//------------------------------// // Part II: Persecution of Species // Story: On the Road to Canterlot // by Knight of Lycaeus //------------------------------// Part II: Persecution of Species Edited by Compact-Cassette Pony Sitting here, in this palace of crystal, was something I didn’t find myself all too comfortable with. The place was far larger than the library I had called home for the last four years. It didn't help that the creation of the palace also helped to affirm my role as Princess as Friendship. I don’t feel unhappy about my new role but the changes certainly took time to get used to, especially since I could now officially hold Court. Today was no exception, proceeding much like the last few times I held Court: a few petitioners came in and asked for some small changes, and suggested some new regulation. And Court, the few times I've held it so far, had generally been fairly quiet. Moreover, I had been holding court biweekly; partly so I could ease into the role of actually holding and leading Court, but mostly because there were not enough petitioners to warrant more regular sessions. And I was also trying my best to be mindful that my friends, whom made up the rest of my Court, would always be available for every session — so biweekly it was. And as I had said: today had been progressing as usual, until a charcoal-coloured unicorn mare strode into the room. She came in, her walk speaking volumes, as she made her way front-and-centre of me and all of my friends. She stood there for a moment, before suddenly becoming engulfed in an immense, green, flickering flame. Me, including my friends, all shielded our eyes from the bright light, and once we removed our guards we seen the pony before us had seemingly dropped her disguise, revealing one Queen Chrysalis. To say it was a total shock would be an understatement, though it certainly was something none of us had expected. So when Queen Chrysalis appeared before us, I didn't need to avert my gaze to see that there was an expression of anger on Rainbow's face; or that mistrust was practically radiating from Applejack. Honestly, I wasn't even surprised by Spike's flammable hostility either. But what I did notice without looking away, is that she was standing proud even in the face of immediate doom. But by that same pride I could also tell that she would have preferred to never have come here in the first place. Now that she was here, however, I needed to know what for... After we had all heard what she came to ask for: sanctuary and aid for her Hive, I decided that what she asked for was something I could not give myself. Sure, giving her Hive aid was possible for me to do, and well within the purview of my power, but sanctuary was not something I could grant lightly. This all stems from the ruling structure in Equestria. You see, Equestria is ruled by and within the combined cooperation of its Princesses and I'm only one part of the Tetrarchy. For me to offer her sanctuary would be going against three fourths of the ruling powers, and it’s not a good idea for me to make myself the upstart that some of the media outlets often paint me as. And I was also being mindful that, given her prior actions, that perhaps Cadance and the Crystal Empire may also be involved in deciding whether or not sanctuary would be offered to her and her Hive. From the corner of my eye I could see Rainbow fidgeting, ready to lash out. But whether it would be physical or verbal, I wasn't entirely sure. With what Chrysalis had just done there there was truly a possibility of either of those options at this point, but I think there’s a greater chance it would be verbal. "What are you doing here?!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "Come to drain us, or perhaps invade again?" I had figured Rainbow would lash out and I was correct with what her weapon of choice would be: verbal confrontation. Oh, well that was good at least. Rainbow being verbal instead of physical meant I wouldn't have to deal with as much medical costs as the last time she so got worked up over politics. But regardless, like clockwork mind you, Rainbow had lashed out with that accusatory question aimed at Chrysalis. And so, resisting the urge to sigh or groan from the predictable action, I returned my focus to the Changeling Queen. But first things first! I couldn't let Rainbow continue. We did have a plea to hear. So with that said, I stomped my hoof quickly to draw Rainbow's attention towards me. Once she had settled down and had begun to quiet I asked, try ever so cautiously to come off professionally, "Queen Chrysalis of the Western Desert Ridge Hive, what exactly do you ask of us?" Queen Chrysalis shifted her attention to focus solely on me now. "I ask for aid and sanctuary, as I have stated before. We need food and medicine to help heal the Hive. Our earlier plan was to live amongst ponies, which was ruined by the arrival of Tirek. As Outcasts of the Collective we are seeking a new place to secure for our own." I saw Rainbow grow tense, ready to lash out once again and I quickly lifted my hoof to ask that she remain quiet for the moment. "Did your plans originally involve invading a settlement and taking it for your own?" I figure that had to have been her most likely plan given her past actions against us. And thus was only proven by the reaction I had gotten. Chrysalis tensed