One Mask Among Many.

by Golden Paw

Chapter Twenty

Chrysalis opened her eyes to find darkness surrounding her. Well darkness is nothing new, but why am I here? She got to her hooves and glanced about at the shadowy, blank landscape which stretched off into the distance. It was quiet and mercifully so: for the first time in years Chrysalis had peace within her mind.

        “Okay so you’re alone in some strange place, and your underlings are nowhere to be seen,” Chrysalis summed up as she had nothing better to do.

        “Not quite alone ‘Chrissy’,” A familiar voice sounded out and Chrysalis spun around , fangs bared.

“Ichor?” Chrysalis called out, her eyes widening in fear.

Lady Ichor smiled at Chrysalis, “You’re looking well sis.”

        Chrysalis peered at the newcomer with suspicion, “Ichor never called me sis..... ever. Who are you?”

        ‘Ichor’ chuckled,  it was full of genuine humour, “Aww, been Rumbled. I should have known you’d see through this.”

“I’m dead aren’t I?” Chrysalis commented, surprised that this fact didn’t upset her all that much.

“Pretty close,” Ichor said in an easy going manner.

“It’s more boring than I expected,” Chrysalis quipped as she looked about the empty plains.

        “Chrissy, you can drop the act with me, it’s alright,” Ichor put a comforting hoof on her shoulder, but Chrysalis backed away.

        “Says the stranger who pretends to be my sister (who I didn’t get on with I might add). Not building trust very effectively here,” Chrysalis felt an odd sense of calm all around her, clashing with her well ingrained paranoia.

        “Okay, I see you’re going to make this hard for me,” Ichor sighed, “Yes, I’m not your sister but I thought this would be a better way to break things to you gently.”

“Just hit me with it I’ve had worse,” Chrysalis replied.

        “Well then, you have a choice Chrysalis. I can send you back to the world of the living, but you’re going to have to make some important changes and be under the rule of someone else for the rest of your days,” Ichor explained and Chrysalis felt her mood darken.

“That’s the bad choice, so what’s the good one?” Chrysalis asked.

Ichor paused, “That was the good choice Chrysalis.”

”Just my luck,” Chrysalis chuckled morosely.

        Ichor nodded, “Yeah, the bad choice is standing before your ancestors and explaining why you let your race die. They will know that you had the chance to do something better with yourself and your race but you turned it down.”

“Hey, I gave my all for my children; that should count for something!” Chrysalis screeched.

        “I know Chrissy, and it does. However, there are a number of less than good choices you did make,” Ichor cautioned.

        Chrysalis hissed angrily, “And who are you to judge me huh? I did what I was taught to do and did my best at it. What more does the world want?”

        “The ‘World doesn’t blame you for your start Chrissy, but you have done some pretty despicable things,” Ichor said and Chrysalis felt her anger growing.

        “I did what I had to and I’d do it again given the same choices,” Chrysalis almost screamed into Ichor’s impassive face. She raged at the surrounding darkness which only gave solemn silence in reply, “No, it’s not fair! I did all I could, how can I be punished for something I had no control over?”

        Chrysalis rounded on Ichor again and saw she was smiling, “The World understands that Chrissy. It’s your choice now which is important. You now have the chance to prove to everyone that you would be a better person had you been given the chance.”

        “Oh so that’s who you are, The World huh?” Chrysalis scrunched up her muzzle, “You’ve got a great deal to explain you know, for one thing why were we created as monsters?”

Ichor smiled, “Well, let me tell you a bit about freedoms and choices.....”

        Zip’s head hurt. He held his hooves up to his ears and tried to block out the pounding noises within, “Urgh, what happened to me?”

        “Cadance zapped you with a pretty strong love charm, lucky you’re a sprite or you’d still be drooling over pictures of her,” Quiz sounded distracted and Zip peered blearily at her as she hauled him through the air.

        “Why did she do that?” Zip mumbled as further thumping sent a stabbing pain through his head.

“’s a bit complicated Zip,” Quiz said with an edge in her voice.

        Zip only then noticed the smoke in the air and a number of raging fires lighting up the ground below, “Um Quiz?”

