Huggable So Soft Fluttershy

by Glint

So Soft Bunny

Fluttershy landed in her front yard humming a cheerful little tune to herself. She opened the front door, and poked her head into the kitchen.

“Be patient, Angel,” she called out, “I’ll get your lunch ready in a minute.”

She looked around and gasped. Angel was nowhere to be seen. He wasn’t underfoot, holding up his bowl, nor was he staring up at the fridge, nor trying to paw his way into the pantry.

“Oh, he’s gone,” said Fluttershy as her smile faded. “He must be really mad at me.”

Fluttershy listlessly opened up the fridge and the kitchen cabinet, assembling the ingredients and tools needed to make herself a strawberry and spinach salad.

She sighed deeply as she added a double hoof-full of fresh spinach to her bowl. Her mouth turned downwards into a frown as she sliced some strawberries using her paring knife. Tears welled up in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks as she chopped up some onion using her chef’s knife. She wiped her face with a “whew,” tossed the salad, and added a dash of dressing.

Fluttershy set her salad bowl down on the kitchen table, and looked left and right. Nopony shared the room with her, and the curtains were closed. She buried her face in the bowl, noisily chowing down on the salad. She took in huge mouthfuls and chewed and swallowed without even raising her head out of the bowl. At last, she delicately licked the last slice of strawberry off the side. As Fluttershy daintily wiped her mouth with her napkin, she let out a very small belch. She blushed.

“Oh, I hope Angel found something good to eat out in the wild. He’s normally such a picky eater here at home,” she said. “I wonder what I did wrong.”

She sighed and looked around the room. Her eyes stopped on the calendar’s picture of a field of orange and white poppies.

“No, wait, that’s last month,” she said, stretching a hoof out toward the calendar. “I should have turned the page yesterday; it’s the second already.”

She gasped as she lifted up the page. The first day of the new month was circled, and had a drawing of a bunny’s face.

“Oh, no! Yesterday was Angel’s birthday, and I completely forgot!” said Fluttershy, hanging her head into her salad bowl in shame.

“What will I do? I need to get him a present. Maybe buy him a carrot cake?” fretted Fluttershy. She gulped and said, “I could throw him a party and invite the squirrels and chipmunks to join us.”

Fluttershy went about her lunchtime animal feeding, worrying to herself.

“Hmm, do I need to buy them all party hats?” she asked as she watched the squirrels and chipmunks dig in to their pile of green pellets.

“Individual cupcakes? One big cake? Am I supposed to cut the first piece or let Angel do it himself?” she wondered as she tossed out seed for the chickens.

“Oh, I don’t even know where to begin,” she wailed as she filled up her bird feeders. “Maybe a party isn’t a good idea after all. I need some help.”

Her eyes brightened. “Of course! Pinkie Pie! If I ask her for help, she’ll be tickled pink. Or, pinker than usual,” she said with a smirk.

“Helping me with a party would make Pinkie Pie happy,” she said, beaming. “And making somepony happy is just what I need right now.”

Fluttershy radiant smile soon faded. When she arrived at Sugar Cube Corner, Pinkie Pie wasn’t at work. Along the way, she thought she caught a glimpse of Angel sticking his tongue out at her before jumping away into the bushes.

Fluttershy walked the open air market from one end to the other, carefully avoiding large crowds of ponies. There was no sign of Pinkie Pie there, either. She sat on a bench at the far end, and sighed.

“Heya, Fluttershy. What’s up?” said a familiar voice.

Sitting right there on the bench beside her was Pinkie Pie, a concerned look in her eyes. Fluttershy leapt up off of the bench. Pinkie Pie leapt off of the bench next to her.

“Oh, hi Pinkie Pie,” she said, shaking. “I was just looking for you. I need your help.”

“What’s the problem, Fluttershy?” Pinkie asked, looking more concerned.

“Angel’s birthday was yesterday, and I missed it,” she said. “I’m thinking about maybe throwing him a party to make up for it.”

A smile slowly spread across Pinkie Pie’s face. “A party? You want me to help you throw a party? Oh, Fluttershy, you have no idea how happy …”

Her voice trailed off as she stared off into the distance, lost in thought.

“Of course Fluttershy knows how happy this makes me,” she said. “Oh Fluttershy, that is so sweet!”

Pinkie Pie took a step toward her, raised up her forehooves, and pulled Fluttershy in for a hug.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened in surprise. She raised her own hooves to Pinkie’s shoulders, and said, “Umm … Pinkie?”

“Nope! Not done hugging you yet!” said a very chipper Pinkie.

Fluttershy wrapped a shaking pair of limbs around Pinkie Pie. She blushed as she regarded the ponies walking to and from the market.

Sensing Fluttershy’s unease, Pinkie Pie whispered, “Don’t worry about them. Nopony minds. Just close your eyes.”

Fluttershy looked around. Pinkie was right. Ponies were watching the market stalls, talking to their companions, and walking right past the two of them. Nopony paid any mind to the commonplace sight of Pinkie Pie hugging a friend.

She closed her eyes and held Pinkie a little closer. The warmth of Pinkie’s body comforted Fluttershy, and she slowly stopped trembling.

The two stood at the edge of the market, their cheeks gently touching, their forelimbs tightly wrapped around each other. Fluttershy’s worries about the crowds, about disapproving glances from strangers, about disappointing her Angel, melted away. In spite of the dozens of ponies passing by, Pinkie Pie’s long, close embrace drew Fluttershy into a world shared by the two of them alone.