before sighing. She knew her plans had truly fallen through now. "Yes. Originally, the plan was to use a settlement to help strengthen our own position." I sighed mentally when she confirmed what her plans once were. However, armed with what she had just confessed, I knew what the next step would be. But first I knew we needed time since a decision like this should not be made in haste. This wasn't going to be pleasant. I removed my gaze from Chrysalis and moved to Rarity. I then asked her, "Rarity, would you please tell the ponies waiting outside that Court has been cancelled and they shall all be rescheduled for a later date." I turned my attention back to Chrysalis. "Queen Chrysalis,” I began, still trying to keep up the professionalism, “please leave this throne room once Rarity returns and wait in the room just beyond the doors... We need time to deliberate.” I watched as Rarity left and returned; Chrysalis then left after. The seven of us needed to come to a decision on the request Queen Chrysalis had made. Our discussion was long and heated, and there were many insults that were hurled at the Changeling who awaited her fate like one whom awaited their execution in days long past. And after nearly half an hour we came to an agreement. Not the most unified decision, mind you; but it was workable. I then allowed Chrysalis to enter the throne room again. Her prideful posture and confident way of being was impeccable, considering the hostility she must have felt; and her focus was once again directed entirely towards me. I didn't need to look to know my friends' reaction to the decision we had just made. I knew of the reluctance and anger on Rainbow's face; of the torn look from Applejack, who mistrusted her but, at the same time, could not simply turn her away when she needed help most. Pinkie I knew was ecstatic, as she hoped she could cheer up and warm the heart of the cold Queen. I knew Fluttershy would quickly forgive Chrysalis and was also hoping that she could find a quick and efficient way to help Chrysalis and her Hive. Rarity, though, still held reservation over this whole matter. And lastly, there was Spike. Spike, like Applejack, was torn in-between helping her or not, but I knew that his case was different since he still bore a great deal of indifference towards the Changelings. Resisting the urge to sigh again mentally or physically, I knew that he and Rainbow would the ones who would have the greatest difficulty accepting what we had decided on. For Rainbow, Chrysalis tricked her into abandoning a friend. Spike, on the other hoof, was a completely different story. For the ones that Chrysalis has attacked were not just strangers to him, but family. Family that he cared deeply for; and I understood why he would be angry. Spike was a dragon unlike any others we had met or known of. And even though it was still too early for me to know, I had feeling that he would never amass a hoard of gold or jewels. I contemplated trying to ease of the tensions between Chrysalis and Spike. It wouldn’t be easy, perhaps impossible, but I had to at least try. I did feel conflicted when I saw Chrysalis again. Surprised, for one. Never would I have expect for her to try and return anywhere near where her failed invasion occurred, and it would be wrong to say that I didn’t hold any ill will towards her. But despite that, I could tell that she had exhausted all other options. We were her last chance at finding some resolution for her Hive and I wanted to give her that chance. I hoped that Spike would remember how important forgiveness can be and maybe then I could at least ease some of the tension between them. "Queen Chrysalis of the Western Desert Ridge Hive, are you prepared to listen to what shall be done?" I spoke out, grateful for the etiquette lessons I had received from my parents and Princess Celestia. Chrysalis gave us a silent nod allowing me to proceed. "By your actions in Canterlot: disrupting the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza of House Crystal and Sir Shining Armour of House Sparkle, and the subsequent capture and detainment of a sizable portion of the population of Canterlot, you, by your own admission, have been deemed a war criminal within Equestria." As I said this out loud I did notice some subtle movements from Chrysalis. I could see her eyes hardening. her body tensing, and what looked like sweat beginning to run down her brow. I didn't allow that to stop me though, as I finished the rest of my statement. "By your own plea for sanctuary and, in light of recent circumstances, you will not be detained here as a war criminal but as a political refugee. Equestria is ruled by the joint cooperation of its Princesses and you will remain under my protective custody, here, at the Crystal Oaks, until such time that Princess Celestia and her Solar Court, Princess Luna and her Lunar Court, and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and her Crystal Court are able to convene with me and my own Court of Friendship. Then, and only then, will there be a decision upon your request for sanctuary. You will not be permitted to leave the Crystal Oaks without an escort while your Hive will not be permitted to leave the borders of Ponyville and its territories. However, your request for aid has been granted and it will be provided as needed until your fate has been decided."