//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Arrival is Death // Story: The Lich // by ShadowXLAS //------------------------------// Cold.... Darkness... Paralyzing.... No breathing.... No heartbeat... No stomach gurgling.... Here I am... in Tartarus.... Now people overate Tartarus. Its not THAT bad. Yes unbearable weather, Cries of prisoners whether sadness or anger. Mostly anger. Lots of anger... Emotion... Emotion means there's life... And I HATE life...That is my purpose in this world. Destroy all life leaving nothing... Not even a single leaf may stand.... Hatred is part of my purpose in this world... Eventually I Death itself, At least that's what others call me, will die. They all will pay with their lives... I turn water to oil... I can raise the dead... I can create green flames... I can control minds.... posses them. Even create a well of power to charge my powers beyond comprehension... I wasn't ready for the day I was whisked away... It was 2015. At a convention, now here's the thing. A bunch of convention attendees disappeared in a flash of light. A guy from Dark soul.... Two twins from bioshock, a pyramind head, hell even a sly cooper. supposebly. My friends unconvinced thinking this is all a stunt but whatever. I don't care because I'm going to a convention and no ones stopping me. Now who to go as? I scoured the internet for a worthy villain but alas I almost gave up then my friend watched Adventure Time. Specifically he watched a episode with this undead THING. He explained what it was and told me about it. I thought it was awesome and I KNEW who I was going to cosplay as. The skin and lip I merely used makeup, I used really itchy contacts for the eyes, the crown and cloak was easy enough, I only missed the little necklace/pendant but I went without it. The skeleton arms I just used long gloves with a skeleton arm on them. And the flames I couldn't make. I couldn't find a way to make GREEN fire. But whatever I dealed. We drove to the convention center with me groaning about the uncomfortable lenses. "Dude just take em off" Suggested my friend Cj who cosplayed as a terrorist from counterstrike "If I do that I wont be able to put em back on!" Cj scoffed at that remark. He slowly pulled up his pickup truck to the center as I walked out looking around. "Looks like that Lich costume of yours worked out. No one else is cosplaying him" "Who would? He's an underrated villain" Cj rolled his eyes "I'll meet you here in four hours. See ya" Cj said as he walked away to the convention center. Now Cj barley got in because of the pistols. But he showed the bouncers they were just squirt guns painted black. After I got in I looked around and got a lot of positive feedback on my costume. Hell a couple cosplaying as Finn and Fionna even asked for a picture. I felt proud my hard work was paying off. But then I found IT. The missing piece of my costume! The ruby medallion wrapped around gold connected to another by a chain, I quickly bought it with my cash but it felt odd... It glowed I felt cold... Quisy... Pain but then I was gone... I felt nothing but the cold but then next thing I felt sunshine. I was outside? I looked up and I think I was in a throne room. And I saw her... A giant horse with a horn and wings... But then I was tackled by a bunch of others talking horses and thrown in a dungeon "What are you?" Said a horse in golden armor My breathing was shallow. My heartbeat was... Wait my heart wasn't beating! I tried holding my breath but I never felt out of breath. I didn't have to breathe! "I repeat! WHAT ARE YOU?!" Yelled the guard I slowly got up and walked to the bars and grabbed them. The new, fresh, shiny, metal bars eroding and rusting "Your death" Those single two words made the horse simply stop moving and fall straight down. I walked through reading the minds of these horses like books finding out I'm in 'Equestria. This new world is a Monarchy. I scoffed at this "Primitive" Ruled by formerly two princesses now one. "Banished her own kin... How weak... Pathetic..." This princess raises and sets the sun. Now she raises and lowers the moon and stars as well. She loves cake.... No children... I even learned the history of the country. I hate this place already. These life forms... Make me feel cold... I must rid them... I must destroy them... I walked or floated to the throne room leaving nothing but decay and death behind me. I slowly gained an army as the newly dead guards followed me to the throne room. I held out my skeletal hand touching the door and watching as it slowly eroded and rusted to a pile of sludge. She was waiting and appalled at my abilities. The sun shone through the windows blinding me. "Darkness will fall by my light!" "Who do you think you are to be a judge!" I yelled at her with my cold voice. My green flames spewing from my hands as I shot them at her. "I am princess Celestia! Ruler of Equestria!" She yelled back as she used some golden aura to deflect my flames. "Your kingdom will be nothing! Not even Ashes!" I flew at her grabbing her but yet.... I couldn't decay her! "Endless life..." "Alicorns are immortal!" Yelled Celestia Then all I knew was that a large orb shot at me and I was consumed by it. Next thing I knew I was trapped inside it and I was... in a cell.. "Welcome to Tartarus" I looked up and I saw some kind of red goat. Ignoring him I sat down So easily defeated.... So easily thrown away! I will kill her... That Celestia.... She will die by my skeleton hand!