//------------------------------// // 11. Till Armagheddon, no shalam, no shalom // Story: Sisu // by Ebony Gryphon //------------------------------// Gale glared balefully at Shadow as Arron lowered the wood for the fire down, sweat streaming down his forehead. Sniffing officiously, Shadow waved a hoof imperiously. "Now fill the water flasks. And when thou art finished I've a tear in my satchel. Hop to boy!" Rolling his eyes, Arron held his hands up in an exasperated gesture, earning a snarl from Shadow. "And not a bit of thy ichor either filth! My daughter is not some inn tramp! You wish her as thine lover, earn it!" Gale cried "We're not lovers!" Shadow arched a brow, her mouth set in a unpleased frown. "He came in you didn't be?" Gale let out a wail, covering her face in her hooves as her skin burned under her fur. Snorting, Arron proceeded to the lake, and as he did Shadow called "And pick a few of yon apples while thou are about, theres a dear." Eyes narrowing with rage, Gale lowered her hooves, hissing "What in the name of our ancestors has possessed thee!" Fluffing out her wings, Shadow harrumphed. "We may be cheap child, but we're not free! Be glad thou are not a unicorn. You'd be chained for all thy days." Gale whine as she slumped down onto her belly. "We are not in love Mother! We merely braved a dark time and took comfort in our misery!" Shadow snorted. "Nay, thou wert horny and let that colt fuck you silly." Whine deepening, Gale pressed her hooves to her ears. "Mother... please... must ye do this>" Grinning wolfishly, Shadow softly replied "Come on... between us fillies... did he perform to thy expectations>" Gale pushed her hooves down harder, saying "I can't hear thee Mother! I'm not here now!" Grin widening, Shadow winked and growled. "Indeed, thou did awaken thy old dam with thy pleas and cries of appreciation! Begging him to ploy thy rump harder! What a forward request! Even I have never let a stallion!" "LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR THEE!" "I was remissed thou did it thrice more that eve! Doth thou have no thought of thy mothers sleep And one hopes thou washed thyselves after!" Gale lept up, her face flaming as she screeched "YES! HEAR ME EQUESTRIA! I DID RUTT YON HUMAN TILL THE MORN, DID TAKE HIM TILL COLLAPSE! I HORNY AND CARED NOT A WIT TO BE BRED LIKE A BROTHEL DISCOUNT! I DID DEEDS THAT WOULD MAKE A LESSER MARE COWER AND FEAR AND HAD PLACES EXPLORED THAT I DIDN'T KNOW I HAD!" "Excuse me." Gale eeped and whirling around, stammered and blushed further. Behind her, the sargeant from the day before walked into the campsite, one palm pressed to his should. Despite being in pain, he chuckled. "To think I feared our people would not be at ease together." Shadow snerked as she rose, and covering her face with both hooves and wings, Gale sobbed. "Just end it..." Rolling her eyes, Shadow walked up to the human, a waved her hoof. Kneeling, the human removed his hand, revealing a wound that seemed to come from an arrow. Tsking, Shadow said "Whats your name son>" The sargeant gritted his teeth as Shadow tore of the pauldron of his armor. "Lut Imran Naifeh, Lady Shadow." Shadow paused, then shaking her head, began working on the wound. "Lets just stick to sargeant Lute, if thou would indulge my weak tongue..." Hissing as the contents of a vial was poured into the wound, the Sargeant nodded. "Thank you Epoch. Despite thy fillies lack of shame..." Here the mare in question growled at the human, giving him a start. Grinning nervously, he amended "That is to say I am humbled to be in the presence of such a up right and honored maiden. Truly thou are proud beyond to have such a child Lady Shadow." Shadow snickered. "Indeed. When she's not being a chip of her old dams block." Looking over her shoulder, the mare pouted. "Thou I oft had hoped she'd had learned to be of a discrete nature." Slouching in anguish, Gale snarled again at the pair. "One day Mother... I swear one day..." "Love you as well my little pony." Flopping down again, Gale hmmphed. "Pray tell Sargeant. What has befallen thee? Why have thou left thy men." Scowling Lut shook his head sadly. "Dead. All of em. I barely got away." Both mares started, and jumping up, Gale cantered over. "By the maker... all of them>" The sargeant winced as the wound was cleaned. "We couldn't see them. Bolts came from nowhere... I ducked into a tent... our commander had been attacked in the night. All I could see was flashes of white hoods in the brush..." Gale stopped short, her eyes narrowing. During their trip, the humans had been recruited by Celestia to kill various ponies and a few humans in the wilds. A few times as Shadow did her morale boost, the two had taken a Guard from the crowd in