No Evil

by MemoryLane

Chapter One

        Twilight Sparkle never could have seen it coming. It was purely out of the blue, so random in fact that it was almost humorous in some kind of sick, playful way. It stopped the powerful nation of Equestria right in its tracks, like it was in a deep solidified freeze. It threatened to destroy and even cause everything they knew to falter in a possibly fatal manner.

        Why it had happened? Nopony knew. Actually, why was the least of everypony’s concerns. Nopony had the capability to think ahead in that kind of beneficial manner. That infamous Tuesday morning would be one that went down in history as the day that caused great panic among Equestrians everywhere.

        It was already a bad day in Ponyville before the pandemonium occurred. The sun itself was nowhere to be seen--clothed by the dark, grey clouds that shrouded the town in a depressing din. Given the fact that it was currently mid-summer, the day brought forth a wind crisp and tangible. It was capable of chilling a pony to the bone, and didn’t give a single damn when it did just that.

        Leaves flew left and right, gliding through the air like they were alive, and desperately tried to slow their unstoppable joyride. Twilight Sparkle had been staring outside of her window, watching them. For some reason, watching the leaves fly by filled her with a childish curiosity concerning where they went and ended up as time went on.

        It was currently 7:54 AM.

Little did she know that--in twenty-five minutes--the beginning of her greatest adventure would start to take form.

        Normally, she would be asleep by now, or rather, just waking up. Eight o’clock was normally when her day began. By then, her brain was up and running, and taking full inventory of what she had--and needed--to get done for the day. Sleep and attentiveness were on opposite sides of anypony’s spectrum, but for Twilight they coincided regularly. It was annoying, but she didn’t mind.

        She had been lying on her belly and looking out towards the window on the other side of her room for the better half of six hours. She had not moved during the entirety of that time, and her forelegs were asleep to the point where she couldn’t feel them anymore. It was oddly comforting.

        Seeing how it was technically morning, and she could easily pass off an unsuccessful nights sleep as just an early awakening, she put weight on her forelegs. She wobbled for a second, only until the feeling in her chest and forelegs returned, and simply rested on her rump. She let out a groan, and wished she had tried a little harder to actually get some sleep. Then again, if she didn’t fall asleep after a couple hours of trying, there’s no point in attempting anymore.

        What was she going to do today? She had spent the last six hours thinking about it. She needed to stop at Rarity’s, that was for sure. Rarity had kindly asked for her assistance with a bridal gown that had a very small time frame for completion. Also, Rarity had quoted that, if this went well that it could, “open doors for her and her business”. Twilight was more than happy to help, actually. Besides, Rarity and her worked together phenomenally.

        Then, she needed to talk to Applebloom this afternoon to see if Twilight and her’s tutoring sessions have been paying off. She needed to go to the store, and buy some more butter. And… well, that was it for today. It was a short list of to-do’s, but Twilight couldn’t complain. That gave her plenty more time to read.

        When the feeling in her entire body returned, she practically slogged out of bed. She was a shell of her usual self, and her mind was frazzled. Perhaps she could take a nap sometime that afternoon if she still felt as horrible as she currently did.

        Normally, light would pour in through the windows of Ponyville’s beloved library. Unfortunately, the tinted sky had darkened the inside so much that Twilight herself couldn’t help but let out a saddened sigh.

        She needed food. She needed interaction. She needed something to help get her mind off whatever it was that was starting to kill her inside. Not even she could explain what it was. Most likely just a lack of motivation, which was odd considering Twilight’s natural dedication and love of the things she did for a living. It was more likely that Twilight was just too exhausted to bring herself to start her day correctly.

        “Spike?” she called out, once she reached the staircase that would inevitably lead to the downstairs of the library, where the books and her trusty assistant reside for those long nights. “Are you awake?” There was another clock on the wall halfway down the staircase. It ticked and tocked obnoxiously. It was 8:11 AM, now. Of course, Twilight didn’t think twice.

        Twilight was answered by a silence similar to that of which normally rang throughout the library at this hour. Obviously, Spike was still asleep. Twilight sighed. Perhaps the baby dragon had had a long night as well. Twilight was almost positive that she heard steps resonating from the kitchen every other hour as she lied in bed.

        She sighed again, and was about to head back upstairs before a small yawn was heard somewhere below her. Twilight’s ears poked upwards. “Spike?” she called again.

