Hope / An Unexpected Ally

by brandsca123

Hidden Powers

Chapter 8
Hidden Power

At the edge of the everfree, a shadowy figure lay hidden in the bushes. The sounds of battle could be herd. The figure looked up from his hiding spot and chuckled to himself.

"This looks interesting. Lets see if they can handle my shadow posseser" The figure said as it pulled a small bit of itself off its arm. It placed the mass of shadow like flesh on the ground and it sprang to life. It slithered to where the fight was happening.

"Go forth my pet, and teach these fools the meaning of fear." The figure suddenly vanished without a trace.


"All right Rainbow Dash raise your right hoof and point it at that ugly fellow over there and say ACTIVATE." Jane pointed to Omega, who was still struggling to his feet. She raised her right hoof and said

"ACTIVATE." Her hoof suddenly burst into flames. Rainbow Dash was surprised at what was happening and jerked back suddenly.

"What the buck, get it off." Rainbow Dash said as she shook her hoof up and down. Jane only laughed as he said.

"Don't be scared, it's your flame after all." Rainbow Dash just glared at Jane, but then noticed that the fire wasn't burning her.

"So I guess this is the power you gave me." A small thought came to her as she grinned. Rainbow put her hoof on Jane's head, which then cought fire.

"ARRRGGGGGHHHHH, HOT HOT HOT!" Jane was running around now trying to put out the fire. He jumped to the ground and started to roll.

"What was that for" Jane shouted

"That's for not telling me my hoof would catch fire." Rainbow laughed as hard as she could as she said this. Jane managed to put out the flame, and proceeded to glare at Dash. They didn't seem to notice that Omega had gotten up, and was now running towards them.

"Umm....guys I think maybe you should look out for the....." Fluttershy said as an axe came crashing down. Fortunately Jane noticed on time and delivered a strong kick to Omega's axe, shattering it into pieces. Omega was dumbfounded at what just happened.

"But...this can't be, that axe was made of Orecalco the strongest metal in the universe." Omega held his broken axe/arm and growled.

"You will pay for this." He said as he opened his mouth wide. "ICE FIR....." Omega was cut off as Rainbow punched him hard in the jaw with a flaming hoof, the magic flame giving her an unnatural strength boost. Omega reeled back from the force of the powerful uppercut and fell hard on his back.

"Wow, that was awsome." Rainbow Dash said as she raised her hoof in the air.

"Great job Dash now deliver the final blow." Jane said. But they didn't seem to notice a small shadow like mass enter into Omega's body. Rainbow Dash was about to ask how to deliver the final blow, when a large claw swatted her hard. Fluttershy let out a small scream as Omega's body was then swallowed up by a black mass. Rainbow hit the ground hard with a thud, Jane ran to her and proceeded to help her up. Fluttershy was busy trying to shield Hope who was clutching her close. Angel just stared in disbelief. The black mass melted and started to take shape. What appeared was a large black wolf with glowing red eyes, unnaturaly long claws and two saber teeth hanging from the top of its jaw. Its two front shoulders had long spike like appendiges that looked like frozen flames. Its tail was bony and metallic, and looked like it could be used as a whip. The monster let out a large roar as blue flames came out of its mouth. Jane glared at the creature and clenched his fists.

"DESTROY!" The monster roared. Jane took a step foreword.

"Fluttershy take Hope and run, me and Dash will take care of this." Jane was glaring at the creature as Rainbow Dash hoovered next to him. Fluttershy stood up and said.

"No, that thing attacked my home and now has the nerve to threaten me and Hope. I will stay and give that thing a sterne talking to." She took a couple steps foreword before Jane turned around and delivered a small punch to her gut, knocking the wind out of her. She crumpled to the floor as Hope ran to her and glared at Jane.

"What the buck was that for." Rainbow Dash said surprised that he would attack her friend like that.

"Please forgive me, you would have gotten in the way," Jane said as he turned around to face the monster, "Hope take your mother and go It's to dangerous here."

"Hey!," Rainbow Dash took a swing at Jane who blocked it, "Why did you hit Fluttershy."

"It was for her own safety, she would have gotten killed if I hadn't knocked her out." Jane said as his hands started to glow. Blue flames wrapped around his hand and transformed into claws. Rainbow Dash was dumfounded at his statement. Angel who was still staring at the monster was quickly shoved to the side by Rainbow Dash.

"You had better explain yourself afterwards, otherwise I will beat the snot out of you." Rainbow Dash was fired up at this point.

"As if you could even hit me." Jane said with a smile to reashure Rainbow Dash that he was joking. She let out a small "heh" as she flew beside Jane.

"ACTIVATE"Rainbow Dash said as flames snaked their way up her front hoof.

"DESTROY!" The monster said as it shot its tail at them. Rainbow Dash and Jane split and ran to ether side of the beast. Jane punched it hard in the jaw sending it flying towards Rainbow Dash who slammed her flaming hoof down, smashing the monster on the ground. The beast got up and lunged at Rainbow Dash who dodged out of the way. Hope just stared holding onto Fluttershy protectively. Fluttershy stirred and groaned.

"Uhhh...whaa." She said as she came too. She shoke her head as Hope hugged her close.

"Mamashy, that big meanie knocked you out." Hope said as Fluttershy hugged her back. She remembered what happened a few minutes earlyer adn turned around with a look of anger on her face. It quickly went away as the monster was thrown by Jane, and was now flying towards them. She squeaked in surprise and grabbed Hope and dodged to the side. Jane raised his hand in the air as the flame claw grew to an enormous size and slamed down on the creature. Rainbow Dash then raised her hoof and pointed it at the beast and charged headfirst at it. A cone of flames erupted from her hoof and circled around her and formed a spike. She connected with the creature, who the split in half and exploded. The creature screamed in pain as shadow like smoke drifted upwards from it, and soon it disappeared. Jane and Dash landed next to Fluttershy as the magic flames went away. Jane raised his hand in the air and shouted.

"Victory" His to index fingers formed a V as he did this.

"Hey that's my line." Rainbow Dash said as she playfuly smacked Jane upside the head. "Anyway you still owe me an explanation, for all this weird stuff thats been happening."

Jane only smiled an nodded. their victory was short lived though as an angry Fluttershy rammed Jane hard in the gut sending him flying in the process.

"That's for punching me earlyer." Fluttershy said as she started to calm down. Rainbow Dash only laughed as Hope picked up Angel, who was still shocked at what he just witnessed.