First Impressions are Misleading

by Luyten

Chapter Four: Epilogue

V: Epilogue (one year later)

It was autumn. The trees were ablaze in color, and the last dregs of a warm summer's breeze gently transitioned into a cooler, milder zephyr. Ponies were playing in the parks, relaxing by a fire, and preparing for Nightmare Night, a changeling's favorite holiday (besides Hearts and Hooves Day).
Exactly one year ago, the total permanent population of changelings in Equestria was a staggering zero. Today, there are two thousand seven hundred and forty-two changelings coexisting with the Equestrians, myself included. It was quite stunning actually, to see how smoothly ponies accepted the new changelings into their society. It was a promise of hope, a new relationship, and of the past being forgotten. It was the start of something new, something that could be great—was great.

As it turned out, having changelings embedded in Equestrian industry caused there to be a massive increase in revenue and trade.

All in all, it was everything I always wished for: peaceful relations with Equestria, and a special somepony to share it with.

The End