        “Yeah?” Spike’s voice was somewhere, but Twilight couldn’t pinpoint the exact location. Thus, she trotted downstairs. She was aware that she was currently not in the best state of mind, and carefully made her way down the staircase. The last thing she needed was an accident.

        She followed the sound of Spike’s voice, and--after a moment of deliberation--was positive that it came from the kitchen. Her hoofsteps fell one after another, like a windup doll. She was only half-aware of the world around her.

        Spike was sitting at the pearly white kitchen table, hunched over a small bowl of cereal. Twilight couldn’t tell what kind from where she was, but wow, did it look delicious. “Morning, sunshine. You look like you slept in a swamp,” Spike said, bringing the full spoon to his mouth.

        Twilight, had she been in the mood, wouldn’t shot Spike a playfully peeved glare. Twilight barely moved. In fact, it took her a moment to register what he had just said. “Huh? Oh, yeah.” She headed towards the refrigerator, her hooves dragging behind her. Without using up any more energy than what was possible, she magically opened the refrigerator door, and levitated out an apple. Why, being in her state, she used her magic was impossible to explain.

        “So, I take it you had another all nighter?” Spike followed up. Twilight shook her head. It was hardly noticeable. Twilight recognized the concern in his voice, and mentally slapped herself.
        “Nah,” she replied. She took a small bite of her apple. She had barely made a dent in the skin. “Just had some trouble sleeping. I’ll be fine.” Twilight wasn’t sure if she was telling this to Spike or herself.

        “If you say so.” Spike finished his cereal, and let the spoon sit in the bowl. He leaned back in his chair, and crossed his arms as if he were bored. Not a moment after, he bolted upright, as if he remembered something. “Oh, and I was told to remind you yesterday, but I forgot. You agreed to help Rarity with her dress or something?”

        Twilight nodded, and took a seat on the other side of the table. Something creaked. “Yep, I already know,” she said. Spike had been trailing behind Rarity yesterday afternoon. Twilight hadn’t seen the fashion queen at all the day before. She wasn’t surprised that Rarity used Spike as a messenger. “I’m going over to her boutique later.”

        “Neat.” Spike’s purple body seemed much darker without the natural sunlight. Twilight sure wished the clouds would go away. She was positive that Rainbow Dash had that all under control. There was a small lull in their conversation until Spike spoke up again. “Twilight, are you sure you’re okay? You look downright… bad.”

        “Yes.” She said the word a little more forcefully than she would have prefered, and she frowned when Spike flinched. She changed her approach. “I’m fine, just a little tired. Give me a few hours, then I’ll be fine.”

        “Alright, just try not to turn into Mrs. Grump.” Twilight stared at him. “Remember last time? You were so out of it that you threw that hissy fit because you couldn’t find your bookmark?” Spike gave her a knowing grin, and Twilight felt herself redden. She didn’t like to think about that.

        “For the third time, Spike. I’ll be fi-”

        It was at this time, when the clock ticked 8:19 AM on the dot. It was at this point in time, where everything decided to change. Five seconds from now, everypony would realize. Five minutes from now, everypony would panic. Five hours…

        For Twilight, it wasn’t as obvious. Her sentence was practically done anyways, so she simply assumed that she had simply butchered the ending of the word “fine”. For Spike however, Twilight hadn’t noticed the sudden shift in his eyes, as if they had suddenly spasmed. His claws flew up to his face, and then to the table, then to the air--his mouth agape in what appeared to be horror. “Whoa!” Spike shrieked. He wildly thrashed his arms around, desperately. He grabbed, and tried to feel things that didn’t appear to be there. At some point, he hit his empty cereal bowl. It. as well as the spoon hit the ground. The bowl shattered into tiny pieces.

        Twilight opened her mouth, but no sound came out. She didn’t know what was happening. It wasn’t until she looked at Spike’s terrified, wide eyes did she realize something.

        Spike’s green eyes were now gray, void of color. “W-Who turned off the lights!?” His voice was heartbreaking, like a child calling for his mother after a horrid nightmare. “Twilight!”

        Twilight opened her mouth to reassure him of her presence, but was appalled when she found that nothing would come out. It was a strange feeling, not being able to let the words flow out of her mouth like usual. Normally, it was such an effortless thing, and now it felt like Twilight didn’t even have vocal cords anymore.

