//------------------------------// // Rainbow X Discord // Story: Daisy Chain Part 7: Rainbow Dash x Discord // by caveman0803 //------------------------------// It’s a cool morning in Ponyville and the weather team is just finishing up the cloud formation for the day. Inside Carousel Boutique a white unicorn with a purple mane is just waking up to a day full of hard work and fabulosity. Once she was out of bed she was about to take her daily shower when she heard a knock on the door. Her curiosity piqued she cracked the front door open and noticed a basket. Using her magic she encased the basket in a light blue aura and brought it inside. Setting it on the table she opened the basket to reveal a bottle. Looking closer at the bottle she realized with great enthusiasm that it was a bottle of Amber Imperial Shampoo which just so happened to be the most expensive shampoo on the market. She proceeded to take her daily shower and got ready for the day. She was working on a dress in her workshop when she heard the bell ring, signalling that someone has visited her fine establishment. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique. Ah Twilight how are you?” She asked “Hello Rarity, I was just coming by to see how you’re doing.” Twilight said. They walked into Rarity’s main room to sit and chat. It was at this point that Twilight noticed something off about Rarity. “Umm Rarity I think there’s something off about your mane.” Twilight commented “Whatever do you mean Darling. The only thing I did differently is I used a new shampoo.” Rarity said “Oh, well is it supposed to change your mane color frequently?” Twilight asked. Confused about what Twilight said, Rarity went to her mirror to check on her mane. What she saw wasn’t her normal purple. Instead her mane was a bright red, then orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and then violet. Rarity’s eyes widened in horror, then her eyebrows furrowed in anger as one name came to mind. “RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAINBOW DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!” On a cloud above Ponyville, a cyan pegasus was taking her usually late morning nap. She had just gotten through her most recent practice session and she needed a pick-me-up for later in the day. All of a sudden a blue aura grabbed her tail and yanked her from her cloud. The pegasus hit the ground hard and woke up instantly. She looked around trying to find out what happened to her cloud when she came upon the eyes of a VERY angry white unicorn with eyes of red. It reminded Rainbow Dash of a bull when it sees the color red. She realized that she was in deep trouble but she wasn’t aware of the reason for the unicorns ire. She decided to play the safe route and politely ask her friend what was wrong. “Uhh hey Rarity.” Rainbow said “What’s up?” Rarity’s eye twitched and that was a sign that Rainbow had asked the wrong question. Rainbow looked from Rarity’s eyes to her mane. Looking at Rarity’s sent Rainbow over the edge. She bursted out laughing at Rarity’s expense and that only angered the unicorn more. “You think this is FUNNY?” Rarity asked. “Look what you’ve done to my poor Mane you hooligan.” “Your mane.” Rainbow said in the midst of her laughter. “Your mane is changing colors.” Rarity rolled her eyes “Thanks for stating the obvious.” She deadpanned angrily. Rainbow continued to laugh for a few more minutes but then her laughter began to slowly die down. When she finished laughing she looked back at her friend. “What happened to your mane?” Rainbow asked. “You know exactly what happened Rainbow Dash.” Rarity replied Angrily “This is just another one of your pranks.” “You think I did this?” Rainbow asked. “Of course. Who else in Ponyville would do this?” Rarity asked. “Who else indeed.” said a mysterious voice “Discord!.” Rarity exclaimed. “Hello to you too.” Said the Draconequus “And how is my favorite fashion designer these days.” “Well I was fine until this morning.” She said glaring angrily at Discord. “Look what you did to my mane!” “Oh my that is quite funny.” Discord chuckled “I do apologize Rarity, it was all in good fun. It’s only temporary. It should last for only another, oh say, 5 minutes.” “Fine.” Rarity stated. “Well I suppose I should go back to my boutique. I apologize for yanking you out off of the cloud darling.” “It’s ok Rarity, If I were in your horseshoes i’d assume it was me too.” Rainbow said giving Rarity a reassuring smile. “Thank you darling.” Rarity said “Tata for now.” Rarity took off back towards Carousel Boutique where she left Twilight on her own. Rainbow turned towards Discord. “And You.” Rainbow Dash scolded. “What have I told you about pranking my friends?” Discord hung his head in shame. “Not to prank them without you and never prank Fluttershy.” he said. Rainbow smiled. “Thats right, but that was a really good prank.” She said She hovered next to Discord and gave him a loving kiss on the cheek. “Remember my rules Discord and I won’t make you sleep outside again. Are we clear dearest?” Discord smiled “Of course.” They began gliding through Ponyville back to their cloud home to enjoy some quiet time before Rainbow had to work. Before they got home Discord pointed at something to Rainbow Dash. She looked down to the ground and Discord snapped his paws. A gift appeared on someponies door step and used one of it’s ribbons to knock. The door opened to reveal a light blue pegasus with a purple mane. She looked at the gift and then looked around to see who would’ve left it. Seeing nopony around she reached down and opened it with her teeth. Once the lid was off a cream pie sprung up and smacked right into her face. She looked up in surprise and then proceeded to lick it off. Afterwards she started giggling to herself and walked back inside. Rainbow Dash starting giggling at Discords innocent little prank and it just reminded her of how much she loved the Draconequus. Most ponies look at the couple and wonder why they’re together. “They have nothing in common” they’d say and normally she would’ve agreed; however Rainbow was able to see what her best friend Fluttershy saw in him. It happened about a year and a half ago. Fluttershy had become sick and Rainbow and Discord were fighting about who would be taking care of her. Fluttershy was laying in her bed listening to the two of them bicker when she finally snapped. She sat up and told them that either they work together or leave her be. So they decided that they’d take turns taking care of Fluttershy. Over the next few days while Rainbow watched Discord take care of Fluttershy, She realized just how caring that Draconequus could be. Thats when she starting falling head over hooves for him. Once Fluttershy was feeling better, Rainbow decided to pony up and apologize to Discord about being so rude to him before. He accepted her apology and did something Rainbow didn’t expect. He asked her out on a date. Turns out that while Rainbow was away Fluttershy was busy trying to get Discord to ask Rainbow out because Fluttershy knew that he was attracted to the rainbow maned pegasus. They went out on a few dates and eventually the two became an item. More than a year later and the two were still going strong. Rainbow didn’t know how long the two of them would be together but she didn’t care. It’s like what a wise teacher used to say “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it’s called Present.” Rainbow Dash doesn’t normally quote things like that but she thought it sounded awesome, so she decided to use it. They reached her cloud house and went inside to her bedroom. Rainbow laid in her bed and Discord coiled around her and placed his head next to hers. And as the sun reached its zenith, it saw a pegasus and a draconequus fall asleep in bliss.