        “Yeah, I know, but we’re well out of it,” Quiz replied and Zip was shocked at the steadiness of her voice.

        “You okay Quiz, you sound different?” Zip winced as another loud ‘boom’ echoed around in his head, “Um why is everything on fire?”

        “Cadance and Twilight are having a ‘discussion’ about the changelings,” Quiz replied as a shockwave lifted both sprites and flung them off course.

“That wasn’t just in my head was it?” Zip moaned and Quiz nodded in confirmation.

        Zip looked back and saw two bright stars floating in the air above the old castle. They were shining brightly; one an angry red and the other a lavender hue. Even as he watched both lights flew towards each other, meeting with another explosion of force and sound.

“Who’s winning ?” Zip asked, his heart frozen.

        “I don’t know, but you’re awake now so use those wings you heavy lump,” Quiz ordered and Zip was struck by the change in his fellow. She sounded well, in control.

        Zip flapped his wings gingerly and found he was able to hold his own weight. Looking down he now had a clear view of the scene below. Large chunks of the old castle had been demolished. Raging fires illuminated the tiny shapes of those still fleeing the ruins and Zip's eyes were instantly drawn to two fighting balls of light, “Is there anything we can do?”

        Quiz hung there for a moment, rubbing her chin in thought, “Well we could always let the other Council of Harmony members know that they're needed?”

        The sky lit up as beams of arcane power danced back and forth between Twilight and Cadance. The deflected spells from the aerial conflict licked out, setting burning lines of the surrounding forest ablaze. Zip swallowed in fear, “I think that all of Equestria knows what's going on here by now.”

        “Still pays to be sure right?” Quiz responded and Zip could see a logic to that, “Plus it's safer than waiting for a stray spell to blast us apart.”

        Both sprites glanced at each other, as a particularly bright ball of expanding magic resembling a new miniature sun blossomed below. “Yeah let's do it,” Zip agreed and as more sounds of destruction erupted behind them they fled toward the distant lights of Ponyville.

        “The Tree of Harmony wasn't kidding when she said that it would feel strange,” Grizz muttered as she blinked her eyes open. She lay on the cold ground for a few moments and took a deep breath. It was her first real breath and it was a wonderful but scary sensation. I need to breath and I can feel my heart beating, for real!

        Grizz sat up slowly and brushed the tangled mane out of her eyes. The world didn't look very different, the same hues were present and Grizz took another breath, savouring the joy of being alive. I'm actually alive. I need to breath I....

        A groaning sound from next to her caused Grizz to look at the now trembling body of Chrysalis. The other queen was the picture of health, her beaten and cracked carapace now shiny and smooth while her horn had been restored to its crooked point.

        Grizz watched Chrysalis as she slowly sat up and smiled, “I guess you said yes then?”

        Chrysalis glared at Grizz for a moment before her own muzzle split into a grin, “Well I couldn't let you go around messing everything up now could I? Plus who's going to show you the ropes of being a queen if not me?” Chrysalis paused, “Do you feel that?”

Grizz closed her eyes, “Everything feels strange and new Chrysalis.”

        “That sort of full feeling inside, bit like a warm glow or light in my centre?” Chrysalis added with mounting interest.

Grizz tried to review her programming it....”I can't seem to access my data banks right now.”

This time Chrysalis chuckled, “You mean you don't know or can't remember?”

Grizz nodded and felt a blush form on her face, “Yeah that, does it feel good?”

        Chrysalis seemed to think for a moment, “Yep that's it. I feel full and contented, as if everything is going to be alright.”

“It's a nice fuzzy feeling like having mum hug you?” Grizz asked and Chrysalis made a face.

        “Mother never hugged me, queens don't do that kind of thing,” Chrysalis said with a trace of sadness in her voice.

        Grizz thought for a moment, “It feels like this,” and before Chrysalis could object she hugged her tightly.

        Both queens (old and new) rested on each other for a time, until Chrysalis replied slowly, “That's a bit like it yeah.”

        “That's being happy Chrysalis, haven't you ever felt that before?” Grizz stared at Chrysalis with shock.