silence, leaving the assassinated pony in the woods near the camp. This human was clearly wanted. Shadow clucked in sympathy. "Ah ya lad. These woods bear all manner of fay and wild beast." The sargeant shook his head. "Nay Lady Protector. Twas no spirit of ghoul, but a man. I managed to stick him as he slunk about the camp as I hid." Both mare looked at each other, eyes wide. Seeing their look, the sargeant stood back up, eyes narrowed. "Thee know the slime... there are more! Where are they traitors!" The sargeant urked as a hidden blade slid through his spine. Leaning forward, Carpenter growled "Right behind you..." Pushing the now dying man away, the human pointed into the woods. "With haste ladies! I've done what I can, but he needs a healer!" ............................................ Gale shivered under her mothers wing, hiccuping now and again. As the sun had begun to set, the mare had calmed somewhat. After a quick flight by Gale (as Shadow bore the human across her back, praying his wound only a scrape) the group had made their way to a two story home, in it a family sitting at their meal. One quick flight by Gale to town a mile away had brought a physician, and now all waited anxiously. Carpenter stood staring into the fire, eyes sorrowful. Shadow burned with guilt since her mischief was her charges pain. If he did not live, Shadow would never forgive herself. The door to the room opened, and seeing the doctors face, the trio sagged with relief. Wiping a cloth over his over his glasses, the unicorn chortled. "Thy may be at ease my dears. Thy companion shall be hale and whole in a few days." Gale puddled up, and bolted into the room, blubbering all the way. Looking at the other two, the stallion eyes hardened. "Now... my pay..." Shadow made a move to her satchel, but stopped as the doctor waved a hoof. "Thy bits mean naught Lady Shadow. What I desire..." Looking at Carpenter, the stallion licked his lips. "Only he can give. Thy gear." Shadow gasped. Features stone still, Carpenter rolled up his sleeves, and began to unbuckle his weapon bracers. Undoing them, he walked forward, holding the weapons out clenched in one hand. "Take them." Eyes gleeful, the unicorn lifted the weapons in his magic, crowing with delight. "I have them... no less then a Grand Elders hidden blades... there mine..." Clutching them to his chest, the stallion galloped off. Shadow looked down, and asked softly "Grand Elder. Thou art an Epoch of thy clan child..." Rubbing his wrist, Carpenter replied "And thou art a princess of thy tribe." Flinching, Shadow rubbed a foreleg. "Really... mere formality... I'm no one in the great works..." Shadow jaw dropped as the human kneeled. "Your highness. No words can express my shame in my lack of reverence for thee title..." Jumping up, Shadow violently shook her head, saying "Nay you fool! Thou art a man worthy of no less then glory. Thou kneel to nopony!" Wrapping a foreleg around his arm, Shadow continued sternly "Thou shan't even kneel before the Commander, so says I! You bow to no one!" Rising slowly, Carpenter looked at Shadow in shock. Nudging him up, Shadow stamped a hoof. "Thou gave me a sword of wealth beyond counting, restored a piece of my tribe thought a myth. Thou eased my heart with thy jest, and were true even before my wrath. Thou..." Here the mare began to sob. "Thou gave no less then thy last means of defense to aid a brother. You surrendered thy blades to pay a debt that was no thine!" Carpenter shrugged and smiled. "Your my friends Shadow. I'd cut off my own arm if it meant thy survival..." Smiling adoringly, Shadow took the humans hand in her hooves and kissed it firmly. "Thou art a stallion of true merit Carpenter! A man worth of only the highest title I can give!" Spreading a wing, Shadow pulled a pinion, and held it out. Taking it, Carpenter shrugged. Shadow took his other hand in hoof, and in a stern tone, said "Thou have gained no less then my respect and love as a sister human. Thou art a full Kicker, with both title as one, and granted the clan name in full. So says Lady Protector." Carpenter looked down at the feather, and nodded. Shadow patted the humans arm with a smile. "Thou art a caretaker of thy clan, Brother. We look to you as the honored stallion thou has shown to me, a wise voice and strong soul to held your clan in these days of turmoil." Grasping his hand between her hooves, Shadow drew it to her chest. "Your a member of my household . The first granted the title of Kicker of any people not of the three tribes. You are family. My brother.... will thou give thy kin your true name?" "I'm... Diyan Amal Bashar your grace..." Shadows eyes fluttered, then smiling she replied "May I simply call the Amal Kicker brother." Amal