//------------------------------// // The Tyrant and her lapdog // Story: Forget Your Reality // by LunarGazer1500 //------------------------------// The words spoken by the subject became embedded in Twilights mind, she couldn't even describe this situation now.In her mind Twilight desperately struggled for the correct words to fit the current situation. "Atrocity..?no...Chaotic?..not even close, the best description is vulgar but...perfect in a sense, to be precise this is just fucked up i mean...genocide of the weak AND changelings t-this cannot be true i just need to go to Celestia's room and look around a bit but i bet i'll find nothing!" Twilight muttered to herself as she strolled through the corridors of the castle. She didn't want to believe this was happened right now in her reality, in her life nor she didn't want to believe that her trustworthily ex-mentor would ever do such a terrible thing to anypony but even though she tried to reassure herself Twilight knew this was going to lead to a catastrophe at any given moment now, she knew to much now to just succeed in ignoring everything. A short while later Twilight came upon the door to Celestia's chambers, she just stared at the door, her heart racing in her chest and her mind forming thoughts of what horrid and disturbing things were on those recordings. "The despair of this dreaded moment...it has visited my mind....and its knocking at the door.." Twilight's voice trailed off into a low, meek fearful whisper, her own body began to tremble with each new thought in her mindm she reached one shaky hoof out to the nob and twisted it slowly while pushing it forward to open. The room was lit by the light of a lamp, Celestia's room seemed ordinary, it was clean and had all that belonged to her neatly put away and her bookcases full of spell books, guides and books on general knowledge layed in the case as they should. Twilight took a moment to scan the room with her eyes to carefully spot anything out of the ordinary, a few papers layed on her table scattered about on the surface. Using her magic Twilight levitated the papers to her and began to read the first one. Paper 1 Date:August 31. Title: Subject Data #202 Curent state:Deceased Life span after "cure":8h 22m 13s Personal Note Subject 202 was quite resilient to my "cure" i have begun to notice the more 'rebellious' one is to my serum the longer they can resist it.My next alterations to the "cure" will be the following : Immediate induced depression upon expose airborne properties water resistance. drug resistance. I figure if the depression feature is added resilience will drop quicker than there own bodies, that is all for now. Twilight had finished reading the first page. Silenced by the written words, she went to the next one, Paper 2 Date: September 7th. Title:Subject 203 Current state:Unkown~says to feel "broken" and is indeed suicidal (Due tio depression effect of cure) Current life span since capture: 2 days Personal Note I have not yet done away with this one, this particular and might i add lucky pony is helping me test the new alteration for my "cure" The depression effect has worked better than expected, upon contact an abundance of depression was almost instantly put upon the pony, he has become suicidal, whiney as well as his esteem going to an incrediblly low level to sum this up his mental stability has been crushed, he is so depressed that he is even agreeing with his imminent annihilation he so desperately wants to perish.This is simply magnificent! (Update notice, 203 has died on September 8, i allowed him to take his own life, i figured i'd let him have the pleasure of taking his own life, especially since other matters came into play.) Twilight finished that paper and began to go for the third but a soft "hello" interrupted that, she needed not to turn around because it was so simple to identify the voice, The voce of the supreme ruler, the mentor, the tyrant Celestia. "H-how long have you-" Celestia interrupted "Since the end of page 1 Princess, so is it not intriguing Twilight? is it not fantastic? Image it my dear! the strong living in one beautiful country as one and I, You, Luna and Cadence as the rulers of this new age of strenghth and peace from the weak who have binds on our souls compelling us to answer there pleas and cries. Ah! such beauty it will behold!" Celestia exclaimed in a boastful and prideful tone "Your....Your just..." Twilight held her tounge, afraid that the words she wanted to speak would be her last. Im just what? a ruler of infinite wisdom? dont be so reluctant to this Twilight, everyone is in on it. Cadence, your friends, your brother, Luna and even the mayor of ponyville. Twilight from day 1 of your life in ponyville has been planned for you all by me and i do indeed mean EVERYTHING from you and your friends harnessing the elements to your battle witb Tirek, i mean WHY do you think i have you around Twilight, i surely need not of a student all this time youve been my lapdog and a good one you have been but, you seem to always find loopholes in anything you can no matter how i try to keep you away from me and my work. I refuse to use you as a subject simply because you are useful.So Twilight now you know the truth your life with me has been an extravagant farce and its been fun but....it ends now.