//------------------------------// // Dealings with the Devil // Story: Bite Me. . .Please? // by Drax //------------------------------// Octavia’s eyes flickered open as she regained consciousness. “Where am I? What am I. . .?” Her hand flew to her neck as her memories came back to her, only to come away disappointed when she couldn’t find any bite marks, not even a trickle blood running down her throat. “Dammit, I thought vampires were supposed to be blood thirsty, emphasis on the thirsty.” Sighing, she tried to sit up only to find that she couldn’t. Every time she even attempted to move a splitting pain shot through her body stopping her. A scream started to gurgle up in her throat, but it was stopped by a disembodied voice. “Hmm, I was a bit gentler with you then I thought. You shouldn’t have been able to move at all when you woke up. But don’t worry, I fixed it." Ocatvia gulped, “F-fixed what? Why can’t I move?” “I have a better question,” Forces beyond her control turned Octavia’s head to the side. “What exactly possessed you to break into vampire's home?” Octavia’s eyes bulged. “It’s you. You’re the girl from the photo, the one with the fangs. The one. . . “ Octavia gulped, full comprehension finally dawning on her, as the blue-haired girl stared at her with—red eyes? “I could have sworn they were violet in the portrait. I know the beady red eyes are customary of vampires, but— Just as Octavia was about to go into the implications of the change in eye color, her train of thought was stopped by the vampire opening her mouth to speak. “You know, when most people figure out a creature of the night is in the vicinity, they try and get as far away as possible. You on the other hand ran straight into danger, fully knowing or at least believing you’d meet a vampire. “That leaves me with one question for you. One I’d suggest you answer quickly because it will determine how quickly I kill you.” Leaning forward so that they were face to face, the vampires gaze pierced her searching for the truth. “You’re not one of those Twilight fans are you?” “What!?” The girl stood up straight, obviously not amused by the little outburst. “You have to admit it’s a valid question. One moment you’re biting into a girls neck, the next thing you know she’s moaning and trying to grab you shouting ‘Oh Edward, take me’." She shivers in disgust. Octavia’s mouth hung open. Forget being sucked dry, her pride had just been insulted. “I’ll have you know that I am a vampire purist. I like the classic vampires, Nosferatu, Dracula. You know, the ones that don’t sparkle.” The girl cocked an eyebrow, clearly not impressed. “Well if you’re not one of those lunatics who wants me to make them into my love slave, then what the hell are you doing in my house?” That was a good question. What was Octavia here for? She'd wanted to meet a vampire, but even more than that, she was hoping that her life-long dream could be fulfilled. Octavia gulped, “I-I want to be a vampire, b-but it has nothing to do with Twilight. It's been my life-long dream to become one and when I realized that you were here, I just—" If Octavia could have moved, she probably would have shrugged at this point, "Decided to take a chance." The vampire-girl blinked, a curious look on her face. But Octavia was too busy smiling and basking in her accomplishment to really notice. “There I said it, though I have to admit that involved a lot less disembowelment then I thought.” “I have to admit I was wrong about you. You're not a lunatic,” Octavia smiled, “You’re just insane, which frankly isn’t much better.” She snapped her fingers and Octavia’s muscles instantly started relax. Octavia sat bolt upright, wiggling her fingers just to make sure she could really move. “Come with me. I’ll show you the way out.” The vampire turned and began walking. “Wait please.” She shouted, as she pushed herself onto her knees. The vampire sighed, but she turned around to face her, an annoyed look on her face. “Please, just wait, I’ve always wanted to be a vampire and I’m willing to give you anything in return. I know I don’t have much you’d want, but there must be something I could trade you.” The vampire cocked her head at the girl. This girl had broken into her home, and now she was asking for her to make a deal with her. The offer was tempting in its own ways, and the fire in the girl's eyes told her that even if she kicked her out she'd be back. So as long as they weren't going anywhere, she might as well test the waters and see how far this naive girl was willing to go. “You do realize you’re making a deal with the devil right?" She began as she started to stalk back over towards the bed. "Someone who is, as far as you know, a satanic spawn, and could weasel her way out of the deal.” Octavia frowned. Of course she had thought of that, which is why she already had a response for when someone asked her. “I’m fully aware of the risks, but I’m willing to accept them if it means I can become a vampire.” She smirked, “Also, I’m pretty sure that