A Beautiful Thing

by AuroraBolt

In her honor

It all started in the throne room that day, Aurora, a young pegasus colt with a purple colored coat, dark purple eyes, and rainbow colored mane and tail, stood in the presence of Princess Luna. Her beautiful cobalt blue mane hung over her head, she stood majestic, Aurora looked over her dark sapphire blue coat and then into her cyan eyes which seemed to have catlike irises, she spoke in her loud and commanding voice to him “...And that is your duty. Do you understand me, Aurora? I can not trust this task to anyone else. You will be the catalyst of my plan, do not fail me” Aurora simply hung his head and nodded slowly, he could not stand to look her in the eye after what she had asked of him, and what she held against him. It was a deep and dark secret, that he could never reveal to anyone, he would serve Princess Luna, he had no choice. “Then be gone from me, do not let anyone find out about this, especially my sister. You know of the consequences” Aurora understood it all, he nodded again in silence, sighing as he turned away from her to leave her majestic throne room.

Aurora began to slowly trot out of the castle, thinking over his part in all of this, he didn't like it, but he was sworn to secrecy and servitude in the name of Luna. Luna had established a cover for him in Ponyville, he was a new pony from Cloudsdale, which was true. He was living with his family there, which was also true. The only lie was the truth behind his job, he would dazzle ponies with beautiful creations in the night sky. Luna said it was a treat for her subjects, when really, deep down, Luna was still jealous of her sister, Celestia. Luna's idea was that if Aurora would make the night even more special, then her subjects would love her. She planned to gain more appreciation than Celestia and then overthrow her and lock her away, just like she did to her some time ago. It was a dark conspiracy that all revolved around Aurora doing his job and creating beautiful creations with a special magic Luna granted him. This magic would be used to sort of brainwash anyone who saw it, this way, Luna could easily take over with support from the public and create an everlasting night so her subjects would always love her.

Aurora hated his part in this conspiracy, he really had no interest in the family feud between Celestia and Luna, but Luna held something against him that ate away at his heart. As he sighed, lost deep in thought, he paid no mind to where he was going- CRASH!!! It was a pony pile-up, he had walked straight into another pony who seemed just as distracted as he was, or maybe just excited, he couldn't make up his mind on that part. “Heeeeyyy~ Watch where you're going! I'm trying to walk here!” Aurora heard the voice of a female, it was almost tom-boyish to him, but that's not what he found interesting. He was face to face with a pony with big dark pink eyes, a beautiful rainbow mane and tail like his own, and a light turquoise coat.

Aurora was astounded by her beauty, he was unable to say much more than an apology and some gibberish “ I-I'm sorry..I was..lost in..things..” He felt somewhat stupid being unable to talk to her, but he was so nervous at the first meeting, the most he could do was drag his hoof along the ground in a shy manner.

The other pony rolled her eyes and let out a somewhat disgusted sigh “Riggghhtt..Well, listen here Rai—Hey, you have a mane and tail just like mine! Did you dye it because you're really a hardcore fan of mine? That must be why you can't talk either, you are so astounded to be in the presence of the most awesome pony in Equestria!”

Aurora blinked, he really didn't even know who this pony was. “I..No, my color is natural and I have no idea who you are to be honest”
The female pony looked astonished at what he just said to her, her mouth hung open for a few moments “Whaaaaaaa~ How can you not know me?-” She spread her wings and took off into the sky, the sun shining through her beautiful mane and tail “I'm Rainbow Dash! The most awesome pony in all of Equestria! I usually don't have to repeat that part, but if it will give you the idea that I'm totally awesome, then great!” She soared back to the ground and landed with grace and a certain majestic air to her, at least to Aurora. She folded her wings and smiled widely at him “What do you think of that?”

Aurora was quite astonished of her, he admired her grace, her beauty. It took him a moment to snap back to reality “T-That's great, Its very nice to meet you, Rainbow Dash, I'm Aurora Bolt.” He smiled back, a little uneasy in her presence, his heart was pounding in his chest.
Rainbow nodded slowly at him “Nice to bump into you, Aurora. You live here in Canterlot?”
Aurora shook his head at her “N-No, actually I am moving in with my family in Ponyville”

Rainbow smiled at him, looking quite pleased that he said that “Awesome, I live there too! Maybe we will see each other around! I have to get going now, I was doing an errand for a friend of mine. See ya later, Aurora~” She sang out in a way as she flew off again, leaving Aurora standing there, his heart still pounding in his chest.
Aurora kept thinking of Rainbow Dash on his train ride to Ponyville, he was much too distracted to fly or walk there. He couldn't get the image of her out of his head, and yet, his heart sank as he felt he would never be able to give a pony like that true love, he had too much at stake, but that did not stop his feelings. He sighed and tapped his hoof on the soft carpeting of the train beneath him, another pony seemed to notice his distracted state. “E-Excuse me..A-Are you okay?”

