we can't afford to let our Dark Mystic Ponies come in and attack us like from Ponyville!" Lord Chester explains, sweating a bit. Hearing this made Cadance's heart almost break again.

"But father! You promise me! You did!"

"I know! But you ask me to!"

"I didn't say it." Cadance said in shock and bewilderment. Why did she tell him to go back to work after he had proven himself to his daughter and everyone else?

"What? That can't be right. Mr. Stockman told me -!" Lord Chester begins to say, looking confused and bewildered.

"Mr. Stockman? Who's that?" Shining ask Lord Chester. The prince of the Crystal Empire doesn't recall anyone in the Crystal Empire or Equestria by that name. So whoever this 'Mr. Stockman' is must've talked Lord Chester into this!

"He's your messenger. He's the reason why I'm busy."

"Weird; I've never heard of him." Nyx said in concern to the others.

"Right; don't have him on data." Omega said in concern, noting how he didn't have any info on this 'Mr. Stockman' on file. Something's wrong here.

"We don't have any messenger who's called 'Mr. Stockman'." Cadance said, getting worried at this especially with Frozen Sage frowning and growling. This doesn't look good.

"What did Mr. Stockman look like?" Iron Brave asks Lord Chester in concern. He suspects that whoever is posing as a messenger could be nothing but trouble.

"He was a Gray Unicorn with a white, gentle and short mane and tail, wore a coat and his Cutie Mark is a Helghast Symbol and Machinery Gun." Lord Chester explains to Iron Brave of 'Mr. Stockman' himself.

"He what," Iron Brave and Frozen Sage yells out in shock and alarm. 'Mr. Stockman' is no messenger! The two know who he is already!

"Something tells me that this 'Mr. Stockman' isn't a messenger, he must be a Dark Mystic Pony!" Spike exclaims with a yelp of worried.

"Who is the weirdo anyway? I wanna kick his flank for lying to Lord Chester like that!" Phobos exclaims with a frown of annoyance.

"Must be a terrible monster," Blaze Leo comments as his siblings nod in quick agreement with their brother.

"Ive heard of that before..." Ben said disturbed. The description that Lord Chester has given is a familiar one...from a story that was added when Ben and Flash told the story of their first meeting to their friends not too long ago!

Flash nodded as he adds seriously, "Yeah me too..."

"You don't think -?!" Twilight gulps a bit in fear.

Iron Brave confirms the Equestrian ponies' worries as he explains, "The very same Dark Mystic Pony you've been attacked by years ago: MechaStahl."

"MechaStahl," The ponies gasps in shock and alarm. MechaStahl once tried to kill Ben, Flash, Twilight and Sunset Shimmer with his allies back when they were little foals years ago!

"Shining, MechaStahl must've been here to tried to cause more trouble for us." Cadance said to her husband seriously.

"Yeah, and unfortunately it worked." Shining exclaims in worry. And unfortunately, Twilight's brother is right big time!

"So more proof that more stallions are now gullible and proud that they want something more from devils?" Frozen Sage asks the others in disgust and anger. She had seen enough evidence that stallions and males cannot be trusted! "This is getting ridiculous and stupid. I've heard and seen enough..."

"Wait, Frozen Sage; Hang on." Twilight said to Frozen Sage in concern. The attempts to get the stubborn and previously hurt Mystic Councilpony were ruined, thanks to MechaStahl's trickery! "Lord Chester didn't know that Mr. Stockman was MechaStahl."

"She's right. Give Lord Chester another chance." Ben said in agreement and concern.

Frozen Sage however shakes her head while snapping, "My decision is final. It is time that all of stallions in Crystal Empire are hereby exile from here! They are no longer welcome to stay here! I will inform Jade Emperor on taking over as new leader of Crystal Empire."

"What," Most of the group gasps in shock and horror. Frozen Sage is actually threatening on taking over the Crystal Empire! Even Cadance and Shining are stunned by this turn of events.

