The Third Diamond

by The Delirium

Letters, Insomnia, and Uno

The cute little filly with the white coat and purple and pink mane known as Sweetie Belle should have been asleep. More importantly, she wanted to be sleep. It was a school night, after all, and she did not want to spend tomorrow tired. However, her insomnia was getting the best of her. Sweetie Belle tossed and turned in her bed, wondering why sleep would not grace her with its presence. Actually, that was not completely true. Sweetie obviously knew the reason she was still awake in bed. She also had no doubt that her elder sister, Rarity, was having the same troubles.
It had only been a week ago that an important letter had been delivered to the residents of the Crystal Boutique.


Rarity and Sweetie Belle were in the middle of a very intense game of Uno when the local mail pony, Ditzy, knocked a hoof on their door.
"Who is it?" asked Rarity in her usual regal tone.

"It's only me Rarity, I have a letter for you." replied Ditzy

"Oh, how marvelous!" Rarity exclaimed as she went to open the door for the wall-eyed mare. As Rarity used her magic to open the door, she saw Ditzy outside holding a letter in her mouth.

"This is for you." said with the letter making her words slightly muffled.

"Yes, you said that, darling." Rarity replied as she levitated the letter towards her. "Do you know who it is from?"

"No clue." Ditzy remarked as she flew off in a hurry.

"Are you su..." Rarity began, but looked up and saw the mail mare gone. "Huh. Must have had other deliveries."

"Unooooo!" cried Sweetie Belle who was still focusing only on the card game.

*end of flashback*

Sweetie Belle smiled to herself as she recalled the moment she and Rarity opened the letter.

*another flashback*

Dear Rarity and Sweetie Belle,

Wow, I cannot believe it has been a whole year. A whole year since I have seen you two. Words cannot describe how much I have missed you. My sisters, I have some exciting news! I, the highly experienced spotlight technician Neon Light, am done with my apprenticeship. Do you know what that means? It means I'm done. I'm coming home. Since it has been an entire year with us being apart, I assume we will have some catching up to do. For this reason, I will be visiting you two in Ponyville next week in hopes that we can reconnect.

With a year's worth of love,
Neon Light

*end of flashback*

Yes, Sweetie Belle's brother was coming to visit after an entire year of being away. Sweetie Belle turned in her bed to view the clock in her room that currently read 3:00 AM. After turning back over, she sighed to herself. Of corse she was excited to see Neon, but she would be even more excited if she could just get some sleep.