//------------------------------// // Part VI: Interlude of Reflection // Story: On the Road to Canterlot // by Knight of Lycaeus //------------------------------// Part VI: Interlude of Reflection Edited by Compact-Cassette Pony "Let's review each Princess and their Court,” Twilight began. “This information could be useful when presenting your case when the time comes.” Twilight and Chrysalis were seated amongst the vast shelvings of books in the rather spacious library of the Crystal Oaks. They had come to this very spot — between “Equestrian Law and Order” and “Complete Equestrian History: Volumes One to Three-thousand” — reviewing all the possible ways Changelings could co-exist within pony society for the past few hours. This was to have them hopefully prepared for when Princess Celestia, Luna and Cadence would convene in the coming two week's time. Twilight pointed to a file labelled with a crescent moon. "Each file contains information for each members own Court; reading it over should help familiarize you with them. But I'll start with some quick overview beginning with Princess Luna’s…” Twilight paused for dramatic effect. “The Lunar Court and Luna should be the easiest. Her Court has probably the most diverse members in regards to species and occupation. As well, Luna is one who tends to be quite direct. Fitting as she was once the Bearer of the Element of Honesty, but she also looks well on being respectful, not grovelling. Luna also certainly understands being granted a second chance." "So, the Lunar Court should be no trouble at all. Princess Luna prefers being direct and straightforward, and showing respect works best with her," Chrysalis said, summing up Twilight's brief overview. Twilight nodded and pointed towards a file labelled with a sun next. "Celestia is very understanding and is willing to give amnesty if you can explain your case well. Her Court may have some problems, though. Most of them were present in Canterlot during the failed invasion and were not all too happy with being injured or imprisoned. As well there are a few traditionalists which could likewise make it more difficult." Chrysalis sighed.The Solar Court was the one she figured would be the most trouble, and right now, it seemed like her suspicions were correct. "Her Court will be difficult, but Princess Celestia is more reasonable, so long as the argument is presented in a well-balanced manner,” Chrysalis said, continuing her summarizations. Twilight then pointed to the file adorned with a crystalline heart. "The Crystal Empire is young, and recently returned from a thousand years disappearance. They're not fond of tyrants, given their recent history, but they shouldn't object much to your plea. Cadance wouldn't turn you away in spite of what she might feel for Changelings personally." Twilight sighed. "The biggest problem, however, is the Captain of the Crystal Guard — which also happens to be their Prince. "What problem does he have with Change —” Chrysalis stopped mid-sentence as comprehension dawned. "It's Shining Armor, isn't it?" Twilight gave a weary nod. "Shining Armor, my loving, caring, wonderful brother...." Twilight sighed and slumped over. "Who also happens to be my stubborn, thick-headed, overprotective brother... He doesn't like Changelings. He doesn't like me being in danger, so naturally, he despises this current situation of you and your Hive being in my custody. This is why he sent ten Crystal Guards over. He likely would have sent an entire battalion if Cadance hadn't convinced him otherwise." Twilight sighed again. "He's the biggest concern among those in the Crystal Court. He’ll most likely be against your case, no matter what you say... Otherwise —” Twilight smiled again, trying to push back the doubt — “you should be fine." Lastly, Twilight pointed to a star marked file. “This file is for my court. And you've already met all of my deliberators. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and myself are on your side. Applejack still has doubts about you, but present it right, and she'll go with it." Chrysalis looked to the floor and away from Twilight, looking ever so downtrodden. "I still have two others to contend with." "I was hoping to find Rainbow and get her to calm down, but she's been surprisingly elusive. Spike downright ignores you; he's also been avoiding us as well." Twilight rubbed her head, a headache begging to build just beneath the surface. "Unfortunately, like my brother, they're also stubborn." Twilight rose to her hooves, planning on leaving for some fresh air. But, before she could make it out of the room, Chrysalis stopped her. "I have one thing to ask." Twilight sat back down upon her haunches and nodded slowly, solemnly. "Why?" Chrysalis had been starting to warm up to prospect of staying here, once she saw how the Hive had been doing. But she was still weary of some of Ponyville’s more bizarre residents. And one of those residents just so happened to be one, Twilight Sparkle. "Why would you help me? For the Collective, I was a problem, not worth dealing with, and it is why I and the Hive were Outcasted. A lost cause was what every other Hive Royal called me. They felt my aggressive attitude was pointless, dangerous…” Chrysalis paused, clearly troubled by the things she was confessing to Twilight. But she also felt a comfort in doing so. And so, she continued on, saying, “I had lost. And you had beat me in what Changelings are good at: disguise and infiltration. You held us in custody as refugees when you could have held us as your prisoners. You said to me I had been deemed a war criminal and yet you have helped me. Why?" Twilight just sat there, the question not being one one she had expected Chrysalis to ask. But she thought on the question before she came up with the answer. She wanted to make sure she would make the point absolutely clear. "If there is one thing I have learned these past few years, it is the importance of forgiveness and second chances," Twilight said starting off slowly. "You know that my friends and I were the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, yes? What few know is how we met. I've learned how important friendship is and it took five bizarre yet wonderful mares, and a looming return of a powerful alicorn for me to learn that." "I've heard you and the other Bearers defeated Nightmare Moon. Are you telling me it was all chance?" "In a way, yes. But also no. I think we were linked together long before we actually met. I used to be a social recluse, and if it weren't for those five insistent mares, I would have likely failed. They stood by me as we faced threat after ancient threat. Together we turned Discord back to stone — we reformed him, forgave him. We helped to defeat Sombra and you. And together we returned Tirek to his prison. They've stood by me through dangerous threats and the general mayhem of life in Ponyville. I've messed up, my friends have messed up. But, all in the end, we forgave each other." "Where is this going?" Chrysalis interrupted as she was still not seeing the point of this. "I've learned forgiveness is not earned but given. I have to admit not being fond of Changelings, given what has happened, but I've come to enjoy you and the Hive being around. There are ponies, I and others who are willing to give you a second chance. To give you and the Hive a fresh start. Celestia has been my teacher and mentor for almost two decades. She strives for the same thing, and it is one of her lesser known achievements. Equestria is strong to defend its citizen, but it is also safe, a sanctuary. And there have been others, in situations just like yours, that she has welcomed wholeheartedly." Twilight stood up and walked over to Chrysalis looking her in the eyes, "I'm privy to more of Equestria's history than most. I know how...bloody the early history was." Twilight sighed. "Celestia has worked to change perceptions, and she does not want to be reminded of dark times. Perhaps I am imitating her but I know how important forgiveness is. I'm helping you, Chrysalis, because everypony should get a second chance, even if they don't always deserve one. Tirek and Sombra, dark with bitterness and hatred, had been the exception. Both sick with the desire for power and total conquest, they had sealed their own fate. You are different, however.” Chrysalis sat silent, thinking of what Twilight just said. 'It does seem ponies are big on the whole forgiveness and second chance thing. Maybe things will work out in the end.' "If you have the chance, speak to Discord." Twilight added. Chrysalis was about to ask why when a blur crashed through the window. A rainbow maned mare slowly rose from the floor "Sorry ab-" The new arrival locked eyes on Chrysalis. "You!" she squeaked, before using her athletic wings to propel herself forwards in an incredible display of speed... She was on a collision course with Chrysalis.