"Wait, you can't do that!" Shining insists to Frozen Sage with a frown. "The Crystal Empire was given to both Cadance and me after King Sombra's fall by Princess Celestia!"

"Right, you can't just go and take something that isn't given to you!" Cadance exclaims in agreement. Lord Chester, during this whole scene, had rushed back into the mansion, closing the door, peeking out a window in worry and guilt. His return to his work had caused all this to happen!

"Right; please reconsider!" Omega insists to Frozen Sage in agreement with his friends.

"You had your chance. Not a single word. By tomorrow dawn, I want every stallion and colt out of this empire! I won't repeat a mistake as before! I won't let someone as foolish as Han or Chester to bring downfall of Crystal Empire! Never again," Frozen Sage exclaims sternly. Mostly everyone else looks hopeless. The Mystic Councilpony's mind has changed.

"NO!!!" Ben exclaims, slamming his Master Sword right in front of Frozen Sage. Mostly everypony gasps in shock and alarm by what he did.

"No; you dare to defy me?!"

"I can defy you if I want to! Like my cousin and her husband said, the empire was given to them, not you! I say you are too bitter and stubborn over Sir Han's so-called betrayal to admit that you were wrong!”

"I am never wrong!" Frozen Sage exclaims furiously to Ben who kept his ground despite the outroar made by the Mystic Pony. "Stallions are worthless, liars, gullible and unfit to remain here! In fact...I say every one of those stallions will leave NOW!"

"I won't leave and let you take the Crystal Empire...not without a fight!" Ben snaps as he held out his sword at Frozen Sage. "It appears that the only way to settle this with a challenge! I challenge you to a fight!"

The others look stunned and worried. Ben is actually challenging Frozen Sage, a powerful mare who can easily outmatched most of Grimmore's Army and even Grimmore's Elite Warriors. That's suicide!

"Daddy, you may want to reconsider." Nyx said to Ben in a scared tone of voice. Her father is risking a lot doing this.

"We will fight at sunrise tomorrow. If I win, you must renounce your claim to the Crystal Empire." Ben said, keeping his ground at the glaring Frozen Sage. "But if you win, we will accept your new control over this empire."

"And I will join as well." Shining said, standing near Ben sternly, much to the worry of his wife.

"Shining, no," Cadance insists to her husband worried and getting more stressful.

"Cadance, I am not going to let Frozen Sage take our empire without a fight. I will fight for my family's honor and everypony's honor out there.

"And so am I, I will fight too." Flash exclaims in determination as he flies in, landing near Ben and posing. "I am willing to prove myself and every stallion out there.

"So do you accept or are you too scared to do so?" Ben asks Frozen Sage with a smirk, making her family gasps in shock. The stallion also had some nerve to call her out like a coward.

"I accept. I hope you like the ground because I am putting you down a few times before your surrender." Frozen Sage remarks coldly and bitterly.

It is settled. Frozen Sage left with her family following her closely. Flare Tiger frowns, saying, "After what happened, she still stick 'ta her opinion."

"Ben, I hope you know what you're doing or thinking in challenging a powerful Mysticpony like Frozen Sage." Twilight said to her love seriously. More than an empire is at stake here, Ben, Shining and Flash could easily lose their lives fighting Frozen Sage!

"Relax, Twilight, I know what I'm doing." Ben said to Twilight, nuzzling her a bit. "You and your friends had beaten Brave Heart before..."

"He is an Equestrian Pony, not a Mystic one, Ben."

"And you managed to keep control of Ponyville from Smartscar to keep him from turning it into a base. We can do this; you got to have faith in me, Shining and Flash."

Twilight and Cadance on the other hoof looks worried as everyone left, knowing that they must be ready for the challenge tomorrow. If the stallions lose, it will mean the end of Shining and Cadance's rule for good. Lord Chester looks out the window in sadness, closing the binds while looking down.

"Oh, what had I done?" Lord Chester mumbles to himself as he sat in his wheelchair in sadness.