//------------------------------// // 2: Awakening // Story: Sombra visits Skyrim // by Blackdrag-rose //------------------------------// Afternoon was falling over the burning town named Helgen as three figures emerged from a cave not too far away, two of them having to carry the third between them. They had been captured by their enemies, brought before the headsman, and were ready to be executed when a giant black dragon swooped in and wrecked the place. Neither of them were sure if they were even safe from the dragon, but they knew that they had to move in case it was still around the area. The first person was a middle aged man with fairly tanned skin, blond shoulder length dreadlocks, and a suit of blue colored chain mail that had seen a few battles. He carried an iron axe, that was looped through his belt, a wooden bow, and a quiver that contained the few iron arrows that he could recover. The moment they escaped from the cave he let go of the nord that they were carrying and hid behind the boulders near their position, watching out of the dragon. The second person was a young slender cat like creature with a white colored fur that covered her entire body, while she sported the same armor as the man. While her partner sported a single weapon she carried two iron swords at her side and an iron greatsword on her back, just in case she ever needed a back up. She had her light brown hair pulled over her head, so she wouldn't have to worry about a stray strand getting in her eyes, and a few golden rings looped through them. "Jeez this guy is heavy," the cat girl commented, now having to carry the full weight of the unconscious nord they had rescued, "Come on Ralof, let's drop this guy off in Riverwood and warn the Jarl of Whiterun about that dragon." "We won't have to worry about the dragon for a while," the man, Ralof, replied, returning to her side and taking up the left arm of the nord, "Ulfric should know what the coming of the dragon means, which means that after we drop off this poor sod in Riverwood I'll be making my way to Windhelm." "I'm sure that your sister will be wanting to speak with you before you leave," the cat girl continued, as they started lugging the man down the road, "She'll want to know if Ulfric escaped, how many of our fellow Stormcloaks made it out of there, and request that we speak with the Jarl." "Her name is Gerdur," Ralof told her, sighing as he thought about the old friend he had left behind, "Its a shame that Hadvar couldn't see the error of his ways and escape with us. I guess its about time I introduce you to Gerdur and see if she'll take this guy off of our hands..." Standing at the fork in the road ahead of them were three people wearing leather armor, each of them holding a weapon in their hands. Two of them were nords that were much older than Ralof was, but the third was a pointed eared elf, sporting a bow that had an arrow nocked and ready to fire. Ralof knew exactly what they were and just couldn't believe their luck. "Be careful Raika," Ralof said, taking on the full weight of the nord as his partner released her hold on him, "bandits around these parts are notorious for having another member of their band hidden somewhere nearby in case they need backup." "I'm familiar with how bandits work," the cat girl, Raika, replied as she pulled out both of her swords, "Do you think I can make it down to the fork before you put an arrow in that elf's skull?" "Is that a challenge?" Ralof asked, leaning the nord against a boulder as he pulled out his own bow, "Tell you what; you let me take that elf and any other bandits that might be behind us and I'll let you take the two down there." As Raika made her way down the road Ralof pulled out an arrow and nocked it, pulling the string back as he aimed for the elf's arm before pulling up a bit and aiming at her head. He cast a brief look behind him, scanning the treeline for any signs of another bandit that might try sneaking up on him and the fallen nord. Once he was sure that there wasn't anyone behind him he returned to the elf and carefully watched Raika walk down the road. "Hold there," one of the nords said, holding out an empty hand as Raika neared them, "this is our road, see? Your going to have to hand over two hundred gold for the privilege of using our road. If your not willing to pay then we'll just loot your corpse." "Sorry, but I'm in a hurry," Raika replied, tossing one of her swords like it was a spear and piercing one of the nord's shoulders, "I don't have time to waste on the likes of you." Before the elf had a chance to defend herself an arrow pierced her right shoulder, causing her to drop her bow, followed by a second arrow that struck her in the chest. The remaining bandit raised his sword and blocked the incoming attack, trying to push Raika back so he could swing his own weapon at her. She spun around and let his sword hit her greatsword, using it as a base to throw the bandit off guard before her sword was planted firmly in his chest. Once she was sure that there weren't anymore bandits in the immediate area she recovered her second sword and preceded to search the bandits for anything useful. "Find anything that might help us?" Ralof asked, lugging the nord down to where Raika was. "About twenty pieces of gold, two dozen iron arrows, and an iron ingot," Raika replied, casting a look down the road to where she assumed the bandit's camp was and noticed something, "I see a wooden wagon that they must have used to carry their firewood from camp to camp. Think we can use it to transport our fallen friend here?" Ralof cast a look in the direction that Raika was looking in, spotted the wagon she was talking about, and then cast another look at the nord he was lugging around. He could see where she was going with this and wondered how far they could get their friend before his armor ended up cracking and ruining the wagon. He guessed that they could take off the armor and put both it and the nord in the wagon, then cart them down to Riverwood before finding his sister. "Let's get this fool in that cart and get to Riverwood," Ralof said, resting the nord against another boulder while Raika sprinted for the