//------------------------------// // Chapter 8: Vader verus // Story: The Dark Side // by Dynomation //------------------------------// Vader pulled himself from the thrown, dust bellowing from his mask vents, as he coughed, he rised to his full height, and turned, the first move court him off guard, now he would fight his own way, and play this bug right into his hands. Vader breathing become slower more controlled "Your skills are impressive, but you lacking in power" The changeling princess stared at him "You don`t have magic, your blearily a plaything!" she retorted, without warning one of the pillars moved from it place, it shattered as if being crushed, Vader walked forwards, crushing everything around him, cape flowing in the breeze of his own movement, With a single swift movement drew his saber from his belt. The changeling looked at him "What are you going to do with that? Make me laugh to death" Vader turn on the saber, and the smug look on her face left, the red energy of the saber lit up the room slightly, and gave Vader`s helmet a red tinge. With a quick kick the changeling kicked off Vader and buzzed into the air. "Magic swords aren`t my style, so try this on for size!" she smirked at the lightsaber disappeared from his hands, Vader growled "Very well then" his hand moving besides his body, looking up at the flying changeling. A beam of magic fired from her red glowing horn, it seem to stop a mere inch away from Vader`s helmet. With a burst of energy it collided with Vader, sending him into a fair wall. Picking himself up again Vader smiled under his helmet, time to show the power of the dark side of the force. "Your skill a clearly greater than I anticipated. But they are nothing compared to the dark side of the force" The changeling was about to speak when something began to chock her, Vader hand was out stretched in the shape of a choke, with a flick of his wrist she was sent flying to the far wall. She growled "So you can do small tricks, but I can do something more shocking!" a bolt of electricity fired from her horns, striking Vader`s chest plate. Vader breathing became quicker, electricity was the one thing he had no defence left at all. She fell to the floor, her holed filled hooves landed with a sicking 'thud' as she walked over she cackled slightly "No so tough now are you?" Vader stood up again, his height giving him his intimidating appearance, with a mighty force push he sent the changeling princess into the wall. Slamming against the wall the princess fired a bolt of lightning at Vader. Diving out of the way Vader growled using the force to concentrate he found something that would replace his saber for the moment. A sword flew into his hand with practiced finesse he moved the sword to cover the chest panel, his asthmatic breathing echoed. The changeling princess growled “You dare challenge me to a duel, your more foulish than I thought!” she spat, Vader replied in a cold voice “I was full of myself once, I haven`t been since, I know you are no threat to me” A sword appeared in both of her hands, with a powerful leap she lunged at him, trying to stab him with the points of the blade, he didn`t move until the last minute, jumping over her with a skilled flip, then kicking her into the ground. She rised from the crushed cobble stone with a grunt of pain, she glared a Vader for a moment, she launched herself again, arching her swords behind her head, with a powerful swing brought them down. Vader countered with his single blade, with metallic ‘clang’ the changeling growled pushing harder on the blade, Vader pushed back at her, forcing her off balance. With a quick swipe of the sword, red hair fell to the floor, the changeling princess looked speechless for a moment just enough time for Vader to concentrate, on his saber, he called it through the force, as the changeling reengaged him, with a fury of swings coming from both sides Vader, with great skill Vader blocked them all, and with the force he pushed her back. Vader dropped the sword, and held out his had as something a ceiling seem to glow for a moment, molten rock bubbled, as the red glow returned. Vader`s saber flew down to his hand, with a flurry of his hand, Vader brang the saber close to his chest. The changeling princess roared in range with a powerful leap she lunged at him, with a skilled slice of the blade, splitting Vader`s right hand glove. Vader wasn`t even fazed by this, he grabbed the bug with the exposed hand, with a powerful throw, she collided with the wall head first. As she fell limp to the Vader placed his saber on his belt. Tearing off the tattered glove reviling the dull metal and plastic. He walked over to the fallen princess for a moment “One hostage is as good as another” he said to himself, picking up the smaller bug he carried her away, he passed through the throne room doors he closed them. Walking through the archway Vader found the CMC with eager smiles on their face for the dark lord “Mister Vader!” all of them said, he looked down once he reached the three fillies “Tell me have you placed the bombs?” all of them nodded. “Very Good, let`s go before they disintegrate us” he said moving away, with the changeling still on his shoulder. His cape flow was slightly impaired by the changeling hanging limp over his shoulder. “Mister Vader who`s that?” asked Sweetie Belle. Vader didn`t turn to face her “Chrysalis daughter. She was waiting for the forces of Canterlot” He moved his robotic into the light for a moment as he walked along. None of the crusaders noticed, but the small wiring sound it made echoed slightly. “Does anypony hear that sound?” asked Scootaloo, Applebloom looked around. Vader hand was covered by his cloak for a moment he didn`t even consider his own hand making the noise. His hand twitched subconsciously for a split second he looked at the hand free of the changeling princess limp body. ‘I will have to tell them eventually’