On the Road to Canterlot

by Knight of Lycaeus

Part III: Mission of Acceptance

Part III: Mission of Acceptance

Edited by Compact-Cassette Pony

I stood there as she spoke out each statement, each one filling me with both hope and dread. I knew that I would be branded a war criminal but it did nothing to soften the blow. Her words about convening with all the Princesses sat uneasy with me; for there was no way to know how they would act or what they would bear upon me and the Hive. And, in the end, their judgement would be final. This would either be our salvation or our doom.

The Pink One (I think they call her Pinkie Pie) immediately decided she needed a party at some damnable place or another, but was swiftly reminded of my limited access to Ponyville. Somehow she took it in stride and created the damnable thing in the palace, in far too short of a time to be plausible. She then proceeded to drag me to a room filled to the brim with sickeningly sweet things and far too cheery colours. What came as no surprise to me was how a sizeable portion of the party’s population treated me with fear, disgust; or, for just a few, hatred, no doubt for my acts during the failed invasion.

After the so-called party, the princess and her dragon led me to a room where I would be staying. Walking through the place affirmed an oddity I had noticed earlier: there were no guards around. Just how does she intend to enforce her rule with no guards? Thinking back to the larger Changelings who served to enforce my decrees, but also served to protect the Hive, this puzzled me. She is either powerful, naive, or stupid for not having any guards around. From the rumours I have heard, I am more inclined to believe it was either her being naive, or that she truly believed her own power was enough. And through the entire trip I could sense that the princess certainly wanted to help me just as easily as I could feel the intense hostility the dragon was radiating the entire time.

It was to this that I would have to settle into for however long it would take for the Princesses of Equestria to convene. What I was glad for was that my Hive was finally receiving the aid it needed.

A few of the ponies forgave us (like that quiet yellow one) and willingly offered to provide the positive emotions needed to create the sustenance — the Nectar — necessary for our survival. One thing I had not expected to find was that patchwork creature which appears to follow the Yellow One around.

"Oh look!” he announced as he popped into the room. Walking over to me, he continued, “Does Twilight have a new guest here, or is this simply her newest friendship quest?" He was far too close now even for my taste. "Discord's the name, chaos is my game. So what might you be? Failed alicorn experiment? Ascended inse —”

"Discord!" the Yellow One said firmly. "No bothering our new guest. Her name is Chrysalis, and she is Queen of a Changeling Hive. She's here under Twilight's protection until the other Princesses arrive."

"Only joking, my dear Fluttershy." He turned back to me and held out a paw. "Discord, Spirit of Chaos, The Mad King, and all those other fun little titles." The paw was no longer empty but held a mini Changeling in the most glaring colours imaginable, which proceeded to tap dance on me all while multiplying in numbers. I tried to speak but he suddenly vanished with a small poof along with his mini pests.

Not a day in and I'm almost regretting not surrendering in Canterlot. Facing a swift death there rather than staying in this town sounds practically divine right about now. Disgust and fear I can deal with, but those two make this place feel like a madhouse! I sighed, I don’t think I’ll even make it to speak with the Princesses!