//------------------------------// // Chapter 91 // Story: The Darkness in our Souls // by Black Light //------------------------------// Chapter 91 "Okay bags pack?" I asked. "Check." Skies responded. "Extra Food?" "In both side pockets." "Portable tents that probably won't get used?" "On the couch." "Alright I think we've got everything." I said putting down the small notepad I had been levitating. "Can you think of anything we might need?" I asked Skies. "Not particularly, we've been outside for longer with less." She answered. "Alright let's get a move on then. We're supposed to be meeting with everypony on the edge of town." I said picking up the bags we had packed. "Do you think Winsome Fall will be as exciting as the Everfree?" Skies asked. "Probably not, the Everfree has a lot more interesting creatures in it." I answered. "...Remember don't tell anypony about our trips into that forest. Especially Rainbow, if she found out I was going in there just to pass the time she'd probably get pretty upset." "I know, I know." Skies responded picking up her own bag. We left the house not soon after and started making our way towards the outskirts of town. As we approached I noticed two things. The first was that everypony besides us and Rainbow were there, the second and more prominent sight however... "Rarity, is all that really necessary?" I asked as I approached, straining my neck to look at the top of the stack of luggage sitting before me. "But of course. You never know what disasters might strike. Surely you brought something for emergencies." Rarity responded. "I brought some spare food...and a small tent." I said. "That's all?!" Rarity asked with some surprise. "You forget who you're talking to. We've survived weeks in a forest with a saddle bag that only had a gallon of ice-cream in it." I told her. "I think we'll be fine." I said with a smile. Rarity just shook her head. "Well don't come crying to me when you begin to regret your decision." She told me. "Well looks like everypony is here. Let's get a move on." Applejack said to the group. "What about Rainbow Dash, she's coming to right?" Scootaloo asked. I smiled slightly. It was no secret that the filly was a fan of Rainbow. "Now don't you worry 'bout it. She's going to be meeting us at our first camp sight." Applejack answered the filly. Scootaloo looked slightly relieved when she got the answer. "Alright, let's move 'em out." Applejack said s the group began to walk away. I began to walk too when I saw Rarity. 'What's she doing about her-' My train of thought stopped as I looked back and saw her luggage's mode of transportation. Sweetie Belle was attached to the large cart. '...I don't really know what I was expecting.' I sighed. "Think you can handle two more packs?" I asked Skies. "With as light as we packed. I think I can manage." She answered with a small smirk. I rolled my eyes and levitated the bags over to her. She took then in her hooves and started to fly ahead. I walked over to Rarity's cart and used my magic to unhook Sweetie Belle from it. She looked around surprised before she saw me. "Go on, walk with your friends. I got this." I said to her. "Really?" She asked. "Yes." I answered. Then I looked up at the towering luggage. "Now go before I change my mind about this." Sweetie Belle ran off happily, catching up to her friends. I hooked myself up to the cart and began to pull. It took some strain but I got it moving, and I'm certain we would be moving faster with me here. The trip to the first campsite was relatively short, but it certainly was longer than it had to be. I walked into the camp sporting a light sweat. 'Can't wait to drag this thing around for the weekend.' I thought to myself. I unhitched myself from the cart and looked around. I saw a nice tree standing a little ways away. I gave a small smile and went and sat down under it. Trying to take a short nap. I woke some time later by a hoof poking my side. I looked around and saw Rainbow standing next to me. "So are you gonna set up for camp or what?" She asked me. "I'm already done." I told her. "What do you-" She paused a moment. "You're planning on sleeping under the tree aren't you?" She asked. "Exactly." Rainbow sighed. "Well it's not the craziest sleeping arrangement I've seen today." "Meaning?" I asked. She tilted her head to the side. I turned and looked, and promptly lost the ability to keep my jaw closed. Sitting in front of me, was a small house. "...Rarity?" "Rarity." Rainbow answered. I sighed. "Does that mare even know the definition of camping?" I asked shaking my head. "Well you apparently know the definition too well." Rainbow told me. "Just because I choose to sleep under a tree doesn't mean anything." I responded. She shook her head, but had a small smile. "Anyways, I'm about to start telling some scary stories. You should join in." She told me. "Scary stories you say?" I said with a chuckle. "Seems right up my alley, but try not to scar those three fillies for life." I said jokingly. "Three? You're not worried about Skies?" Rainbow asked. "Consider this, Skies is my little sister...I think she's okay with scary." I answered. "...Suppose so." Rainbow answered. "Well come on and join the circle." She told me. I got up and obliged her request. I sat down with Skies next to me. Both of us shared a smile as we sat down. We enjoyed scary stories, not for the story itself, but for the history of it. If it's a widely know story we probably knew the story behind the story. I listened as Rainbow began to set the mood for the story. "It all happened on a night just like this one. In a forest just like this..." She began. I suppressed a chuckle as she started the story. That opener had been used basically since scary stories had even been made up. Rainbow may lack originality, but she does do a good job at setting up the story. Then she got into the story. "...And then the Olden Pony asked, 'Who's got my rusty horseshoe?'" "Not me" Sweetie Belle said with fear lacing her voice. "You Do!" Rainbow said suddenly flying next to the fillies sending Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle running. Scootaloo on the other hoof managed to stay in her seat, but I think that's just because she was frozen with fear. But too her credit she managed to play it off rather well. From the way she acted I probably would've believed that she wasn't scared at all...if I couldn't feel the waves of fear coming from her. I smiled. 'Trying to stay brave even in the face of pure fear. She's more like Rainbow than either of them realize.' I thought to myself. 'Seems like this is going to be a good camping trip. Scootaloo will have to show that she's afraid eventually. Not like that's a bad thing, truthfully it's exactly the opposite. When you hide your fear you can't get help for it. I hope everyday is like this.' I thought to myself. My gaze drifted over to the pile of Rarity's luggage. '...Okay maybe I wish one thing was different.'