My Little Investigations: Marehunter

by Metool Bard

Grains of Salt (S)

December 14, 14:28
Griffon Kingdom
Nemean Correctional Facility

Throughout history, ponies of Equestria have always seen the Griffon Kingdom as a very aggressive neighbor. While I maintain that not all griffons are like that (at least not in modern times), I'd be a fool to dispute this fact about griffon society as a whole. Any sociologist would claim that it has to do with the fact that they're carnivores, and while that could be seen as a valid reason, I don't think it's the only one. After all, just like the pegasi of pre-unification times, griffons have always been known to be proud and fierce warriors. And if the Wonderbolts are any indication, those traditional roots still run deep with the pegasi. As such, I firmly believe the same applies to the griffons.

So you can understand why I'd have a completely nonplussed reaction when we arrived the impenetrable fortress known as Nemean Correctional Facility. Honestly, its appearance was just what I expected it to be. The entire place was surrounded by a black wall the size of a mountain, a moat, and an anti-air minefield. Watch towers complete with searchlights and ballistas covered every possible exit (or at least the exits I could see). Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they managed to get their talons on some sort of heat-seeking radar to let them know if someone was knocking at the door. When they say that this is the most secure prison in the land, they're not kidding. I can't picture anyone being stupid enough to try and escape that. Not even someone like Gypsy Moth.

"Stay where you are!"

I think my radar theory just got some validation. We were a good ten feet from the minefield when one of watch towers set its sights on us. We all stood at attention, shielding our eyes the best we could. Well, all except for Rainbow Dash. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that her face had lost all color, and with the exception of her wings flapping, she wasn't moving a muscle.

"It is alright, Mademoiselle Dash," said Pierre. "This is standard procedure."

"He's right, private," I said. "Just keep calm and let me do the talking."

In a matter of moments, a warden flew from the tower and intercepted us. To my slight surprise, he wasn't a griffon, but a pegasus. I say slight surprise because some ponies actually do end up moving to the Griffon Kingdom for one reason or another. Why do you think they have hippogriffs running around?

"Identification, now," growled the warden.

"Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts," I responded without missing a beat. "The Griffon Magistrate has given me and my team permission to enter Nemean for the purposes of an investigation."

The warden paused. "Just a moment."

He flew back to the watch tower, no doubt to confirm my story. It wasn't long before he returned.

"Your story checks out," he said. "You're here to see Gypsy Moth, correct?"

"Yes," I confirmed.

The warden nodded. "I'll need confirmation of your identities."

"Of course," I said, giving him our passports. After a thorough check, he nodded again and turned back to the watch tower.

"It's Captain Spitfire! Disengage the minefield and open the gates!" he ordered.

There was a distinct hum in the air, followed by a powerful rumble as the massive front gate opened before us.

"Well, this is where we part ways," said Pierre solemnly. "I have to report back to Epiphany and check in on le Griffon Magistrat. Best of luck, Capitaine Spitfire."

"You too, Captain le Grand," I said with a salute.

Pierre saluted in turn and flew away.

"I'll take you directly to Gypsy Moth's cell," said the pegasus warden. "Please, follow me. And stay close."

We did as he asked. All the while, I had one eye on Blaze. She still looked like she was ready to throw down. As I've mentioned a few times before, I can understand why she's like this. The last time we met Gypsy Moth, she used her magic to turn Blaze into her personal puppet and force us into a fight to the death. That was probably one of the most terrifying experiences of my life, and I know it was the same for Blaze. Even after all this time, I can't bring myself to forgive Gypsy Moth for what she did (honestly, would you?). Nevertheless, it's painfully obvious that traumatic experience is interfering with Blaze's judgement. I just hope she has the good sense to keep that to herself while we're in there. I really don't wanna call her out on her behavior during this delicate interrogation. That won't do anypony any favors.


As soon as we touched down, it was just a short walk to Gypsy Moth's prison cell. Although to be frank, you wouldn't know that just be looking at it. In fact, it looked more like a living room in some rich pony's manor. She had wall-to-wall carpeting; bookshelves stuffed to the brim; a workbench littered with tools; even a hearth for a massive caldron. The only way you could tell she was imprisoned there was a shimmering, translucent wall the separated her from us. I've seen this before. It's an anti-magic field; a spell utilized by security guards to prevent unicorns from using their magic. Meaning the only place she could perform magic was from inside her cell.

As for Gypsy Moth herself, well, it appears that she aged a lot since I last saw her. Her once silver mane had lost its luster, and her blue coat seemed a bit paler than I remember it. Her purple shawl had been replaced with a powder blue jumpsuit, which was most likely her prison uniform. But despite all that, the most notable feature about her remained: A pair of butterfly wings sprouting from her back. Once upon a time, she used to call herself the Pseudo Alicorn because she made constant use of an alchemical recipe that turned gossamer and morning dew into temporary wings. It looks to me like she didn't want to give that up.