        They broke apart and Chrysalis' face scrunched up, then straightened as if she was savouring a new flavour for the first time. Grizz smiled as Chrysalis worked through the new concept and smiled in return, “Not like this before I admit,” She mused for a while longer before her smile grew, “I like it, how do we steal more?”

        Grizz laughed, “We don't steal it, you earn it by doing good things Chrysalis, it's the great feeling you get by doing good things for others.”

“And that works?” Chrysalis asked with a curious glow in her eyes.

        “Pretty much every time Chrissy, can I call you Chrissy?” Grizz giggled as she savoured the new sensations flowing through her body.

“Yes,” Chrysalis replied, “But not in front of the drones alright? I'd never hear the end of it.”

        Grizz's face fell as she recalled the last sight she'd had of the swarm; their scared faces and longing glances, “We should go make sure they're okay, who knows what they have gotten into their heads to do.”

        “Agreed Grizz,” Chrysalis announced as she got to her hooves. She'd only gone a few steps forward when a perplexed expression overshadowed Chrysalis' face. She tilted her head down to look at Grizz's own chest and began prodding it experimentally.

        Grizz looked down and saw a glowing ball of energy nestled in her chest just below the surface of her shell. It throbbed and beat like a heart and it's shining core gave off a feeling of warmth and contentment.

        Recalling some of the final instructions the Tree had given her Grizz nodded in understanding, “That's the solution to our food problem Chrissy.”

        Grizz stood up and allowed Chrysalis to study it in detail.“ A gift from our mutual friend.”

Chrysalis prodded it a few more times before shrugging, “So what does it do?”

        “I'll explain on the way Chrysalis,” Grizz said before, with a sigh of pleasure, she unfolded her wings. Grizz had never done so before and now for the first time in her life she was about to fly for real! “Race you to the doorway?”

        Chrysalis didn't even get a chance to reply before Grizz leaped into the air, her wings throbbing with excitement and proceeded to crash unceremoniously into the rough ground. Grizz felt the bumpy rock scraping her carapace and rolled with a hiss of pain before Chrysalis chuckled, “Oh we've got some real work to do haven't we?”

        Grizz decided she didn't like the feeling of being scraped across the floor and resolved not to do it again, “Ouch.”

        Grizz looked up at Chrysalis who was smiling warmly at her. “You've never flown before have you?”

Grizz felt the embarrassed glow returning to her face, “No, not really.”

        Chrysalis now had a playful smile on her face, “Well it seems we're going to be learning a lot from each other so best take it slow. One larva step at a time huh?”

        Grizz got up again and dusted off her shell, “Okay so to the drones,” She began to trot up the stairs leading to the surface and felt the elation of simply being alive. “You know Chrissy, I think this is going to be the start of a very odd friendship.”

        She turned her head back to see Chrysalis watching her intently, “You know, you even look different now Grizz, more natural somehow.”

        “I know isn't it great, I'm alive!” Grizz could barely contain her excitement and practically floated up the stairs. She saw the guards positioned just beyond the door and gave them a huge smile, “Hello fellow living beings isn't it wonderful!”

        The trembling unicorn stallion stared at Grizz with confused eyes before replying, “Um yes miss changeling queen, it's good to be alive.”

        Grizz thought she heard a sniggering sound from behind her and saw Chrysalis wasn't much further back, floating easily on her now pristine wings.

        A muffled explosion was heard overhead and Grizz's good mood faded as she recalled the troubles above. She coughed and forced a serious look onto her face, “Sorry I was a little excited, um lieutenant correct?”

The pony nodded and saluted again, “Yes ma’am, er queen um...”

Chrysalis chuckled again but Grizz ignored her, “How goes the battle back at the castle?”

        “Well miss queen, Celestia and Luna left about ten minutes ago, leaving a set of instructions for when you woke up,” The guard handed Grizz a small data screen and she took it gratefully, “She said it would be already coded to your body.”

        Grizz pressed her hoof onto the screen and an image of Celestia flashed up before her, “Grizz, by the time you get this message we will already be subduing Cadance. We need you to ensure the safety of your hive and any soldiers still trapped within the castle. We know we can count on you.”

