//------------------------------// // Pondering the News // Story: Watchtower #3 // by kalash93 //------------------------------// Chapter 1: Pondering the News _________________________________________________________________________________________ Princess Celestia strode into her office. It was a lovely, bright day in the middle of spring, between when the cold of winter ended and the heat of summer began. Her golden shoes made authoritative clacks on the marble floor as she approached her ornately carved mahogany desk. she was all ready to get to work with a warm belly full of her delicious breakfast washed down by hot tea. She sat down on her extremely comfortable leather-upholstered swivel armchair. Then she saw it. A dossier with the official seal of central administration in Kandagar marked with deadly terms like “for Princess Celestia” and “top secret” and “urgent”. It lay atop the book, Equine Lands. With trepidation, she opened the folder. She immediately saw a cover sheet marked “classified top secret”. She called to whatever staff could hear her, “Coffee.” She needed coffee already. It was going to be that kind of day. She had been having a lot of those sorts of days as of late. The reopening of hostilities between the central Zebrican government in Bremane and the separatist region of Chechneya had given her nought but headaches for the past two weeks. Her decision to acquiesce to Twilight Sparkle requesting control over the situation had done little to help, as it seemed like absolutely everyone at all involved in any way, even the most obliquely tangental, had decided that her announcement that Twilight Sparkle was assuming control of the Afghneighn situation really meant that she was the real head honcho in charge of it. The worst part was how Twilight kept on bombarding her with letters asking for her input regarding everything. Of course, she should have foreseen this; Twilight was Twilight, just as neurotic and desperate for approval as ever, and even more fearful of failure than ever. She opened the report, knowing full well that its contents absolutely were not going to be at all nice to learn about. The sinister documents did not fail to disappoint. Her heart fell the moment the read the date, 5/18. This had happened that very morning! Steeling herself, the alicorn licked her fingers and opened up the first page of the report. To: Her most illustrious royal ladyship, Princess Celestia Solis, Dea diei, Regina Equestriae From: Major Portculis Rampart, leader of the 9’th Ranger Division of the Royal Expeditionary Force in Aghneighnistan in Prantsshir province, under the command of General Stormcloud Swift, reporting to her ascended royal ladyship, Princess Twilight Sparkle, governer of the Equestrian Protectorate of Afghenighnistan Celestia sighed. Why did they always spend so much time on flowerly titles and introductions? It was the formal thing to do, but it didn’t curry favor, and it certainly did not help the reports become any more palatable, useful, or comprehenisble. It would have been nice if more important state information could just be delivered to her by simple letters saying things like “Dear Princess Celestia, the Griffons want to discuss contracts regarding mineral rights in the badlands.” or “Hey, Celestia, inflation is getting out of hand; tell the royal mint to slow down.” or “Yo, Tia, you could make some extra money by closing this tax loophole.” or even “Oi, Cellybeans, Chechneya is getting ugly again!”. Cumulative report on engagements at Afghneighn watchtowers on 5/18 She skimmed down through the following paragraphs and section of information. It was nothing but filler, anyway, detailing to her things she already knew about events that had already happened all with far too much description and not enough explanation. Order of Battle “I already know, because I’m the one who approved all their appointments as Commander in Chief.” Combatants She skimmed. She muttered, “Of course I know that ponies were involved, because this report is about my armed forces. What really mystifies me is how it has taken eight pages of small single-spaced print to get to the part where I finally learn the identity of the enemy.” The point of origin of hostile forces is unknown. As are their numbers, goals, and affiliation. Fantastic, the only intelligence she had on the situation, and it could not even answer her one question about who had sent troops to kill her soldiers. casualities Rangers: Watchtower #1: 0 Dead, 1 Wounded / 15 That was good. At least none of her dear little ponies had died. Watchtower #2: 3 Dead, 6 Wounded / 15 This was not so good. She feared for the final tower. Watchtower #3: 15 Dead, 0 Wounded / 15 The words hit her like a blow. An entire watchtower, all fifteen ponies, wiped out, no, exterminated. All those lives, all those irreplaceable individuals with lives to live and loved ones, gone forever in an instant. She recalled the words she exchanged with the guard, Valley Forge, who had brought her Equine Lands that day exactly two weeks ago. “Why would you risk yourself for others?” “Because I love them. Because I want to give them the best possible future. I protect Equestria because they are the part of Equestria I love above all others, above myself.” “But what if you die? “I don’t want to die, your majesty. They’d be heartbroken, devastated. But if I have to die for them, I’ll make that sacrifice. Doesn’t matter where or when.” Had he played the part of the brave soldier to the end, or did he meet death screaming and crying? She remembered the look in his eye and the expression on his face. His composure had almost broken. Tears had pooled