
by Ebony Gryphon

Chapter 14 The Misadventures of better living through chemistry

Sunbeam flopped across her bed, and undoing a canter, poured a shot into a glass. Smiling, shg waved a hoof at her bedside table.

"Forgive me if I do not serve you Amal. My mana... wel, breaks apart to close to you lot, you know..."

Smiling, Amal picked up the glass, then looked at it a moment. Smile fading, he looked at the mare.

"Somethings in here..."

Sunbeam rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Dos thou think so little of others as to think of such things..."

Amal shook his head and set the glass down.

"Not poison... something... used for ones lovers..."

Kneeling on the floor, Amal cocked a brow at the flabbergasted mare.

"Not a sleep maker... nay, the opposite..."

Sunbeams jaw clicked shut and she scowled.

"Fine! Thy have found me out! How did you even do that..."

Amal chuckled and shrugged.

"We call it eagles gaze. Its... like being able to use all thy senses at once, but something else too... to see sound and touch taste... I've found it aids me in wandering at night and the divining and search of thy tribes horn craft. And of course with... addings to my meal and drink."

Sunbeam huffed, crossing her forelegs.

"It wouldn't have hurt thee you know... it would not have addled you, only greatened the sensation..."

Amal sighed, and shook his head.

"Sunbeam... Thee sought to seduce me... Why?"

Sunbeam shrugged.

"Your Davids brother. First male I've been swayed by and befriended, and he turns out to be a cold fish..."

Amal rubbed his shoulder, his face setting back into a frown.

"Why not merely pursue him if thou care for him..."

Sunbeam snorted and rolled her eyes again.

"Care, pah! David merely... is mildly amusing at times. Males are much the same whatever their form, and once this itch has been tended, yon Davids novelty will fade."

"Sunbeam... that won't ease thy heart."

Sunbeam flinched, and glared at the human. Shaking his head, Amal stood again, softly continuing, "You don't want another bed warmer... another means to your end... you want a friend, a companion. I know thy wife will always be in your heart, but thou desire not a life partner... just someone you trust."

Sunbeam scowled and looked askance at the humans gaze, saying "Don't look at me like that... that pitying simpering look merely draws my ire..."

"Sunbeam, please... bits are a cold and heartless thing, and power has caused thee little but misery... You were so lonely you sought to seduce Shadow and Celestia, did you not?"

Sunbeam whipped her head back.

"Nay, ye fool! Both those mares were only a means. Through seduction or blackmail was the surest means to gain what I wished..."

"Until David, who returned to thee thy title, and wants to be there for ye for no more then because he cares for you?"

Sunbeam jaw clicked shut, her teeth grinding a moment, then with a sigh, she laid her head down.

"I don't understand... Why does he enjoy my company? I'm... cruel, Amal. Blunt, greedy and use stallions and mares as my heart wishes. What does he see... How does he know me?"

"Because he is you, Sunbeam. He's you as you could be... a man whose own daughter..."

Amal turned, and walked to the door.

"Tis not my place Sunbeam Sparkle... If there is nothing else..." as he unlocked the door, Sunbeam softly replied "Shadow... she may not want a screwing or a lover... but she does want you Amal. As a friend, a brother. And after all she's given, she deserves all her little lonely heart desires, and then only the best."

Amal looked over his shoulder, and smirked.

"Best huh... think she'll settle for me..."

Sunbeam grinned.

"Well... Kickers are known for making due with less..."

Amal made to close the door, then doubled back.

"Oh... and David has the gase too... and he's not as keen on better living through alchemy..."

As the door clicked shut, Sunbeam face hoofed. Sighing, she floated over the canter, pouting.

"Two hundred bits down the tube..."

Suddenly her brow raised. Grinning, Sunbeam pulled a cord, and taking a sip of the drink, poured a shot into a glass. Hearing a knock at the door, she cheerfully called "Enter."

A white blue maned unicorn walked in, eyes shyly looking down... and sweet Celestia yes... maid outfit. Sunbeam bit her lip, squealing internally. And she was so shy...

"Wi madam... How may I serve you..."

Sunbeams right ear flicked as her tail flicked to the left behind her. Her horn glowed, and the door softly closed.

Amal sat down across from Shadow, whose eyes continued over her papers.

"Your back quickly..."

Amal nodded, and stretched in his seat. Shadows lips slipped into a stern line.

"You didn't do her did you..."

The human scowled.

"Really now..."

Looking up, Shadow sighed.

"I worry about you..."

Amal lowered his arms from his stretch. Sighing, Shadow shook her head.

"You don't... seem interested in mating at all to be honest..."

The human rubbed his eye.

"Oh, I am... I've merely choosen celibacy lest I ruin another foal..."

Shadow smirked as she lay a hoof on her desk.

"There are quite a few adventurous fillies out there..."

Amal snorted derisively. Waving a hoof over papers, Shadow nodded sagely.

"Come now Amal, surely you've never been tempted... tis a small matter, merely one part massaging another, and in your case, no need to worry of foals!"

Seeing the look on his face, Shadow rolled her eyes.

"I see.... a romantic... looking for the perfect one..."

Leaning an elbow on the desk, Amal put his chin in his palm, and waggling his eyebrows, growled "Like a certain Lady Protector..."

Shadow wings flared, her cheeks darkening. Smirking, Amal crossed his arms again.

"Kinda hard to be flushed of thy face with dark fur..."

Shadow snapped her wings back to her side, and covering her face in her hooves, groaned.

"That's vile..."

Amal threw up his hands, barking "Oh! So now you're too good for me!"

