//------------------------------// // Chapter Seven A dark cloud blocks a sun beam, and the smooth talk of Kicker mares // Story: Sisu // by Ebony Gryphon //------------------------------// David marched. Not strolled, not walked, not jogged. David marched. His every step gave the air of a man with much to do, and not one to waste time with nonsense. Things to do, alicorns to counsel, and God help any who dared stay his stride. Clearly not all the ponies who frequented the castle had been given notice. "Ah, sir David. I see thy stern and scarred visage doth add such cheer to the halls." Turning towards the voice, David nodded, reply evenly "Archmagus Sparkle." Turning back to his route, the human continued on, the mare keep pace. Humming cheerfully, the unicorn began peel an orange as she walked. Cocking a brow, Sunbeam inspected the newest article of attire the human had been granted. Across his shoulder a navy blue cape wafted as he marched, the emblem of the sun and moon giving clear rank to an obvious upstart. Taking an orange slice, Sunbeam giggled. "A paladin, are we my dear" David stride didn't even miss a step. Biting into the fruit, Sunbeams eyes rolled up thoughtfully. "Such a burden our Queen has lain across thy back. Such a title has not been granted since her sister went mad." David marched. Sunbeam grimaced. She was not a mare to be ignored or taken lightly. All of the court had heard what she'd done to that filth Valiant, knew of her sadistic hobbies. All feared her, as it should be, and none would dare interfere with her. But something about this human... he was more then a thorn. All males, in Sunbeams view, were either friendly fools or brutes, and both could be brow beat or enticed to do as she wanted them to do. But David... in his cool blue eyes she saw a steel will and a sharp mind. Pulling out another section, Sunbeam chewed. No matter. All males, whatever their form, thought with the same thing, and Sunbeam knew that this male was no different. Smiling enticingly, Sunbeam matched pace with the human. "Truly thou must be a man of great promise to bear that cape." David looked forward, and marched. Giggling demurely, Sunbeam batted her lashes up at the human. "Come now, surely that are gifted in tongue as thou are in face..." "I have many gift, Archmagus. Many skills. And I am no mute, I merely wish not to waste my breath of the noises they carry on you. Sunbeams alluring smile became rictus, her eyes flaring under he mane. Not missing a step, Sunbeam gave toss of her mane, her honeyed words not giving a hint of the fury she felt. "Oh, I'm not such a bad filly once you get to know me. Just a mare willing to do what is needed." David looked down from the corner of his eye. "So I've heard..." Clucking her tongue, Sunbeam sighed wearily. "The servants rumors and idle talk has soiled thy ears. If they are so lacking in work, then..." "Tis not the wagging tongues that had done so, but yours Arcmagus. Your words are poorly veiled, your desires as plain as the nose of your cute little face." "Thou thinkest me a despot then" David shook his head. "The desire to gain power is not a sin. Those who claim they desire no such thing, doth not desire the power to change thing." David paused in his stride. "Sunbeam... you are... petty. Capricious and cruel to the in your charge, condesceinding to your equals, and simpering to your betters. But..." David opened a door, and standing, waved the mare in. Cocking a brow, Sunbeam walked in, expecting her queen.... instead was met with three humans at a table, a scarred pegasus scowling at the mare from the corner. Looking over her shoulder, Sunbeam regarded the human. Smiling, David closed the door. "Welcome to thy second chance, ye stupid. Here, you will learn. To temper thy vices, to know the truth, to bask in the light of Reason and Order. Here, you shall leave your pettiness behind, will shuck thy cruelty as one shucks a cacoon, and stand before the world in all your beauty. Thou shalt learn the balance in all things, shall know when to strike and when to stay the hoof, and will build with your teachers a world at peace." "David..." Folding his arms, the human cut the mare off. "Sunbeam sparkle, thou hast been brought here to be our student. Hast thou a thirst for our truths, a hunger to know our secrets, to proudly bear the glory of Reason and Order" Eyes shimmering, and more then a little shocked, Sunbeam yelped "I do, I do!" Eyes blasing, David snarled "Apprentice, wilt thou be a mighty keep for our gifts. Wilt thou keep thy tongue still of matters of the Templar, Wilt thou go to thy grave, the secrets you have been entrusted fading as you do, "I will." Putting a hand on her neck, David pulled a ring from his shirt pocket. "Then take thine first gift, my child. Brothers, bear witness and rejoice as we are joined by our sister Sunbeam! May the light of Reason and Order be our lamp, and may all our land soon be a beacon to the