a satanic spawn would have sucked me dry by now and dumped my body somewhere.” “Touche.” She grimaced, the last thing she wanted was a Fresh-blood vampire mulling about the place. They were annoying, overconfident, and had a knack for getting in the way. But if the girl was really ready to give anything to become a vampire, than she could use this. “Fine," she relented after a moments thought. "If you’re truly willing to give me anything, then you’ll agree to become my Knock.” “You’re what?” She asked confusion marring her face. Out of all the monster lore, that Octavia had both read and seen, a 'Knock' was not on her list of known creatures. Or her list of anything major pertaining to vampire lore. The vampire scoffed, “Didn’t you say you were some true vampire fanatic?” Octavia nodded, “Then you must have seen Noseferatu at some point. You remember, Knock?” Octavia's face fell. “Wait, do you mean that short little chubby man that Count Orlok enslaved?” Octavia vaguely remember the man. Mostly she remembered just how insane the man had become under his master’s control. “Exactly,” she said, her eyes lighting up at the clear dread on Octavia’s face. “You’d be less of a slave though and more of a. . ." she paused trying to think of the right word to make this sound less terrible then it was. "Indentured servant, with a certain amount of free will.” “That’s the same thing!” “No it’s not," The girl defended, moving a bit closer to Octavia. "Indentured servants get paid. In your case you get to become like me." The vampire motioned to herself, indicating the to fangs peaking out slightly from beneath her lip. "Also, there’s always a time limit on their service.” Octavia thought about it, licking her lips she spoke up “Alright than, what’s the time limit.” The vampire grinned, now she had her. “The time limit is until I think you deserve it.” “What, that’s totally unfair.” And it was, depending on what exactly the vampire had in store for her. It could take years for her to get her fangs. Maybe even decades if the vampire was being cruel. And since vampires can be naturally pretty cruel already, Octavia's chances did not bode well. The vampire chuckled, “You have to remember that what I’m giving you is an enormous amount of power. Power that according to the rules I’ll have to teach you how to use. On top of that getting bitten by me specifically gives you a certain amount of, let’s just say “social status”. Add all of that together and you’ve got quite the deal. It may take a couple of years, maybe a decade or two. But you’d get your power—eventually." Octavia knew what she was trying to do. She was trying to make her back out and send her running for the hills. And it was working to an extent. There was no telling when the vampire would deem her “worthy,” if ever. “What guarantee do I have that you won’t go back on your deal?” The vampire cursed, she had hoped that the girl would overlook that detail, but she couldn't have everything now could she. “Fine, if you really don’t trust me, we can make an Orpheus compact. First person to go back on their end of the deal, has their soul ripped out of their body.” Octavia blinked, “You have a soul? The girl growled at her, “Lesson number one of dealing with the supernatural: 'A body is just a husk.' if it’s walking talking, etc. then it has a soul in it. But the real question is, are you willing to bet yours?" She said this with just enough smugness leaking out o her very being to get on Octavia's nerves. It was if she already expected Octavia to bail out when things got rough. That wasn't the type of girl she was though, she was a fighter. So she nodded, “Yes, I want to become a vampire, and if that means betting my soul on it then I will.” The vampires shrugged, “Fine, if you’re so adamant about this then climb off the bed, we’ll make both contracts right now.” She said as she started flexing her fingers, preparing for what was about to come next. “Okay,” Octavia said as she jumped off the incredibly soft bed. “So how do we do this?" She asked. "Do I sign something in blood, or do you draw a rune on me or something?” The vampire waved her hand dismissively, “No, nothing like that. We could, but you want something more concrete. All I really need to do for this is rip out your soul." She smiled, "Don’t worry though I can probably put it back in.” Before Octavia could open her mouth to protest, the vampire had already plunged her hand straight into her chest. She let out a sharp gasp as she felt the other girls hand moving around inside of her, looking for something. It wasn't a painful sensation, just strange, but more and more as the other girl moved, Octavia felt a chilling sensation taking over her body. Until finally, the girl found what she was looking for , right near her heart. Grasping a hold of it she pulled, and Octavia lost consciousness for the second time that night. Octavia wasn’t sure where she was exactly, but she felt at peace. It was like she had been locked in a cage all her life, and was