chuckled, and taking a hoof in each hand, nodded. "Of course my sister." Pulling away, Shadow tapped hoofed in place a moment, giggling. "Come Amal! Lets go meet your niece Gale!" Amal chuckled. "What does all this mean sister." Smiling softly, Shadow said warmly "OnIy that I trust to be at my side." "Then it is truly a gift beyond measure Shadow." The mare nodded again, and together, they walked into their friends chambers. .................................................. Amal pulled down his hood and let out a low whistle as they walked through the doors to his new home. Shadow clamored forward, cooing gently as foals surrounded her yelling excitedly at their aunties return. Hearing the foals, others of the clan trotted forward, speaking and crying out cheers as they drew closer to not merely their leader, but a sister they adored. Nussling a few of her family, Shadow chatted excitedly with a couple more, and slowly more ponies clamored over, all thrilled their den mother was back. Brows raised, Amal said weakly "Thats a lot of relatives..." Giggling, Shadow politely stopped her talk, and walking back, took her friends hand in hoof. Looking back to the crowd, she flared her wings, and in moments the clan fell into a excited silence. Tugging the human forward, Shadow said loudly "Everyone... this is thy new brother clansman Amal Kicker." The silence grew. Suddenly the entire herd bellowed and surged forward, pulling their new brother into the throng and greeting him exhuberantly. Looking over his shoulder, the human mouthed "Help!" Shadow giggled, and mixing in with her clan, shouted "My brother thirsts! Revelry and drink are needed! Break out thy instruments, lets have some music to dance to!" Amal was shoved cheerfully forward, exuberantly herded towards one of the larger buildings, and assured resolutely that his new family was insane. "Wine and spirits my ponies! Let us rejoice one joins my household!" And now were going to get drunk, Amal mused. Good thing the buildings looked like they could handle a siege. And in moments the human was rushed through the door, a voice bellowing "New Kickers pay first round!" ................... Shadow giggled and leaned against Amal, her wings hanging at her sides. Looking up, Shadow said loudly "Hey, hey Amen. Guess wha...." Rolling his eyes, Amal put a steadying hand on his new sisters back. "Whats that Shadow..." Looking one way, then the other, Shadow stage whispered, "You know Gale..." Amal nodded. "I think she's hot for thy apprenctice Arron..." Amal smirked. "You don't say." Nodding sagely, Shadow slurred, "I think she wants him to rut her... isn't that silly... He and Gale, ha!" Amal chuckle, then as the mare stumbled a little, he held her steady. Smacking her lips, Shadow said "You know what else Andy..." "No idea..." Swaying in place, Shadow said "I think I may be a little... hic... home. Take my drunk Alfalfa." "Of course Shadow. You just trust in good old Alfalfa." "Wow... hey, you know what else Alex... I think I got wings!" Flaring the appendages, Shadow giggled again. "I'm so preeeettttty!" ............................................................... The next afternoon.... Amal clenched tightly to the rail of the carriage, eyes tightly shut as the wind whipped across his face. Looking over his shoulder, the pony snickered. "Better to be amongst the clouds then plodding clod ay brother." The human groaned. Snickering, his brother looked forward again. "I hope thy time with Shadow was a treat. You spent quite some time hoofing it when it barely took a day to reach thy clan hold." "I didn't trust her..." The stallion snickered, and picked up speed. "Don't you gray thy mane brother Amal! Thy kin will bear thee quick and true to thy folk!" Hearing a very sudden gag, the colt looked over his shoulder shrieking "OVER THE SIDES!" .............................................. Amals boots crunched the soil of his old home, his hood drawn up. The keep was silent. No sign of his son, or Ruth, or his clan. Hear a throat clearing, Amal walked to the court. There a earth pony sat, hacking the spitting into a small campfire. Looking up, he said gruffly "No point just standing there lad. Take a seat." Kneeling before the fire, Amal rubbed his hands over it, saying softly "Wonder what happened to them folks in the hoods that lived here." The stallion smacked his lips. "Picked up sticks and took off in the night. Pissed off some nobles who wanted to rase our town couple few days ago. Fourty mercenaries got wiped out in a single day, the nobles high tailed. That night, the white cloaks left. No telling where they gone, but I think they got some business needs doin." The stallion hacked again. "Few them horse birds clan