"Gypsy Moth. You have visitors," said the warden.

Gypsy Moth looked up from her caldron, her jade eyes staring right into mine. Her lips curled into a thin smile.

"Thank you, warden," she said hoarsely. "You may go."

"Of course," said the warden before turning to me. "Be sure to let me know if there's any trouble, alright? I'll be just down the hall."

"Noted," I said with a nod. With that, the warden trotted off.

"Well, well. It certainly has been a long time, child," said Gypsy Moth pleasantly. "How are things back in Equestria?"

"We didn't come here for small talk," Blaze growled.

"Blaze, chill," I said firmly. "I got this."

Blaze let out a sharp sigh and stood down.

"Tsk tsk tsk. It appears some of us are unwilling to let go of the past," Gypsy Moth mused, shaking her head.

"Yeah, well. Even the most powerful alicorn in Equestria can't just wave their hoof and make all the bad stuff go away," I said bluntly.

"This is true," said Gypsy Moth with a sigh. She then shrugged her shoulders. "But, you'll be happy to know that I've left the life of the Tengu Empress far behind."

"Well, see, I wanted to talk to you about that," I said. "You remember the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well, right?"

Gypsy Moth tilted her head. "Which one? The original, or the one I created?"

"The second one," said Misty Fly.

"Oh, right. Yes, of course," said Gypsy Moth with a sheepish chuckle. "Yes, I remember her quite vividly. What about her?"

"She's in trouble," I said, giving Gypsy Moth a stern look. "Someone is impersonating her, and they've been causing some havoc. They crashed the Grand Galloping Gala, and according to Mare-Do-Well's intel, she could be here in the Griffon Kingdom. Would you happen to know anything about this?"

Gypsy Moth furrowed her brow and placed a hoof to her muzzle. "Tell me, child. Are you certain that this is an impostor?"

I blinked. "What do you mean? Of course it is."

"How do you know?" said Gypsy Moth. "A ponunculus is bound to the will of its creator. Mare-Do-Well was obviously malfunctioning, which is why she wouldn't obey me. As such, I'm thinking that her malfunction was fixed, and she has decided to carry out my will."

"Horse apples," Blaze snarled. "That makes no sense."

"It makes sense to me," Gypsy Moth retorted. "And since I actually created her, I think my word carries a bit of weight, don't you?"

Rainbow Dash stepped forward. "I actually agree with Lieutenant Blaze. The real Mare-Do-Well wouldn't do that."

Gypsy Moth's wings flittered. "Hmm. I thought I recognized you from somewhere. Names often escape me, but I never forget a face."

Rainbow Dash smirked and puffed out her chest. "Yeah, well. I have been known to be pretty awesome. It's no wonder you've heard of me."

"Indeed," said Gypsy Moth, giving Rainbow Dash a wry smile. "After all, you're the one who killed the original Mare-Do-Well."

Rainbow Dash's smile disappeared in an instant. "Wh-what?"

"Oh, don't try to deny it," said Gypsy Moth, pointing an accusatory hoof at Rainbow Dash. "I was in Ponyville back when the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well was famous. You interrupted Ponyville's first celebration in her honor, and then proceeded to chase her. She hasn't returned since that day, unless I'm mistaken. To me, that says you killed her."

Rainbow Dash's eyes narrowed. "For your information, it's actually more complicated than that. The original Mare-Do-Well actually happens to be a good friend of mine."

Gypsy Moth let out a small snicker. "Is she now? Is that why she stole your spotlight and alienated you from the entire town? Is that why you chased her off, forcing her to never return?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "You don't get it. Mare-Do-Well wasn't trying to steal my spotlight or make me look like a fool or anything like that. She was trying to be my role model. She wanted to show me how a hero is supposed to act. That's what the Wonderbolts are all about, and they're my lifelong heroes. Why would I fault her for doing the same thing?"

Gypsy Moth paused for a moment, and then nodded. "Oh. I see. I *ahem* apologize for jumping to conclusions. But getting back to the subject at hoof, my Mare-Do-Well is not the same as yours."

"I don't believe that," said Rainbow Dash, her voice full of determination. "Maybe you didn't want Mare-Do-Well to be a hero, but that's what she is. That's what she'll always be, at least to me. And that's why I'm gonna find this faker and make her answer for what she's done."