suddenly set free. No pain, no fear, not even the cold was here to torment her, just the presence of being surrounded by a void and voices. Voices from all directions, calling out to her by name. But there was one, that seemed to drown out all the rest. It's call was a pure symphony to her, and it seemed to make so may promises to her. Warmth and protection, but most of all a peace f mind that even her present state couldn't fufilled She longed to fly to the voice, be engulfed in it's majesty and stay there, but she was being held down by something. And it was pulling her, farther and farther away from the voice. Deeper and deeper into an indescribable darkness. Octavia fought and strained against the force, but it was useless. She wanted to fly to the voice, but the more she struggled the more the darkness seemed to seep into her very being. And with it brought back familiar sensations, the cold, pain, death. But then the most unexpected thing happened. The darkness spoke. The voice sent another chill through Octavia, but it instantly calmed her. The other voice was suddenly gone, as the darkness held her close. It coddled her and whispered things to her. Words and secrets that she didn’t understand, but they seemed to wrap around her, restricting her and binding her. They felt nice though, hugging her tightly, the darkness became a source of warmth. At one point there was a brief pinch but that was it. Floating freely in the darkness, Octavia felt like she could stay there forever. But just as quickly as it had come it all seemed to end. The darkness grasped her again, hurling her away from the mass. Set adrift and lost, Octavia tumbled through the abyss until she connected with something that felt familiar and latched onto it. Octavia opened her eyes for the second time that night. The only difference was that this time she awoke on the cold hard floor. Her head hurt from where she had fallen, and standing over her was her new mistress looking more ticked off then happy about her new servant. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to charm a soul away from the gates of heaven?” The vampire growled Octavia blinked, still not clearly understanding what had just happened to her. All she knew was that she was back, no voices, no darkness, she was alive or at least she thought she was. She sat up feeling her chest, and the very apparent lack of a hole there. “Heaven?" She whispered, " Is that where that voice was coming from?” “Well it certainly wasn’t coming from the gates of hell." Retorted the vampire, still angry at the extra work she'd had to put in to keep her servant from dying. Octavia didn’t know what to say, she’d almost willing crossed over, and it was only by the will of this vampire that she’d been saved. Even if it was for completely selfish reasons, the vampire still deserved her thanks. She opened her mouth to speak, and was immediately silenced. “Don’t thank me. Your body is practically useless to me without you in it.” “Practically?” She smirked, before turning to leave “Along with its other uses, a body without a soul can catch quite a pretty price if you know where to sell it. But that doesn’t matter now, come along Octavia Philhamonica.” Octavia stood shell shocked, as images dissection tables and voodoo charms flashed through her head. She snapped out of it though as soon as the vampire called her name. and she ran to catch up she called out to her. “How exactly do you know my name?” That was the second time the vampire had used it, and Octavia couldn't remember ever introducing herself. “I held your soul remember,” she said as she led her down a set of stairs. “I preformed the rituals on you, that means we are now bound together. You’re servitude comes with a few added perks, most of which I will explain later. For right now head home and get some rest. If I remember correctly tomorrow is a school day, and I wanted you well rested.” “Wait you still want me to go to school. I kind of assumed that I’d be stuck with you now.” Or at least that's how it worked in most movies. She sort of qualified as the vampire's apprentice now, so it only seemed logical she'd stay here and learn. The other girl turned to her, throwing her a glare that she was slowly becoming used to. “Do you want me to have an uneducated servant? Do you want to be an uneducated nitwit?” “No, but—“ “Good,” she turned right back around and continued walking, "Then it’s decided, after school you’ll come directly here for a few hours or so. You’ll clean, cook, and whatever else I need you to do. Occasionally I might have you do things that involve you being away from home for a bit. I don’t care what you tell your parents just make something up.” When they reached the front door she stopped and turned her head, giving Octavia a quick look up and down. “I guess I should introduce myself. I am the Countess Vinyl Scratch. Welcome to my service Octavia, and I assure you that if you can actually prove yourself useful—which I doubt—then I’ll grant your wish.”