//------------------------------// // Bat Pony Brawl // Story: Equestrian Epona // by Shritistrang //------------------------------// The Flutterbat was irritated. At first, her thirst for delicious apples had been completely replaced with an irresistible thirst for blood. And just when she was about to quench that thirst by attacking the nearest, living creatures she could find, she found herself within a dark cave, accompanied by a strange pony whose presence somehow unsettled her. But she put those feelings of unease aside… she was hungry and she needed to feed. So she pounced at her prey with a hiss. Ghirahim chuckled as he effortlessly evaded the bat pony's attack. "This is certainly an improvement, I must say," he smirked. "Voracious, aggressive and feral. Much more useful than the timid weakling you were before. But you are still untamed… out of control. You need to learn who your master is." The Flutterbat had no intention of listening. With a snarl, it attacked again… only to be stopped the demon unicorn's telekinetic hold. "You will know your place soon enough," he said. His eyes began glowing in a dark purple light. "I am the master… and you are the pet! Submit to the will of the demon lord, creature!" The Flutterbat hissed again, but this time, it was out of fear. She found her willpower slipping away and with each passing second, became more and more subservient to the demon lord in front of her. In the end, she cowered in front of his feet, still hungry, but submissive. Ghirahim smiled. "Good, very good. This is where all of you ponies belong, at my feet. But do not worry, my pet, you will be fed soon enough. For now, let us retreat to my hideout… and those mongrel slaves better have finished their work when I come back, or they will face my wrath! But for now, I need a chariot." One glow of his horn, and out of thin air, a dark chariot decorated with spikes, demon wings and dark red gemstones appeared. At the same time, a harness appeared on the Flutterbat. "It is time for your first duty in my service, pet," Ghirahim said. "You get to have the honor of pulling my illustrious self to my new seat of power. Doesn't that sound glorious?" The Flutterbat uttered a small screech and waited for her new master to step into the vehicle and take the reins. She then pulled the chariot out of the cave and up into the air, across the dark night sky. Applejack was pacing back and forth in the family kitchen. She was feeling extremely restless. She wished she could distract herself by doing some of the chores, but all of the apples for the day were already bucked, the animals were fed and there were no repairs to be done anywhere on the farm. Hoping she could do anything to help her granny in the kitchen, she came here. But Granny Smith told her she had everything under control. So the young farm pony had nothing better to do than walk back and forth. Of course Granny wasn't born yesterday, she could tell something was bothering her granddaughter. So she turned the stove down and looked Applejack in the eyes. "All right, young'un, what seems to be the problem?" Applejack knew she wasn't that good at hiding things, especially from Granny Smith, so she sighed and told her: "It's just… I feel so useless these days. Sure, I went on a big rescue mission to save Rarity, but it turns out, the rescue would have been successful even without my help. Mom always goes on these big adventures to help save Hyrule from whatever danger is coming up and even has a partner to protect. And now that Fluttershy's gone, there's really nothing I can do to help either. Twilight's in the library doing research, Rainbow's flying everywhere from Ponyville to Baltimare to see if she can spot a feather of our friend, Rarity's talkin to her contacts in Canterlot and Pinkie is helping by lifting everypony's spirits up. And what am I doing? Just pacing back and forth like an idiot!" She put her hoof in front of her face. "Some daughter of a hero I turn out to be…" "Come now, Applejack," Granny said softly, patting her granddaughter's back. "There's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Who managed to keep the farm running all those years, even with her parents gone? Who's always the first to face danger when her friends are in trouble? Isn't that you?" "But I'm useless!" Applejack protested. "Whatever did I do to help save the world instead of holding a magic piece of jewelry? Mom carried Link through countless dangers, fought her own share of battles and even right now, she's at his side to help." Granny