Wow. I had no idea Rainbow Dash felt that way about Mare-Do-Well. Even though she hasn't met the same pony I did, she's determined to aid her. All because of a little demonstration put on by her friends that helped her grow into a better pony (yes, I know all about what happened in Ponyville thanks to my investigation back in January, but I'd greatly appreciate it if you guys didn't let Rainbow Dash know that I know). Is it any wonder why I have so much respect for her?

"I have to agree with my private here, Gypsy Moth," I said. "Your theory doesn't really hold up. Your only order to her was to kill my team. If she's following your will, wouldn't she be trying to do that right now?"

"Well, maybe she's still on the fritz. Who knows?" said Gypsy Moth indifferently. "She clearly wasn't functioning properly if she was able to disobey me."

"Oh, stop lying through your teeth," Blaze snarled. "You're just trying to get us to turn against her! You know all about what's going on here; don't deny it!"

"Blaze, stand down!" I barked.

Blaze opened her mouth to protest, but was interrupted by Misty Fly raising her wing and shaking her head. Blaze sulked and held her tongue.

"I get the feeling that your soldier doesn't like me very much, child," said Gypsy Moth, arching an eyebrow.

"After what you did? I don't blame her," I said plainly.

Gypsy Moth let out a sad sigh. "Mmm. Touché. But again, that's all in the past. I've been getting help here, and I assure you, it's been working."

"So we heard," I said. "But that brings me to another thing I wanted to ask you about."

"What's that?"

"Did you happen to send a package to Kierra a couple of days ago?"

Gypsy Moth's wings twitched ever so slightly. "Um, please remind me who that is, child. I'm afraid my mind still isn't as sharp as it used to be."

Blaze glowered. "You know damn well who that is, you piece of—"

"Last warning, Blaze," I interrupted. "Don't make me send you back to Equestria."

A frustrated growl emerged from Blaze's throat. She really looks like she's about to explode. I might have to be careful here. I don't want to prompt Gypsy Moth into saying anything that might be considered inflammatory.

"She was your partner back when you first got captured by the Tengu Dynasty," I said. "Surely, you remember that."

"Oh, her," said Gypsy Moth with a nod. "Yes, of course. As a matter of fact, I did send her a little something a while ago. I disremember when, exactly. Why do you ask?"

Misty Fly sighed. "There's no way to put it delicately, Ms. Moth. I'm afraid Professor Kierra is dead."

Gypsy Moth frowned. "Is she really? Tsk, ashes to ashes, dust to dust."

I raised an eyebrow. "That's a pretty cold reaction, considering that she was your friend."

"You must pardon me, child. Years in the Tengu Dynasty have made it, difficult for me to display empathy properly," said Gypsy Moth, clearing her throat. "We're still working on that."

"Right, sure," said Blaze, rolling her eyes.

I decided to let that one go. Truth be told, I'm a bit skeptical myself. I wasn't expecting her therapy to cure her overnight, but you'd think they would've made a bit more progress by now.

"Let's move on," I said. "As it turns out, Kierra was poisoned, and if you sent her a package, you might be a suspect. Tell me truthfully, what was in that package you sent her?"

"Just some medicine," said Gypsy Moth innocently. "I made some for the entire prison, you know. I figured I'd give her a batch as a gesture of goodwill."

"Out of curiosity, do toxic truffles happen to go into that 'medicine?'" Blaze inquired.

"They do," said Gypsy Moth. "But then again, most medicines are forged from poisons. Every alchemist and apothecary knows that."

Hmm. I still don't know if she's being straight with us or not. Then again, back when I first met her, she was just as hard to read. I'm gonna need to shift the subject a bit.

"Speaking of alchemy, I can't help but notice you have a little workshop set up in here," I said, pointing at the caldron.

Gypsy Moth smiled. "Isn't it nice?" she said sweetly. "It's all thanks to Princess Celestia's insistence that I was to be reformed. I can make whatever I want in here, just so long as it isn't dangerous. I'm quite thankful for it, actually. You know how antsy ponies get when they're prevented from performing their special talents."

That is true, I suppose. But there's still the matter of Kierra's research.

"You know, Kierra was actually pretty worried about you," I said.

Gypsy Moth tilted her head. "Oh?"

"She was in the middle of doing research when she died," I said, taking out the list of highlighted passages Pierre gave me. "She was looking into all sorts of topics, including magic, alchemy, current events, and even law."

"Fascinating, child," said Gypsy Moth, sitting down. "But, what does that have to do with me?"

"Well, let me ask you this. Do you know anything about the Kurama Tengu?"

Gypsy Moth's wings flittered. "P-perhaps. What about them?"

"Kierra thinks that one of them is still alive, and that he's after you," I said.

Gypsy Moth cackled. "Oh, that's a ridiculous notion," she snickered. "Nemean is just as hard to break into as it is to break out of. And I certainly have not had any visitors of that nature."