        “Thank you Lieutenant, ”Grizz nodded to herself before passing the data screen to Chrysalis who took it with a bemused expression. Glancing back to Chrysalis to see her peering at the small communication tool with a perplexed expression, “It's a datapad Chrysalis, I'll tell you about them later.”

Chrysalis shrugged before grinning, “Well you're the queen, get on with it.”

        Grizz nodded before closing her eyes and reached out with her senses, the sensations of the cool night air began to fade along with the distant sounds of explosions. She looked for the 'thread' of emotions that would tell her where the drones were and after a few seconds of concentration she found the first of them.

        “A small group, a little way off to...” Grizz tried to check her internal compass and hissed, “Um that way!” She waved a hoof in the vague direction.

“Okay, now call them,” Chrysalis urged.

        “But I can't send pheromones that far the wind is...” Grizz began only for Chrysalis to tut with disappointment.

        “Oh dear, oh dear, to think I was worried you could have dethroned me? Scent isn't the only tool in a queen's thorax,” Chrysalis rolled her eyes, “Feel them Grizz and let them feel you.”

        “I can alright, but they can't feel me I....” She began then she sensed what Chrysalis was talking about. Her eyes snapped open in shock, “Wow, I never did that before.”

        Chrysalis grinned in triumph, “It's a deeper connection than cables and pony technology can achieve Grizz, I'll tell you about it later.”

        Grizz felt her own soul connect with the drones a little way off, it was a far stronger bond than she'd ever experienced as a disguised queen. With a slight tremble Grizz allowed her emotions to be seen and understood by her drones. She felt a tiny spark of fear in letting such creatures know her heart, but thankfully they responded in kind.

        It was like talking, touching and understanding another pony all at once but having them in another room. The feeling was odd, but intoxicating. With care Grizz let her heart convey the order that she wanted. For a few moments she was afraid that they wouldn't want to come, but then with an almost joyful call they began to gather before promising to attend.

        It was nothing like Grizz had ever felt before and she smiled at Chrysalis who was nodding with approval, “Just wait until you have your own drones my dear, it's even stronger.”

        “My own drones?” Grizz asked in confusion, “But these are my swarm, they are my drones?”

        Chrysalis simply grinned wider, “No my dear, these are adopted children into your family. I mean when you give birth to your own drones.”

Grizz's froze, “I can do that?”

        Chrysalis laughed and the nearby guards all jumped at the sound, “Of course you can Grizz, where do you think they come from?”

Grizz felt the blush forming again, “Oh yeah, of course I can....”

Chrysalis grinned and waggled her eyebrows, “I'll tell you about it later. It's all natural and....”

“Oh look here they come!” Grizz called out while avoiding Chrysalis' amused gaze.

        The small huddle of changelings were even now cresting the ridge high above them and began to crawl down the sheer face, carefully picking their way along the chasm's side.

        Grizz beamed at her little swarm and waved happily to them, “Thanks for coming, we need your help.”

        Soon enough the small crowd of changelings were huddled together before Grizz and the first thing that struck her was their hunger. Everyone of them was craving sustenance and Grizz felt her mood fall, they came more because they were desperate rather than out of any love for her.

        “You called your highness?” A drone prostrated himself before her and Grizz felt her own heart clench.

        “No, no, none of that I don't want you to bow,” Grizz fidgeted as the drone looked at her in confusion.

        “As you command we will not bow,” The group all stood up as if at inspection for parade and Grizz shook her head again.

        Biting her lip Grizz tried again, “I didn't command I simply asked that you wouldn't, remember what I said about freedom to choose?”

        The assembled changelings all stared at Grizz blankly and Chrysalis sniggered, “Hunger doesn't help their mental powers Grizz, if you want independent thought then they need food. Trust me during recent years I have sorely missed proper conversation.”

        Grizz nodded, “Okay then time to feed,” The drones all hissed and grinned with menace at the pony soldiers who shrank back in fear. Grizz waved her hooves in desperation. “No not like that, come here just one of you.”

        Grizz smiled not unkindly at the watching soldiers, “Could you give us a moment, this is kind of a personal matter?”

        The ponies bowed and Grizz could see the relief pouring off them. The drones looked disappointed but their leader trotted forward obediently and Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. Grizz closed her eyes, the instructions the Tree had given her said it should happen quite naturally, but Grizz had never tried anything like this before, no changeling had ever tried this before.

