//------------------------------// // Messages // Story: Bring Me the Heads of the Cutie Mark Crusaders! // by CCC //------------------------------// Ponyville, one day after Discord's escape Discord hummed a merry little tune as he turned the page of the friendship diary. He reached down from the hammock in which he was reclining and picked out another stem of Heart's Desire from Zecora's sharply limited stock to slip in as a bookmark. He heard hooves approaching, and hummed just a little bit louder. The door to Zecora's hut opened, letting in the sounds of the Everfree for just a moment; and then the door was abruptly shut again. There was some frantic whispering on the other side of the door, some of it in a rhythm that suggested rhyming speech. Discord caught his name a few times in amongst the whispers. He continued to hum and page through the friendship diary for a few moments, then he called out “I can hear you, you know.” The whispering abruptly stopped, replaced with the fearful silence of several ponies holding their breath. “Oh, now, there's no need to be like that.” he told the closed door. “Tirek took my magic too.” The silence persisted. “I can tell you how to defeat him.” continued Discord. Somepony outside, unable to hold their breath any longer, took in a great big gasp of air. “All you'll need to do is open the Harmony box.” continued Discord. There was more rapid whispering, followed by one set of hooves galloping away at full speed. Finally, the door swung open, revealing Zecora, flanked by two fillies; one earth pony with a bedraggled ribbon in her mane, and one orange pegasus wearing an eyepatch. “We had tried what you suggest,” said Zecora, coldly, “but we were not successful in our quest.” “Ah, yes,” said Discord, “but I know where the keys are.” “Why did you do it?” asked Scootaloo, frowning. “Why did you help Tirek?” “In hindsight,” sighed Discord, “it was a mistake. I did it mostly to try to prove that I was free, that I could do something like that if I wanted, that I wasn't merely trapped in a new sort of cage... but I was. I still am, in a way. Would you believe, I honestly think I might be starting to grow a conscience?” Discord clicked his tongue and shook his head. “The worst of it is,” he continued, “I don't think I can get rid of the thing. Not without excising several months worth of my most pleasant memories.” He flipped to a new page in the diary, and picked out Zecora's last Heart's Desire stem to use for his fifth bookmark. “Anyhow,” he continued, “I have two messages for you. The first is -” he tossed the diary to the ground in front of the three ponies - “take a look at the marked pages, that should lead you to five of the keys.” “There's six keyholes.” said Applebloom. “Quite.” said Discord. “I know exactly where the sixth key is, and I plan on getting it myself. The second message is that your little rebellion is really bothering Tirek -” “Yeah!” said Scootaloo, waving one hoof victoriously. “- to the point that he's sent an agent to kill you.” finished Discord. Scootaloo's victorious gesture crumbled into uncertainty. “What?” Discord twisted himself until he was sitting up on the hammock. “Do you remember,” he asked, “when I was freed from stone about... oh... a year ago? When I was turning ponies grey and making them act opposite to their natures?” “Yeeeessssss....” said Applebloom, cautiously. “Well, Tirek's got my magic, and he's been doing the same.” said Discord. “The agent's name is Daring Do, and the only reason she's not here yet is because she thinks you're in Manehatten.” “Manehatten?” said Applebloom. “Cousin Babs!” Discord winced. “Yes,” he said. “Daring's going to look for your headquarters and then try to bring Tirek your heads. If you're lucky, she'll be happy to try to bring them still attached to the rest of you.” He reached down to pick up a second book from next to the hammock, and tossed it to land by the diary. “If you can hold her down and read this to her,” he continued, “you've got a good chance of breaking the spell.” Scootaloo glanced down at the cover of the book. “Daring Do and the Sapphire Sto- hey!” He glared up at the dragonequus. “You stole this from my room!” “I did?” asked Discord, surprised. “Well, that's a coincidence. It was the twelfth house I broke into, I think. Nopony appreciates poorly-written adventure stories anymore, it seems.” “Ah thought you hated reading.” said Applebloom. “If it's cool enough for Rainbow Dash,” said Scootaloo firmly, “then it's cool enough for me!” “Well, just in case one book isn't enough,” said Discord, “I do hope you know where to find the rest of the series.” “Sure.” said Scootaloo. “Twilight's got the whole series in her library.” “Which was destroyed in Tirek's war.” pointed out Zecora. “Do you know where any others are?” “Rainbow Dash has the whole series in her cloud house.” continued Scootaloo. “Perhaps someplace we can reach without having to fly?” asked Applebloom. “Well, that's all my messages delivered.” said Discord, strolling to the nearest window. “I'm sure you understand, I don't particularly want to wait around until whoever you sent that little unicorn to fetch arrives; besides, I need to go pick up a photo album from the Crystal Empire.” While his eagle claw fumbled with the latch, he waved with his lion paw. “Bye, now.” The three ponies continued to glare at him from the doorway until he'd climbed out the window, pushed it shut from the outside, and wandered off into the Everfree.