//------------------------------// // Prologue The Assignment // Story: I am Your Friend or Foe // by ZeroPony55 //------------------------------// At the far outskirts of White Tail Woods, the best hive lay rest there. Chrysalis had order a certain changeling to come met her in her throne room. The changeling soon came by the help off two guards. "There you are I need you do to something." "You know I can't produce anymore changelings yet" the male changeling said. "No of course nothing like that" she said with a little blush. He was a little surprise from her response, he usually assume she just wanted to mated, since this is the best type of hive there is there should be more changelings, or that's what he been told. "So what to you need of me?" "I'm planning a attack on Ponyville, but there on high alert because of a lower hive tried attacking Ponyville. I need you to lift the get rid of the alert states." "Ok, but why me, you know how important a male changeling is." "I know, but most of our skill warriors are busy defending the hive by monsters, and a simple worker can not do." "Find, who am I posing as?" "We created a pony for you to use." "Here is your character-" a maid changeling handed him his ID "-Your name is Raiden, you do not have any parents and how you act is up to you, but must wield a sword, and cutie marks should be a shield, so you job is being mercenary" she finish handing all of Raiden's stuff. "Why create a pony?" Raiden asked. "It's more useful for calming down the ponies, besides you might get caught if you pose as somepony important." "What kind of a name is Raiden?" "We were planning to call you, Snake, but the Conami hive already took that name, and you know how they acted if you copy them" the maid changeling said. "Don't remind me, I'm glad that I'm a male, all males go here." "Yeah you lucky, now get out of here and start on your mission." Raiden nodded as he left his hive and made his way to Ponyville. He walked a whole four steps and he already found that this mission was annoying. He already misses relaxing all day long and now he had to do things. Mating with the queen wasn't so bad even though it gets annoying once in a while, he would to that instead of this mission, but he already accept the mission and he could turn back, so he tried to look at the positive side. Seeing the same stuff gets boring so there's that. More freedom, since males were only really there to mated and stuff. Soon he thought of a another good thing that made him have a big smile on his face. He finally get to make friends instead off changeling doing his every bidding. He never really got to make a friend so he's really excited for this. He was about half way though the White Tail Woods, and soon got a call on deciding what kind of pony he should be. As he check over his disguise. He thought hard for a while. If he was a earth pony he could be more stronger, or a pegasus speed and tricky, or a unicorn smart, and useful magic spells. He decided to go with the unicorn, casting shields could help ponies trust him more. As he changed into a unicorn he notice some timberwolves blocking entrance of the forest. He decided to still use his mouth, instead of his magic. The two timberwolves charged at him. Raiden slash his weapon upwards so it slice off a foot from a timberwolf, and while it was still standing one two legs, he stab it up close and personal. He then lifted the timberwolf with his sword and toss it away. He soon face the other timberwolf only to find it clawing his face. He backed off from the attack, and expect the damage he gotten. His face was bleeding, but nothing too serious or that wood be bad. He rushed and slice the timberwolf in half so he could get it over with. He decided to head to a nearby river, so he could clean off the blood of his face. It took a while to make it to the river, but who cares, it's not like Ponyville would lift the alert states in that time, he took. As he clean the blood off him he remember that his blood was green, he forgot to cast the spell so quickly cast, he was happy that he choice to be a unicorn, it saves time too. Once he finish cleaning, he grab his stuff and headed to Ponyville. He decide to stay nearby the river, so he be able to get a drink of water at anytime, and the river also goes by Ponyville so it's seems to be a good plan. He walked for what it seems to be forever. He couldn't see the town, which was weird, because the area he was in was clear as day, but he did notice a three fillies being attacked by some changelings. He decided to contact his helper guide, on what to do. "Protect them, those changelings were sent to help you gain some ponies trust. Don't screw it up now" his helper guide said, Raiden didn't find this as a good idea, but he could in those changelings eyes, that they didn't care if he show up, they only care on hurting them. Raiden narrowed his eyes, he never like when changelings picking on just about anypony, it didn't seem right to him. He charged full speed head. He decided to not use sword, they just a gather changelings so it wouldn't be that hard. As knotted two changelings out causing the other two to retreat with their knot-out buddies. "You three ok?" "Yeah we're fine here mister" the earth pony with a pink bow ribbon tie to her mane said. "Good your lucky those changelings were just gatherers, and not any other changelings types." "I guess we are lucky then" the white unicorn said. "Hey how to you know what kind of changelings they were anyways" the orange pegasus said. "Well... I uhh-" he soon got a call telling him he should say that he studies changelings. "-I study changelings, so that's how I know." "Oh really then why do you need that sword then, huh." "I might be studying, but I'm not a idiot, I need a way to defend myself." "He does have a point, Scootaloo" the white unicorn said. "I just making sure he's not a changeling" Scootaloo said. "Why would I fight those changelings, if I was a changeling." "I don't it's just changelings are stupid and they only do stupid things." Raiden had a sudden urged to just punch the filly in the face, but he resisted for his assignment. "Changelings aren't dumb, they work like bees, are hard workers and well organize." "Then why in the hay would gathers attack us then?" the earth pony said. "Your probably blocking, what they're looking for." "But it's just grass everywhere, why can't they grab somewhere else, like over there" she said pointing at a random location that had grass. "Some changelings can be really neat picky, like the queen" Raiden said and soon after he gets scolded for saying such things, even if it's true. "Wow you do know a lot about changelings, hey, Applebloom he could probably help Ponyville" the white unicorn said. "That's a great idea, what to you say?" "I don't mind, but I don't why Ponyville need help" Raiden said, acting all innocent." "Find he could come, I'm Scootaloo, by the way, and you better not be a changeling spy or something" Scootaloo said. "I'm Applebloom" Applebloom said. "And I'm Sweetie Belle" Sweetie Belle said. "And we're the CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" the three fillies shouted at the same times. Raiden lifted his hooves off his ears "I'm Raiden." "Hi, Raiden c'mon let's get back to Ponyville" Sweetie Belle said, and soon the four made their way back to Ponyville.