world, a shining jewel of Purpose and Meaning in a world that scoffs at all we desire and revere." Dropping the ring into her trembling hoof, David stepped back, and began to clap, the other humans and the pegasus joining after a moment. Feeling a nose nuzzle her wither, Sunbeam looked to her left and gasped. Celestia gave a soft smile "Welcome sister. May you learn to be a blessing I always knew you could be." Crossing his arms again, David cleared his throat, and waiting for their apprentice to look back at him, he said softly "Sister, by taking that ring, you are obliged to the Templar order for all your days. Here we will teach thee all we know, our history, and principals. Before, you must face us as an accused." Sunbeam nodded, and sat back on her haunches. "First, Sister, is that matter brought to us by Sister Celestia of Trottingham. Were your actions there needed>" "Aye.." "Once there, you mutilated a colt, turning him into a bomb, correct." Sunbeams jaw worked a moment, the in a monotones, she gave another aye. "Hardly commendable Sister... but we've found you guiltless in this matter. For the greater good, sacrifices must be made. Kill one to save many. But always ye must endeavor to take no life if thou can. However, there is another matter, brought us by our pegasus brother. Your petty pissing match with the one called Valiant. This matter is grave indeed, and one that must be brought to bear." Sunbeams ears flattened, and she looked down at her hooves. "The first matter is the duel itself. There is no excuse Sister for such barbarity. In the future, you will not shame us with such deeds, is that clear>" "But more pressing... is the outcome. You had beaten him, he was no threat. Reason said that all the force needed had been done. But you succumbed to your vices. Not for Order or peace your turned his wing to ash, then gouged his eyes. And then, inst a manner that pains your new Brothers on a intimate level, you gelded the poor colt." Sunbeams mouth slid into a grimace. "Hast thou merely brought me here to mock me..." For the first time, the pegasus spoke, his voice a quiet rumble, as though within the very pony a storm was in the making. "Tis not enough thou Clipped that poor sod... then ye didn't even have the decency to clean thy plate and end it..." At this, the mare sneered. "Do not presume ye know me tin toy..." His one eye burning with his indignation, the pony began to stand, but stopped at Davids raised hand. "Brother, she is right to be angry. We hath a lesson to impart, but such things do not come easy. Please, be patient with her." Snorting is disgust, the stallion sat back down. Turning back to the unicorn, David continued sternly "... as for you, my Sister... thou arst a new born in our family, so I will only warn you this time. Thou arst not the Archmagus here, thou art our Sister. Thou may not care for your new winged Brother, but thou will show respect." Sunbeam merely grunted, and gave a curt nod. "Sister... raise thy head. Thus is thy first lesson as a Templar: in all things, Reason must be thy guide, Order thy goal. Thou killed not for thy life or that of yours, not to keep Order, but for thy own pleasure. You tortured another for thine own amusement, like a sad child tearing the legs from insects. Celestia hath restored thy title and privilege so you may better thyself , not so you may indulge in the dalliances and waste of those who think themselves as Nobles." "Wait..." slowly, Sunbeam turned back to Celestia. Eyes wide with shock, she whispered "Princess... I thought..." "You thought you were needed, or gained my favor once more. Neigh, ye stupid foal. The only reason you retain thy station is at the behest of David. One knowest thou art unused to gratitude..." "Still, sister. You cause her pain." Putting a finger under her chin, David smiled, and said softly "As I said, my dear... thou must temper thy vices and lusts. You are here to learn here, and all else besides. Twould be a sin to let thee languish in poverty, but this boon is thy last. There shan't be a third. Do you understand." Taking his hand in her hooves, Sunbeam whispered, "My lord, my light, this debt is beyond my meager life to repay. For all my days and nights, I am yours" Gently placing his hand on her head, David nodded approvingly. "Yes, you are. And I have need of thy mind and body." "You need only ask..." "Tell me Sunbeam... do you like...the ocean." ......... Night had fallen over the city, and Sunbeam sat gasing down at the light, exhausted. Who was this David. In moments, he had her nussling her cheek against his hand, pledging her life and body to his service. Blushing under her fur at the memory, Sunbeam pressed a hoof to the ring she had strung a silver chain through. Feeling the metal against her hoof, she shivered. No one, particularly any stallion, had this effect. Even the mare she loved (insofar as she could feel such things) had not made her so enraptured. Indeed, David