Smith frowned. "Did I ever teach you to doubt yerself when the moment seems bleak? I know for a fact you did more than just holding the Element of Honesty… and for that matter, that's a darn honorable thing to do, don'tcha think? You are what you are because you always stay true to yerself." She gently placed a hoof on Applejack's chest. "Nowadays, honesty isn't always easy to come by. You're a firm, immovable beacon of confidence within the masses that swindle and lie to get things done. And who says you never do anything? You kicked the flanks of invading changelings, you saved lil' Spike from Timberwolves and you're one of the most dependable ponies Ponyville has ever seen! Don't you believe for one moment that you're useless!" After that lecture, Applejack felt almost ashamed that she allowed her frustrations to get the better of her. "You're right, Granny," she sighed. "But I really wish I knew what I could do to help right now." "I'm sure there's plenty you can do," Granny said. "How bout you go to Twilight and help her with her research? Or you could go to Pinkie Pie and the two of you ask around town if anypony has a lead." "That's a good idea, actually," Applejack said. "Why didn't I think of that? I guess all that moping distracted me so much that I couldn't think straight. Thanks for snapping me out of it." Granny smiled. "That what old Granny is for, young'un. Now, you run along and find your friend while I take care of these here fritters." Applejack nodded and was just about to head outside, when the door suddenly shook under heavy thumping coming from the other side. The blows were so powerful that the whole door was ripped out of its hinges and fell to the ground. The big stone bull standing outside gave Applejack a sheepish smile. "Um, sorry about that. I was just knocking on the door, since that's the polite thing to do and all, but I always forget that other creatures rarely make doors as sturdy as the ones in Goron City. "Don't worry about it," Applejack said. "Happens to Big Mac all the time. Now, what can I do ya for, big fella?" Before Darunia could answer, a pink blur popped up next to him. "Ohmygosh, Applejack! You'll never believe what just happened!" One of the biggest grins she had ever managed to put on was on her face right now, and that's saying something, for Pinkie Pie. "Darunia just suggested that I become his Sworn Sister! Isn't this the most amazing thing ever?" "Um… his Sworn… Sister?" Applejack muttered. "What does that mean?" "It's a bond of honor shared by Gorons with a person they can trust," Darunia explained with a proud grin. "Not many outsiders get the honor of being Sworn Brothers or Sisters with a Goron. But Pinkie Pie here has proven to me that she has the soul of a Goron. She welcomes everyone… or everypony with friendship and respect. And she manages to uplift the spirits of everyone around her. When she burst into song earlier, I just couldn't stop my feet from dancing, it was so catchy." "That's Pinkie for ya," Applejack smirked. "So, I guess that means congrats to you two." "But that's not the best part, Applejack!" Pinkie shouted. "Don't you get it? Being his Sworn Sister basically means that he's part of the family… aaaaand since I'm basically an Apple, too, that means we are ALL FAMILY! Yay!" And she engulfed Applejack, Darunia and Big Macintosh, who just came in to see that all the commotion is about, in a massive hug. An impressive feat, considering the sizes of the two males. "Isn't this great?" Pinkie smiled. "Um… eeyup?" Big Mac muttered, uncertainly. "Well, that's very nice and all, but can ya put us down for a sec?" Applejack asked. "There's something I wanted to talk to you about. In fact, it's a good thing you're here. Since Twilight's busy with her research, Rainbow is flying all over the place and Rarity is in Canterlot, do you think the two of us could ask around Ponyville to see if there's anypony who can help us find Fluttershy?" Pinkie gasped. "Oh my gosh! You're right! We can totally do that! And since I know everypony in Ponyville, there's got to be somepony who can help us. And you can come along and help too, right, Darrie?" "Um… Darrie?" Darunia raised a rocky eye ridge. "Sure. Or do you prefer Runie?" Pinkie asked. They went on their way. That is, Applejack and Pinkie went on their way and Darunia decided to accompany them, while Big Mac started fixing the door and Granny Smith went back to preparing dinner. "So, um… you got any other… Sworn Brothers or Sisters, besides Pinkie?" Applejack asked. "Oh yes," Darunia