camp, "You know what my sleeping friend? Your much more trouble than your worth. I only hope that your an ally to the Stormcloaks and not an Imperial loving milkdrinker." Raika returned with the wagon a few minutes later, but when she stopped they had to unload the few pieces of firewood that were leftover from the bandit's load. They heaved the nord onto the boards and continued to push until his entire body was off the ground, leaving the two of them sweating just a bit. After a short five minute break, and a minute collecting every single one of the bandit's weapons, the two of them started down the road yet again. Ralof held the wooden handles tight as Raika held a bow at the ready, just in case any more bandits decided to come at them. Fortunately for them all they ran into was three wolves, one of which received an arrow to the face while its brothers were carved up by Raika's swords. As the sun was setting ahead of them most of the villagers in Riverwood were heading into their houses, locking up for the night before starting at it again in the morning. Fortune continued to smile on them as Ralof spotted his sister Gerdur walking across the street, no doubt heading home like everyone else. "Gerdur," he said, his sister stopping and turning to face them. "Brother?!" Gerdur replied, embracing her brother with open arms, "Mara's mercy, its good to see you! But is it safe for you to be here? We had heard that Ulfric had been captured." "Gerdur, I'm fine," Ralof said, beckoning with a hand to Raika, "We're both fine. This is my comrade Raika, she helped me escape the Imperials not long ago." "And who's this?" Gerdur asked, pointing to the unconscious nord, "Another one of your comrades?" "We're not exactly sure which side he's on," Ralof replied, scratching the back of his head, "we found him in a cave as we were escaping Helgen. His armor looks beat up, like he's been in some sort of fight recently, he's got a couple of wounds on his arms, and I'm positive that he had some sort of weapon near him. Is there someplace safe where we can speak about Helgen?" "Yes, my house," Gerdur said, turning around as she led them towards her residence, "Tell me brother, did Ulfric escape?" "Aye," ralof replied, pulling the wagon to a stop by the side of his sister's house, "It'll take more than the Imperials and a dragon to stop Ulfric Stormcloak from taking back Skyrim." With the help of Gerdur and her husband, a man named Hod, they managed to pull the fallen nord into the house and gently laid him in one of the spare beds, or more like the only one fit for a single person. The four of them worked on him throughout the evening and well into the night, Ralof and Gerdur taking some time to talk about what happened at Helgen. Raika stayed by the nord's side, spending some time gently removing the steel plate armor that he wore and treating any wounds that he might have on the rest of his body. The only strange thing she noticed, besides his ashy grey toned skin and the pitch black shoulder length hair, was that the nord was sporting a curved unicorn horn on his forehead. A crimson colored horn at that. -------------------------------- Morning reared its ugly head and with the first rays of light came a stir from the nord, who's moaning brought Gerdur over to check up on him. "Easy there friend," Gerdur said, helping the nord up to a sitting position, "easy. You've been in a fight and my brother brought you here to rest up." "Ugh..." the man replied, weakly opening his eyes to an unfamiliar sight, "Where...where am I? Who...who are you?" "Your in Riverwood at the moment," Gerdur told him, pouring some water into a cup for him to drink, "in the Hold of Whiterun. As for how I am, my name is Gerdur. Now maybe you can tell me what your name is?" "I...I don't remember," the man said, holding up a hand and immediately pushed himself against the bed frame, "What is that?!" "That's you right hand," Gerdur said, surprised that the man didn't even remember that, "and your fingers are the slender bones you see at the end. Just how much do you actually remember?" "No...nothing," the man replied, moving his hand in front of his face and studied his fingers, "My entire memory is blank, as if my entire past has been erased. I can't even recall my own name." "If it helps I heard you repeating 'Sombra' almost all night long," Gerdur said, helping the man take a drink in case he accidentally spilt the water, "I don't know what the name means to you, but I hope that you were somehow remembering your own name in your sleep." "I just don't know," the man said, just as some strange cat like creature came through the door way, "What is that?" "Hmm?" the cat replied, looking over at him and Gerdur, "Me? I'm a Khajiit. You know, the native race that hails from Elsweyr?" The silence hung in the air, making it painfully clear that the nord had no idea what the Khajiit were, where Elsweyr was, or even who he was. Raika sighed; she had hoped that the man would have remembered something, anything, at all that could have helped her understand who he was. "I'm afraid that I don't know what your talking about," the man said, shaking his head, "My memory is blank. Its empty." "Well Sombra, I feel sorry for you," Raika said, receiving a stunned look from both Gerdur and the nord, "What? You kept repeating that name in your sleep, so I figured I might as well call you by it. Besides, I visited the cave we found you in and whatever weapon you were carrying is long gone." She moved to the table that was sitting near the bed and patted a suit of armor that was resting on the wood, giving the man a smile as she turned to him again. "First we'll teach you how to walk again," Raika continued, "then the two of us will take a walk to Whiterun so we can exchange some of the loot I recovered from some bandits yesterday. Once we're done I've got an adventure planned for the two of us before I report to Windhelm." Sombra had no idea what was going on, but he knew that he was being roped into someone else's adventure because she had saved his life and was expecting him to repay her. Only problem was that he had no idea how to swing a sword, or any weapon for that matter.