I am Your Friend or Foe

by ZeroPony55

Chapter 3 A Guard Comes Too... Uh Guard?

A good chuck of minutes roll by, and Raiden decided he couldn't make contact anymore so he decided to look at a spell book. He soon learn how to enhance his lasers, and some better teleporting skills, which was outstanding, since a simple book was better then the masters back at the hive. He soon started to doubt this whole mission, and his hive. The best of the best goes to that hive and he was able to learn more from a public book, and that's saying something. Raiden continue reading the book until he found a signal jammer spell and he decide that he is his own master now. He was happy about this, it not like he was able to get out, heck he was only there to mate. Once he finish with his final thought Twilight came back.

"I got you a house and a couple of bits" she said tossing the bag of bits in his face causing her to giggle a bit.

"Owww... metal hurts you know" Raiden complain.

"I bet it does, so anyways I got you two guards to help you get to your new home. Take him away" Twilight order and soon two guards grab Raiden and went to his new home.

Raiden now only wonders how this kind hearted brat became princess.

The guards let Raiden down and his new home. The first thing Raiden notice is the town hall very close by, He got his key to his house from the guards, but before they leave he asked them a question "I don't want to be rude, but doesn't princess, Twilight act non-princess like?"

"Princess, Twilight started acting differently when she decided to hang out with princess, Luna a lot more, what they did, we don't know. So go asked the bat ponies when there here for the night shift" the guard said, which surprise Raiden a bit.

Satisfied with his answer, and he knew he couldn't get anymore, he dismiss the guards and went into his house. The house only had five rooms. His bedroom was on the second floor, and next to it was the bathroom. The kitchen is connected to the living room and that's connected to a guest room. It isn't really big, but it could fit at least can hold for a small party. He didn't really mind the space and he could expand if he wanted too, the backside of his house is empty. With a few bits he could claim that land if he wanted to. After sorting some things out, he decide to go to town hall to fix any problems Ponyville had to offer, he might not work for Chrysalis, but he wanted to help his town if he plan to stay. He grab a couple of bits and head out.

Raiden left his home and took a couple steps towards town hall and then he encounter two changelings disguise as guards. "What to you want" Raiden acting like he didn't know they were changelings.

"Our princess would like to talk to you" a changeling said.

"Yeah you have to some explaining to do" the other changeling said.

"Well... TOO BAD!" Raiden shouted while casting a reveal spell on the two changeling.

The two changelings were in a little shock for a while "HOW DARE YOU!" the first changeling yelled, casting a fireball at him, while the other changeling was casting the reveal spell.

Raiden just cast a shield to block both spells, he plan to just stall for a while and soon after the two changelings got tackle by some guards. Raiden watch the two changelings getting taken away, and as their final words they yelled in their own language "TRAITOR!" Hearing this made him think was it really necessary. He just sent his sisters of to jail to do who knows what, but he remember this is his new self, and now there's no turning back now.

He made It to town hall to find the mayor doing some paper work. "Oh you must be, Raiden. Twilight told me you be living in the house no so far from here" Raiden only nodded. "So what do you want I'm very busy."

"I want to help Ponyville, so is there anything, I can do?"

"Mmmmmmm... You study changeling correct?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Don't call me ma'am just because I have grey hair."

"Whatever you say."

"Going back on topic, I want you to go Ponyville's prison and talk to the changelings, you know to see what the changelings what."

"Ok... wait Ponyville has a prison?"

"Well it's not really a prison, is just a house that holds all the changelings we captured."

"Oh ok, where is it?"

"I have a guard waiting for you outside. Go on don't keep the guard waiting."

"But how did-."


"-OK!" Raiden said, leaving the town hall in a hurry.

Raiden waited in front of the town hall for a whole one minute and he was bored like crazy. He wanted to leave and find this prison on his own, but he didn't want to have a guard just standing there, if there is one coming that is. He waited for another whole minute to pass and then another whole minute and then somepony crashed into him.

