//------------------------------// // Tragedies of the past // Story: Hope / An Unexpected Ally // by brandsca123 //------------------------------// Chapter 10 Tragedies of the past Jane Had a look of pain as he left the library, a tear running down his face. "Why did they have to mention her. I thought I moved on but it keeps coming back to haunt me." Jane was referring to when Rarity asked about his life crystal. Right now he just wanted to be alone. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< "What's with him, he just went up and left." Twilight Sparkle was looking out the door which was still open. The others did the same. "You don't think we might have offended him." Rarity asked concerned. The other ponies were still confused by his blunt explanation and still wanted some answers. "I think maybe we should leave him alone fer now." Applejack said. She couldn't help but feel sorry for Jane. "Well I still want answers." Rainbow Dash said as she made a break for the door, but was pulled back by Twilights magic. "Lets wait till tomorrow girls, I don't think he is in the mood to be talking to us." Twilight said. "Oh my.... I can only imagine what might be going through his head right now." Fluttershy said trying to console a sniffling Hope. "You should be ashamed of yourselves!," Hope said pushing back Fluttershy. Everypony in the room was surprised by her sudden outburst, Hope could sense this and quickly calmed down, "I mean couldn't you feel it." "Feel what Hope?" Twilight was confused. "He......Just now when we were talking to him, I felt his memories. Painful memories." Hope was fighting back tears, "I don't know how to explain this but I have a strange feeling that I might have known him in the past but, it's all foggy." "Ya sure it wasn't yer imagination Hope." Applejack said. "Hey has anypony seen Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Dash interrupted the conversation at hand. "Rainbow Dash! I'm dissapointed in you. Besides Pinkie Pie is right here." Rarity said as she pointed a hoof behind her, but instead of a pony there was nothing but air. "Uh oh." Rarity said noticing that their friend wasn't there. Everypony in the room started looking around for her, but she was nowhere to be found. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Jane continued walking, untill he found a secluded area. There was a tree in the middle of a small hill, next to it was a small river that ran through the everfree. He sat down leaning against the trunk of the tree and clutched his life crystal. "Harmony." he said as a tear ran down his face. "Why did you have to sacrafice yourself for me." He clenched his teeth and fists and let out small sobs. He didn't seem to notice a pink mass out in the distance walking towards him. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Pinkie Pie was following Jane closely, making sure she wasn't seen. She had sensed that he was hiding something from her and her friends. She wasn't sure what it was but she had to know. Suddenly she noticed Jane sit down on a small hill at the edge of the everfree. She stopped and listened, and could swear she heard small sobs coming from him. Whatever it was that was bugging him was painful, she couldn't help but shed a small tear as she walked over to him. "What's wrong?" She said, Jane lifted his head and put it back down in his arms. "Go away." He said, but Pinkie was not one to leave somepony or something sad like this and ignored him. She was close to him and she put a hoof on his shoulder. "Come on, you can tell me." Pinkie Pie said putting on a smile. Jane rubbed a tear from his eye. "You wouldn't want to know, and besides it's private." Jane said defensibly, but Pinkie Pie persisted. "Well then I promise not to tell any pony," She then proceeded to recite a pinky promise, " Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." But still Jane didn't open up. Pinkie Pie sighed and proceeded to walk away when. "wait. I'll tell you" Jane said. Pinkie Pie pricked her ears up and ran to Janes side. She let out a smile as she sat down next to him. Jane sighed and started. "This isn't easy for me to say but.... I trust you." Jane then proceeded to tell his story. "Long before I came here, I lived in a place called Seleona. The main inhabitants of the planet were the Celestials and the Arch-Angles, both species co-operatedwith each other. It was a wonderful paradise, where magic and technology co-existed with one another. Airships filled the sky and everyone was at peace, for the time. I was only a young furling about to receive the right of passage, as it was my time to become a full fledged celestial. The king and queen at the time were, queen Harmony, and lord Chaos. I was tasked to protect them for the rest of my life, as is the tradition of a furling becoming a celestial. I was happy and I became the best of friens with the king, but it wasn't ment to last. Shortly after their daughter Hope was born into the world calamity struck. An assassination attempt happened to the king who died shortly after. I tried to save him but I couldn't, my dear friend died in my arms and tasked me with this mission, protect Harmony. It was then he gave me this crystal, and told me of it's powers to protect the holder from harm. I managed to find the assassin and corner him, but something happened. He killed himself and opened a portal to the void, freeing the deamons. I barley managed to escape with my life, when I found Harmony and her daughter Hope. I warned them of the danger and proceeded to escort them out of the palace, But we were ambushed by a group of Arch-Angels calling themselves the fallin. They attacked us but, Harmony threw herself at them to protect Hope dying in the process. I quickly grabbed Hope and ran to The Gateway, a place where the worlds meet allowing easy access to different worlds. Sadly there was only enough power for one though, and without thinking I sent Hope through the portal with a message hoping that whoever was on the other side would protect her. I was then captured by the fallin and taken to their ship and locked away. I thought all hope was lost for me when the life crystal opened a way for me to escape. I ran through the ship fighting the fallin untill I came to the escape pods. I managed to highjack one and escape, but I received heavy damage in the process. I floated through subspace untill I ran into this planet here. Your friend Rainbow Dash knows what happened after that." Pinky couldn't believe her ears, as her main and tail straightened out and some color faded from her. Tears were running down her face as she started to cry. "I had know idea...... I....... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Pinkie hugged Jane. "You've been through so much and my friends and I kept bugging you for answers, I'm so sorry." Jane couldn't help by cry too as he hugged Pinkie back. Together they sat there in eachothers arms crying.