nodded. "Link is my Sworn Brother. After everything he did for the Goron tribe, how could he not be?" "That Link fella sure did some amazing stuff, it seems," Applejack said. "Can you tell me a bit more about him? I mean, he's my mom's closest friend… I'd like to know a bit more about him." "I'd be honored to share what I know with you, friend," Darunia smiled. "Well, where to begin? Link is a very brave, strong and compassionate lad. He always puts the well-being of others above his. And he never hesitates to volunteer when there are problems to be solved. He's also strong, capable with the blade and swift on his feet. A bit on the skinny side, though." "Sounds like he's a really swell guy," Pinkie smiled. "Hey, Applejack! You know who Link reminds me of?" "Uh…" Applejack scratched her head. "I can't think of anypony off the top of my head, who do you mean, Pinkie?" "You!" Pinkie said. "You are brave, strong, always willing to help others… I guess it's no wonder your mom likes him as a friend." "Are they really that similar?" Darunia asked. Pinkie nodded. "Yup, indeedy! When Ponyville is in trouble, Applejack always jumps in to help. That one time she saved the town from a stampede of cows… even though she wasn't able to save it from the stampede of bunnies, but oh well, at least she tried." Applejack blushed. "C-can we not speak of this certain event?" she muttered. She wasn't too proud of what happened that day, especially not since she was responsible for the second stampede. Darunia smiled. "Then I am even prouder to have Pinkie Pie as my Sworn Sister, seeing that she has relatives that could make any Goron warrior proud." "Strange, because I thought you did it because I'm Maud's sister and you wanted to do something to impress her," Pinkie said. Now it was Darunia's time to blush. "I, ahem, don't know what you're talking about." He coughed nervously. Twilight had gathered every book in her library she could find about the behavior of vampire fruit bats or transformation spells. While she knew she could use the same spell she already used once to turn Fluttershy back to normal, she still had no explanation as for why she attacked Ruto and Gilda. "Maybe if I read through 'Wild Changes of the Wilderness' again, I might find a clue…" she muttered to herself. She tried to focus on her work, but found that she was unable to concentrate fully on the matter at hand. The fact that she was worried about Fluttershy might have something to do with it. But she assumed the actual reason was that she never had somepony stand constantly behind her while she was doing her research, watching her every single movement. Twilight cringed a bit, turned around and said with the politest voice she could muster: "No offense, but… do you have to look over my shoulder the whole time?" Impa raised an eyebrow. "Princess Zelda instructed me to stay here in Ponyville and assist you with anything you desire. It is my duty to serve. And while my loyalties lie foremost with Hyrule's royal family, you are also royalty, a close ally and a friend of Princess Zelda. So I stand vigilant all the time, in case you have any order for me to carry out." "But you don't have to do that," Twilight protested. "Really, I'm fine. There is nothing I need you to do at the moment." "I see. Then I will stand guard here until you need me." Twilight suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. "But isn't there anything you can do in the meantime? Read a book, go for a walk, take a look at Ponyville? I know we are facing a crisis right now, but as long as you've got the time…" "That is inconceivable," Impa said. "My liege's well-being comes before my own interests." "You know, if you really wanna do Twilight a favor, you could start with not being so stuck-up all the time," Spike said as he walked up to her. "She needs to concentrate when she's reading, and she can't do that as long as you're bothering here." That comment seemed to surprise Impa. "My… presence is interfering with your work? Why didn't you say so, princess?" Twilight sent a silent 'Thank you' to Spike with her eyes. "Well, I didn't say anything because I didn't want to be rude and you seem to be so devoted to your job… but yes, it would be better if I could work in peace and quiet." Impa thought about it and nodded. "Understood. I will then stand guard outside the premises. If you need anything, call me." "Thank you," Twilight said and Impa went outside. "What's the matter with her?" Spike grumbled. "I know she's just trying to please you and Zelda, but