The Darkness in our Souls

by Black Light

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

After Rainbow had finished her story everypony went to bed. Rarity and Sweetie Belle went into the mini-house, Applejack and Apple Bloom went to their tent, And Rainbow and Scootaloo went to theirs. Skies and I went and found a comfortable spot under the tree. As my mind drifted off to sleep I felt my mind pass into the realm of nightmares. I opened my eyes and saw...our campsite?

'Guess I didn't really fall asleep?' I thought to myself with some confusion. 'Could swear this feels like a-'

My thought was cut short as I heard mumbling coming from the forest. It was then that I really looked around my surroundings. The forest was looking a whole lot more menacing than I remembered it. '...So this is a nightmare.' I thought to myself. 'I wonder who's?'

From the corner of my eye I saw movement. I looked over and saw Scootaloo sticking her head out of her tent with a worried expression.

'That answers that question. Wonder what she's going to do now?' I thought to myself as I watched her. I heard hoof steps approaching the camp from the forest, and as they got louder Scootaloo's expression became more and more scared. Soon she bolted away from the sounds and into the forest. I slowly stood up and began to walk calmly after her, though with the rate at which she was running I couldn't really find her. As I was walking I caught a glimpse of something through the tree's. I couldn't see what it was clearly. I began to move closer a sudden scream stopped me. Suddenly I jolted awake, Scootaloo's silhouette in her tent told me that she had as well. I sighed to myself, that filly is going to have to admit she's scared eventually. I started to fall asleep again. 'Strange though, I think this is the first time I've entered a nightmare of somepony I actually know.' I yawned as the thought passed through my mind. 'Oh well, sleep now, question later.' I thought as my mind drifted off to sleep again.

I woke in the morning as the sun was just rising over the tree line, as I had become accustomed to. Gently I nudged Skies awake.

"Five more minutes." She said sleepily.

"No, not five more minutes. Sun's up, Applejack will want us to move soon I'm sure." I told her.

"Is Applejack up yet?" Skies asked me.

"Well no." I told her.

"Then wake me when she get's up." She responded resting her head again.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. I stood up, planning on letting Skies sleep a little while longer. However as I did Applejack walked out of her tent. I smiled as I turned around and nudged Skies.

"I told you to wake me when Applejack got up." She complained.

"You forget, Applejack's a farm pony. She no doubt woke up when I did." I told her.

Skies sighed but complied standing up and shaking her head, trying to jump start her mind. I walked over to last night's campfire and sat on the logs around it as I waited for everypony else to wake up. Applejack came and sat around the fire pit and we talked for a few minutes before Apple Bloom came out of her tent and the two sisters started to pack up their tent. Surprisingly enough Rarity and Sweetie Belle were the next to wake up. Doing so as Applejack and Apple Bloom were finishing up packing. It didn't take Rainbow and Scootaloo too long after that to come out of their tents. Everypony started to pack up soon after. We were delayed by Rarity's large 'tent' and eventually everypony had to pitch in to pack it up. As we were working I caught a glance of Scootaloo out of the corner of my eye. Her eyes were a shade redder than normal and she was moving sluggishly.

'Did she even go back to sleep?' I asked myself. 'Certainly she did, she couldn't have stayed up all night because of a scary story, right?'

Soon after Rarity was all packed up again I hooked myself up to the cart. We moved out of the campsite soon after and began our hike to the next site.

Around midway to the next campsite Applejack turned around and called back to us. "Will ya'll hurry it up. We're already late as it is."

Rarity was the first to respond. "I'm sorry it's just that this cart feels like it's getting heavier all the time!" She responded.

I gave a slight frown as I looked at her, despite her not noticing it. 'And how would she know that?' I asked myself. I paused a moment. 'You know this cart does actually feel heavier than yesterday.'

"I don't care if that cart's as heavy as a pack of mules. If we don't get a move on, it'll be dark before we get to the campsite." Applejack responded.

'Well I actually do care if this cart's as heavy as a pack of mules, and furthermore-did this cart just get lighter.' My thought stopped as Scootaloo moved passed me on her scooter. She rode up saying something quickly to Rainbow before moving farther ahead. Our trip continued forward until we reached the next campsite, a little time after the moon had risen.

"No need for tents tonight ya'll. We'll just take shelter in that cave." Applejack told us.

I chuckled. "Now this is my type of camping." I said as I walked passed the group.

"And it's perfect for the story I have planned for you all tonight. All we need is a campfire." Rainbow said as she landed next to Scootaloo. Who happily, but hesitantly accepted the task of gathering firewood. None of the others seemed to notice the second part.

' I the only pony noticing how nervous she is?' I asked myself.

I sighed as I unhooked myself from the cart and sat down at the fire pit the others were setting up. We had to wait awhile before Scootaloo came back with a few sticks. After Applejack got the fire going Rainbow began to tell the story, but was interrupted as Scootaloo asked if she could tell a story. Rainbow accepted and Scootaloo started telling her...well I don't really know what to call it, but it certainly wasn't a campfire story. Rainbow was quick to point it out and decided to take over. She chose to go with the story of the Headless horse. An old tale, it's was based off of a roving band of thieves that always wore black masks that gave the appearance of not having a head in the black night. They roamed the forest at night looking for travelers to rob. It was adapted to a story that traveling merchants told to their foals to teach them to be weary at night. It was a nice story still, probably would've been scarier if Applejack didn't jump in with a few questions, but Rainbow's reactions made up for it.

At the end of the story the three fillies were decently terrified. Then it was time for bed...if Scootaloo hadn't interjected with the thought about campfire songs. Which prompted Sweetie Belle to take the stage, or the rock in this case, from Rainbow she began to sing, for fourteen minutes straight, I counted. At the end of the song she, let her vocal cords loose and woke everypony else up from their sleep. She promptly feel asleep right on the rock.

Everypony went into the cave and took up the space inside their sleeping bags. Skies and I took the far side of the cave and laid down on the floor of the cave. Scootaloo tried to come up with a reason for everypony to stay awake, but much to her disappointment. Nopony was in the mood to stay awake for any longer. She slowly walked over to her own sleeping bag and fell asleep herself. I followed suit soon after as sleep began to overtake me.

'I wonder if she'll have a nightmare again tonight?' I asked myself. 'Oh well, I'll probably find our in the morning depending on how she's acting.' I thought as my mind drifted off.