I am Your Friend or Foe

by ZeroPony55

Chapter 5 Morning Task

Raiden woke up by the sound of bird chipping. He was always fond of the creatures that are able to be free, but he also hated them because they were free, but since he free he lost his reason to hate them. Speaking of hate, he hated how he couldn't eat any food, well tasting food, even though emotions can have different type of taste depending on the mood, but any ways he was starving. So to get some food he turn to, Sunny who was guarding the entrance and asleep. Raiden nudge Sunny a bit, which cause Sunny to get Raiden into a choke hold. "Sunny it's me, Raiden" Raiden tried to say.

"Huh...wha-" Sunny was still waking up, but he soon got enough energy to realize what's going on. "-Sorry about that, Raiden you should never wake me up ever" Sunny said, letting Raiden go.

"I can see why, I'll remember to not to wake you up when your keeping watch."


Raiden chuckle "C'mon let's head inside and I cook something for you."

"What about you?"

"I'm not hungry" Raiden lied as he enter his home and head to the kitchen.

"Really? I didn't see you eat last night" Sunny said as he sat on the couch

"I had a midnight snack" Raiden lied again.

"What kind of midnight, makes you full for breakfest?"

"My midnight snack."

"Fair enough, so what's on the menu?"

"I don't know, what to you want?"

"I go for a daisy sandwich."

"Ok" Raiden said from the kitchen. He then realize that he had no idea on making a sandwich. So he went and grab some bread and some random flowers. He then place his hoof and utilize his changeling powers to change the mess up looking sandwich in what it look like a perfect sandwich, he just hope it tasted ok. It was too bad his changeling powers couldn't change the taste, but at least gives him the ability to change things by touching them, and he was lucky to be one of the changelings that could to that. He found this a bit cliché, but who cares, if it helps him it's help him. He brought the sandwich to Sunny, and he can taste the enjoyment of Sunny eating the sandwich.

"This is a good sandwich, how did you make it?" Sunny asked, while her mouth was full.

"Oh you know, like how everypony else makes their sandwich."

"I know you tamper with the sandwich, I might be a guard, but I know all foods that enter my mouth and I know if it was tamper with."

"If you know your food so much, then how come you can't figure this one out then?"

"This is my first time encountering it, I must say you did a very good job and hiding the fact it was tampered with."

"I barely tried to hide it" Raiden thought to himself. "It's nothing really, it's probably the levitation spell your tasting."

"I guess that make's sense, so what are we doing today?"


"Everypony in town has a personal guard, remember?"

"Yeah, but I can defend myself and I have that thingy, I got from the guard that let's me go anywhere."

"Yeah, well you living in Ponyville now, so I'm coming with if like it or not."

"Fine let's go to town hall, the mayor might what things from me."

"Must we go there, it's so boring" Sunny wined.

"You know the rules, you're my guard and you have to go anywhere I go."

"Fine" He grunted as they left.

So they went to town hall, and got some assignments from Mayor mare. It was simple task, from just checking on ponies (especially the ones that donate the most to town hall), repairing Ponyville, and arresting any changelings or reporting any missing ponies. Raiden made sure they pass the prison to check out the guards on the outside. He took note that four guards were pegasus and is posted facing north, south, east and west. The fifth pony was a unicorn, and is posted at the very top of the building.

"I guess princess, Twilight is still smart" Raiden thought to himself. Twilight sure did change after the wedding, but how could he tell since this is really the first time being close to pony-kind. Once they were done finishing with the tasks, Raiden decided to get some supplies, for his own reasons, but during their trip, an changeling attack. Sunny didn't see the changeling, until she go push by Raiden.

"Idiot, I'm suppose to being guarding you" Sunny said, head butting the changeling to get off Raiden.

"Yeah, well I'm not letting others to get harm if I got to say about it" Raiden said, and soon he went fighting the changeling, while Sunny watch.

"That idiot, but does he really care for me?" Sunny thought to himself. Sunny just watch as he easily taking care of the changeling. "I know he studies changelings and all, but how could he react so quickly to a changeling. It looks like he knows every combat strategy, but how? Could it be that he's a changeling, I'm mean he did talk like a changeling and I doubt that he ever had practice speaking to a changeling. He must be a changeling, but wait if he was a changeling, why hasn't he taken me out? Could it be that he is trying to break out the other changelings? No there was never a changeling that tried to break the other changelings out, so why would they do it now, man this is so confusing, I better go ask, Guard on what he thinks" He thought then went to see Guard.

"Well that takes care of that" Raiden said and he instantly notice the Sunny was nowhere to be found. He still has to get the supplies he needs for the break out, tonight. He heads to get the supplies, but not until he place the unconscious changeling in his house. She's pretty knot out and would probably wake up the next morning. Hopefully everything can goes well with the break out.

"You sure about this, Sunny?" Guard ask.

"Yes, and if I'm right we might have something more on our hoofs" a female pony said.

"And if you wrong?"

"Hopefully I don't lose my job."