The Cruelty of Reality

by Unbridled Dolly

Waste of Life

The Cruelty of Reality

Happy met his mother. She looked so pretty, despite lying upon a cold metal table in a freezing morgue. The atmosphere chilled his little body, and Happy learned from that moment on that there was indeed truth to the old saying.

Death, is fucking cold.

No parent or guardian to look after him, little Happy packed his belongings, the foal services of Equestria escorting him to his new residence and place of living. The orphanage.

It wasn't so bad. Sure, Happy felt scared during his first few days here. Sure, Happy immediately gained the attention of the big bully of the place, and wound up with a broken leg the second day after arriving there. Sure, the owner of the orphanage 'accidentally' said hurtful things about the fillies and colts roaming the place now and then, but it really wasn't all that bad.

Happy got a nice warm meal at least. It might have lacked the loving touch that his mommy used to put into her cooking when she was alive, and it might have not tasted very nice a lot of the time, but it was food still, right?

And he got his own bed. That was nice too. Before, he had had to share a bed with his mommy, and now he had one all his own. Granted, it could have been a little better if it had a more colorful bed sheet, and preferably one without a big hole in it, but Happy on the plus side slept in a big room with lots of other colts and fillies, so he wasn't alone at night anymore.

It sure wasn't home, but then what did Happy know about 'home'? To the young pony, 'home' was just a funny word to him, and one of which its meaning eluded him.

Happy nevertheless dreams of what he believes this... 'home', is as he clutches his ragged teddy, his eyes closing as he drifts off to sleep. In the imagination of Happy's fantasy dreaming, not even the sound of an age-old stallion walking into the sleeping quarters, and approaching the bedside of an awake and trembling wide-eyed filly, is enough to stir Happy's mind away from his sweet innocent slumber.