was scarred and rough edged, an ugly specimen. But his character, presence, certainty, and his genuine concern for her aside from her abilities as Archmagus... Years of thinking herself a chessmaster, Sunbeam now found she was merely a school yard foal with a championship in tiddly winks compared to this man. Even that whorse savage Shadow would kneel before such a man... And while she took joy in the thought of one as her brought low, under it was the fear of such a thing coming to pass. Shadow was a bitch she wolf, and the only thing a bitch does more then strut and be an alpha is roll onto their back to expose their belly in submission when the true leader of the pack arrives. And that wouldn't be Sunbeam. She and that bitch were in the same boat. But while Shadow was a mere thorn in his side, she, Sunbeam, was his allie. He'd brought her her title, her place in the court, but she was needed again. And as long as she was needed, and feared and respected by lessers of the court, her daughter would never want for all the best Sunbeam could provide. Midnight... for a moment, Sunbeams heart stilled. He had never mentioned her, but... if she failed as his protege, if she stepped out of line... no, she wouldn't let that happen. But if he wanted her... No! Not even for David. In every way she could, Sunbeam would be invaluable to her clan, become irreplaceable, prove Midnight either unneeded or having no reason to be harmed. He'd never said words to that effect, but its what she would do, and great minds thought alike, did they not. No, his eyes would never stray. She'd obey, be a good mare, finish her studies and chores, just like she'd impressed on her own child. The irony of her moment didn't even flick in her mind. Sunbeam, grand visier of Canterlot, Archmagus, heedless to mare and stallion alike, had been brought to heel in a single hour, and enraptured with a male or another species. Her pride was broken, and she didn't even notice. She'd sold her pride when she accepted her title and status. Sunbeam was a good little whore. ............ Arron straddled over the prostrate mare, and smirking, he pushed into her. Eyes rolling to the back of her head, Shadow growled in annoyance. "Come one boy... put it to meee,.... gam, ungghh..." Prideful retorts and jeers replaced with another throaty moan and her tongue rolling from her mouth, Shadow dug a hoof into the ground, her body going into another shiver as the human went to work. "My word, Shadow-san... never mind the armor, all your sternness has really caused your muscles to clench up." Feeling his fingers kneading into her back, Shadow hissed, and thumped the ground with her hoof. "Less words... more rubs..." Shaking his head, Arron slowly moved up the mares back, hands working overtime. "Your one big knot! The further I go, the more tense it gets... especially here..." Feeling fingers press into her back between her shoulder blades, Shadow yelped, and tried to wiggle away, feeling her wings already beginning to.... and with a firm press of the palm and and a groan of distress an unwanted jolt to her body, Arron was granted the full gloried view of Shadow Kicker, hero of Canterlot, victor of the Rebellion and eventual symbol of a cult, popping with a pride filled whumpf a full and complete wing boner. Mortified, Shadow covered her head in her hooves, wishing both for an immediate death or a good five minutes by herself, whichever came first. Feeling the humans hands on the most valued part of her, Shadows head jerked up, then feeling the fingers working over the edges, her eyes fluttered and with a throaty mutt, her head slumped back down. Maybe a few more minutes, Shadow reasoned, biting her lip as Arron firmly rubbed her wings joint. "Heavens woman, all this muscle tension..." "A little to the left...." .............................................. Shadow sharpened her weapons again, her gase anywhere but Arron. Blushing furiously under her fur, Shadow glanced back at her traitorous wings, quivering and pleasantly aching from the kneeding of strong and trained hands. After taking a walk... a looong walk, Shadow couldn't even look at the human, who sipping tea, seemed oblivious to sending a mare in desperate need of a five minute break. Clearing her throat, Shadow said "You've a fair shake at that rubbing stuff lad. If you ever need a home, my clan would gladly take you in..." And more besides, she added in her head. Hell, if all humans can do that. integration would be foals play. "In truth, I'm surprised. Ive hear tale thy wings are thy most valued jewel, and to touch thee in such a manner shows a deep kinship." Grinning nervously as her blade slipped from her hooves, Shadow nodded eagerly. "Yes! Kinship! Friend, trust... yes. Your kin now Arron." Bowing in his seated spot, Arron looked ready to weep with joy "Thank you Shadow. Thy gift is a jewel beyond all, and an honor that shames this humble man." Cheeks flushing again, Shadow