//------------------------------// // Part V: Ray of Hope // Story: On the Road to Canterlot // by Knight of Lycaeus //------------------------------// Part V: Ray of Hope Edited by Compact-Cassette Pony The Hive was self-sufficient! We needed none to help us survive; and yet the words of that orange apple pony still resonate heavily with me! Why? Hard years are nothing to a lifetime of meager conditions. And the very notion of family — ha! The Hive is no family, only a means of survive, and every Hive operates on its own, living or dying on its own accord. I sighed. Yet why had I allowed myself to plea for help? Why would I do so? Was it for my own survival or the survival of the Hive? And was I a coward for doing so? I wasn't sure anymore... Thoughts like these danced about my mind as the Princess led me through the streets, escorted by one of the new guards as she did so. I thought it was bad enough when the personal guards of the Canterlot Princesses landed a few days ago, but these new guards were very different. There was a sparkling appearance about them that seemed to reflect the very light of day, and light royal-blue armour they wore was treated very much in the same fashion. Those damn ponies look like something out of a fairy tale that some fools dreamed up, with shining coat and antiqued armours to boot. "Chrysalis, are you alright?" asked the purple Princess as she noticed I was trailing behind. "Fine," was the clipped response. "Where are we going to?" "We're going to my friend Rarity's. I had hoped to introduce you to her first but having you meet Applejack certainly helped. She still may feel...indifferent towards you, but she has started accepting you. And that helps the town be more at ease with you and the other Changelings." I gave a brief nod of understanding. Most of the ponies around town were still skittish, but nothing to the same degree. As for my Hive, some of my Drones have been disappearing only to return with an abundance of positive emotions; enough to cultivate into Nectar. Despite the Hive Mind, I had little idea of where they went to find such a fine harvest. What also confused me was the Princess. She had been seemingly overly friendly, even to me. Me, who once was her enemy and, by all rights, certainly had power over. She held the fate of the Hive and yet she didn't crush us or destroy us. Instead she offered to spend time with me, to work on obtaining the best possible outcome from our surrender. "Darling!" a voice called out, breaking my train of thought. We turned to see the snow-white unicorn seated outside a cafè. The building itself was rather prestigious looking. All the windows were accented with curves of gold— lacking abrasive edges, and the tables themselves were of a dark, oak-looking wood. Each detail intricately carved into them, as the legs twisted and curved around themselves to their unified foothold upon the ground below. I wouldn’t be caught dead drinking any substance at a place like this, ever. "Hello Twilight,” she greeted once more as we approached. Her smiled was rather large.“It's certainly a pleasure to see you." She turned to face me next. "Hello Chrysalis. I trust Twilight has been a gracious host?" I merely nodded. The incessantly flamboyant unicorn was rather difficult to handle during the failed invasion. She seemed rather pushy once she started talking. And her talking! Her endless chatter was like the dull hum of the Hive Mind, multiplied tenfold! "You seem far more at ease with Chrysalis than you had been a few days ago," Twilight said, furrowing her eyebrow quizzically. "Ah... That darling, was mere reluctance. What can I say? Our rather sparactic meeting was when the Changelings came charging in to ruin one of the most majestic weddings between the beautiful Princess and her dashing Knight." "Rarity..." Twilight deadpanned. "That was not a romance novel... That was my family." Rarity waved a hoof, "I know that, dear. I meant no offence in saying such. Still, before I knew what an opportunity this would bring. Our dear friend Pinkie Pie has found that too." This got me curious, now. Perhaps an answer to the wandering drones? "And in what form has this ‘opportunity’ sprung about?" I questioned, stopping Twilight from continuing. "Why, for business of course! The very adaptability of their appearances works wonders for Pinkie's parties, but for my own work as well. They capture a pony in a way no ponyquin ever could." "What?" This must be the cause of the mysterious source of positive energy? "Opportunities, such as these, are positive examples of how Changelings and Ponies could co-exist," interjected an oh so familiar voice. I turned to see that the Princess had gone about adding her thoughts on the matter. I was about to argue but they had a point. These events had given us opportunity to create more Nectar. The white pony looked startled. "Oh, where are my manners? We started a conversation without any proper introductions! I am Rarity, proprietor of Carousel Boutique, and Bearer of the Element of Generosity." Mentally, I sighed, far too used to the formal introductions that signalled the start of a meeting with the Collective. "Chrysalis, Queen of the Outcasted Western Desert Ridge Hive." With that said and done, the unicorn's eyes began darting all over me. She looked somewhat infatuated. "Well, you do have a fine figure. Even without disguising yourself as Princess Cadance. Yes; without disguises — what a fine model you could be." “And why would I even consider the idea?" Personally, it seemed like a waste of time. "As I stated earlier, it is an excellent example of cooperation," Twilight answered. "Things like this could grant you and your Hive permanent residency in Equestria." "Indeed, and you would be the star, basking in the limelight of success. And my talents could be just the ticket. The gems of my cutie mark not only demonstrate my abilities to find precious gems, but also how I bring out one's inner beauty. In my work, I merely bring it out and make it shine for the whole world to see." Again, we were interrupted. This time, however, by a pair walking by looking for the talkative unicorn. It was that mismatched thing and the quiet, yellow pegasus. "Hello Twilight. And Rarity, good to see you,” the Mismatched One said. “Oh, and Chrysalis! How could I possibly forget about you.” He then produced a magical bouquet of roses and proceeded to hoof them over to me. But before I could throw them back at his face in my own magic, he poofed them into thin air with an almost maniacal chuckle. “Better being out and about than inside, hmm?" Wonderful! I could sense a headache on the horizon, and just from hearing that mismatched thing speak. So far it was a close race between the flamboyant unicorn, the crazy pink pony, and that mad patchwork for who would likely drive me insane first. "We came to find you, Rarity. You weren't home, and today's our weekly get together," said the quiet pony. "Indeed. Look, here's last week's project!" Discord said waving a long purple object. "Is that supposed to be the worm from when Cadance and I went to fetch that flower for you?" Twilight asked. "Oh no! No worm, but maybe a larva. After hatching from its egg, it is set to gathering all that it needs before it can become a cocoon.” As he said this, the purple object inched around his body. "No Twilight, this is knitted yarn. This is a leg." "A leg?" I asked. Why would anypony need a fake leg made of yarn? Discord gave a wide smile. "Of course a pony needs legs, or it falls like a set of dominos — even a house of cards." As he finished his statement, he snapped in an oddly shaped house of mismatched items that looked doomed to fall. Rarity stood up speedily to join the new arrivals. "Well, I am running late, so farewell for now. Oh, and Chrysalis? Please do consider my offer, It could be wondrous for us both," Rarity said as she followed both the yellow pegasus and the patchwork out. As she left, I had to admit putting some thoughts towards her idea. But the lingering thoughts of the trepidation that most ponies still held for Changelings made me doubtful. However, with how some of the Hive had returned, maybe there could be some merit to it.