//------------------------------// // Failure // Story: Letters from a Changeling // by RainbowEclipse //------------------------------// Another day has passed and has put me even closer to coronation. I think that Shred is safe. They still have not been able to find her. This is clearly putting everyone in a sour mood. Especially my mother, Queen Shadow. She is disappointed in me and Shred. I have got yelled at many times about this. It probably didn’t help that I tried to escape again. Last night, I attempted to escape. It was extremely difficult, but I almost managed it.I used my magic that I had been storing to create a fire on the other side of the hive. Many Changelings left to take care of the fire. Many also stayed, suspecting that this fire was my doing. Their defenses were weakened and I launched out of there like lightning. I could hear more Changelings in pursuit, but I didn’t waste any seconds to turn around. I was almost out of energy when I found a forest. I flew through the trees and was able to throw some Changelings off of my tracks. I spotted a tunnel a crawled inside. I stayed there for a few hours. I knew that I should emerge before daylight, but I was terrified. I knew that I was near pony territory. While the Changelings are banished to our desertous badlands, ponies have very rich land. Only those with pure hearts can pass through the portal from the outside. Of course, some changelings throughout history have found ways to make it through. I gulped. Finally, I shot out of the whole and discovered that an army was right there waiting for me. I took to the sky where others were waiting. I bashed through them and with delight, realized that I could see pony territory. Then several guards dove on me and I hit the ground. I remember thinking that it was all over and then hearing a voice. It sounded like Shred and she was calling my name! With newfound strength, I shot out from under the piling Changelings and flew. Several Changelings fought me back but, I prevailed. Then from behind, some Changeling stabbed something into my back and I dropped. I remember feeling a sudden drowsiness and landing one hoof across pony territory. Then I was dragged back and everything went black.