The Darkness in our Souls

by Black Light

Chapter 99

Chapter 99

The three of us were a few days into our trip back. I was tempted to reveal the truth to them, or Skies at the very least, but Gaia's words kept me from saying. Since the incident with the coin I was beginning to worry. What could cause me to act like that? The me that I saw in that vision was unlike anything I had seen before, even when the darkness took control. Could it have something to do with whatever evil Gaia said was coming.

I sighed. "You doing okay?" I hear from next to me. Looking to my side I saw Daring flying alongside me.

"Yeah, I'm-...I don't know." I told her.

"Is it about what you learned in the temple?" She asked.

I nodded. "I still don't know what the warning was about, but I'm sure it's bad. Possibly worse than anything the Equestria's faced before." I told her.

"Worse than Discord and Nightmare Moon?" Daring responded with some surprise.

"Much worse."

She grimaced, looking away she looked at the sun on the horizon. "It's getting late, we should stop for the night."

I looked back at my bag, the 'dream' from the coin still fresh in my mind. "...Alright." I said as we started to descend.

We landed and set up a small campsite in a clearing. I had taken to sleeping near the outskirts of the camp, so that if I went back into that 'dream' I wouldn't worry Daring or Skies.

Laying down on the ground, I looked into the forest surrounding us. I felt a small prodding on my side. Turning I saw Skies standing there. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"...I was awake." She told me.

I looked at her confused. "Yeah, we've been awake all day, what's wrong with that?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No, I was awake...the first night." She told me. I began to understand what she was saying. "I saw you under the tree...what happened?" She asked me.

I looked away from her. "It was just a bad dream." I told her.

"Bad dreams don't do that to you. Something happened, something big, you're acting different than you normally do." Skies told me getting slightly annoyed. She walked up and put her legs around my neck. "Please...just tell me what's wrong. I don't like it, when you stop acting like yourself." She told me her voice wavering.

I lifted my leg up and wrapped it around Skies. "I-I'm sorry for worrying you." I told her. "It's just...I have a lot of things on my mind." I told her.

Skies looked at me. "Then let me help." She said to me.

I shook my head. "I can't do that?" I told her.

"Why not?" She asked her annoyance returning.

"I just...I want to keep you safe." I answered. "You saw what my problem is doing to me. I don't want to put you through it as well."

Skies put her head back into my neck. "...At least your acting like my brother again." She said.

I smiled a little. "Lets go ahead and get some sleep." I said to her.

She nodded and rested her head against my side. After a few minutes I heard her breathing become slow and steady. I rested my head on the ground and began to fall asleep.

I opened my eyes, and I was alone in the clearing. Looking around I couldn't see Skies or Daring. My mind flashed back to the first night of our return trip, and I could feel my fear begin to grow. I looked to the sky, it was a light blue like always. That alleviated some fear, but I was still worried. I felt the same tugging I had before and found myself suddenly floating in Ponyville, directly in front of Twilight's home. I tried to force myself away from the house, I didn't know what was in there, but considering the last 'dream' I had I knew it wasn't going to be good. The door to the tree opened. I looked towards the door. Twilight was standing there, she walked out of the house followed by, Rainbow and the rest of the girls. I noticed that Twilight was carrying a basket, I could a glimpse inside and saw flowers, daisies I believe. Are they going on a picnic or something. I felt some of my fear leave me again. Maybe this is a good 'dream'.

I followed behind the girls as they walked. They were talking and it sounded like they were having a good time, but they seemed...sad as well. I zoned out on their conversation decided to just follow behind them.

We left the towns border and started walking towards a field. The girls began to walk towards a hill. I recognized the hill, It was the hill that the girls first discovered my power on. I willed myself in front of them. I was about to go up and look at the hill when I heard Twilight behind me.

"Have you talked to Shadow?" Twilight asked Rainbow, getting my attention back towards the conversation. I turned around so I had my back facing the hill as we went up, so I could look at the girls.

Rainbow shook her head. "He's been locked up in his house ever since..." Rainbow trailed off, but the girls understood.

I've been locked in my house, why? Is this before the other 'dream'?

"He's been locked in there for weeks now." Twilight said.

"Can ya blame him?" Applejack asked. "If I had gone through what he had to-" She stopped talking and shook her head. "I don't think I would be doing any better."

What did I go through? I began to become panicked slightly.

The girls stopped at the top of the hill. I lowered myself so I was 'sitting' on the ground.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Rainbow asked.

