//------------------------------// // Small Town Filly // Story: "Another Cup of Tea, Madam?" // by Manes //------------------------------// Everypony riding the Canterlot train knew how excited Sweetie Belle felt about visiting Celestia because she expressed it by bouncing up and down in the seat beside Rarity’s. Finally having enough of the high-pitched squealing, Rarity asked Sweetie Belle to sit down. “How about we just have fun the more quiet way, hmmm? Wouldn’t that be fun?” Sweetie Belle huffed and plopped onto her seat. “Fiiiine.” Rarity smiled. “Thank you.” Just as she thought there would be silence, she felt the seat beside her move as Sweetie resumed bouncing on it. “Please stop.” “Oh, oh! Can we teleport there, Rarity? Huh? Can we, can we, can we?” she asked, bouncing up and down. “Absolutely not!” Rarity said. “That would require complete focus, which I obviously lack at the moment.” Sweetie Belle plopped back down. “Aww, but why? Didn’t Princess Twilight do it once or twice without focusing?” Rarity rubbed her chin for a moment then shook her head. “It’s very dangerous for two ponies to travel at the same time, so again, my answer is no.” Sweetie’s smile turned into a frown. “But—” “Too dangerous!” Eyes turned towards Rarity as her unladylike outburst caught their attention. Rarity blushed and hid behind her mane. “I’m sorry, little sister, but I cannot risk losing you for some quick way to Canterlot.” “Please!” “No.” “Pleeeeeease!” Sweetie Belle said, turning big, bright green eyes on her. Rarity chuckled. “You’ve used that too many times on me, dear, for it to work.” She gave Sweetie Belle few pats on the head. “Nice try though.” Sweetie’s ears flopped to her head as her eyes turned to the floor. “I understand.” “How about when we get there I’ll buy a gift for you?” Rarity asked. “How’s that sound?” She felt the wind get knocked right out of her as Sweetie Belle quickly hugged her. “I would like that.” She nuzzled Rarity’s shoulder and closed her eyes as she drifted off into sleep, thinking about the fun actives she’d planned for Princess Celestia and her to do together. ⏰ Thirty minutes had passed since Sweetie Belle had fallen asleep. Rarity was still wide awake, watching the train pass some trees. She turned to Sweetie Belle, who clung to her foreleg as she slept peacefully, bringing a smile to Rarity’s face. Sweetie’s mane tickled Rarity’s nose. Rarity pushed Sweetie’s mane down and slowly leaned forward, planting a kiss on Sweetie’s forehead before sitting back down in her chair. “Aww, she’s adorable.” Rarity turned to a old mare seated across the aisle, who smiled as she looked at Sweetie Belle sleeping. “Thank you, she can be adorable while sleeping, but a hooful when awake.” Both mares chuckled. “So, who’s the lucky stallion to have gifted you with such a cute foal?” Rarity’s lost her ability to breathe as she fainted right onto Sweetie’s head. Sweetie Belle didn’t notice the extra weight. The old mare scratched her head. “Was it something I said? The sun had rested behind the hill as the moon rose high up the sky, shining its beautiful radiance upon the sleeping land of Equestria. Smiling proudly at her work, Luna left the balcony and trotted into Celestia’s chambers, where she found her sister resting on a pillow near the fireplace, writing letters. “Come join me in the night, sister.” “I would love to, but I can’t,” Celestia said sadly. She placed the next letter in front of her as she finished the last one. “Go enjoy your beautiful night out on the balcony without me. Maybe you could describe its beauty to me from outside.” A breeze from outside brushed against her coat, making Luna shiver. She turned to the two doors that led to the balcony and shut the door with her magic. “Very well, sister. When shall the Belle sister arrive?” “Shortly.” Luna fiddled with her hoof.   Celestia noticed Luna’s odd behavior and turned to her. “Is there something wrong, sister?” Luna shook her head. “No… well, yes.” “Well?” “You seem happier when you’re with Sweetie Belle.” Luna looked down. “Something I have failed to do as your sister. Celestia smiled. “Luna, you always made me happy. It might not look like it because I’m buried in letters all the time,” she said, earning a giggle from Luna. “But that doesn’t change that you’re the only pony who kept me smiling for a thousand years.” Her ears perked up as she heard knocking. “That must be them.” “Oh no! We shall hide the moon cakes! None shall have the creamy goodness that is in the possession of the night!” Luna said as she rushed out the door. Celestia answered the door. Two royal guards stood next to a pair of white unicorns.  “Greetings, Rarity and—” two white forelegs cut Celestia short as Sweetie Belle pulled her into a bone-crushing hug.  “Hello, Sweetie Belle.” “I missed you so much, Celestia!” Sweetie Belle nuzzled Celestia’s coat as she continued the hug. “We’re going to have so much fun together!” Beginning to worry, a guard stepped between the two. “Should I have her restrained your Highness?” “That won’t be necessary.” Celestia wheezed as the hugged tightened. “Sweetie Belle, can you please let go?” Sweetie Belle released her hug, giggling nervously. “Sorry.” She hid behind her mane as she blushed. “It’s quite alright.” As the guard walked past Celestia, she stopped him midway with a hoof. “Tell the swords stallion I need stronger armor.” The guard bowed before exiting out the room. She turned to Rarity who was standing quietly the entire time. “I am happy to see you here, Rarity. I hope this stay will be as relaxing as the last.” “Oh, I’m sure it well, Princess. I hope my sister doesn’t become a problem to you or Princess Luna.” She said, shooting Sweetie Belle an angry glare. Celestia giggled. “I’m sure she’ll do just fine.” “So, what are we going to do first, Celestia, huh?” she asked, bouncing up and down. “Oh, oh, we have to braid each other manes or have another tea party, oh, oh! Or go into some chaotic adventure!” Celestia shuddered at the word “chaotic,” reminded of somepony who loved that sort of thing. “Maybe nice walks or a reading session will do.” “Reading sessions?” Sweetie Belle rubbed her chin momentarily before her eyes sparkled. “Oh, can we read a comic book from that store Spike got his from?” Something about the mere mention of the comic gave Rarity a headache. “I think it’s best not to get a comic book where Spike used to get his.” Sweetie Belle’s smile fell.“Why not?” “Let’s just say you’ll actually be experiencing the comic book rather than just reading it,” Rarity said with a gulp. “Oh. Hey, Celestia, can we have a tea party now?” Sweetie Belle smile grew more as another idea popped in her mind, something involving sleepwear and a tea party. Sweetie Belle and Celestia cast glances at each other before Rarity spoke. “Hmm, maybe we should let the Celestia finish up her work, and maybe she’ll do it if she’s in the mood.” “Oh.” Sweetie Belle’s ears flopped down. “Okay, sorry.” Celestia smiled as she put a hoof on Sweetie’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Sweetie Belle. Tomorrow, we can do whatever you want and if you would like, you can accompany me while I’m attending to my royal duties.” “Hehe, you said ‘duty’.” Sweetie Belle stopped giggling as Rarity shot her an angry glare. “Sorry.” “Don't be sorry.” Their heads turned to the clock as it hit ten o’ clock. “Well, you two should get some rest,” Celestia said with a smile. “I hope you find your chambers to suit your interests.” “I cannot express how grateful I am, Princess Celestia!” Rarity was ready to kneel and kiss Celestia’s hoof, but a golden hoof stopped her midway. Celestia smiled nervously. “Please do not express it by kissing my hoof again. It was quite—” “Awkward.” Sweetie Belle butted in on their conversation, looking between the two. “Also, Rarity what’s she talking about?” Rarity blushed. “Well, good night Celestia, and I hope you have a good night’s rest,” she said quickly, pushing Sweetie Belle out the door until she broke free. “Goodnight to you both as well.” Sweetie Belle gave Celestia a quick hug before she ran out the door with Rarity and the other guard who accompanied them. Outside on the balcony, Luna watched the scene with a smile. Sweetie Belle laid in the royal bed. Celestia had instructed the royal guards to place her inside a room that was pink and had a toy box for her to play with. The blankets covered  her whole body as Rarity, who wore her sleeping robe, stood over Sweetie Belle. “These blankets are so soft I’m going to die!” Rarity giggled. “They can’t be that soft.” “Rarity?” Sweetie Belle shuffled to the right side of the bed, where Rarity was setting the alarm to eight o’ clock.   “Hmm?” “I can’t shake this feeling I have.” Sweetie Belle stared at the ceiling. “I can’t help but feel like I’m going to mess up helping Celestia like how I always messed up helping you.” “Oh I’m sure you do just fine.” Rarity brushed Sweetie Belle’s mane. “After all, Celestia is forgiving, so she won’t be mad if you do mess up, but try not to do it on purpose, hmm?” “Okay.” “That’s my sister,” Rarity said with a yawn. “And you never messed up helping me. In fact, you made it better, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have such a wonderful sister like you.” “Thanks, Rarity.”  Sweetie Belle gave Rarity a quick hug before laying back down. “You’re the best sister I ever had.” Rarity used her magic to pull the blankets over Sweetie Belle. “Good night, little sister,” Rarity said as she gave Sweetie a hug and trotted out the room. “Good night, Rarity.” Sweetie Belle rested her head on the pillow as she drifted off to sleep.