//------------------------------// // The Verve // Story: Rainbow Dash Stops Trying // by Majin Syeekoh //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash was sitting at the desk in her bedroom, quill in mouth, trying to think of a new short story to write. The ideas seemed to escape her, though. Sure, she had written several pieces that had received various levels of acclaim—mostly Daring Do fanfiction—and had received some fan mail. But she felt that it wasn’t enough. Sure, she was in the Wonderbolts Reserve and was an Element Bearer… but she also wanted to be remembered for more than her feats of derring-do. She was also dreadfully hungry right now. Maybe I should get that leftover pizza from the fridge and just sit on the story idea for a while. Sighing, Rainbow Dash put the quill down and flew into the kitchen. She went to the fridge and opened it, immediately feeling the cool blast of air hit her. How they managed to make a fridge out of clouds, I’ll never know. She scanned the inside of the fridge, looking for her prize. She located it, smiling at the triangle-shaped piece of tinfoil as she grasped it in her mouth and placed it on the counter. Rainbow Dash slowly unwrapped her prize and gazed upon it with reverence. Mmmm… peppers, mushrooms, onions and sun-dried tomatoes. My favorite. She went towards the oven to turn it on, then paused. Nah, cold pizza is best pizza. She then headed towards the cabinets to pull out a dish, then paused again. Screw dishes. She grabbed the pizza slice in her hoof, sat down on the kitchen floor, then ripped into the pizza like it was the last slice on the planet. Oh my gosh this pizza is so good. Her belly became fuller as she voraciously devoured the slice. As her mind was wont to do when she was eating, it wandered. Celestia, this pizza is good. I love pizza. Pizza, pizza, pizza. I wonder what I would taste like to a pizza. Probably gamey. Gosh, I love how they seasoned this with oregano— Her thought process paused. Did I just seriously think of what I would taste like to a pizza? Her eyes then widened. “Oh. My. Gosh.” She had found it. The verve. That nebulous idea buried in the mind that only surfaces once in a blue moon, yet seemed so obvious upon thinking of it. She quickly scarfed down the pizza, flew to her writing desk, picked up the quill, and began to write her idea down as quickly as she could for fear of losing it. After about three hours of writing, she scanned over it to find any spelling errors. To her surprise, she found none. She perused it again and still found none. She smiled. I guess when the verve hits, it hits. Rainbow Dash was lying on her bed, reading over yet another piece of fan mail concerning her latest piece of writing. Her house had been swarmed with it in the past couple of months, congratulating her on her unique take on the Daring Do universe. She giggled. She heard her door burst open followed by the crunching of clouds, the sounds revealing itself to be Twilight Sparkle. She was standing in the doorway of her bedroom breathing heavily, her eyes slit, and her magic holding a copy of Rainbow’s new short story. “Seriously, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked. Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “How do you even know that was by me?” “Because Daintybow Rash is a terrible pseudonym.” Twilight chucked the pamphlet at Rainbow Dash, where it fell into the pile of fan mail. “What were you even thinking?” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I was hungry.” “That doesn’t give you the right to write this dreck,” Twilight growled. “How could you disrespect the Daring Do universe by writing ‘Daring Do Gets Eaten By A Pizza Monster’? More importantly, how could you disrespect your own integrity?” “Eh, screw integrity. I’m popular now.” Twilight blinked. “What did you say?” “I said screw integrity, I’m popular.” Twilight stomped over to the side of Rainbow Dash’s bed and glared at her. “Really? What happened to the Rainbow Dash who actually cared about writing a decent story? What happened to the Rainbow Dash that actually cared about following canon to the letter?” Twilight smacked all of the letters off of Rainbow Dash’s bed. “You just wrote nonsense for the sake of nonsense!” Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight. “Jeez, Twi. Tone it down, you’re going to give yourself an aneurysm.” “No! I will not calm down until you tell me what possessed you to write this abortion of literature!” Rainbow Dash giggled. “I already told you. I was hungry, then the verve hit me.” “Do you even know what that word means?” “I think it means something having to do with enthusiasm. Not sure. It just sounds cool.” Twilight buried her face into her hoof. “You disappoint and disgust me, Rainbow Dash. Besides,” Twilight said, “the title is highly misleading.” “What? It’s exactly what it says on the tin.” “The title is highly misleading,” Twilight insisted. “What?” Rainbow asked. “I wasn’t expecting her to get eaten like that.” Rainbow Dash picked up another piece of fan mail and opened it. “Sex sells.” Twilight groaned. “Whatever. I assume that after this, you’re going to continue with your serious work?” “Nah.” “What?” “I was thinking about it, but this story has been way more popular than the fanfiction that I actually put effort into. I think I’m just going to slap the characters of Daring Do into whatever situations that pop into my head.” “You know what?” Twilight asked. “What?” “You exemplify everything that’s wrong with literature,” Twilight said as she stood up. “Enjoy your fleeting popularity.” With that, Twilight walked out the door. Rainbow heard her front door slam violently, shaking the foundations of her cloud home. Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow, then went back to reading her fan mail. She really didn’t care what Twilight had to say on the subject. Her writing was finally popular.