//------------------------------// // Broken Illusions // Story: Forget Your Reality // by LunarGazer1500 //------------------------------// September 10, 2014. This was the day Twilight decided to continue her investigation.It took her three days to get back on her hooves and back to business,she of course had still been upset from the unpleasant conversation that had occurred but regardless of that she did not yield but she did dread of what she would find out. So once again Twilight, with a bit of assistance from her magic opened the door once again to the outside world, this time she would not seek answers from those of Ponyville but instead go directly to Princess Celestia because after all it was said that ''you're all monsters'' rather than the sentence only referring to Twilight only. Twilight took a brief moment to think to herself. ''Perhaps I should use a long distance teleportation to avoid time consumption but it will take quite a bit of my power and render me tired or sluggish at the least and there's no telling how this visit will go, maybe flying is the best course of travel in this moment, And maybe I should inform Celestia that i'm-NO! If I tell her I'm coming and if just by chance she is doing something that could be vital to this investigation then she could cover it up and this would have been all for nothing.'' After finishing with her thoughts Twilight wasted not a second more, She unfolded her feathered lavender colored wings and began to flap them, seconds later her body lifted off the ground and began to ascend, she started flying in the direction of Canterlot Castle. Thinking of her ETA Twilight assumed she'd be there in an hour,and so she was it took her exactly one hour to arrive at the doors of the massive ivory white castle. She stood at the entrance ever so hesitant to enter, not knowing of what secrets she would uncover.But even so the Alicorn Princess did not yield she merely inhaled and exhaled for a brief moment and entered the castle. Everything seemed normal upon entry, guards were aligned in the halls, the castle staff was at work as usual. The only thing missing was Celestia but she was probably in her room, so with that mere guess Twilight cautiously walked to Celestia's room . As she drew closer and closer she could hear her ex-mentor yell at some pony.She had yelled at the top of her lungs, Twilight could hear the immeasurable amount of anger and frustration in Celestia's voice. Twilight stood by the door and listened to her mentors words as carefully as she could. ''How...THE FUCK DID YOU LET HIM ESCAPE!! I SWEAR YOU ARE THE DUMBEST, MOST IRRESPONSIBLE PIECE OF SHIT PONY IN ALL OF THE LAND!!! I-i just don't know how could 8 guards including yourself LOSE THE SUBJECT AND NOW HE COULD BE ANYONE OF US HIDING YOU KNOW WHAT GET YOUR SHIT YOUR FIRED!!! Twilights eyes widened at her mentors foul language,Celestia had always been so calm and docile with immeasurable patience but now it was clear that someone as nice as Celestia could lose her mind but regardless something was going on and ''the subject '' was key to this mystery. Twilight walked away from the door to avoid being discovered by any pony her new objective was to find the subject and get him to talk, while walking Twilight once again started to think to herself;thinking of a plan to find the subject. ''I'm not so sure where to start at this moment it was said the subject could be many one of us, I don't even know if the subject is timid or shy or even injured, my best bet is to avoid Celestia and look for ponies that seem possibly more worn out than our usually tired guards or talk to the few who may look secluded from the rest, that's the best I've got for now...'' Twilight ventured through the long halls carefully eyeing each pony as carefully as possible' her first destination inside the castle would be the barracks, that's where all the soldiers would take breaks and talk to each other.