        She tried again, attempting to make some kind of noise. Still nothing. To anypony else, it would appear as if she was in silent movie. Nothing came from her mouth save for her breath. What is this? she thought. I… I can’t talk!

        Meanwhile, Spike’s panicking was increasing by the second. “Twilight! Answer me! I’m scared! What’s happening?” Twilight was growing more and more dismayed, and was beginning to grow desperate to communicate with her assistant. Taking a deep breath, she readied herself to make the loudest yell possible, one that--if she had her voice--would only cause her to lose it again.

        She opened her mouth again. No yell. No sound. Nothing.

        Twilight’s main focus was to calm down Spike. Since she couldn’t use her voice, she attempted to use touch instead. She bolted up from her seat, and rushed over to the flailing baby dragon. Tears were streaming out of his hysterical eyes. “I can’t see!” he exclaimed. “Dear Celestia, I can’t see!”

        Twilight reached over and put a hoof on his shoulder. Well, tried is a better word. Twilight’s sudden touch caused the blind assistant to jump, and lash out an arm. He made connection with Twilight’s snout. Twilight couldn’t even let out a cry of pain. A dull pain throbbed somewhere in her head.

        She attempted again, but she didn’t need to try very hard. As soon as Spike hit her on accident, he slowed himself. Seeing as she was the only pony in the room when his vision disappeared, Spike correctly deduced who was touching him. “Twilight? Help me, please. Say something!”

        No matter how much she wanted to, Twilight just couldn’t speak, causing her to feel useless. She pulled the baby dragon in for a hug, where he loudly sobbed into her shoulder. He was still absolutely terrified. What’s going on here…?

        Twilight needed to go find her friends. That was her second priority. Her first would be contacting Princess Celestia. Unfortunately, leaving a blind baby dragon alone in the library was a terrible idea. What if he ran into something and got hurt? The shattered pieces of the bowl were still on the floor. What if he stepped on them? Twilight just couldn’t bring herself to investigate whilst leaving him there.

        Not saying another word, she scooped Spike onto her back. Luckily, she still had her eyesight. But why? Why did Spike go blind, and she go mute? Twilight was scared herself. She couldn’t go the rest of her life without saying anything. She was sure that Spike was in the same boat with his sight.

        Being very careful, she whipped her mane behind her. Spike knew that he was on Twilight’s back, and instantly reached for something to hold on to. Twilight’s mane was the only thing, and as much as she hated having her mane pulled, there was no other choice. Spike clutched for dear life, and they both made their way towards the door, leading to the outside mayhem.

When Twilight exited the library, she realized that there was absolutely nothing that could have prepared her for this.

Twilight had been without her vocal chords for roughly five minutes. Spike was similarly disabled. Apparently, the rest of the town must have be going through identical things. The streets were loaded with ponies--running and screaming. Some of them, also harboring grey eyes, would bump into those around them, causing them both to fall into a heap on the ground. Some ponies weren’t even screaming at all. However, their mouths were open as if they were trying to, just like Twilight had done initially. Strangely enough, some ponies seemed just fine, but they were still screaming their lungs out. In fact, they were screaming louder than the others.

Down the street, on the left hoof side, a house was on fire. Perhaps somepony had went blind like Spike while they were cooking or using something flammable. Twilight immediately figured out the pattern, and how everypony was losing their ability to see and talk.

She needed to find her friends, fast Her mind was burning coal at a hundred miles an hour, trying oh-so very hard to keep itself running. But none of it was making any sense. What was going on? Why?

She was going to see Princess Celestia. She also needed to round up her friends first. She’d feel terrible going to Celestia and leaving altogether, knowing that her friends were either blind or mute back at their homes, miserable and afraid. She had so many things to do, and so little time to actually accomplish them. Luckily for her, when Applejack appeared, it made Twilight’s job just a little bit easier.

Applejack was running, full sprint, towards the library. Her stetson hat was sitting on top of her head like a beacon, signalling her presence to the rest of the world. You found that hat, you found Applejack. Her eyes were wide, and as small as peas. She had a fearful sneer on her face, and Twilight could hear her panting and wheezing already. She already had sweat on her brow.

“Twilight!” the cowpony screamed at the top of her lungs. Spike jumped at the sound, and practically fell off Twilight’s back. Twilight, for the sake of keeping her balance, only brought one hoof up to one of her ears. “What’s happening? Something weird is goin’ on!” Applejack’s booming voice, along with her close proximity, threatened to burst not one, but both of Twilight’s eardrums. Spike actually vocalized his discomfort with an almighty groan.