"Kierra didn't seem to believe that," I said sternly. "Gypsy Moth, if you're in trouble, I need you to be honest with me."

"I am being honest with you, child," said Gypsy Moth simply. "Kei-Rey was just wasting her time."

Even if she honestly believes that to be true, I don't. The Kierra I know wouldn't drive herself crazy over nothing. I quickly glanced through her research to see if there was anything Gypsy Moth could expound upon. It was then that I got to a small quote taken from a magic textbook.

If magic is used to create life, that same magic cannot be used to cause death.

The gears in my mind were going into overdrive. If that's true, then what Gypsy Moth said about Mare-Do-Well going rogue can't be true. But was she lying, or did she just not know? Before I could ask, I saw Blaze turn to leave.

"Blaze? Where are you going?" I asked.

Blaze turned her head, giving me a dark look. "I'm not staying here, Sis. I don't want to hear another word out of that bitch's mouth."

Oh, no. No no no.

"Blaze, do not do this to me now," I pleaded.

"What, you expect me to stand here, listen to every lie she spews, and just go along with it?!" Blaze spat.

"Blaze, that's not what's going on here," I said.

"Then why are you defending her, huh?!" Blaze snapped. "Why are you giving her the benefit of the doubt?!"

"I'm not!" I roared back. "Blaze, trust me. There's no excusing what she did. But throwing blind accusations at her isn't going to solve anything!"

"They aren't blind accusations!" Blaze barked. "We have evidence proving that she's behind everything! And besides, didn't you hear how she just accused Rainbow Dash of murder out of the blue?! She hasn't changed at all!"

"Blaze, we don't know that," I said in a strained tone.

Blaze pouted and folded her forelegs. "Fine. Don't take my side. Don't support your little sister. She never has any good ideas. She's never right!"

Really, Blaze? Is that the way you wanna play? Is that what's going on right now?!

"Well, at least I'm being rational about this, instead of letting old wounds control me!" I blurted out.

Blaze gasped in horror. Time stood still as we stared at each other. After a pregnant pause, she broke the silence.

"Th-that's what you think, huh?" she said with a sniffle. "You think this is all about revenge for me, is that it?"

Crap. Th-that came out all wrong.

"Blaze, I—"

"Save it," said Blaze, turning her back to me. "J-just keep doing what you're doing. You obviously have everything under control. I-I'm going out to get some air. Don't wait up."

With that, she flew off. I bit my lip. Dammit, Blaze. I-I didn't think that. The Wonderbolts don't do revenge. Everypony on the team knows that, including you. I-I just thought you were taking this too personally, and it was messing with your head. That's all. Honest. I-I gotta make this right.

"I'm gonna go talk to her," I said.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go?" Misty Fly inquired.

I shook my head. "Thanks for the offer, Mist. But she's my little sister, and I'm the one who hurt her. I need this."

Misty Fly nodded. "Well, Private Dash and I are standing by if you need any help."

I simply nodded and flew off after Blaze. As I flew, I racked my brain trying to think of a way to apologize. Really, she's just as much at fault as I am. I don't trust Gypsy Moth any more than she does, but that doesn't mean anything if she's telling the truth. We need to sort this out like rational, adult ponies before we continue. I just need to find the right words.

To my surprise, I found Blaze just outside the door leading into the complex. She was staring at the sky, probably thinking about the same thing I was. I took a deep breath and approached her. Well, here goes nothing.

"Hey, Blaze?" I said, sheepishly brushing the back of my foreleg. "I, just wanted to say that—"


I looked up. "Yeah?"

"What was the weather like when we got here?"

Well, that's an odd question.

"Um, it was pretty fair, I guess," I said with a shrug.

"Uh-huh. Then, what's that?"

Blaze pointed to the sky. I looked up, and my jaw dropped. Floating right above us was a large thundercloud. No, not just large. Enormous. It was big enough to cover the entire prison complex. Flashes of lightning danced all around it. Now, I realize this isn't Equestria. The weather in the Griffon Kingdom is not regulated, so this isn't out of the ordinary per se. But just looking at that cloud and the sheer size of it, I knew something was wrong.

"Blaze, go get Misty Fly and Rainbow Dash out here, on the double," I said. "I'll scout ahead and see what we're up against."

"Y-yeah. Sure," said Blaze. "I-I was just thinking about getting you guys, anyway."

We exchanged a quick (and quite awkward) salute. As Blaze rushed back inside to fetch Rainbow Dash and Misty Fly, I took off into the sky. Ugh, buck me softly. If it's not one thing, it's another. This has not been a good day for me. I just hope it doesn't get any worse.


Oh, who am I kidding? It probably will.