in his eyes. But, bravely, he looked right into hers, his voice not wavering as he said this, the one thing that bound all guards, their absolute devotion to their duty to others. Eighteen just like him were dead, just that morning, and another seven like him were maimed. Twenty-five harmed in the line of duty -- in her service. His post of duty had shortly thereafter been moved to Afghneighnistan when Twilight had requisitioned troops. She wondered what had become of him. She turned her eyes back to her task, her investigation as she read through the unfeeling documents. Five Zebras of unknown origin were killed. No civilian casualties or collateral damage reported. For casualty lists, see the attached document. Celestia tore out the casualty report document. It was written on dull, grey paper in blocky, impersonal letters, like it was detailing a list of materials needed for a construction project rather than the killing and maiming of real ponies. Her eyes scoured down. Watchtower #3 1. Sgt. Aquitaine, Garnet (KIA) 2. Cpl. Bree, Buck (KIA) 3. Pfc. Dapple, Wort (KIA) 4. Sgt. Forge, Valley (KIA) 5. Pvt. Greenwood, Cyprus (KIA) 6. Pvt. Illion, Iris (KIA) 7. 1Lt. Jasmine, Heath (KIA) 8. Cpl. Leonid, Sahel (KIA) 9. Pfc. Muzak, Funk (KIA) 10. Pvt. Note, Sweet (KIA) 11. Pvt. Onyx, Jewel (KIA) 12. Pvt. Procedure, Proper (KIA) 13. Cpl. Quaint, Charm (KIA) 14. Pfc. Rose, Thorn (KIA) 15. Pfc Strider, Ace (KIA) The solar princess heaved a huge sigh. Ponies, her ponies, were dead. One she knew had been killed in this real problem spiraling out of control. The thing she had hoped against, that the violence would spill across the border, had happened. She had to act soon and decisively, for mistakes and delays would only mean more unnecessary deaths. While her faithful student was floundering at her first real test of crisis leadership, her subjects were dying. That was unacceptable. She cupped her face in her hands and sighed. In spite of her feelings, she had to be dispassionate here for the good of her subjects. All the emotion, guilt, and idealism in the world couldn't help them if she acted like a fool. A leader had to keep her cool and use her head, even when her heart demanded theatrics. Thus was her lot and her burden. She told herself, "So eighteen Equestrian soldiers are dead, including one we knew and liked, and seven more are injured. The watchtowers are still ours and no harm befell our subjects. Things are not as I would wish them, but when taken objectively, the situation is hardly due cause for alarm. Equestria has endured much worse under my leadership, and I shall not falter now." She heard the door open and the footsteps of a servant approaching. The strong smell of hot black coffee assailed her nostrils. “Your coffee, your majesty,” said the maid humbly, pouring out a small cup. Princess Celestia set aside the dossier and Equine Lands as she received the drink. “Thank you, Melody.” smiled Celestia. “It’s my pleasure, your majesty.” The unicorn maid’s pale features flushed bright red. She turned to leave, but the alicorn’s voice stopped her. “Melody, I have two favors to ask of you.” The other mare turned on the spot. “Whatever they are, I’ll do my best, your majesty.” Celestia smiled and said warmly, “Melody, please bring me more paper, ink, and pens, and please tell my Spymaster, Espionage Sleuth, that I demand his presence in my study at once. You will find him in the fourth floor of the north tower, third door on your left from the spiral staircase.” Melody saluted. “Right away, your majesty. If there anything else I may do for your majesty?” Celestia smirked for a moment before replying, “Please bring me a huge pot of coffee with the largest cups the kitchen can spare. And please inform them that more may well be requested at any time.” Melody nodded. “Are you having one of those days, your majesty?” Celestia chuckled, “One you would not believe.” Melody smiled back at her monarch before she dashed out the door on her errands. Celestia reopened the dossier and began to look at the report in earnest. She quickly down her first cup of coffee and magically poured another for herself as she sharpened her mind and steeled herself to take informed action. Now was not the time for sorrow or paralysis. The enemy had come and committed an act of war against Equestria. Measures had to be taken to fulfill her sworn duty to the realm and its citizens. But while she waited, she would get all the facts. Then she would personally write to all the families of the slain. An hour passed before the clatter of hooves shod in fine shoes approached outside her door. Two knocks came, followed by a creaky old stallion voice. “Princess Celestia, your majesty, this is your Spymaster, Espionage Sleuth. You requested to meet with me here immediately, did you not?” Celestia threw back the remainder of her cup, the last of her pot. She responded, “Indeed I did. Come inside, we have urgent matters to discuss.” He complied and approached. “Good morning. I’m afraid that the coffee pot is at an end, but our work is not yet begun.” “What would you have me do, your majesty?” “Tell me everything you know about Zebricy, Afghenighnistan, and the other eastern countries in this book.” She levitated and presented Equine Lands to him. “Once we have the whole picture, then we can proceed with our eyes open. Espionage Sleuth adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat before replying, “Yes, your majesty,” as he began to relate the history of the East, starting with the semi-mythical King Altreich of the Zebras of the Berg. _________________________________________________________________________________________