//------------------------------// // Mini Chapter #2 // Story: The Golden Throne // by pokefreak13 //------------------------------// King Blueblood trotted elegantly towards the royal garden. He smiled as two earthpony guards bowed down to him. This is the life. He thought to himself happily. As he entered the garden, a beautiful sound could be heard coming from the oak pavilion. Blueblood smiled slyly and trotted over to the pavilion where a mare was playing her cello. The mare had a soft grey coat, a black mane and tail, and purple eyes. She wore a dark grey blouse with a purple bow and a white skirt. "Working on another piece I presume?" King Blueblood questioned while he walked towards her. The mare stopped what she was doing and stared at the king, startled. "Y-your highness." she stuttered. "Why do you seem so tensed, Octavia?" "I was just a little startled." Octavia explained. King Blueblood shrugged and sat down on a nearby bench, "Continue." he commanded. The mare nodded her head and began to replay her song. However, Blueblood frowned and rose from his seat. "No no no no, it needs to be more...elegant." he stated. Octavia gritted her teeth, hating it when somepony criticized her hard work. But this was a stallion who had her life in one hoof and her paycheck in the other. So, she took a deep breath and began again. As the mare played, she could feel the presence of the king looming over her shoulder. Smiling sweetly, she lifted up her bow and was about to place it on the top string, however she quickly pressed a small button on her bow which unleashed a hidden blade and swiped it at Blueblood. But what Octavia didn't know was that King Blueblood was prepared. As the mare swung her blade at him, the unicorn used his magic to stop the blade from trying to decapitate him. Then Blueblood grasped her neck tightly with his front hooves. "Tisk tisk, and you were my favorite cellist, Octavia." the king sighed as he tightened his grip. The mare accidentally dropped her sword and it clattered onto the wooden floor. So, she tried her other option and desperately tried to punch her captor. However, her limbs were beginning to grow weak so her punches weren't very effective. "Shhh." King Blueblood whispered into her ear as he tightened his grip once more. "Hecklp!" Octavia cried out before succumbing to the sweet sound of death. Once King Blueblood felt Octavia's body go limp, he gently laid her down upon the wooden ground. Then, he closed her lifeless eyes and placed her bow back into her hooves. "There," the unicorn whispered as he brushed a strand of black hair behind her ear, "All better." As he got back onto his hooves, King Blueblood gave one final glance upon his kill before dusting himself off and trotting back into the castle. Why must all of my servants try to kill me? Blueblood thought to himself sadly.