she's going way over the top with this. I mean honestly, what is she trying to prove?" Twilight chuckled. "She reminds me of a certain other personal assistant who always tries to prove himself," "Um, point taken," Spike coughed. "So… did you find anything useful?" "Not much," Twilight sighed. "I wanted to do a closer analysis of the misfired spell I used on Sweet Apple Acres, back when Fluttershy turned into a bat for the first time. But it's difficult to do so without the target subject at hand. And I don't know anything about the spell this Ghirahim used on her. If only I knew what reason she had to attack like that. She wasn't like that the first time she transformed. Sure, she was feral and acted aggressive, but only when we came too close to her. And she only ate apples, nothing else. Fruit bats are no predators, not even vampire fruit bats. I need more information about how she acted. I need to talk to Gilda and Ruto one more time… do you know where they are at the moment?" "Well, Ruto is at Fluttershy's cottage at the moment, taking care of her animal friends. As for Gilda… she's still hanging around Ponyville, I think. Don't ask me where she's staying, though. I asked Rainbow Dash, but she seemed a little… touchy when it comes to Gilda." "No big surprise there," Twilight sighed. "She must still be mad at her. I'll go find her… can you sort these books back in where they belong?" Spike nodded. "Will do." That's when they both heard the sounds of fighting coming from outside. The first thing Impa saw when she left the library was a group of bat-winged ponies approaching the building. Her keen eye absorbed the whole situation: There were three of them, one female, two male. They were wearing some sort of armor and the residents of Ponyville were looking at them in astonishment, as if their appearance was out of the norm. Diligently, Impa stood in front of the library door. The two male bat ponies exchanged several confused, but the female didn't seem to be fazed by the Sheikah's appearance at all. She motioned her entourage to stay behind, which they obediently did, a sign that she must be the one in command. The female bat pony walked up to Impa with a smile. "Greetings. I am here to see Princess Twilight." "The princess is taking care of extremely important matters and must not be disturbed," Impa proclaimed. The bat pony raised an eyebrow. "Well, my business with the princess is important as well. I'm sure she'll have a few minutes. If you'd just inform her I'm here…" "I am sorry, but the princess made herself perfectly clear. She wishes not to be seen at the moment," Impa said firmly. "I see, you're one of those servants. Dutiful, always on guard… and as stubborn as only earth ponies can be. Now, I don't have all day, so would you kindly move aside? I am a commander of the Night Guard and as such…" "Your titles hold no superiority over me," Impa said. She didn't even clarify that she was no earth pony. "You shall not pass!" The bat pony sighed, but to Impa's surprise, it was not a sigh of frustration, but rather one of amusement. "Looks like you give me no choice but to teach you a lesson, little guard. This will be exciting… it's been a while since I had some exercise and entertainment at the same time." She removed her helmet and started flexing her leg and wing muscles. "But Commander!" one of the male bat ponies protested. "You don't have to do this. Let us remove this upstart pony from the premises and…" "Shush, rookie!" the female commander said. "She'd wipe the floor with you. Now stand back and let your commander take care of things, would you?" So she was not only an experienced fighter, her eye was keen enough to realize Impa was a good fighter as well. Impa knew these ponies were her allies, but her orders were clear. And she would fight them if that meant the princess would not be disturbed. She took on a traditional Sheikah fighting stance, slightly adapted to her new, four-legged body, of course. "I won't hold back!" "Oh, I was hoping you wouldn't," the commander smirked. "That would be too boring. Now, show me what you got!" Impa leapt into action, striking at the bat pony with precise hoof-punches. The commander blocked the first few attacks and then used her wings to leap up into the air and then come down again on her opponent, hind legs first. Impa barely managed to avoid the lightning-fast attack and twirled around to hit the bat pony with a roundhouse kick. The commander took the hit in the face, backed off a bit and wiped some blood from her smirking mouth. "Not