Shadow held up a hoof, and smiled sadly.

"I just... I wish not to be heart broken... be betrayed."

Amal winced, and lowered his arms. Sighing, he gently grabbed her hoof between both hands.

"Shadow... I'm not Rightly... In any way... But I do love you... You, Gale, Ruth, my son... you're my kin, my family. I'll always be there if you need me... But right now, even for a vision like you, matters of... that, are not of value for the moment."

Shadow nodded, putting her other hoof over his hands.

"The offer stands open... amongst other things..."

Amal was the one who blushed. Shaking his head, he pulled his hands away, and began pacing.

"God Shadow... What is wrong with us..."

Shadow rolled her eyes.

"Why do your people have such strife with this..."

Amal threw up his hands again.

"Why does thou tribe and the unicorns not?"

Shadows eyes narrowed, her voice cold as she spoke "Tread at thy peril Amal. We may not be as thou people, but do not draw lines twixt us and them. My clan... we those we bed or we know naught them at all, whatever is easier on our heart. In our desperation, we even pay some whore. The horn heads... pah! They drug and thrall and enchant and dine their way into a pony... then toss them out the moment their spent! They seed some poor mare, then abandon her and the foal..."

Shadow shook her head sadly, and rising from her desk, looked out the window.

"They're called... bastards. Treated as though... they were just... nothing. Left in the care of the crown or to die in the streets..."

Shadow turned back, then stomping to the front of her desk, began to pace.

"We know this... because far to many of my tribe have been cast out. Some die from want, others leave us... but they're always Kickers, always clan. My own daughter, Gale, is one such filly left alone. And I could love her no more if she were blood. Celestia child, thou art like a brother to me!"

Shadow stopped, and closing her eyes, drew a deep breath.

"To often my tribe... has wasted these children on pride and conquest... to our shame..."

Shadow smiled softly, then said "But... we Kickers... we take care of ours... Our duty is absolute, but... we are not as the Strikers or Firebrands. We'd pull our own wings off before we stood aside and let our foals go down their way..."

Amal, rubbed his chin.

"Then... you fight for... honor, pride."

Shadow winced, then nodded.

"And the unicorns... prestige and title."

Shadows looked askance at the human.

"And what do you fight for..."

Amal walked to the mare, and knelt down. Wrapping his arms around her neck, he drew her close.

"For home... and family. For you... Ruth... Gale... my clans. Many men have fortune, but... they don't have thee Shadow. Kings hold power, but have no Gale. The nobles have mansions and castles... and no one to share them with."

As he spoke, Shadow wrapped her forelegs around him in return. Stroking her mane, Amal smiled.

"And those of whom you speak... may have honor and pride, but how many can look in their mirrors and say that what they took lives for mattered."

Shadow hugged the human harder.

"Thee art a fool Amal..."

Sighing, Shadow pulled away, then stood. Frowning at the floor, she began pacing again.

"So... ye claim my claims of juris ungula...." seeing the look on her brothers face, Shadow groaned, "Justice of the hoof Amal!"

"And that is..."

Sitting down, Shadow puffed up proudly.

"A response to an insult! A slapped cheek and a duel! We cross till one cries yield..."

Amal snorted.

"Cock measuring."

Shadow sputtered to a halt, and blushed again. Continuing unabated, Amal waved a hand dismissively.

"Pointless vanity done in the name of either vague notions or fear over what others say."

Shadow opened her mouth, but Amal pointed a finger at her.

"Only you can stain thy honor, tarnish thy name Shadow. The braying of asses means naught."

Amal scowled, crossing his arms.

"And another matter... that is not justice. Tis petty revenge."

Shadows jaw dropped.

"Dos thou claim to confront our kins killer, to meet a lost eye with one taken, is petty."

"Curious thing... when one takes an eye for one, all become blind. And what of the killers kin> Will he come for thee? And if he triumphs, will Gale seek him? How many must be lost before your scales are balanced."

Shadow rubbed her forehead, growling in annoyance.

"Then what does thou think I should do, oh wise sage. Forgive they who kill mine."

Amal shook his head.

"No. Thou must live with the loss... as those families of those we've killed must live wih theirs."

Shadow shook her head vehemently, snarling "That's... no, that's not..."
"The same.... why?"

Shadow stamped a hoof and shouted "BECAUSE I'M A BUCKING KICKER AMAL!"

Shadows head and wing slouched in misery.

"Maker forgive me... that's what I am..."

Amal slapped a palm on the ground, shouting "So their pain is less then yours? Becaause your more concerned with being a warrior then with what such a thing takes?"

Shadow leaped up, and sprinting across the room, had a few inches between her mussle and Amals face, eyes blasing"Stupid man... you can't redeem a monster..."

Amal didn't even flinch, just calmly replied "Your no monster. Just some stubborn child squabbling with other stubborn children over childish things."

Shadow took a step, her voice catching a moment, then said "And is that what we mean to you? You'd let some filth kill us and walk away?"

"I'd give them a day, then hunt them down."

"And what is the difference."

Amal shrugged hopelessly.

"Killing people is never a good deed. To take a life is an affront to God. I ask for forgiveness... you and our clan think there is nothing to forgive."

"How... how dare mock thy clans tradition?"

"...which are a guide for the wise and rules for fools?"

Shadow huffed and stormed off behind her desk.

"I suppose you avenging me is all I can ask..."

Amal shrugged, and grinned.

"If it eases thy heart, I promise I'll refuse to offer a parting word to the killer, and bury you at sea so you'll have the last word to those who would dance upon thy grave."

Shadow rasberried.