Twilight opened her mouth, but remembered she couldn’t speak. She still tried anyways, hoping that Applejack could lip read. I don’t know! Please, stop shouting!

WHAT!?” Applejack’s exclamation was at the top of her lungs. Twilight cringed, and Spike groaned again. Even amongst the chaos, Applejack had an impressive set of pipes. “AH CAN’T HEAR ANYTHING!”

Something snapped in Twilight’s mind, and it made her feel just a little bit like crying. Twilight was mute. Spike was blind. Applejack was deaf. How in the hay were they even supposed to communicate?

“Applejack!” Spike groaned. Both claws were clamped over his ears. Apparently, he’d much rather fall off Twilight’s back than to experience Applejack’s screaming without aid. “Stop screaming! I can’t see!”

I can’t talk! Twilight tried to say. Obviously, Applejack was a horrid lip reader.


Twilight realized quickly that they were only wasting time. She needed to find a way to communicate with Applejack, fast. Perhaps she could talk to Spike for her. Either way, she needed to convince Applejack to stop talking so loud. Twilight would be a useless pony is she was mute and deaf--and Applejack wouldn’t be happy if she lost her hearing and her voice. The image of Spike, blind and deaf from Applejack’s screaming, terrified her.

Everything was going to get worse if they didn’t figure something out quick. Luckily, Twilight thought fast. She enveloped her horn in magic, picked up a nearby stick, and wrote in the ground underneath their hooves.

Weirdly enough, Applejack stayed silent as she tried to read Twilight’s neater-than-necessary hoof writing. Either way, in the end, the message said: “I can’t talk. Spike is blind. Follow me!”

Applejack nodded in understanding, so vigorously that her hat almost fell off her head. Obviously, Applejack was more freaked than she let on. Twilight stomped her hooves and turned. Much to her excitement, Spike understood the signal, and grabbed onto her mane. Together, the three of them made their way back to the library.

        Twilight should have done this before, grabbing a pencil and pad as a means to communicate. Unfortunately, she hadn’t thought that she would have needed it. However, this confirms her suspicions. Everypony in Ponyville has either lost their sight, their hearing, or their ability to speak. The situation caused Twilight to shiver, and almost made her sick.

        The three sat in the middle of the library, only a few feet away from the door. They sat in a circle, utterly confused and betrayed by their own bodies. Twilight needed to find the rest of her friends, then head to Canterlot. That was the plan. Unfortunately, she didn’t know how to pull it off.

        She could teleport to her friends’ house, but that could prove disastrous. If she tried to teleport one of her friends, and they were blind, then that’ll only cause more panic. Especially seeing as Twilight couldn’t identify herself with somepony who couldn’t see. Somepony who was deaf, she could communicate with them through notes and words. Somepony who had both their eyesight and their hearing would be different and more easy to teleport. Perhaps it wasn’t such a horrible idea...

        Twilight picked up the pen, and wrote a note. When she finished a few seconds later, she turned it over to Applejack. Unfortunately, the mare wasn’t looking, and was sadly gazing upon Spike, who was still waving his claws in front of his face as if his eyesight would regain itself any second. Twilight could see the pity in Applejack’s eyes. It took a little bit of waving and stomping to gain Applejack’s attention back. Applejack apologized profusely, and read Twilight’s note.

        “Spike still doesn’t know that I can’t talk.” The note said. “Could you tell him for me?”

        Applejack gulped. “Sure, Twi.” She turned to the baby dragon. “H-hey bud?” Spike snapped his head in her direction. He was a little off. Had he had his sight, he’d have been staring straight into one of the bookcases. “Twilight’s talking to me through a notebook. She’s still here. She wants me to tell ya that she’s mute.”

        Spike frowned. “Mute…?” His eyes were glazed over, and unfocused. It chilled Twilight to see. “What do you mean mute? Is she okay?”

Twilight wrote something else down in her notepad, and turned it over to Applejack. “I can’t talk. I need to go find the others. Please tell him that I’ll be right back. Don’t let him out of your sight.” Twilight failed to realize the irony of that statement. Applejack nodded again.

“Uhm… yes, sugarcube. Mute. She can’t speak.” Spike turned towards the floor. Applejack faltered for a moment, but quickly continued talking, as if what she had to say would cheer him up anymore. “She’s goin’ to go and get Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow and Rarity. Then she’ll be right back. I’ma stay right here with ya.”

