Everfree Hijinx

by Panic Manic

Chapter 1: The Rude Awakening

Under the ominous mist that surrounded the trees in Everfree forest, a light blue colt, with a dark green mane, laid down on the grassy ground while he contained a small dose of fatigue. The exhausted colt then raised his ears to hear any noise that may be nearby. Everything was dead silent, indicating to him that it's safe to rest, for now.

"Finally, some peace and quiet," the light blue colt said, with a calming tone.

The colt checked the left side of his neck and placed his hoof to get the feel of it. He then felt that there was a small patch of blood on it and it was slowly dripping off of him. As the small droplets hit the ground, a small puddle began to form near his left hoof.

"Dammit, that timberwolf sure had some sharp teeth," the colt scolded himself as he gently stroke his wound, "Ain't the first time I felt blood on me."

Ah who am I kidding. If I don't find anypony nearby, I'll be done for, the colt thought to himself. I should get out of here though, not a good idea to stay here too long.

Without hesitation, the wounded colt attempted to raise himself from where he was and continued his journey to exit the Everfree Forest. After that, he used a unique vision that allowed him to see aura given off from life forces that was nearby.

"Still nothing," the colt said with relief which then turned to an angered tone, "I still can't believe I have to use this stupid vision."

The light blue colt then quietly trotted from where he was to the location that he hoped it may be his exit from this accursed forest. As blood continued to spill from his neck, the wounded colt felt disoriented. He then realized that he close to run out of time. Before he could give more thought of his upcoming demise, he accidently tripped on his forelegs. The landing on the grassy floor let out a loud thud.

"Oof! ...No ...Not yet," the colt pleaded to himself as he desperately crawled.

The colt soon felt that both of his front hooves were made of lead. His entire body slowly became numb. Without realizing, he headed toward to an unfamiliar cottage that was just around the entrance of the Everfree forest. Just before the colt lost his last strength to go on, he made a short remark.

"Heh... guess this it. I bet I'm gonna.. have to see that... st-stupid wolf in the afterlife. Probably still mad to see me after.. what I done to his jaw."

After he finished his cold remark, the wounded colt collapsed to the ground and drifted off to his slumber that he presumed to be eternal.


In an unknown amount of time, the colt woke up from his slumber, still filled with disorientation. Something did not felt right to him. As he panicked, the green maned colt carefully touched everywhere that surrounded him to get the feel of his current environment.

"A bed... soft sheets... pillows, never felt those for a while... and a small cabinent. I must be in a bedroom," the colt whispered to himself.

The colt checked his wound and was quite surprised what he felt.

"A bandage? Guess somepony must have treated my wound," the light blue colt said in a tone with joy. "Why do I get the feeling I shouldn't stay here too long?"

As he finished his moment of joy that was short lived, the colt used his vision to see if somepony was nearby.

"Found one... and the way that pony moves... must have seen a ghost or something," the colt stated, satisfied with his result.

All of a sudden, the door that was nearby the treated colt slowly opened. Not knowing who opened, the colt hoped for the best and let the unknown visitor enter.

"Oh, you're finally awake. Um... are-are you okay now, Mister-" a timid voice was let out in the room, only to be interupted by the light blue colt.

"Eagle Eye. My name is Eagle Eye. And yes, I'm fine now, thank you."

"Oh... that's good to hear, I guess."

"Where am I and... who are you?"

"Um... my name is... Fluttershy and... you're in my home, I nursed you back to health."

"Nice to meet you, Fluttershy, and thanks. Say, do you know where this place called... Ponyville is?"

The yellow pegasus nodded her head and then let out a moment of silence, which confused Eagle Eye. To break the silence, the green maned colt talked once more to the shy filly.

"I guess that's a no then," Eagle Eye said with a hint of dissapointment.

"What are you talking about... I nodded yes," the yellow pegasus interjected.

"Ugh... I can't see what you were doing, or anything as a matter of act. I'm blind."

"So sorry to hear tha-" as the meek pegasus was about to finish her sentence, it was then interupted by a rude replied from the light blue colt.

"The last thing I need is sympathy."

Fluttershy had her ears drooped after she heard this and began to let out a faint whimper. Eagle Eye was able to hear that faint sound, due to having some of his senses compensated over his loss of sight. The cold colt suddenly felt remorse.

"I didn't mean to snap at you like that. Just.. don't ever patronize me again. I just don't like somepony feeling bad for me."

"It's alright... I understand. Are you hungry?"

"No, I'm fine. I just need to go to this Ponyville and... start a new life," the blind colt boldly stated.

Before he could get up, there was sudden loud set of knocks that startled the timid pegasus. It came from the front door of cottage. The two could hear a loud muffled voice that came from outside.