bad. Now it's my turn!" And then she attacked with a flurry of strikes so fast and fierce that Impa had trouble avoiding or blocking all of them. She was not just using her hooves to attack, but also her wings. And at the same time, she was moving in a fluid motion, as if every single one of her movements was trained… which was probably the case. In the end, Impa couldn't keep up with her opponent's fast strikes anymore and got hit by a straight, powerful kick right into the middle of her chest. The blow drove all the air out of her lungs and made her fly against the trunk of the tree the library was situated in. Smiling at her fallen opponent, the bat pony lowered herself back onto the ground. "Had enough?" The library door opened and Spike and Twilight looked at the scene with wide eyes. "What in the name of Celestia is going on out here?" Twilight asked. She gasped when she saw Impa lying on the ground. "Oh no! Are you all right?" Impa grumbled as she pushed herself back up. "I am… unharmed, princess." And while she had some bumps and bruises, what hurt her the most was the fact that the bat pony had been holding back to fight with Impa on an equal level. And yet she still lost. "What did you do to her?" Twilight shouted at the bat pony. "Stay away from her, I mean it!" "No need for aggressions, princess," the bat pony said. "My apologies for punching your bodyguard servant around a bit, but I need to speak to you urgently, and she stood in my way." "She's not my servant… but you still didn't have to hit her," Twilight frowned. "Who are you anyways?" "Commander Night Glide of the Lunar Night Guard… and these are my subordinates, Lieutenant Darkhoof and Private Shade!" The commander bowed and her soldiers did the same. "On Princess Luna's command, we are here to assist you." "Princess Luna sent her guards here to help you?" Spike said in surprise. "Wow, that's a first." "Well, I appreciate your help, but I'm afraid there's not much you can help me with at the moment," Twilight said. "We don't know where the enemy is at the moment and right now I am very busy with doing research regarding the transformed state my friend is in." "Ah, but I can help with both of these," Night Glide said. "First of all, I have some reports from my scouts here that should give us some insight as to where the enemy has retreated." "That would be helpful," Twilight admitted. "But if you have such reports, why didn't you bring them to me sooner?" "The scouts just came back from their mission," Night Glide explained. "Also, I needed to rally my troops. All soldiers from Midnight Fortress are now at your service, my lady." Twilight blinked, a bit overwhelmed by this turn of events. All of a sudden, she was in command of an army. "That's… great and all, but I still don't see how you can help me with my magic studies." "That's just it, princess," Night Glide said. "Fluttershy's appearance has not changed because of a spell… it was the catalyst to trigger the change, true, but the real reason that she looks like this is different. You see… Fluttershy always had the blood of a Nocturnal, or bat pony as you call us, within her. Your spell just drove it to the surface." "What?" Twilight shouted. "That is ridiculous! Fluttershy has always been a pegasus, even in her childhood. Why would you say such a thing?" Night Glide narrowed her eyes. "I know her better than any other pony you have met, princess. You see, I am Fluttershy's mother." For a while, Twilight couldn't do anything besides just standing there with her mouth open. Spike tilted his head. "I can kinda see the resemblance… she has your wings." "Spike!" Twilight said. "What? It's true!" Spike said. "Look, they are the same shape as Fluttershy when she's in her bat form." "I had always wished to see her like this some day," Night Glide sighed. "But now that this demon has captured her… I'll do anything in my power to bring him down and bring my sweet daughter back home. So please, princess…" She knelt down. "Please accept my help." Twilight still wanted to protest… the idea that Fluttershy had a bat pony as a parent seemed preposterous… but when she looked down at Night Glide, she saw the worry in her eyes, the same worry her own mother always expressed when she knew her daughter was in a dangerous situation. "I gladly accept your help to find Fluttershy," Twilight said. "And I swear to you, I'll do anything I can to break that spell the demon unicorn has cast on her." Night Glide stood back up and looked at Twilight with gratitude. "Thank you, princess."