Forget Your Reality

by LunarGazer1500

Choose Wisely

Twilight froze, her mind had been overcome with this new information.

''A farce a...lie and everyone's in on it I...I just don't know anymore..I've lived a lie.but how can that be friends a and I have had so much time together and fun and you and I have been through..lots of things I just...
Twilight gave up on her explanation it was no use, this is what her life really was now and she had to make choices.

Celestia slammed her door shut and faced her student or more affectionately known, the lapdog.

''Tick Tock the clocks ticking, you have three choices, you can either give up your title and leave Equestria, be part of my magnificent world And all it will behold or you can submit yourself to me as subject #206. Choose wisely, it could be costly.

Twilight stammered ''What gives you the right to decide for hate you and will now always hate you..everyone thinks I'm a monster they think I do what you do to ponies,they-

Celestia Interrupted

''Oh would you just shut the fuck up already? Twilight I don't care, and I never will all that matters is this moment because this moment will decide your fate and need mind you if you leave you are banished from my country, perhaps you can live with what's left of the changelings if they haven't died already.''

Twilight gulped ''Don't have much of a I? Well then...I hope you rot...''

Twilight threw her crown on the floor and reached for the door twisting the nob,there were nothing else to say, Twilight's life was a lie created by a tyrant and that was it. The truth hurt but it always will because as it is said, light will cast away the darkness.

Twilight immediately returned to her castle and packed important things she would need for her one way trip, a picture of she and Celestia stood on her table it was framed.

With a hard swipe she knocked it off the table and stomped on it till it was ruined. All she had now learned recently hurt her, but what hurt the most was how she enjoyed her life. How she enjoyed everything and everyone the lie brought her.

Twilight finished packing she put her sattlebag on and headed to the train station, once there she bought a ticket to the outskirts or Equestria, it was no longer her home nor a part of her life so when the train arrived she got on it and left Equestria, left everything never to return to her life or interact with anyone she knew in it.