Aurora looked over to see a cute, slightly blushing mare. She had a long pink mane, strong cyan eyes, and a light yellow coat. Aurora smiled slightly at her “No, I'm fine, thank you. You're very kind to ask”
The mare blushed and sat down in the seat across from him “Oh, its my pleasure. You just looked so upset over something that I had to ask.” Aurora thought her voice was soft and serene, like an angel's. She seemed so shy, but he had no idea how shy she was.

“I appreciate it, I really do.” Aurora smiled at her and as he looked into her eyes, she blushed and turned away from him “Uhh..Are you okay..? Did I..do something wrong?”
She shook her head, her mane covering some of her bright blush “Oh..No, not at all..I-I'm sorry, my friends say I am shy..but lately I have been trying to be more friendly, like with you, a stranger”
“Then, perhaps we should stop being strangers. I'm Aurora, what is your name?” He asked her rather plainly, in a kind, gentle voice.
“M-Me..? I-I'm..F-Fluttershy..Its-nice to meet you” She said in a quiet and rather nervous sounding voice.
“Nice to meet you too, Fluttershy. Your name really suits you, you seem so shy and quiet.”
“I-I guess..” She smiled shyly at him, feeling a little more comfortable with the new stallion she had met.

The two ponies talked for the remainder of the trip, though Aurora didn't learn much about Fluttershy other than she took care of animals. She also told him of her other friends in Ponyville, including Rainbow Dash. Aurora wondered what Rainbow was up to after Fluttershy had mentioned her. He sighed and looked out of the window to his right side, gazing out onto the horizon, he could see the shape of a small city coming up quickly “Ponyville...” He thought to himself, and his heart sank once more down into the pits of his chest, He would not be able to truly enjoy meeting the ponies who lived there and make friends with them and this ate away at him, it felt like something was tearing him to pieces from the inside.

Fluttershy may have said something to him about it, but with her quiet voice he either did not hear her or paid her no mind. Aurora felt a heavy burden suddenly sink onto his shoulders, it made his body feel heavy and the closer they got to Ponyville, the worse it made him feel. Tonight would be the first night he would do as Princess Luna wished of him, tonight he would create an Aurora...


Princess Luna, at that time was lying strode across her bed, some light almost see through blankets covering her hind end. She admittedly loved the feel of fancy soft silks caressing her warm and tender body. She pushed her hoof through some of the fabric, the gentle feeling of it tickled her and made her giggle quietly. This was only a short moment of happiness, for her thoughts returned to her latest actions, this made her feel so good inside, but yet so wrong at the same time, this kind of feeling really conflicted inside her mind.

At that moment, a strong tap came from the old oaken door to her chambers. The door creaked open and one of her more loyal knights entered while clearing his throat “Ahm-Excuse me, Princess Luna, but your sister has requested your presence.”

Luna's mane strangely seemed to slowly shift in color to a moderate blue violet color, her coat a very dark cerulean, signifying that her old dark powers were suddenly taking over her. She lifted her head rather swiftly and stared down the knight with a fierce look on her “Is she suspicious?”
The knight quivered before her, almost literally shaking in his armor as he stammered in speech “N-No, I do not think so, your majesty.”
Luna arose from her bed taking a strong presence over the knight “Thou best not be hiding something! If thy are you will face serious consequences!” Her voice boomed with a certain ferocity that could hardly be explained.
“I-I would never lie to you, Lu-Nightmare Moon.” The knight slowly backed away from her in fear, even though he had served her loyally for some time now, the sight of Nightmare Moon's power still shook him to the core.
“Good, it is much too soon for her to know what is going on. Tonight will be his first night, and one night is not enough”
“What is enough..?”
“It is a slow, and subtle magic. It shall take some time to affect the people, weeks, months..I do not know. It will be nothing to the torture she subjected me too! Soon, she will know exactly how I felt!”
“Yes, your majesty. What of Aurora?”
“Aurora...He shall do what he is told, and then I will do away with him, too much of my magic was used on him to allow him to keep it. If I am going to defeat my sister, I will need to be at full strength. Now go, and inform Celestia that I shall join her shortly. I must not let her see me in this state”
“Yes, princess.” The guard left the room shortly after that to immediately do what he was told. Luna crashed onto her bed once more, feeling the soft warm embrace of it like a much needed hug. She nuzzled into her pillows and her body shifted back to its normal state “Please...Celestia...Please help me. I am losing control to her, and I can not tell you...I'm so sorry...” Luna began to weep into her pillows, softly, quietly. She felt so alone and unable to control the feelings inside of her. Luna cried herself to a short and peaceful rest, she would visit Celestia when her mind was in a better state.