"Watch where your going, idiot" the guard said getting up.

"You're the one, who crashed into me, I was standing completely still" Raiden said getting up.

"Why would you do that, don't you know there are changelings around you should be at home, unless you have a guard with you-" the guard look around for Raiden's guard, but didn't find somepony. "-Soooooo how is your day" the guard said slowly taking out his spear.

"I'm not a changeling, I have this" Raiden show his badge to the guard.

"Oh so your a outsider, what are you doing here?"

"I waiting for this guard to escort this so called prison."

"Wait... are you, Raiden by any chance?"

"Yes I am, are you the guard that suppose to escort me to the prison?"

"Yup the mayor told me about you three minutes ago."

"How is that... you want I don't care just take me to the prison."

"Yeah yeah let's go, oh and my name is, Sunny. Let's go" Sunny said going to a random direction.

Geez he doesn't even look like he know where's he going and what stallion name is Sunny, Raiden thought to himself.

The two walked around town like it was some sort of trade quest. "You have no idea where the prison is, now do you?" Raiden asked Sunny.

"I know where it is, it's a place with a bunch of guards" Sunny said, causing Raiden to hoofpalm himself.

"Didn't they give a map or something."

"Right I knew that just give me a second I have it here somewhere, why don't you look around the area, so if I find a map we can located where we are easier."

"At least you still know how to use brain" Raiden said moving away from Sunny.

Once Sunny couldn't see Raiden anymore, he quickly took off his armor. "Sweet, Celestia why do I have to be his bodyguard... he also seems strange and I guess he's... no no I have to focus get the map and put back the armor, nopony must know" Sunny said to herself quietly. He soon found the map and call Raiden over, but he didn't show up. After a while he was worried he might have gotten lost or something so he went to go look for him. Sunny took to the sky too located him. He spotted him fighting some guards, and charged at him. "ARE YOU CRAZY!" he yelled, dive bombing him.

Raiden looked at the direction of somepony shouting, and once he saw Sunny diving at him he quickly teleported himself out of the way. "What the heck, Sunny aim at them not me they're the changelings" Raiden complain.

"They don't look like changelings" Sunny said, getting up.

"Of course they don't look like changelings they're in disguise" Raiden said punching a guard.

"And how do you know this?"

"Are you kidding me, I'm a unicorn, I have the spell to reveal who they are, they just change back, and also there's no other guards nearby so it's just us."


Raiden facehoof himself, and then cast the reveal spell again.

"Ooooh ops my bad."

Raiden faced Sunny "I feel like I can do better without you" Raiden said, knotting out one of the changelings that snuck up behind him.

"Well I'm a guard so I supposed to be better, and to prove I finish off that changeling" Sunny pointed and then charged. It took ten seconds flat for her to get beaten by the changeling.

Raiden went to threw a rock on the changeling to knot it out "You have a weapon, and I used a rock, how on Equestria did you lose?"

"He had horn, I was clearly at a disadvantage."

"Yeah ever though she never used it" Raiden said, helping Sunny up.

"I knew that, it's just my plan was involve the enemy using magic" Sunny made up.

"Sure your plan involve magic."

"Are you going to help me brings these two to the prison or not."

"You figure out where the prison is?"

"Well yeah it's just on the other side of turn."

"Why didn't I asked sooner" Raiden complained.

"Stop complaining and let's get moving, and by the way, how did you know that changeling was a female?"

"Most changelings are born a mare, it isn't really a big surprise since mares pretty much rule Equestria. that's why we stallions should stick together right."

"Uhhhh... yup we guys should stick together" Sunny said in a unsteady voice.

"Right let's go" Raiden said dashing while dragging a knotted out changeling.

"Hey wait up" Sunny said dragging the other knotted out changeling, while only one thing in his mind, mares aren't always get what they want even if they rule over everypony.