The Third Diamond

by The Delirium

Hunger, Trains, and Expectations

"All aboard! This train won't wait for no pony!" yelled a large earth stallion who was motioning to the train he was currently standing on. Hearing these words, a unicorn by the name of Neon Light quickly dropped his daisy sandwich, gathered up his suitcases and leapt onto the train. "Ticket?" questioned the loud earth stallion.

"Right here." replied Neon as he levitated his train ticket out of his saddle bag. The larger pony grabbed the ticked out of the air and brought it up to his eyes to examine it.

"Eeyupp, you may proceed." stated the large earth pony who had red coat, blonde mane, and a cutie mark of half an apple. Neon light trotted through each of the train cars until he spotted an empty seat in the final one. Neon sighed heavily as he plopped down into the seat. It had been a hectic morning for the poor unicorn stallion. He did not have time to eat breakfast on account of him waking up late. After checking out of the hotel he was staying in, Neon made his way to the train station. Unfortunately, the Manehatten Music Festival was currently going on and it took Neon a while to maneuver throughout the crowds. He could see that a unicorn mare with a white coat, blue mane, and large sunglasses at the DJ's table was the one exciting the crowds. Once he arrived at the train station, Neon was forced to wait in the almost impressively long line for security. After a minor incident in which Neon was subjected to a random search of his bags, he was finally read to get something to eat. Neon was sure he would be able to enjoy the daisy sandwich he had just bought at a local cafe, but he fate had other plans. The train was scheduled to depart quickly and Neon had to get on before it left without him. Neon was exhausted, and starving, to say the least.
However, it would all be worth it. After all, Neon was traveling to Ponyville to see his sisters. Neon smirked as he began to think of his two female siblings. There was Rarity who was a few years older than he was and Sweetie Belle who was a few younger. Rarity had a gleaming white coat and dazzling magenta mane. Sweetie, on the other hand, had a purple and pink mane that could only be described as cute. Rarity had a cutie mark of the three diamonds, but Neon wasn't even sure if Sweetie Belle had hers yet. Neon frowned as he realized that he might of missed the day his younger sister got her cutie mark. Having a white coat was a trait that the three siblings all shared. Unlike his sisters' manes, his was an electrifying blue and yellow and he had a cutie mark that resembled a spotlight.
Neon was jerked out of his thoughts as the train started to move. Sadly, he was unprepared for the sudden movement and was thrown out of seat. The unicorn hit the floor of the train with a loud "thud" and was forced to deal with other passengers' awkward stares. Eventually, Neon stood up and returned to his former position in his seat. Once comfortable, Neon directed his gaze out of the window and watched as Manehatten went by. By the time the city was out of sight, Neon had gone back to daydreaming. Neon knew his sisters cared for him. He wasn't sure he wanted to be away from them in the first place. However, they were the ones who pushed to him to go and follow his dreams. Of course the following year had been amazing and his career completely skyrocketed, but a part of him felt like he made the wrong choice. He began to wonder what his sisters would think of him. He wanted to know what their expectations were for him.

"What if they are disappointed in my work?" he worried. "Are they going to think I should have been more successful? Do they feel anger towards me because I left?" Neon shook his head to get rid of these negative thoughts. He knew his sisters would be proud of his success. He knew they would feel happy that his career was soaring. They truly were great siblings and Neon was lucky to have them. Neon grinned as slept began to overtake him. Eventually, the unicorn drifted off while thinking of his sisters.

"Hey!" screamed a voice that jolted Neon out of slip. For the second time in a while, Neon Light was on the floor of a train. He looked up to see a pegasus mare hovering over him. She had a cyan blue coat and a mane that was the color of a rainbow. Neon could tell she thought highly of herself by the way she looked at him.

"Can I help you?" asked Neon in a the kind of tone a pony can only have of they are just woken up.

"I think you can." replied the mare in an edgy voice. "Is this seat taken?" she question while pointing to the seat next to his.

"Uh, no." Neon stated.

"Cool." said the pegasus as she flew down to her seat. She looked down and asked, "Are you going to get up off the floor?"

Neon, remembering where he was, swiftly stood up and dusted himself off. After getting back into his seat, Neon let an awkward silence pass between them and the mare. Finally having enough, Neon extend his hoof to the mare. "Name's Neon Light." The pegasus looked at the unicorn next to her and raised an eyebrow. "And what would yours be?" questioned Neon.

"Don't you know who I am?" asked the mare in mocking tone.

"Should I?" replied Neon.

The pegasus flew into the air and shouted, "Of course you should! I am Rainbow Dash! The best and fastest flyer in all of Equestria!"

"Ok." said Neon, unsure of what to say next. "Good for you."

"You bet it is," mumbled Rainbow Dash as she floated down back to her seat. Neon quickly turned away and once again stared out the window. The train was currently passing through Canterlot, which Neon knew was not all that far from Ponyville.

"Almost there," he thought. "It's almost time to see your sisters.