        She willed her body to obey and after a few tense moments she felt the desired effect begin to happen. Grizz felt the new organ, the special gift from the Tree begin to pour love into the drone before her. It wasn't as strange as she'd first feared it would be, more akin to the sensation of sharing some wonderful secret with a friend and the giggly excitement that came with it.

        The drone made a contented clicking noise as with pleasure it lapped up the offered food, wolfing it down like a famished dog. The flow stopped and Grizz felt a sense of triumph fill her own soul. She watched as the drone blinked slowly and the light of understanding filled its suddenly bright eyes, “My queen, I don't know how you did it but I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

        He bowed again, and to Grizz's delight she saw it was out of genuine respect and thankfulness rather than compelled instinct. Beaming with joy she bowed in return, “I'm just sharing a gift from one that loves us all very much.” Grizz hugged him tenderly, “What's your name?”

“'Hizk',” your majesty he replied with reverence.

        “Well Hizk, I need you to help in gathering the other drones, then we can look for the scattered crystal ponies,” Grizz beckoned for the other drones to approach and they did at first with trepidation. Hizk smiled, waved a hoof encouragingly and the rest crowded around Grizz with growing enthusiasm.

“It would be my honour to do so highness,” He replied.

        As Grizz fed the other drones she saw Chrysalis watching in fascination, “Well that's certainly different. How does it work?”

        “We consume love, well there's one who loves us more than we could ever understand Chrysalis and I get to share that love freely now,” Grizz explained. Now that she'd done it once the process of feeding became easier and she could 'suckle' more and more drones at a time.

        The glowing core of love still burned brightly within Grizz and she didn't feel at all diminished by the experience. She smiled with joy at her little band of healthy drones, they looked at her like she'd looked at Twilight; like their mother who cared and provided for them.

        The process completed Grizz became serious, “Okay now we're ready to begin finding the others. I need you to scatter and bring the rest of the drones safely back to me alright?”

        As one, the swarm saluted before taking off into the air. They circled once and scattered in different directions.

        Chrysalis continued to study Grizz carefully, her face unreadable, “And I didn't get this amazing gift?”

        Grizz's happy mood cooled somewhat as she looked into Chrysalis' detached eyes. She could see the emotions clearly in Chrysalis now and was sad to see the faint glimmers of jealousy, “I don't know why you weren't given the same thing Chrysalis. I thought you would have it too.”

        She saw Chrysalis frown and for the first time since she'd met her the old queen Chrysalis looked remorseful, “The World seemed to think I still need to prove worthy of such that's why.”

        Grizz stared in utter astonishment as Chrysalis, with a pained expression, did something unbelievable. It wasn't grudgingly nor was it with any malice that Grizz could detect but Chrysalis seemed to almost bow to Grizz.

        It wasn’t a full bow, Chrysalis stopped the act halfway and turned it more into an over pronounced nod. All the time Chrysalis’ face was awash with conflicting expressions and Grizz could feel the warring instincts within her fellow changeling.

        “I understand that you becoming as you are now was only on condition that I was brought back,” Chrysalis finally gave up the awkward show of supplication and looked Grizz right in the eyes, “I owe you my life Grizz and though it pains me to admit it I believe that you really can save us.”

        Grizz saw her tremble for a moment as Chrysalis regained her former proud stance and then old Chrysalis was back again, haughty and imperious,“Tell another soul about that belief and I'll gut you like a hollowed husk and devour that gift for myself.”

        She studied Chrysalis for a long time, looking into her pained eyes and saw deep down a flicker of hope. “You have my word Chrissy, that I won't tell anyone. Plus I don't think you can just eat something like this.” Grizz tapped her chest.

Chrysalis smiled and Grizz did too, “Don't think I wouldn't be willing to try.”

        Grizz saw the flicker of humour in her fellow queen's aura and with a chuckle lent forward and hugged her again. “Thank you for even being willing to trust me.”

        “Yeah, yeah don't get mushy on me alright,” Chrysalis mumbled and Grizz hugged her all the tighter.