"Flutterhshy! I wonder if you wanna see me perform some stunts in the air today!" the loud obnoxious voice said whom Fluttershy could easily recognize.

"Rainbow Dash?" the yellow pegasus wondered out loud, filled with joy.

"Who?" Eagle Eye said in a confused tone.

"Rainbow Dash. She's my best friend. Do you want to come out with me and go meet her?"

"Sure, why not."

"Fluttershy! You there?!" the voice continued.

Eagle Eye slowly got off from the bed he was on and stretched out his legs. As he finished his stretches, Fluttershy then walked out from the room and went toward to the front door while the blind colt followed behind her. He used his aura detecting vision he would dub "Eagle vision" to guide his way through. During this walk, the light blue colt was amazed on how many small auras was in Fluttershy's home, particularly in the living room. He then concluded that they must be woodland creatures since he could hear them scampering and chittering.

"Whoa... Fluttershy, why are these small animals here?" Eagle Eye asked, as he was filled with curiosity.

"Oh.. they are my friends, I look after them," Fluttershy answered back.

No wonder you were able to fix me up so well, Eagle Eye thought.

Just as Fluttershy finally opened the door, she was immediately greeted by another pegasus who had a cyan coat and a rainbow colored mane and tail.

"Fluttershy, what took you so lo-... Um... who the hay is that colt behind you?" the cyan pegasus asked with confusion.

"My names Eagle Eye and you must be Rainbow... ehm, Rainbow" the blind colt greeted as he was desperate to remember her name. Annoyed by this attempt, Rainbow Dash replied back, "Dash. Rainbow Dash, okay!"


"You could've just ask my name you know?" the annoyed pegasus replied as the colt's head looked down. He knew that she was right.

"So anyways, you want to come and watch me perform stunts, Fluttershy?" the cyan filly continued.

"Uhmm... I don't know, I'm kind of busy taking care of somepony right now," the shy filly replied with hesitation.

"Fluttershy, you know you can't just randomly take care strangers. I mean, how do we know he won't harm you when your back is turned."

"Hey!" the annoyed colt blurted out, realized that the cyan pegasus criticized in front of him as if he didn't existed.

"I'm busy talking to my friend here," the criticizing pegasus replied with the similar annoyed tone.

"If you want to say something to me, why don't you say it to my face, unless your scared?" Eagle Eye remarked and left out a smug.

As Rainbow Dash heard the word 'scared', it started a fuse to her temper. Almost immediately, the irritated pegasus flew up to the cocky colt's face and showed serious look on her face.

"Hurt or not, if you lay one hoof on Fluttershy, I will kick your flank, so hard. Got it?"

Eagle Eye knew that he was close to push his luck, especially under his current condition. Then again, he felt that his pride was at stake and wouldn't let anypony mess with him. The blind colt backed away and let out a disrespectful scoff.

"Oh please! First off, why would I harm somepony who just saved my life. I'm not that cold. And do us a favor, drop the tough pony act. Just seeing you that way makes me want to take you less seriously." He let out a grin and believed it would shut that tomboyish filly up, only to be wrong.

"You see what I mean, Fluttershy?" the cyan pegasus stated at her mentioned friend as she flared her forelegs up, "You can't trust this guy."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Please, let me take care of him," Fluttershy reassured the concerned pegasus.

"Err... alright fine," Rainbow Dash submitted. She then slowly turned to Eagle Eye, "As for you... I got my eye on you."

"Are you still continuing with the tough filly charade, you're not fooling anypony, idiot," the blind colt remarked.

"You know, you really are starting to push your luck. You're lucky that my friend is taking care of you, otherwise I would kick your teeth in."

Me and my big mouth, Eagle Eye thought. Maybe I should shut up for now, before things get out of hand.

"Whatever," the blind colt coldly stated.

"Ugh... see you later then, Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash ended. She then turned back to Eagle Eye and gave the 'I'm watching you' gesture. To the blind colt, it really had no effect on him. All it was to him was another moment of silence.

Rainbow Dash then flared up her wings and hovered from the ground for a moment. Less than a second, she flew away, headed towards to the sky in top speed and left a rainbow colored streak during the process. As the light blue colt heard the protective pegasus took flight, he felt relieved that his arguement with her was finally over.

"Sorry about that, she can be difficult sometimes," Fluttershy said as she tried to comfort the recently agitated colt, "She's really a good friend once you get to know her, are you sure you're not hungry?"

"I kind of am right now," Eagle Eye answered, as the two walked back inside the cottage. This ain't over, you bitch. Not by a long shot, he contemplated.