Kicker too boot. Didn't even have a chance once they'd groundside. Poor sods in the clouds got bolted so quick they never heard the bow snap." "That so..." The stallion scowled. "Trying to do some side work on their off days on the Long Patrol. Some guard they be. Outnumbered them, but end up outclassed. And good riddance so says I. Saying they needs all we got for their patrol. Jackals. White hoods made quick and clean deaths of the lot." "I see..." "Some black furred filly did leave something here though..." Reaching into his saddlebags, the stallion tossed a dark blue duster coat to the human. "Said the newest Kicker pup would need to match. And here." Picking up a box, he hoofed it over. "Said this would help..." Sliding the wooden top open, Amal frowned. New blade bracers, blood red coloring, complete with a black etching of the compass. Standing, Amal put the coat on, the rolling back the sleeves, began to strap on the bracers. Once adjusted, he flexed his fingers, a black blade popping out. Whistling, the stallion leaned forward. "Black thunderforged. That stuffs makes mythril like tissue... someone really hold thee in high esteem colt." Pushing the blade back, Amal smiled. "Not as high as mine for her." As he walked back up to the carriage, he pulled the hood of the duster up. Looking over, the stallion nickered appreciatively. "Well, got you looking proper now son." Taking a seat, Amal grabbed a rail. "Lets go home then." ........................................... Shadow groaned as her stomach lurched, her entire body aching. Wings drooping over her bed, the mare clenched her eyes shut. Just couldn't bounce back like the days of her youth. Hearing her bedroom door unlatch, she looked towards it. Making a murr of approval as Amal walked in and pulled back his hood, Shadow waggled her brows. "Ah, thou did get thy hearth welcome gift them. Figure you'd want the coat to be a darker crimson to." Whirling around, Amal smirked. "Hold thy applause, good mare. Plenty of me to share." Shadow snickered, then sighed. Face growing stern "You also got your blades from the stallion." Amal nodded. Nodding towards her closet, Shadow said "False wall in the back. Celestia left it." Amal tapped the wood at the back of the dresses, then removing the panel, looked in surprise at the wall behind it. Pictures, names, photos of ponies. Crimes they'd committed, sadism they reveled in, and personal quirks and hobbies, not to mention schedules. Amal knew what this was: assassination targets. "Back into the fray pup." Amal smiled bitterly and closed the double doors of the closet. As he made to walk out the door, Shadow sat up an said "Amal... as I said to one of the folks mares, you are not alone, no Kicker is. Look to you family, seek wisdom amongst the changing guard. Spare a few moments and learn the layout of Canterlot." Amal shook his head. "I would not wish harm upon my clans... my tenets are absolute. Do not compromise the brotherhood." Rolling her eyes, Shadow scoffed. "You think this our first under the table play pup> We've done this to the point its natural. Thou doth bring us no ill fate by just speaking. Oh, and be sure to toss a bit to the beggars. Never know when a bit of good will do you good." .................................... Amal turned the key in its lock as the quartermaster walked by. Pausing to dig through the pocket on his apron, he muttered "I got a buddy in the upper side to work out a deal." A dull ting echoed, and shrugging the stallions said "oops" then walked away. Looking down, Amal smirked down at the key drop. Kneeling down, he picked it up, then with a quick pocketing made his way to the brothel. As the various mare giggled and fluttered their lashes, and mail armor covered mare pushed them aside to take a seat at a table. Moving towards it, Amal sat across from her. Laying her folder down, the mare said sternly "I must warn you that opening private noble files is a violation of the law. Clear?" "Of course. I'll remember that if the opportunity is there." "Great!" Standing back up, the mare walked from the table, and laying his hand on the folder Amal said softly "Wait, stop, come back you forget something..." Seeing the mare gone, the human snapped his fingers. "Shucks, I wasn't fast enough." Tsking, Amal shook his head. "And no seal either. Someone of poor character could just...." Amal flicked the folder open "... do something like that... oh dear, no black mark outs... a less honest citizen could just learn all those nasty hobbies, couldn't they..." Pocketing the address, Amal held the file and its content over the candle a moment. Tossing the still smoking paper into a bin, the human slid out the brothels doors, and from there out of his clanhold.