//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: My Dreams For An Apple // by Hapbog //------------------------------// She pulled me closer, deepening our kiss. My cyan hoof tangled in her golden hair, basking in the euphoria that was Applejack. She broke for air, just for a moment, and I took the opportunity to gasp some for myself. She opened her brilliant emerald eyes, amber facets ringing the black. They promised more to come, and she followed through. Our lips clashed, with twice the ferocity as before. Her mouth tasted like the sweetest of apples, and cinnamon. Applejack had the most wonderful smell in the world, like the blazing sun she worked under each day had saturated her coat. Celestia, she was gorgeous. I let out a small moan of pleasure. I had to be the luckiest mare in the world to be able to say that I was her special somepony. We continued our snogging until the sun set behind Ponyville, and Luna's moon rose above the apple tree coated hills. Out of breath and content for the moment, Applejack snuggled into my chest, and I wrapped a wing around her, pulling her in for a hug. She looked into my face, her expression equal parts worry and love. "Ah love ya, RD. Ah hope y'all know that, fer now and forever. No matter what y'all decide 'bout them Wonder Bolts, ah'll always be here fer ya." She stared into my eyes, her huge ernest orbs meeting my fuchsia ones. I really wished that I could carry on my dream of being a fully fledged member of the most elite flyers in Equestria, with Applejack by my side. But I couldn't. Members of the Wonder Bolts had to live in the clouds, and I couldn't bring my Earth pony marefriend with me. I had to chose between my filly hood dream and the love of my life. But how could I? This Herculean task was far too much for me. But, as my Element of Harmony said, I was undoubtedly the most Loyal pony under Celestia's sun. And no silly dream would keep me from it. I gazed into her emerald eyes, "Applejack. I love you more than words can say. More than the stars in our sky, or any other. I could never give you up. Ever. I'll march into Spitfire's office tomorrow, and I'll tell her that I can't do it." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mah name is Applejack, and Ah love Rainbow Dash more'n anythin'. Las' night she told me that she was gonna give up her dream ter spend the rest a her life with me. Ah don' know if that there's the bes' idea. Ah mean, who'd want ta give up a life o' fame an' fortune for li'l old me? Ah hope Spitfire can talk some good ol' fashioned sense into that gal. But, if she can't, then Ah'd happily live with RD fer the res' o' mah life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My name is Rainbow Dash, and I love Applejack more than anything. I would need to remember that when I went into Spitfire's office to resign. I trotted up to the big wooden door, and knocked as loud as I could. Here goes nothing. "Enter," boomed a loud female voice from inside. Spitfire was lounging at her mahogany desk, in her award-speckled drill sergeants jacket. The desk itself was covered in gold trophies, just as sharp as the yellow mare behind the desk. Her steely glare seemed to pierce my very soul. It took everything I had not to bolt out of the door, leaving her office in a cloud of dust. But because I'm just made of awesome, I stood my ground. "Ma'am, it regrets me to inform you that I can't join the Wonder Bolts, due to personal issues. I can't abandon my Earth pony marefriend, not when loyalty is all that I stand for." "What do you mean you can't join the Wonder Bolts?!" she barked, "You've trained your whole life for this moment! You're gonna leave it all for some filly?" "She's not just some filly! She's the love of my life, and I plan on growing old with her!" I retorted. "Ma'am, we've been dating for the past three years, and I love her far more than any job I could ever have, even the Wonder Bolts. I'd rather be a simple weather pony with her, than a Wonder Bolt without her. I've made my choice, and nothing you can say will change it." I glared at her defiantly. "I'll give you one shot, just one, because you saved my life once, to change your mind. Think of all of the opportunities you'll lose if you carry this out! You will regret not joining us one day." Spitfire growled this, trying to hide barely contained rage. "Ma'am, I'm thinking of all of the opportunities I'll miss if I don't. I may regret not joining the Wonder Bolts one day, but I'll never regret it as much as I would if I turned my back on Applejack." Spitfire let out a heavy sigh. "Very well, Rainbow Dash. You are a vey respectable young mare, and the team could have used someone like you. But, your mind is clearly made up. I'll...see you at an important event in the future, I imagine." I nodded, and turned to leave with my hoof on the handle. Had I made the right choice? I really hope so. Just then, Spitfire called me back. "Oh, and Rainbow Dash?" I turned my head, and muttered, "Yes ma'am? "Good luck." I smiled my thanks, and grinning like a lunatic flew to the nearest jewelers for a special order. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That night, I returned to Sweet Apple Acres. I snuggled with Applejack for a time, on top of our favorite hill, watching the stars. Finally working up my courage, I buried my muzzle in my wing, and pulled out a black velvet box. I had been waiting for this moment my whole life. Gently pushing Applejack off of me, I got on my knees and flipped open the lid. Inside was a band covered in jewels all of the colors of the rainbow. From rubies and fire opals, to sapphires and amethysts, the band was the colors of my mane set in stone. In pegasus culture, married ponies wear the band on their wing, but I had obviously changed the tradition a bit so that Applejack could wear it on her left forehoof. "You know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, dear. And I will. With your permission, of course. I love you more then life itself, more than the moon and the sun. If I had to cross a thousand oceans just to see you, I would. So, tonight, under the stars, will you say yes? Applejack, will you marry me?" She had tears in her eyes. "Eeyup" It was barely more than a whisper, but I heard it. She was truly crying now. "Rainbow, ah would learn how ter fly wit'out them wings and meet ya on the moon if ah had ta. Hay, Ah'd rescue ya from the pits o' Tartarus if it meant I could spend mah life with you." I smiled as I looked into the face of the future. The trail was bright, with the sun at my back, the scent of apples in my hair, and my love at my side.