Twilight thought hard about what Applejack’s situation was like. It must be very difficult to control your tone when you couldn’t hear your own voice. If Twilight guessed correctly, she could only tell how softly and loudly the mare was speaking because of the vibration in her throat. Twilight wanted to sigh. She wrote one last message, tore it off the notepad, and disappeared.

Applejack picked up the note, and read it to herself. “It’ll all be okay. Keep him safe.”

        The next thirty minutes proved horrible for Twilight for multiple reasons. Much to her chagrin, she didn’t view rounding up her friends being as hard of a task as it was.

        Twilight had popped in on Fluttershy first, and scared the absolute wit out of her. She knew exactly why she was more jumpy than usual when she saw Fluttershy’s eyes. No color, no life, nothing. Fluttershy was blind. Twilight felt just a little more sick when she learned of this. Fluttershy was a good mare. Who in the world would take something so necessary for life away from such a sweet mare? Twilight’s insides felt like they were full of moths.

She had teleported into Fluttershy’s cottage a few centimetres above the floorboards. Her animals were nowhere to be found. As soon as Twilight’s hooves landed on the boards, Fluttershy jumped so high that she almost tore a hole through the ceiling. She fell on her back, and immediately started crawling away in fear. Had her eyes not been totally useless, Twilight would’ve thought they would be absolutely gigantic.

        “No! Please don’t hurt me! Whoever you are!” Fluttershy cried. She shivered on the floor like a small child.

        Twilight, unable to identify or calm the butter-colored pegasus down on her own, wanted to sigh. Before Fluttershy did anything drastic, she teleported the both of them back to the library. Needless to say, Fluttershy did not appreciate the random break-in to her house, as well as the daring escape from it. Luckily for the four of them, Applejack calmed Fluttershy down quickly. She held the pegasus in her hooves, caringly.

        “Fluttershy!” The mare in question covered her ears. Applejack had basically figured out that whenever anypony had made that action, that she was speaking way too loud. She cleared her throat and continued in a softer voice. “Calm down, sugar. It’s me, Applejack. Twilight and Spike are here too.”

        Fluttershy, whose mane was visibly frazzled from the teleportation and her initial freakout, continued to shiver. “W-W-What? I can’t see anything… I-I’m blind…”

        “Me too, Fluttershy,” Spike chimed in. “Everything suddenly got so dark. All of a sudden… now I can’t see anything anymore… everything is gone…” His voice was more dejected with every syllable he pronounced, killing Twilight internally.

        Fluttershy nodded in agreement, before her face contorted. “...Where’s Twilight? She… where am I?” she asked. This question made Twilight feel incredibly dumb for some reason. It must have had the same effect on Applejack as well, as she answered immediately. Twilight was fairly sure that the mare had slightly blushed.

        “You’re at the library. Twilight teleported you here. She can’t speak. She’s mute.” Twilight bit the inside of her lip, thoroughly irritated with herself. It was her own body, she should be the one in control of it. It was as if some contortionist had a string for every part of her body. She had cut the all the strings that he controlled, except for the one on her face. When he had the face, he also had her heart.
        “Oh,” was Fluttershy’s response. “I-I’m sorry to hear that…” She lowered herself to sit on her rump. Twilight didn’t hear the rest of the conversation. It would only make her feel worse, and make her more determined to gather the rest of her friends. She’d already teleported again to fetch the remaining three Elements of Harmony.

        Twilight was not happy to find what she did. Rainbow Dash was locked in her bedroom at her house. Her eyes were red and puffy. As soon as the flamboyantly maned mare took notice of Twilight--which occurred only when Twilight was within touching distance of the mare--she wiped her eyes immediately. She couldn’t hear, much like Applejack. Rainbow Dash was deaf. Rainbow Dash was more.

        Pinkie Pie was a much different story. Twilight found Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner, deaf. There was a cacophony of alarms and buzzers signalling finished delectables. Each of them, Pinkie was unable to hear. Only when Twilight pointed at the black smoke emanating from the stoves did the pink mare notice. At least somepony was calm, and Twilight mentally thanked Pinkie for that.