"He's strong, I'm sure he'll be fine. He just needs some time I think." Twilight told her.

Rainbow sighed and looked towards where I was sitting. I was surprised when she looked at me. Then Twilight levitated the basket towards Rainbow. Rainbow then reached into the basket and took the flowers by the stem in her mouth. She brought them out and put them on the ground in front of me. I looked at them quizzically before returning my gaze to Rainbow, who was still looking at me. She had a sad look in her eyes. The girls then turned around and started walking away.

'Why would they bring flowers up to this hill, just put them here and leave. That seems like something somepony would do if they were mourni-' My thought was cut off suddenly. '...Why haven't they mentioned Skies this entire time?' I no longer felt any fear, only pure dread. I slowly lifted myself from the ground and turned around, finally looking at what sat on top of the hill. There was a tombstone. 'Bright Skies' it read.

I sat up screaming. Skies jolted awake next to me, and Daring was up ready to fight. I quickly took Skies in my hooves and held her close to me. Tears already forming in my eyes. I sat there for I don't know how long, just keeping Skies close to me. Reassuring myself that she was still there. I eventually looked up and saw my bags. I saw the coin, this time the white side was glowing while the black side did nothing.

'Please tell me that doesn't mean what I think it means.' I thought.

'If you mean that we just got the other possible prophecy, I'm afraid that's what just happened.' The darkness responded.

I sat there my tears still falling just from thinking about what the 'dream' had predicted. 'What next? What could it possible do next?' I asked.

'I don't think there is a next. I think those are the two possible outcomes.' The darkness said.


'There are only two sides to a coin. We got two prophecies, one for each side.' He told me.

'You're telling me that one of those two things is going to happen?' I asked.


My hooves fell limp, and Skies was released from my grasp. She started to speak looking at me worried, but I wasn't listening. I was staring off into nothing.

'...Please no...That-they can't be the only outcomes. There has to be more, maybe they're not even prophecies, maybe they're just visions meant to scare me. The coin it's-it can't be true.'

'Quiet!' The darkness shouted shutting my inner monologue up. '...They are prophecies, That I know for certain. And judging by the two sided coin, we have two prophecies that could happen. Now I don't know about you, but in one of those prophecies Skies is dead, so I know which one I prefer.' The darkness told me. 'I'm not the same darkness that Gaia was with. I'm not good, I don't care if the rest of Equestria is destroyed. All I care about is that Skies makes it through whatever the hell is coming.'

I was silent.

"BROTHER!" I finally snapped out of it and looked at Skies. She had a few tears in her eyes. "Please, just tell me what's wrong." She said weakly.

I lifted up my hooves and hugged her. I sat there holding her for another minute before I felt a tapping on my shoulder. I looked and saw Daring.

"We need to talk." She said.

I stood up, and Skies looked at me with some worry. "Just stay by the campfire okay." I said to her, my voice weak.

Daring and I walked a little ways away, I picked up my bags as I walked past them. Far enough that Skies couldn't hear us, but close enough that I could still see her.

"Alright, talk. You've been acting funny ever since leaving the temple, and now I just watched you break down and cry like a filly. If you're doing that then it's something serious, so tell me what's going on." She ordered me.

"...I've been having more visions." I told her. I levitated the coin out of my bags and showed it to her. "They have something to do with this coin. I found it in the temple. The previous owner told me to keep it a secret." I explained.

Daring examined the coin. "Hmm, judging by the light and dark sides, I'd guess that you got one good and one bad vision right?"

I shook my head. "Both were terrible." I said shivering slightly.

Daring looked at me with a worried expression. "...What were they?" She asked.

"The first was the dark side of the coin. I was destroying Equestria, I killed ponies, I killed so many." I said staring at the ground.

"...And the second?" Daring asked looking at the white side of the coin with a worried expression.

"Equestria was fine, but..." My voice caught in my throat as I gagged. "...but Skies was...she wasn't there." I told her.

Daring's eyes went wide as she understood what I was saying. "Were there any more?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Those were the only two, and one of them is going to happen." I told her.

Daring was looking at me, I could see the sadness in her eyes. "...Get everything ready." She told me. "Screw waiting for morning, we need to get you to the princesses as soon as possible." She said. I nodded and she went to put out the campfire.

I went and stood next to Skies. I tried to smile to reassure her, but I just couldn't. Whenever I looked at her, I just kept flashing back to that tombstone. My mind began to drift. The darkness told me which prophecy he preferred...Which one would I rather have happen?