picked up her weapon. "Oh, believe me, taking you into my clan is a pleasure." And for fingers like that, the trip down to the ground from Cloudsdale will be worth it, Shadow added in her mind. Looking at her wing, Shadow frowned. "Hey Arron... get back there and be a good kinsman. I got a spot back their with some feathers need rooting out." Nodding, Arron stood and walked over, and as he did, Shadow tucked her tongue into her cheek and rolled eyes upward, snarking in her mind Not to mention the world of good a few pulled pinions can do for the state you've me in, you bastard. Kneeling behind her, Arron began his work, working his fingers through the plumage. Teeth gritting, Shadows right eye twitched as the human testing the feathers. Okay... bad, bad idea... And one I'm beginning to relish a little... "Found one." Shadow jumped as a jolt ripped through her, a flash of pain cutting through the mares mental hase of feeling. Mind clear, Shadow whimpered. Okay... pain helped... good mood killer... "Found another." Shadow gritted her teeth as the recent thoughts of Rightly Doo were chased by the very hands who brought the fantasies forth. "Thank the Maker boy... those things itch like made... ow!" "Of course Shadow. Glad to help." Leaning forward, he whispered "And next time your walks lead you to saying "Rightly Doo" verbose enough to scare away birds, a dip in a cold lake may be a better option to save both our faces from shame." A muffled squawk of dismay rent the air, followed by a muffled thump. Eventually she'd learn desensitizing during a massage, and he would learn a hoof shaped shiner was worth the look on the mares face, but it would be weeks before the two could look at each other again. And one day, Shadow would be amongst the first to shed her armor in Arrons shop, and enjoy his hands again. And even sooner, Arron would wake up to a migraine and a fuming pegasus battle mare. As Shadow sat glaring down at her soon to be victim, Gale sat in a tree, shaking her head. ............................... Looking at Carpenter, she stammered "What now>" Kneeling on the branch, Carpenter reached over to the mare, giving her ear a tug. Giggling despite herself, Gale pushed the hand away. "Cease thy hands! What does thou wis from that." "Just seeing if their adjusted right, lady Gale. Surely thy tucking thine ears to thy head has made them weak in their resting state. And thy unhappiness hath stopped them from hearing a word I have said." Reaching up again, the human gently scratched the mare behind the ear. Although Gale was choler that he would treat as he would a dog, the anger faded as she leaned into the hand, actually enjoying sensation, and beggining to feel a bit better despite herself. Pulling away, Carpenter nodded. "Better Sniffing, Gale nodded. Sitting fully on his branch, Carpenter laid a hand on each knee. "Now... lets you and talk, hmm. What could be so bad." Rolling her eyes, Gale snorted. "Who'st are thee, my Father." "If thou desire it so..." "Strewth. then daddy, would thou be so kind as to go to ground so I don't worry your gonna fall and break your neck." Nodding, Carpenter lept off the branch, and sat at the base of the tree. Sighing, Gale glided down, and took the spot the human had indicated. Feeling an arm wrap around her shoulders, Gale jumped as she was drawn close. "Okay... little girl. Whats wrong' Scrunching her mussle, the stunned mare tapped her front hooves together anxiously. "Well papa... for one, I feel the fool right." Grinning, Carpenter ruffled the top of Gales head. "Ah, I knew it! My little girls all grown up! She's discovered boys!" Blushing furiously, Gale struggle to right herself, stammering "What are you.... no! Let go!" Wrapping both arms around her neck, Carpenter clucked his tongue. "Girls then" Huffing, Gale crossed her forelegs, and pouted. "Your an ass..." Feeling his arms loosen, but still holding her, Carpenter rested his chin on the top of the mares head. "Sorry... but really... what pains, my little wing. What can dad do to make it stop." Sighing, Gale laid back against the human. "I hurt her, papa. I hurt her in the worst way. i hurt Mother." Chuckling, Carpenter ruffles Gales mane again. "That all silly filly. All thou need to di is to talk to Shadow. All any parent wants is their? "But... how... what if she still loathers me..." Tightening his grip, the human said sternly "Don't think that a moment. Your her little girl, and that's all there is to it. And thats what we mothers and fathers do... we love our kids, and pick them right back up when they fall. Trust me, little wing... your Mother will forgive you..." Turning around, and pressing her hooves to his chest to gently push away, Gale looked at the human. "How do you know?" Smiling, Carpenter kissed her forehead. "You mind your father now Gale, and march right to camp and talk to Shadow right this instant." Giggling, Gale wrapped her forelegs around his neck. "Thanks... dad."