        Rarity, however. Twilight was almost afraid of what she’d find at Rarity’s boutique. Part of her hoped that Rarity at least had her eyesight--her whole career depended on it. For some reason, Twilight did a test. Using her fifth and final friend as an experiment before she would have just teleported into the house. Twilight teleported outside, and rang the doorbell.

        It was quite clever. Twilight quickly deduced that, if Rarity was blind or deaf, she wouldn’t be able to answer or even find the door. When Rarity actually did open the door, talking a mile a minute without words, then she concluded the obvious. Rarity was mute. Her face and eyes shone terror and disbelief. Her words exuberated emptiness.

        Now, five minutes after that, when all five of her friends where at the library, did the real challenge begin.


        Voices. Voices everywhere. Terrified sounds of worrisome doubts and pessimistic outcomes. Ponies, talking to the deaf. Ponies, asking questions to the mute. Ponies, trying to get the attention of the blind. In a short matter of moments, havoc was beginning to break loose all over again.

        “What is this? I can’t hear a Celestia-damned thing!”

        “Rainbow, please… don’t use that kind of language…”

        “Fluttershy, did you say something?”

        “Rare, what’s the deal with Pinkie?”

        If Twilight had had her voice, she would have yelled “enough!”. Even if she tried to say the word with her lips, nopony would hear or understood. She had to think this through. They didn’t have time to come up with some kind of foolproof way to understand each other right now. What was important was that everypony knew what was needed and was already known, and that they get to Canterlot as quick as possible.

        Applejack was to Twilight’s immediate left. The unicorn quickly wrote down a four letter word in the middle of the notepad, and then a smaller note on the bottom. When she finished, she poked Applejack to grab her attention, and thrust the notepad her way. Applejack read it, and did as she was instructed to.

        “STOP!” Applejack, as she yelled the word, held up the notepad with a copy of the action on the front of it. There. Now, blind or deaf or not, everypony would understood the message. The room quieted down. Applejack gave the pad and pen back to Twilight, who nodded at her as if saying “thanks”.

        The room was silent save for the sound of pen on paper. Twilight held up a piece of paper with her message on it. Considering that three out of the seven individuals in the room were deaf, she was going to have to continue using the notepad for a while. She passed the notepad back to Applejack, who read it aloud. When she was done, she passed the note around for those who were hard of hearing. “It seems that apparent that, earlier this morning, we have lost the ability to either speak, hear, or see. We need to calm down and think before we do anything drastic.” Applejack had a very good impression of Twilight, slowing herself down and speaking meticulously like her friend did. Twilight didn’t know how to feel about this, and didn’t feel like wasting time asking about it.

        Twilight took the notepad back, wrote on it, and then gave it back to Applejack, who passed it around afterwards. “Writing and speaking will be our main source of communication. For now. Does anypony have an idea of what had happened to cause this?”

        Silence. Twilight wrote another message. Applejack read it, and then passed the note around again.

        “Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie are deaf. Fluttershy and Spike are blind. Rarity and I--as in Twi, not me--are unable to talk. We need to effectively communicate in a way that’ll benefit all of us. So far, this is all we’ve got.”

        “But wait!” Rainbow started. “Why did I have to lose my hearing! You’re an egghead, did ya figure anything out?” Twilight held back her pure frustration. Twilight was smart, sure, but that didn’t mean she had the answer for anything. Besides, Applejack and Pinkie Pie were deaf as well. They didn’t understand anything Rainbow said. Twilight mentally sighed, grabbed the notepad and pen, and relayed everything Rainbow had said, word for word on the pad, so the two could understand. When they did, Applejack rolled her eyes. Pinkie only gave an amused grin.

        Twilight wrote another message. Applejack did what was expected at this point. Twilight was already getting sick of using this way to talk to everypony. She needed to think of something else, soon. Too time consuming “No clue. But you know who might know? Princess Celestia. We need to go to Canterlot and talk to her.” A few ponies nodded. Some were hesitant. Others were indifferent. One did nothing at all.

        Through thick and thin, Twilight knew that Celestia held the answer to all of this. She knew that there was a way to restore the sight, hearing, and voice of everypony in Equestria, should this have spread that far. She knew that this was only another adventure, another chapter in their life. They could get passed it. This was just another problem that could be solved with the power of teamwork and friendship.

        But Twilight was not prepared for this one. This was only the beginning.

        See No Evil. Hear No Evil. Speak No Evil.

        Twilight didn’t know what they were, yet. But when she does, she’ll never understand.